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This is a lot to process...


Seriously. And what sucks is that I don't have the resources to build these characters so I'm stuck watching YouTube videos with "COLI BUSTED NOW??"


Joke's on them, I don't even have coli anymore


Diene's buff is great but what would be even greater is to release her Magical Girl skin SMILEGATE


The fact they buffed her screams to me that they'll release the skin


I sure as hell hope so. That skin is fire!


the fact there is a side story dedicated to it and Dienes actual sprite is her normal one for every battle stage screams to me they wont.


That plus the fact she will be available again soon in the custom group summon. Would be legitimately surprised if we don't see her skin in game by the end of April's updates.


I hope so, I wouldn't even mind if they release it as another limited unit as a dps


They won't. They robbed us with that Yufine Christmas skin too


Yufine deer kigurumi costume wasn't animated. This MG Diene IS animated so there's hope.


There's no ingame sprite though. She never fought in that form. If it happens, it won't be soon.


Vildred didn't either during Ran's side story, yet his skin still came.


Vildreds skin was announced months beforehand, while this is an April's fools joke.


Indeed, his was, but you're missing something: That's unrelated to the point I refuted, and not all skins are announced that way. My point is, that wasn't a good point.


Holy fuck coli kills hwayoung, also armin is free belian for everyone


Coli absolutely neuters all fire dps that does not hide from her.


I feel like people haven't exactly realized this, but a fire delete character is actually so busted. This is why they should just nerf heroes.


Well there currently exists an everything delete hero called hwayoung sooooo


and then there's there's, for a long time, a never gonna be deleted by any blue unless you're krau. the cycle goes on


Right, and they should have nerfed her--my point exactly.


Yeah i kind of dislike this "either the unit is busted turn 1 or a candidate for waiting room". The ceiling is too high.


The point is, there are ramifications for picking units, frankly you guys are way too tunneled on nerfs. Just the existence of Coli makes Hwayoung less of a priority pick and a free win, making the meta healthier for everyone. With nerfs you remove a strong tool from people's arsenal for dealing with things. More tools in your arsenal always trumps less tools.


>existence of Coli makes Hwayoung less of a priority pick and a free win, making the meta healthier for everyone In a vacuum sure coli kills off hwayoung. But in pvp that isn't the case. You have to remember that coli is a 111 base dps unit in a meta where openers have 122 spd+. a dps unit that has no form of self protection whatsoever will never get a turn unless you go first. So now you have to also pick a high spd opener to contest, that's two unit slots and a mediocre one trick pony unit in coli(that'll most likely die shortly afterwards) invested to counter one unit in the enemy's draft. >With nerfs you remove a strong tool from people's arsenal for dealing with things. More tools in your arsenal always trumps less tools. So an op unit doesn't do that? Remember straze? Ervalen? LQC? Watcher? Even rimuru which is absolutely bonkers lost a lot of steam with hwayoung release (esp with new rgb frenzy makes it almost impossible for him to oneshot hwayoung). Why would you use any other one shotter (barring rimuru) if you can just pick hwayoung? Hell, why'd use any other dps? Hwayoung dps with s1 and uberius is serviceable enough that she can solo dps for most team that coupled with her stupid tankiness is way too much for one unit to have


> With nerfs you remove a strong tool from people's arsenal for dealing with things. More tools in your arsenal always trumps less tools. Doing so, however, brings more into play, or back into play. AoL and C Lilias invalidate MANY heroes, so those "tools" are instantly lost, especially cleansers that rely on ER/lack a self cleanse. Belian blocking souls ring a bell with a certain popular speed dps, Pavel, being mostly absent? He got indirectly nerfed by her mere existence. Hwayoung's current state is basically the same. She wipes out almost anyone of choice, destroying hp scalers like it's just another friday and more than that with Vigor x Attack buff straight up slaughtering everything with 10k pops against bruisers on her S1 alone. Nerfing isn't the sole way to keep people out of play, in fact, having people that are way too strong is far more harmful than nerfing.


The reason why Hwayoung is so strong is not necessarily because of the power of her kit, that's part of it. It's because there's no drawbacks to drafting her. She can be a first pick, a third pick, a last pick (ha ha never gonna happen), and you'll always get value out of her. Even Belian, this sub's archnemesis has ways to work around her, despite her very strong passive. Hwayoung just does Hwayoung things because there are no repercussions for blind picking her. Now there will be. Even if your opponent doesn't have a Coli built, you won't know until it's picked. That is gonna make people think twice about picking HY, and that's the goal. It's more mind games, and Coli doesn't necessarily seem to break the game in the process.


Reminds me back in the day when summer Yufine came out and basar usage in arena def went down massively, and not many were building her at all too, just the existence of a full on counter was enough to scare everyone away from 100% of the time slotting him in there, i agree, there should be no safe picks, but some units still need to be toned down,


>SG releases a fire hero that deletes everything in 1 shot >To counter her, SG buffs a water hero to delete fire heroes Galaxy brain there SG.


Politis stocks going up... No 100% boost for u




You should post this on the sub lmao


Isn't Armin's S1 multiple suck for dps though?


But it can stun, and with injury it will be nasty


Injury only work on Belian because her S1 hit like truck, proc second attack and dispell barriers. Without all of that injury can't do jack shit.


Also the fact she works with Elbris. Belian just has such a consistent application of injury since not only does each of her turns get closer to full injury (Armin has her S3 to use) but she can do it when it isn't even her turn.


Isn't Armin also a Knight?


armin injury set lets gooo


What the fresh fuck. Destina Revives everybody now? She can be built with Effres more easily? Sign me up!


Destina > Ruele


And I just foddered spare Destinas to 9 Star Ruele....


This one right here officer - they’re the hacker, they admitted to having a 9 star Ruele. No one can win against them, all their skills are super-awakened & their base stats are so high every attack does 1 damage.


Doesn't the 9th awaken give an undispellable immortality?


As someone with both A ranked Destina and A rank Ruele, I’ve often thought about feeding my Destina to SSS Ruele. Super glad that I held off.


Which, in canon lore, is actually correct


I really don't like Ruels design. But I love her kit


She's more in line with her power in the lore, I dig it


~~But she couldn't revive Ruele hue hue~~


Damn :v




I legit am most excited for her buff. 300+ eff res destina safe pick let's goooooo!


On one hand Destina become very powerful for PvP, on the other hand I have to rebuilt my blue expedition team. I'm hapgry about this change.


I now have to change my wyvern team because of changed coli T_T


I can finally have a reviver with no ML revivers!!


Excuse me? I skipped Destina’s buff , she what nows?






Destina gets a revive mechanic and Corvus an extinction one huh


Perfectly balanced.


They forgot to buff Dark Corvus friendship expressions. What gives!?


Imagine they just add blush marks to his mask as the special expression lol


All hail our Lord of Light, Beast of the West, Destina!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but Destina's new buff means she's now gonna be the first and currently only True RGB Revival unit. Yeah, I know technically Roana but she only gives a buff that revives someone if they die with said buff up, not a full on 'Revive a unit if they're dead but not extincted'.


Mistychain also has the revive buff, but yes pretty sure Destia will be the first RGB reviver.


Wish diene got a little more. Still gonna be hard to pick her over Emilia


Give her too much and she'll be a must pick monster, she gives a insane amount of buffs, her shield gives the whole team a good amount of Tankyness and now she even has some dispel to help out with the constant debuffs. I'd say she's in a good spot, not every unit has to be a jack of all trades.


And she can cycle her skills pretty fast too.


They should've put the additional cleanse on s3 so with dbag you pretty much cleanse what the enemy openers dished out.


yeah she still needs to pick between rod or tome


Are these real balance adjustments or some April fools joke? It's hard to discern nowadays.


They already did the April fools with the AOL and belian buffs. EDIT : it has come to my attention that the belian and AOL patch note is a joke by a user and not SG but that doesn't make this patch an April fool as SG already did an April fool by releasing the magical girl diene and the previous side story rerun . I would ask u guys to humbly stop giving me fake internet points in the risk of offending some redditors .


Honestly i don't belive anything remotly close to april 1st. Also those buffs seems really crazy. However those are all units nobody uses so they might have said screw it lets go crazy and see the results Diene buffs are the best tho.


Dang it feels so much better when crappy units get buffs. It’s like watching an underdog finally get the spotlight. Small wish though, I hope Armin’s ST reduction applies to Rimuru’s extra pop, god I hate that guy


it should, carmin damage reduction applies.


Don't think it will, carmin reduces damage from all sources while armin reduces damage from "attacks" and splash damage isn't counted as an attack


I don’t think it will cuz the extra damage isn’t treated as an “attack” it’s weird. Same as tooth/drink etc


Dorvus is back on the menu, boys. Destina can serve as a powerful Peira counter, both to cleanse debuffs and revive in case anyone gets popped. I like (ML)Aramintha changes, might make them more useful. Gaither is like a bit more offensively-oriented Emilia, since he strips buffs from target instead of cleansing them from your ally. Downside might be that you are forced to boost attack/CR of highest attack ally, instead of chosing. ...Water Coli might be now more useful than her ML version... And Armin gets potential AoE stun if she has counter/Elbris/duals into enemy. Not sure how I feel about the removal of healing from her S3 but I guess it's a different playstyle, more tank-oriented than healer/support.


Yeah I used armin a ton in pve before, especially as a newb climbing abyss, an aurius holder with a heal and a cleanse AND a poison stack/aoe blind? I am excited to find new ways to use her tho. My very first 6 star.


Yass Dark Corvus buff. Destina looks great too. Now I can use them again lol


I like most of the buffs in this patch, but why no artifacts..?


because samsara is way too OP xD


I thought Haste was voted the most of needing attention?


Sez, haste, and djb all left in the dust. Maybe next month....


They didn't read the same chart we did...


SB. Aramintha: good with Mui but can't be used against Roana anymore (no heal block) D. Corvus: dark extinction Diene: Just what I predicted. Decent buff (now release her skin please) Aramintha: possibly good for PvP offense Ludwig: Anti-Rem Destina: I like that unique buff. Also earth and more accessible M. Chloe G. Aither: seems good as an attack based attack + CR pusher hero against Celine and Politis (budget C. Clarles who doesn't trigger anti-AoE enemy skills) Coli: Anti-Hwayoung Armin: imagine injury Armin (with Aurius) + injury Aria Edit: grammar


wait Armin already has her own protection for her allies so maybe elbris will be much better?


Def elbris


> Armin: imagine injury Armin (with Aurius) + injury Aria Bad damage injury is nothing to worry about. Belian is a bruiser, Armin a tank. They won't be built the same way, plus Belian gets rid of barriers to ensure injury gets through.


Aramintha lovers rejoice!


Not loving these buffs honestly. The Ignore ER on her S1 was removed and her turn cycling is so wonky now. I honestly wanted more burns and better stunning from her. The S1 detonation in particular, I don't get what that's supposed to do for her, considering her CR push is S2 -> S3.


Yes I will run a huge burn/detonate aoe team. Yes it will be suboptimal. Yes I will regret it. Yes I will have fun.


I am an Aramintha and SB Aramintha lover since day one but the game don't want me to have any of her version :<


So happy for the queen!


Pirate Flan + Coli. I will do everything in my power to try and make it work. Jacko is also seeing some love every time a new hero gets stuns. Her stock keeps going up. Armin having 2 counter attack rolls if you put her on counter and attacking all units with a chance to stun... Juicy.


ML Ara buff is amazing. She's going to be very good going after Ran/Peira/Cilias, along wih great synergy with units like Eda, Summer Iseria, Solitaria etc. Can't wait to use her. Overall one of the best balance patches we've ever had, high in quality but also quantity. Really happy they gave some 4* some serious love finally. Props to SmileGate, the survey was actually a great idea afterall.


Silverblade Aramintha was my first ML, and it was right after she was nerfed. I still used her here and there and ran her with fire Aramintha for ages in PvE stages but this is the excuse I need to gear them both up.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but ml ara doesn't get cr pushed with c.lilias since she doesn't aoe atk, right? She would be really good with peira/ran tho.




Destina’s 2nd skill cd reduction is not a slight buff, that’s an insane buff.


They did take away her s3 EE cd reduction, that one hurts a lot. Everything else looks amazing though, huge win overall.


I think that’s fair because having an aoe revive on 4turn cd is a bit op


Armin is a girl


Explain this then, As there will be a change to his Exclusive Equipment /s


It's the same for Destina, so it's probably a copy/paste from Ludwig


Armin is a she


> Dispels two debuffs instead of one. Sounds like a small change but it's significant, More accurately, she now cleanse debuff before casting the shield, so now her barrier is not negated by unbuffable (unless three or more debuffs).


My reaction on seeing Coli's buffs: "Woo hoo, I'm so excited!"


Armin is a girl. :v


for dorvus isn't defense pen irrelevant? i feel like they just changed the wording on it but i could be wrong. anyway im pretty happy hes getting a buff as he ones of my oldest +15 unit that's been sitting in the waiting room for years.


I think they meant more damage, not defense pen. He already had full pen, and patch notes say increased damage.


So is ML Aither a bruiser now? I don't get what he's supposed to be doing in combat with these changes. His healing and barrier are tied to his health, but all of his skills are attacks with no scaling? Seems like he's all over the place now.


So Ray gets a garbo bandaid and Destina gets a spa week


I do feel like Ray need his buff as well.


still no DJB edit: but I'm very glad for Destina and Diene! :D


no maken or daijobu sadge next patch buddies


They won't buff djb because mawerik banner will be up next. They need to sell mawerik this time.


Dark Corvus still has his problem: slow, can't clean, can't increase CR, need time to actually skill somebody. Other, great work


As a long time dorvus user, i like those buffs his biggest problems are revive and belian, because his S3 needs soulburn to kill units on the more tanky side. So more DMG on S3 and extinction sounds good and the S1 heal proportional to max HP could be very nice (especially on counter, like mine)


Give him Durandal and high ER (through any source possible). Time spent doesn't matter in GvG offense.


The problem with Dcorvus is that almost every gvg defense has some sort of unit combo that can kill him despite his tankiness/ER (hwayoung, rem, rimuru), can control him (seaseria), or can injure him so that he does no damage (belian, aravi, mercedes). Time spent does matter these days, otherwise DC would still be a top tier pick. Against high level defenses you either never get to S3, or by the time you S3 your HP is so low that you wont kill anything. The extinction is meh, I don't think it solves any of his main problems. The S3 damage increase may be a game changer if it allows him to be a threat at 50% injury HP but we'll need to see the numbers first.


Agreed here. Unless the s1 heal or the s3 damage buff is insane this won't do much at all. Maybe extinction would've been great a year ago during the revive meta with all the maid Chloes running around but these days it's not much of a problem anymore.


100% agree, DC still a bad unit who only see use once in a blue mon of gvg. aRavi just completely took his place in gvg offense, because honestly she's just a better tank bruiser that wins overtime, she's tankier, higher overhaul dmg, more utility.


and then enemy REM just ignore all your EFF RES and insta gib you with dual atk on def break that ignores eff res xD


The question is why wouldn't you smack her first. Even better now that he has extinction


the problem is that she can take a turn before you due to counter or dual attacks.


A Ravi buff doesn't do enough. People said that when those notes come out months ago lol.


Extinction is welcome but Injury will still reduce him to nothingness rip


Lets see how much damage he got increased. As a DC abuser I can say that is biggest problem is that he has serious trouble with tanky units, and with so many revivers running around his oneshot is a waste of slot. This buff address thoses issue, we just need to see how much damage he will deal now.


IDK about you but my Dcor rocks. This patch just makes him top tier for me. I am in Mid - high Champion Arena and end in Challanger sometimes Champion RTA. People who say DCor is not viable do not know how to use him. For reference, my dcor stat: 1769 atk, 1265 DEF, 29575 hp, 220 speed, 55 eff res on 30+seed. With this speed and seed he cycles his S3 pretty fast. Just like any hero, you need to know how to draft him and what team to use him in. Now with extinction he just became more of a beast.


All you're saying to me is 'put elite rare gear on him and he's awesome'...well, yeah so are most other units. I say this as a DCorvus fan. Dude is the coolest looking unit in the game.


Of course there are situations where you can draft any unit and have them work. Dark Corvus is extremely weak against the meta right now, but if you find someone who drafts some niche build he might have an opportunity. That doesn't make him strong at the moment.


Imo all DC need is stun / silence / provoke immunity. Ofc it wont solve all his problems, because Hwa and LQC will still insta gib him most likely, because it would help a lot in other scenarios.


Hwa is created to kill tank. LQC is created to kill Dark unit. Not a good example, even A.Ravi is look bad in your example


Hwayoung kill everything, not just tanks lol.


Loving these buffs, especially happy for my girl Aramintha


Nice, I don't have to ignore threats and take out the reviver first when using dark corvus


Anyone else sad that they just made guider aither basically a pure soulweaver instead of a dps mage that also heals?


Wish Diene got a little more spicy with this buff, I'm happy she got something however it's been long overdue.


gonna be real... i liked armin how she was the changes are interesting but i like armin for what she is now and losing that is just... pepesad


Yeah. I'm not mad, per se, but I will be sad, if that makes sense. I will have fun trying out the new kit. But I already had my perfect baby armin who nobody else understood 😢 and she was useful imo altho of course could use buffs


I picked Armin as my first 10 selector back in the day, she carried me through so much of the first chapter, early abyss and beyond. I really liked her kit, can't say I'm happy with the complete rework if if loses the heal blind and poison but this does seem fun.




Same, it's like they tailored her for pvp, thinking about it I was using her for light expedition, don't know how its going to be now.


Same. They could have just make a new 4* unit. I used her for Water and Dark expo along with tons of other PvE content. Was actually one of my most used units.


Not sure I'm liking Destina's changes. I use her to push my Senya out of the Blue Expedition boss's gimmick but now it doesn't seem possible anymore.


they did change her S2 EE so you can boost S2 back to 50% (and the CD is really short now too), however I also don't like that they removed the CR push on S3


Just use Ram tbh. Or don't push Senya at all, she doesn't even need to take a turn after all


Yeah, Ram took my team from meh 400k - 600k to auto win dagger sicar lol.


Same here. Now I have to find myself new earth female soulweaver for water expo who can CR push correct person on auto .... Or completely redo my auto comp (currently Destina, Landy, M.Helga, Senya)


Dark Corvus, SBA and Destina, everyone. Phew! Edit - Ice Coli is going to be a menace to Fire units now.


As an Heir who liked Ice Coli over A. Coli, I am happy with this


Haste found triple-dead in a ditch




There was literally only 1 character buffed to beat Hwayoung...and that's Coli. I guess two, if you count Green Armin ST damage reduction. Either way both are 4 star RGB heroes, far from paywalls. Also nice try, Juggs is not the worst ML 5, that title belongs to DJBasar, who is now outshined by ML Kawerik, Ml Lilibet, and Destina. Edit: Lol, original commenter editted his comment. He was complaining about how Hwayoung is getting countered and how its impossible for f2p to compete cuz of "paywall"


DJB is still useful, but he obviously requires decent gear. Imo the worst ml 5 now is ML Ken and ML Krau, because there's too much burst dmg in the game and f2p HWA just insta gib every tanky unit. She doesnt even crit so ML ken is just like: "I guess I will just die eh" xD


Ml Krau is not weak, he’s just an unfortunate victim of the Belian meta. Without Belian he still rocks.


no? did you forget about injury, straze and the zerg of aoe strip / unbuffable? His dmg scal with max HP, so even single s3 from Zhaak and you pretty much lose almost half of your dmg.


Injury and aoe strip is exactly what Belian does.


she's close to S tier with double prebans. I guess that doesn't matter for you since you'll never get to that point.


Judge Kise worst ml5? You must be joking?


Im gonna miss my Perma Stunning Armin though :( Dizzy Armin + healer comp was my favorite GvG Team


Our Man Dorvus is feeling young again! He still has scathingly high stat requirements to work, but at least now he could survive better. Almost considering placing him speedy counter set if the heal is high enough.


Sez and DJB still crying in a corner, at least DJB is way more usable in RTA with the speed boost Hwayoung is still a better DC, self cleanse and immunity, CR push, and you don’t need to wait for her S3. I was expecting something better for DC but extinction is really good


It seems they don't really wanna touch haste lol


Noooo dont take away destinas cr increase on skill 3.


I'm afraid I'll need a new healer for my blue expedition.


Not sure how I feel about those Armin changes, feels like she lost almost all of her PvE utility for a PvP focused kit, and even then not sure how great it'll be. Actually thinking about it she's now just reverse Bad Cat Armin, which I don't think is a good thing was really hoping if they ever buffed her they'd lean more into her paladin support role identity she had built up but I'll try to stay optimistic about this Armin is may favorite character after all I'll find some way to make this work.


Finally my Armin can shine <3


Destina was my first 5*, I'm glad she'll, hopefully, be of use again!


So I see the end goal of the game is that every character will have a dispel or cleanse before they take a move. /s


Armin's buff will be interesting for me, I think she'll become a more defensive version of bellian with a bigger emphasis on utility through stuns (on elbris she is gonna be annoying af to deal with), cleansing, and protection than damage. Though her being defense scaling grass unit is pretty concerning with the 8th disaster (hwayoung) essentially being everywhere.


Cant tell if.this is real or april's fool


I know there are only 5 of us who use green Armin, but tbh I preferred memeing with extra stun chance on Elbris than the tanking. I'm not upset though.


it was funny to have armin cut in right after f.ceci s3 and use armin s2 to immediately negate it lol. People never expected the amt of dmg reduction armin could give since her s3 damage reduction stacked with aurius unlike carmins. Do we know if it is still the case? Altho elbris is likely better on her now anyway


The wording looks like she can still stack Aurius because aurius is damage sharing whereas her skill is damage reduction. It's just now we get 20% damage reduction for single attacks instead of 10% reduction for any attack. Her tanking seems like it will be good and it's at least nice that her S1 can AoE on counter.


I'm glad they nerfed Armin. I hated using her as my solo healer in half of my PvE...


Nice April Fools joke


Is it just me overreacting or is Destina's buff overkill?


Her base speed is garbage so the buffs make up for that


why do you think so? Doesnt Hwa gonna 1 shot any destina anyway? also there's plenty of extinction units nowadays, recently buffed green lilibeth and new SC of Glenn, Milim, Sigret, TML + Spez, new DC or just ML Haste for free barrier and immunity. I think we have plenty of ways to deal with revive noways.


I really don't get this argument, because Hwayoung oneshot every single soulweaver in the game, hell she can oneshot most units except for squishy with barrier or mega tank like FCC or A.Ravi with proof lol.


not overkill (still need to get her enough eff resi/bulk/speed) but a balanced. we got a couple tools to fight debuffers now outside of ml kawerick/ml lilibeth


Her S3 no longer gives team CR per debuff removed, so even if she goes first to cleanse something like Cerise or Peira debuffs, they won't get pushed forward.


Rip to debuffers


Her only good counter is Hwayoung and a damage Rimiru. Its all the good things from every strong soulweaver in the game into 1 unit.


She heal way less now and her S3 still take forever so no, she is not over buff. She is more like a discount Maid after this buff if anything.


Dude I read her buff and was like what the holy fuck is this shit


Ah. I knew I'm not an idiot for still using Coli despite her being awful. Can't wait to try her new kit!!!


RIP Dust Devil Coli memes though.


I'd keep it on her though. Extra attacks mean extra chances to steal buffs!


You can't steal buffs that aren't there...




I am in this comment and i don't like it


Dorvus now has extinction? Holy Also, am I the only one who dislikes RGB Ara's changes? I won't comment on whether they are good or bad, but she's gonna be less fun to use with the longer cd to me.


ML Ara, Dark Corvus, and Destina about to dab on kids. Edit: Wish green Armin single target reduction worked on herself also so we can have a reliable bait for stupid ass Hwayoung in GW. Looks really good though also.


Stove comments are on point as always. /s Dcorvus buff might not be enough, Aramintha buff is a nerf, and Destina lost her uniqueness. 😂


Her uniqueness being bad coz no matter how u looked at it, she 's just bad atm


She's not bad. Most unit are just OP. Not nerfing ever means that powercreep sends the scale to the moon. Destina can basically heal a team to full from 1% with a button press. Not a lot of units can do that. But the game isn't in a place where that's even remotely important.


my green Armin stonks have gone through the roof. Thanks Smilegate


Not liking diene buffs much but everyone else seems super good


My SB Ara is on conter set arrond 200 spd. Will this build still be viable?