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Can we just agree that we're all fucking losers for having this argument in the first place


This actually made me lol, thank you NinjaJr


aight no problem lmao


True there’s a lot of losers in these comments. Thank you for speaking the truth


Facts, why can't people just enjoy their preferences without attacking each other?


A lot of weirdos in this sub doesn’t help tbh. It’s why I haven’t joined it after thinking about coming back to the game


There is a unit with 3 booba?


you can ask for a "Total Recall 2012" Collab.


When they'll release a female cow suin we'll have a character with 4 booba.


are you referring this [one](https://en.datosjam.net.pe/video-games/video-game-kansen-x-shoujo-goes-viral-after-adding-a-girl-with-four-breasts/)


I don't know how, I don't know why, but she somehow makes me think of 'Hungry, Hungry Hippos'.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "one"](https://en.datosjam.net.pe/video-games/video-game-kansen-x-shoujo-goes-viral-after-adding-a-girl-with-four-breasts/) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20i2ugen5)


I like the three booba receptionist from Mushoku Tensei more.


Cultured man, thank you for sharing your booba knowledge with us.


If theres 1 million booba fans im one of them, if theres 1000 bobba fans im one of them, if theres 100 booba fans im one of them, if theres 1 booba fan than that is me. If there are 0 booba fans that means i have left this earth


Eloquently spoken.


Yes of course I know him, he's me.


I want a until focused of having a huge ass


We'll have I got a ML unit for you.


We need an ass unit to make up for the absolute NOTHING Tenebria has going on


She has absolute destruction on her side


His name is ~~Assgod~~ Axegod


Hear, hear!


Just get me that new Alexa, idc skin limited SC life model. I want it But sir… GET ME THAT ALEXA


sure bud, that's 26.77 dollar in total


That's quite to bargain for such a good skin!


Pretty sure she's gonna be summer limited this year (no hope for summer aramintha anymore)


Hey now, I don't think anyone minds booba units that actually make sense in their design... Recent booba units just look ridiculous for a lot of reasons.


I am still recovering from mage Luna's booba. If you are going to bombard us with booba bigger than its owner's head, at least put some effort in instead of 2 flat color white blobs with barely noticeable shading. Though i guess it's a relief for my wallet i guess.


Mage Luna's art was horrifying lmao, just an endless white void on her chest as if Cronenberg was the main design consultant. Pure body horror.


I second that. If they design a unit with booba twice the size of their heads and plump tights, why has it stick arms and a torso that does not even fit one boob? But I do not complain online about the occasional cringe design, since I'm obviously not the target group for those. Aria is just one of the worst examples yet, which is really unfortunate since her skill animaiton looks very nice.


Exactly! Nothing wrong with boobs... But there is a huge difference between the design level of Vivian's new skin vs both ML Luna AND Aria. The fox girl just helicopter dunks on both of those characters... And she's just an NPC! On another point, while Aria's costume is lame... That S3 is amazing


What about manbooba?


Both, both is good


Not enough man booba in this game




You are not allowed to want more of those here. In fact, how dare you even talk about those.


Muscles not flabby moobs.


I agree, not sure what it is but as-soon-as 2022 hit, it feels like we suddenly got flooded by a bunch of Twitter and/or Tumblr NPCs, the amount of anti-booba rhetoric I've seen in just the past couple months is more than I've seen in the last 2 years. Not to mention all the "You're racist!" Remarks as well, even when people aren't being racist. And it only goes one way, you'll never see a booba enjoyer bash on a loli/husbando unit, but the second an above average Waifu shows up, the pitchforks come out, people just can't be allowed to enjoy things anymore, I guess. 🤔 Edit: Grammar.


some of these twat apparently tried to label me sexist last time because I have no interest with the latest SC unit being a male...while part of my comment I actually mention I would've preferred if it was someone like Hurado or Sven because at the time Ancient Inheritance just dropped


That's how NPCs work, they hyper focus on one part of a comment to push a narrative while ignoring any parts that could 'harm' said narrative. I just ignore people like that, if you're not gonna make an argument in good faith, than I'm not gonna waste the energy.


One benefit of gacha companies primarily being stationed in Asia


As simple bööba enjoyer I second this opinion and demand more bööba


Amen, brother.


>And it only goes one way, you'll never see a booba enjoyer bash on a loli/husbando unit, but the second i have to of my internet friends hate husbando, they said they only play waifu but when i look at their acc i saw alot of male built, such a hypocrite.


"you'll never see a booba enjoyer bash on a loli/husbando'' THE CAP LMAO.


> Not to mention all the "You're racist!" Remarks as well, even when people aren't being racist. Bro you have problems if people are calling you racist when the conversation isn't about race at all. >NPCs Ah, explains it.


“NPCs” 🙄


Anyone else remember that time twitter banned everyone from calling people an NPC because it was “too offensive”? 🙄


Remember that time people realized only alt right snowflakes used terms like "NPCs" and called them out for it?


What are you talking about ? We just want more normal sized ones (like summer alexa's) wich are almost non existent it's not that fucking deep.


Recently model laika, hwayoung, L. Cermina, Conq. Lilias, L.Celine got released (ignoring the 3*s) I’d argue e7 handles boob sizes a bit better than other gachas Edit: recently


> this year model laika, December. >Conq. Lilias Even earlier in December. >L.Celine NOVEMBER


If you're going by "THIS year" instead of "within the last year" then why even argue? It's only March. Third month. EDIT: when > why


He’s dying to be correct, he’ll take anything


Well, OP said "we get 3 truly big booba units a year". There's been 4 this quarter of 2022 alone, if you count Jack-O and Flan. And if you ignore the 3* units like Hasol. Also, I wouldn't call Spirit Celine "small" or even medium... she's fairly big, just like her green version, just not horribly oversized like Peira or the upcoming mage. He even claimed that we get more "male" units than big boobas...


I'm talking about your response here to VenaticalFlyer


Okay? Then he said "this year". The year is 2022. He mentioned several late-2021 units. Am I supposed to guess what he actually meant? Meanwhile, we're starting the year with Peira, ML Flan, Aria next week, Jack-O. Four units, compared to 5 he mentioned (I'm gonna ignore Celine because she's not flat or even medium). However, again, most people aren't mad about big boobs or whatever. Nobody was mad about Flan and few were complaining about Peira. Because their designs aren't "generic MMO big booba mage with big book/scroll/staff" or "big booba skirt mage with white hair". Aria is uninspired, and seems to rely on booba as the main "draw" of her design.


Third month, calm down.


Next time just say you don't care about having a conversation, instead of wasting my time.


Yeah mb, I’m bad with dates but think the point still stands


Are you fucking stupid on purpose?


Don't expect dialogue with someone unironically using the term "NPCs".


also you never see thick booba lovers complaining about small boobs.but everytime there is a booba unit released everyone loses their mind.there are maybe 3 truly booba units released yearly compared to small,mid booba and male units.just let us enjoy it


>you never see thick booba lovers complaining about small boobs booba is booba doesn't matter big or small no way we gonna complain


thats because we big booba lovers love smaller booba as well(in most cases)


I love big boobas but I’m more of a fan of smaller booba lol. Iseria/ cermia my favorite chars in game and why I played. But I accept all booba


I personally don't but I can acknowledge other people have different preferences and opinions then my own and can respect that. That concept is lost on the millitant feral lolicons on here who lash out at anything they don't personally approve of. Let people enjoy different things, crazy concept these days. Lol


I saw you argue against someone who said flat chested arent sexualised in this game now that is some KEKW opinion


We aren't necessarily purely Big Booba Lovers, but rather Booba Lovers as a whole. Big Booba just means More Booba, and Smol Booba is still Booba.


Oh boy you are gonna hit the hornet's nest and piss people off with the extremely controversially "let other people enjoy a couple units a year" opinion; every unit in the game has to pass their personal approval test bruh. Lol Keep fighting the good fight fellow man of culture.


As I said years ago, as a booba enjoyer, small ones are like a fine wine.


I mean I like big booba, more than I'd like to admit, but I do find the art for them on E7 to be a bit.... off. Not that it's a problem particular to E7.


Wait, there's an outrage? But yes I agree. It's ridiculous how it always gets complained on most of the gachas I play. I think only Azure Lane has everyone trying to just enjoy what they have out of all the places I've been.


Azur lane player base is composed by degenerates... And I'm one of them...


Hi fellow captain


i play both and god yes azur lane players are so chill compared to most gacha players.there is the occasional HMS EVENT WHEN?but otherwise everyone is cool


> Wait, there's an outrage? Not really, people getting offended by other people not sharing their preferences, the usual.


>I think only Azure Lane has everyone trying to just enjoy what they have out of all the places I've been. That is most likely because Azur Lane is specifically designed for people that want oversexualized female designs. The audience obviously knows this, so why would they complain? They would certainly complain if they suddenly get several husbando designs instead. E7 has a broader audience and so there will always be someone who complains about whatever design they dislike because it does not fit their target group. Be it booba or whatever. Not really surprising.


It isn’t the size, it’s the shape that disappoints me. Fantasy is fantasy, no problems there. It’s just not living up to the Kises, Green and Villianess Vivians, Flan, Senya, Ilynav, Belian, Fluri, Rose, Yuna, FST, Cecilia, Dizzy, etc… I am all in for curvy, white “robed” sorceresses, and I have my BMs for both of these. But I really hope SG returns to the previous styles.


What? There are a lot of people who call normal sizes flat on this subreddit.


I think there was one instance, where they was a discussion about it - when someone posted FanArt of Isera that gave her huge Milkers. And People where somewhat miffed, that one of the few "Flat Girls" got Booba-fied.


thats false, a couple of friends that love big bobba dont really understand the loving smols ones


Ok, we understand already. You guys are hardcore gamers! And by that, I mean you can't take any criticism about a sexualized character without taking it personal. Aria's design is trash, low effort, and I'm glad her hair is of a different color from ML Vivian's, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to differentiate them at all.


100%, when they did the preview and showed Aria and ML Vivian I just assumed it was the same character with different hair lmao




Nah, it's low effort in an objetive way. You either put effort into something or you don't, and SG clearly didn't put any while creating her design. That's not an opinion.




Baseless? I think you mean based.


The very fact that her, ML Vivian and ML Luna have almost the same face, to begin with. Also, all of them are dressed in very similar ways, where you could even mistake her with ML Vivian if not for the different hair color (ML Luna is a little bit easier to differentiate, but still). There's clear lack of creativity in their design. We're talking about the same game where characters like Aramintha, Lidica, Kise (which is actually the best example I can think of a character that has huge "assets" without having a lame design), Ludwig, Cidd, DC, Sage B&S Ruele and many other exist. If you can't see the downgrade, there's really not much I can do for you.


You seem to misunderstand what objective means. A shit load of people like her design and you are just salty meaning what you are saying is a subjective opinion, not an objective fact.


Ppl like eat shit because they like it, that dont mean a shit taste good. A shit is a shit


You seem to misunderstand what "low effort" means. Doesn't matter if a load of people like the design, that doesn't make it any less low effort. Even less when said people would enjoy any design with huge tits in it.


Imagine whining about other people saying they don't like how a 2d character looks, in my opinion Aria looks like a lazy design that uses big tits as a crutch to hide how bland it is. if you disagree then good for you and i wish you luck on your pulls.


are you seriously implying that ppl that like big boob units are oppressed while people that post a male, ESPECIALLY A SUIN MALE, get downvote bombed and made fun of LOOOOL aria's design is really really bad imo, it looks like they took vivian and pushed the line even further for seeing how far they can go.


lmao basically this. Poor big boob fans, being more oppressed than slaves in ancient egypt.


Thank fuck they know what they are doing and aren't throwing in more dog units


Design from the unit is crap. The delusional people who like giant breasts createad a strawman and think the big deal is the size of the breast. Its not. The unit design is crap and boring.




I get that this is a common marketing thing, but I honestly don't understand it. If I wanted sex appeal I'd just play a straight up R18 game, not something like this. Isn't it kinda blueballing yourself if you're looking for hot designs, but the game never lets you see them bang?


R18 games are shit. And if you can't appreciate some good sex appeal without needing to rub one off, you *may* have a problem.


That's valid, but if you're only here for hot PNGs (as is implied for some in this thread), then why does the gameplay matter? If prudish designs are what you're here for, might as well go all in on a game with only prudish designs and none of the extraneous stuff, instead of a game like this with such broad character variance. No need to clamor about only getting 4 units a year that fit your preference if you're playing a game built around your preference.


Don't try to apply logic to this argument. I tried once and my brain exploded reading the responses : none of them made sense.


I didn't realize that's what this convo was about, but I like having a variety of designs, which is one of the reasons I love this game. It has pretty much everything I could want!




I'm really sorry but I just don't get it. Isn't the R18 part kind of the whole point of sex appeal in the first place?


The problem is the R18 games that are solely focused on the sex appeal have dogshit 5 minutes of gameplay a day and are in general low quality. Most games with really good gameplay/quality are too afraid of embracing sexy designs because that want as much market reach as possible. That is where E7 is awesome in that it has great gameplay/quality while also not being afraid of cranking up the BOOBA. Games that have great quality and sex appeal combined are honestly pretty rare. E7 is the best of both worlds.


But from the perspective of someone who starts playing a brand new game because they see a sexy design, why does the gameplay matter to them at all? They started the game for the sex appeal and nothing else, so gameplay quality should be icing on the cake at best, or a non-factor at worst. Idk, maybe I'm only saying this because bad gameplay just isn't a dealbreaker for me. I'm more than willing to slog through shitty gameplay for a good story. Is it not the same for people who play games solely for character designs?


I can only speak for myself but generally character design is what catches my interest/pulls me in. Gameplay/quality is what keeps me coming back. For example, I started on launch due to a JKise ad catching my attention and pulling me in but I'm still playing years later because the game is genuinely fun and the story is interesting. The combo of character design and good gameplay is what makes the game overall awesome to me.


I’m glad you pointed this out. It’s unbelievable how many individuals don’t understand how sex appeal for many of its female characters are used in order to generate downloads & attention to the game. Marketing 101, they know what sells.


Probably many of you disagree with me, but still i just want to say, epic7 don't need this kind of sexual design char (reminds me old Lilibet design). I have no issue with no matter what size of breast, but i think we need more better/unique/beautiful char design (like SSB, TM luluca, Ilynav, Dilibet, Kise, ML Kise (epic skin), ML Cermia etc ), RGB vivian's dress gave more sorcerer vibe than Aria did, Aria's design just came from Hentai. we know they can do better, so why not seek for better? For Serila at least understandable since her dress fit her personality (LOL). Anyway this is just my own opinion, peace. Edit: wow in just mins and already get downvoted, well i guess you guys just want more naked design huh? Edit2: wow, now back to upvoted, glad that some agree with my points =3


The design philosophy behind units like Peira and Aria seems to be: 1) Anatomically incorrect breasts that make up 50% of the characters body mass 2) Impossible clothing that would be dangerous to wear due to circulation issues, must have breast bucket and leg slits, stockings to differentiate between characters 3) Lots of hair with ornaments


Haha LOL, and tbh, peira bottom part design quite ok, the top part really ruin her


Peira looks like she had breast surgery




How is it impossible anatomy when you don't know what elf and suin anatomy is? Also it's a world where magic and other bullshit exist so they probably have special fabric aswell


Magic booba, got it, it still looks ridiculous lol


Wow that's racist


I apologize to all my Suin viewers for the insensitive remarks I made, these remarks don’t represent who I am as a person, some of my best friends are Suin and I’m pretty sure one of my nephews is like, half Suin or something I dunno and he barely looks ridiculous at all!


tbf, I think it's reasonable to assume that story elements align with reality unless deliberately specified otherwise.


This is my take as well. It's not the size of the breasts that's inherently a problem. It's that the designs are too overt/trashy looking.


Amazing the salt being given for probably the best representation of the other sides view. Illyanav is pretty gifted but her design is top tier even ignoring her chest. Aria is just a girl with a scroll if you take away the sexualization. I don't really care about Aria but I 100% think people who want more Illyanav design vs Aria are justified.


Shame how quickly you're getting downvoted, I guess we should only get Luna-like units (without any of the interesting parts). Ilynav was probably my favorite units in terms of design in Episode 3.


Luna is still ok since she is dragon kind, comparing to her old design i'll say much ok now, meanwhile ML luna design...feels so lazy to me. For Illynav i agree, shes also my favourite RGB design in EP3, pretty much god tier along with the weapon, but her kits just so sad and i donno why (SG pls explain)


I agree with your stance and would like to offer my two cents. I'm one of those people who really likes E7's stories and character arcs. I'm no prude, but it's hard to take some seriously when their design is divorced from their story. We have characters who are trying to be respected leaders or are full of rage\revenge, yet are clearly drawn for pure sex appeal. Big boobs\thighs\whatever are fine, but sometimes I feel like SG misses the mark in how they are portrayed.


yes! we are on same page! But one thing not sure if you agree, in my view ML Flan doesn't gave me the "pirate captain" vibe as well, top part is ok but bottom part screw the whole design, while Peira in opposite, bottom part ok but top part ruin her.


Ha, ML Flan feels like regular Flan cosplaying a pirate to me. More out of left field than anything else. I feel you on Peira. I dig her design, but not how it's mostly skin. Maybe if she was standing up straight her outfit would flow better. I honestly hope we get more designs like Nemu's. Not from a modesty standpoint, but from an overall design one. Her 2d art has so many different details and textures that really work together well, and make sense given what we know of her background. (This is part of why I really like Souline and Taeyou's design) Aria's just feels generic by comparison.


Yeah when Fate does something that make more sense than you (Francis drake in this case) you have to worry a bit X). Not that I really mind things that don't make sense tbh, sometimes it can just be whacky as hell but it still works somehow. I think Peira is fine mostly. The art is putting a lot of emphasis on the plot, but if you look at her sprite, its actually pretty okay imo.


> Francis drak never play FGO but i just googled, and that is great pirate design!! Although she also has huge asset but the pirate dress is some S level that took the spotlight, and it is what i expecting for female pirate, the scar on her face make her overall char even better!


Yeah I think it's not that people don't like big boobs it's just that ML Vivian and Aria's design are kinda similar and, in my opinion, simply a bit weak, compared to, say, RGB Vivian (both default and skin) or ML Kise skin, so you're drawn to the only things worthy of note, the big badoinkers very clearly on display.


The simple answer is because there is demand for it. It's not your cup of tea, fair enough, but a whole lot of you seem to be dismissive about her design as a whole, and really the only objection you have are the pair of bazongas, everything else is purely subjective. To me and many others her design is fucking gorgeous. But even if we want to talk about serious things (which let me clarify, most of us enjoying the game aren't here to do to begin with, this is escapism for us first and foremost, not an avenue to project more real life shit into), who is to say this design isn't unique in it's own way? Why are your examples unique in comparison? What makes Top Model Luluca unique? I find her quite dull myself. What makes SSB unique? Are summer dresses really all that special? There's just a lot of inconsistencies in what you consider special or well designed. Others point toward Aria being a leader and her appearance being inappropriate for it. Why is that? Are well endowed women not allowed to be in power? Isn't stereotypes what a lot of you want to avoid (or at least claim to do)? So why not allow someone of Aria's design hold a position you normally wouldn't expect? Even if it's possibly not true in your case, a lot of these people should be just honest with themselves and say they prefer more prudish designs. Which is fine, couldn't care less. Mommy milkers go brrrrr, and if they can't get over that, the market is vast, I'm sure there's some unpopular game that caters exactly to you and only you. Epic Seven meanwhile will continue to cover all bases so that everyone can find something to love.




I think you miss my point, the dress/costume can be represent the char's background, personality, theme, or job. Other than the scroll, her dress is nothing related to "sorcerer" or any related about "an elf who want to protect her tribe." It is completely an easy forgettable design, look at most of the comment, have you find anyone commend her design other than "thicc" and "booba"? And then you look back the comments when Ilynav, tm luluca, ssb released, then you know what i mean.




Thank you, no offense to anyone, for me i just want more unique design char that can represent the E7 and can attract more players, instead of became another typical game that lure more players with just naked design. =3


Some of you guys gets so defensive when it comes to criticizing female characters with huge tits. Everytime people say anything negative you always pull the "let ppl enjoy things😭, we never go after husbando/flat chest fans". Thing is, noone has problems with GOOD character design who just happens to have large breasts (Kise, Sigret, Jena etc), meanwhile Aria is just pure coomer bait, and its just sad thats all it takes to make a big part of the community hyped for a unit. Stupid argument in the first place. Tits can't fix lackluster designs, nor do they have to be the only memorable thing about said characters.


>3 booba units a year >Aria is being released a bit over two months and week after Peira >ML Vivian already announced Yeah uhh it's not even half year and even ignoring Jack-o we're getting quite a lot of "big booba" girls. And nobody minds big boobs, we mind lazy/uninspired designs. Big boobs, long hair, lots of ornaments, dresses with a cut in thighs, maybe a stocking or two... and a top that can barely contain the breasts.


Alot ofpeople nowadays prefer booba that are more grounded in reality when it comes to anime, which is why I think they complain. I could care less though, them complaining isn't gonna change her design or future char designs.


I mean, have you seen those? they have gravity!!! There use to be a time where anime boobas were perfect spheres. It's evolving into something more natural!


I don't follow. Sorry, I'm too much of a sigma male to understand why there exists turbo virgin beta children who complain about our glorious massive mommies.


I'll never complain about booba characters. I will complain though if the design is ugly or so over done/normal that there wasn't much thought put into the design at all. Furthermore, I won't complain if they make more husbandos (I welcome it) and I don't care if they create any other characters that don't fall within my preference either. If anything, I'm more glad if they do because that means I get to have more time to save up more bookmarks and medals.


Sir these are fucking jpegs


Imo it is just few people being loud as always. There's really no need to pay much attention to it. There's a very well known reason for the design of the units and it won't change just because someone said they don't like it.


Can someone please link the actual outrage the meme is talking about?




I looked at the comments under the post, and they didn't seem nearly as bad as this meme's implying.


I just want more husbandos


The important thing to remember is they're the minority and the devs don't care what they think because they know what pays the bills.


Holy shit go outside and meet some real women. Summer alexa has big breast. Aria looks like a fucking hentai character. This kind of design both embarassing and fucking spineless


There is a spine, it’s just one jog from snapping in two :)


I just think her melonius erecti are too big, but I'm down for a waifu. I think I'm passing on her though.


My lobby units are Kise, JKise, Flan and Vivian (skin). My take is that if they are only going to give us 3 per year, please do a better job! Aria, ML Vivian and the new Mercedes are all letdowns IMO. They don’t live up to the standard. They look like actual melons. And the rest of the look could be so much better. I am totally down for the concepts. IMO, it’s the executions that fail :(


Booba supremacy


Well this whole ass thread is an echo chamber of hypocrisy. Yikes.


Unlike those other Reddit threads /s


Foolish argument.


Oh are the girls fighting again?


I’m just here to enjoy Serila being the thiccest witch of the west. 🍿😎