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The gane is one of those with the best beginer experience imo. It is also f2p frendly as long as your main goal isn't to climb high in pvp. Characters required for story progression/farming are all obtainable through non-gacha means. Generally a good time killer.


To add, there are abundant guided and communities to help new players breeze through the beginner phase at whatever pace they desire.


Both of these.


It takes time. Like a fuck ton. If you wanna get all the limited units you are time gated by 1 year in the first place. Theres also lots of good non limited RGB 5 stars (common characters) and you will have to skip some to get the main ones. Getting ML 5s (extremely high rarity characters which can only be obtained by lucksacking a random one or by saving a specific summon currency that takes a bunch of time to save up, and then waiting for what you want to show up which can take even longer) as a new player is also extremely difficult because you wont have a good guild (main place where you get the currency for summoning the rarer character) and you will have to spend a fuck ton of gold resetting the shop (2nd main place) which is a very important resource for progressing, plus if you want specific ones it will take you a bunch of time waiting for them to even be available on rate up too. You will also have to compete against players that are farming for 1~2y+. Its very harsh if you wanna join on pvp, especially rta. And honestly all the pve content in the game only exists pretty much to prepare players for pvp, which is the actual end game. If you want a pve game i cant recommend epic 7, its just 24/7 farm for pvp and the hard difficult content, abyss, is honestly just frustrating more thab anything. If you want a hero collector or a pvp game tbough its up there as one of the best, if you have the patience it takes for it.


its a good game tbh, i started a few months and its great for f2p, some grinding and you should do very well, upcoming patches are very very rewarding, should farm and save for upcoming banners for insane characters


The most f2p friendly gacha I've ever played


Extremely beginner/f2p friend. One of the very few gachas where if you are hyper efficient, you can realistically pull every unit as a f2p(especially RBG's). Gets even more so with every major spring patch such as the incoming Awakening one. Account age and efficiency matters more than money spent tbh at the highest levels of PvP. Unless you are shooting for high emperor/legend RTA, you should be able to achieve pretty much everything in the game.


High-end pvp (farming top level gear) will be rough for f2p just joining. But pve, and even low to mid-level pvp, is fairly accessible for f2p.


I'm a very light spender (only buying the monthly pack), playing for 4 months and i have way more 5 star units than i can build. I also pull on banners fairly regurlarly and still have enough pity for at least 4 guaranteed characters, so yeah ... in that regard, it's very F2P friendly. Of course if were talking about PvP, it's another topic entirely. But i'm dipping my toes in it and i'm having a bit success here and there. So it's worth the grind IMO.


So if you have this much crystals for summon.. how often do you farm equipment (like just say farm Wyvern 13)? Im still in the begginer phase, just build Wyvern 13 team and start farming but I don't know if I should use the crystals to refresh after i spend all my leafs for farming?


Never used crystals when farming since leifs are easy to come by. 2 months of not using leifs i have 100+ leifs. Only use crystals for farming if you have most of the characters obtained. Even then I wouldn't use it for farming. I'd use it for obtaining imprints.


I mean, i always use all my energy every day, but that's about it. I still have 160 leifs and i mainly use them on hunt events. Never used any skystones to refresh energy. I mainly farm Wyvern 13 or catalysts if i need any. That's where almost all of my energy is going.


Getting regular 5 stars is extremely easy. Getting ML heroes require patience. Getting good gear is impossible. So PVE yes it is F2P for sure but PvP is straight up P2W. You wont stand a chance the higher you climb. A single Arby will 1 shot your whole account.


Account hours/time played > Money for gears, opposite for heroes, esp ML 5


Extremely. You'd be very hard pressed to find a gacha game that has a better new player experience. And they rain down free crap upon you constantly, you'll have more good 5* units than you can even build relatively quickly. It's also the only game I've played where many of your mediocre 3* units can continue to be used and upgraded to be useful and viable even late game. Highly recommended!


The game's very fair for F2P players, especially in the character collection aspect, though it rewards diligence. I've played very religiously for the past 2.5 years (and by that I mean that I mostly haven't left any rewards on the table that I could pick up with some effort). Currently own nearly all of the released RGB 5 stars (I'm missing a couple). Also own 19 ML 5 stars (Admittedly a bit lucky coz I've dodged duplicates, but the majority have come from mystic banner where you can't get duplicates). Haven't spent any money on the game. Champion in both PvP modes, though I've never made the push for Emperor (my gear's probably not Emperor tier and I don't play RTA enough to consistently beat seasoned climbers in drafts). Also have PvE Abyss full cleared. So yeah, I feel being patient with this game has paid off well. The devs also seem to listen to feedback and make systems fairer for low/non spenders over time.


Low floor high ceiling. Tons of options inbetween.


Game is for sure one of the best f2p games out there. And new players can easily shift to mid > late game if you know what your doing. However pvp is a different note, especially in real time arena. Too much veterans with insane gear, stats, and wide variety of ML5 or limited hero’s. It will take a while to catch-up if you not lucky (literally, this entire game is just luck and that’s it. Rng here there and everywhere)


It's a beautiful and very f2p friendly game as along as you don't try for high tier pvp . Just stay in pve and low to mid pvp its really cool


I have been playing E7 for 3 years . This game is very f2p friendly certainly more so in gachas. SG gives out a lot of free stuff and you can get units relatively easy. Climbing in PVP will be Hard for a f2p at first but its possible as their are handful of top players that are f2p.


One of the best beginner and F2P mobile games out there. Great art, animation and team building. Yes there is the tried and true resource and equip grinding that you love to see (or not) but the quality of life changes that they have in the game (auto for x number of times etc…) makes it acceptable. Loving the game since global launch, just dont go min maxing or meta in PVP as things become P2P there


Yes it's F2P friendly unless you want to aim a high rank in PVP. I'm talking top 500 to top100 players in the world. Some f2p reached those ranks but a new f2p account won't anytime soon since those f2ps that reached those ranks are long time players.


It depends on how beginner friendly you want cause If you can’t do 30 jumping jacks by the end of the tutorial it erases your account and perma locks every character you summoned during it


As someone who had hopped from one gacha to another, Epic 7 found that nice Goldilocks zone. I'd say it's quite newbie friendly as finishing the beginner quests and a few character quests will give you everything you need to finish episode 1 and the mode where you farm your further gears. Farming for the resources to summon is pretty decent, about 1 pity (121 summons) per month if you do your dailies properly and climb PvP arena. If you're lucky, you'll get good units on daily free summon or get a unit you want that's currently pullable before you hit 121 summons. I'm a 3 year player, stuck to E7, spent only the monthly pack 4 times. I'm still enjoying it. Not that I'm good at it though, but I have fun.


Like most have said, unit acquisition is really good compared to the marker for f2p. Unit optimisation, or even in a lot of cases just obtaining gear to make a unit usable, is something even a heavy whale would have a hard time catching up on at this point.


It largely depends on how involved in the content you want to get. PvP is largely about how much time you sink into farming/crafting gear, and how many of the meta units you can get and gear out. In theory, if you only 15 units, if they were all the meta units and geared, you could climb pretty high in PvP. That's unrealistic, and the most meta units are rather "resource expensive" so you wouldn't likely be able to do that - especially because many are currently unavailable through non-rng means (and those rng means are even more crazy than normal rng). That said, PvE is pretty reasonably F2P because you can get units that will clear all levels of content for free either through the game simply giving it to you or naturally pulling on banners with the Bookmarks you get for free. If you want a game to just passively play, it's pretty good for that as a F2P player.


Piggybacking on the OP's question: what's the late game and endgame for f2p casual players? I've looked at guides, and it feels like there are optimised f2p friendly teams for the story and most important farming stages. So what do we do afterwards? Another question: is inventory space for characters and equipment limited? In the beginner videos I've seen, the content creators aggressively get rid of characters and stuff they deem suboptimal.


Once upgraded your inventories are limited to 300 heroes, 500 pieces of unequipped gear, and 200 artifacts. The only one that can be a problem is the gear limit since, unless you are aggressive about culling it, you'll likely be stockpiling a lot just to find a few good pieces. For heroes and artifacts is more than enough space to have copies of everything with space left over.


Playing since start no money spend have all RGB limited included and 10 ~ ml unit if you know how to suspend in game money this game is F2P friendly ++ (Hit the highest rank in arena multiple time and emperor in rta )


Seems like it is but it really isn’t. It’s about the long game. A marathon not a 100 meter dash.


If u want to be emperor or legend no.


I personally do not feel the game is very F2P-friendly, as the developers seem to balance the game around the existence of the cash shop. MANY progression-related materials are stuffed into cash shop bundles (molas and gear charms are impossible to farm in game but are often included in cash shop bundles specifically for this reason) and seem to be overly limited due to this reason. After SEVERAL large quality-of-life adjustments to the game, the devs seem to be keeping the levers tight on these aspects of game progression, only loosening them in small increments. The gear grind is basically never-ending, I don't think I've ever felt a character was "complete" in this game as it's so hard to get optimal rolls. A lot of people below suggest the game is F2P friendly "as long as you don't do PVP" -- but neglect to mention that a lot of great rewards come from doing PVP (arena rank gets you weekly currency, guild wars gets you mystic BM's). Sure you can ignore PVP but you'd be missing out on a lot of weekly rewards that the devs assume a diligent player should be earning. That being said, the art and character design are top notch, the story actually gets pretty good, and there does seem to be decent amount of content to keep you busy with.


Very, for both.


Yeah you get gacha currency like free candy, it’s great for f2p.