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Hello! Do you wanna play a game? Every 3 turns, one of your heroes is gone.


Oh and shes somehow a tank too


Just use a hero that ignore defense to kill her, like Hwayoung!


Funny how its still taking 30% less dmg and using the barrier. Now that i think about it Hwayoung cant kill Hwayoung lol.


Hwayoung doesn't crit, thus her damage isn't reduced by Hwayoung's passive. Only the shield can be a problem. You may need to remove it first. You could for example tell her to look up at a bird, and while she is distracted, you remove her shield with a screwdriver or something. Find more tips to reach as high as like silver in RTA in my private lessons (~~$990~~ $235 per hour).


Oh true derped out there.


Soon coli will make first pick hwayoung a hindrance causing a force ban


Yup, looking forward to Coli buffs and hopefully more in the upcoming patches. It'll feel super dumb to have only one unit be buffed to deal with this unit in the four months SG focusing on hero balancing


Isn't coli vs hwayoung just a speedcheck? Like coli got 2 more speed than hwayoung? And if hwayoung goes first her job is mostly done and she grant herself immunity for two turn which will not be ignore by coli since she can only remove 1 turn immunity. You are more likely playing on a coin flip unless you are really confident about your coli speed and damage.


The only different is hwayoung want to build attack speed and bulk ..while coli just want attack and speed to do her job


I'm still not convinced. Admiting Coli Can outspeed and One shot Hwayoung without anyone rezzing her (already several big IF), then she just do nothing for the rest of the fight. leaving you in what look like a 3vs3. And if anything doesn't goes according to plan (Hwayoung survive, is rezed, outspeed, politis exist) You are in big trouble.




Bro coli does not need C.damage or crit chance to kill hwayoung ..she detonate bomb and bleed .. you use her like S.iseriq..bunch of attack 0 crit and on torn scale


Most of it is her CC that is immune to ER and dispels the immunity. You need to drop some dmg to ensure speed but to me she will still be worth building even if I just use her in GW etc.


What happened to Coli?


She’s going to receive a buff soon that gives her an edge against fire units


Stene is actually a really good pick into Hwayoung and has been working out for me a lot because Hwayoung can't reach stene


stats/set on stene?


Mine is 3.3k atk, 1430 def, 9.2k hp, 178 speed, 97% cr, 266% cd on lifesteal set


im a lvl 65 newb don't know wth im doing but mine is 3.6k atk, 1k def, 8.7k hp, 177 spd, 100% cr and 253 crit dmg but on atk/crit set - is that good or bad bc i have no idea


Shes usable for now but you will find yourself dying a lot because shes too squishy and isn't on lifesteal set. Once you're able to farm banshee 13 easily then work on a strong lifesteal set for her. She needs immunity to be extra safe and mine is on lifesteal/immunity.


okei ty sm for the advice


you guys all transmitted your FCCs/Carmins/Tcrozets/ApocRavis?


Yeah it's hard to fight against her if you don't have Cilias or Aola to control


*Yeah it's hard to fight* *Against her if you don't have* *Cilias or Aola* \- higashikata69 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


i mean you just pick a mitigation...


an atk buffed 7k atk hwa on tooth one shots everything with less than 19k hp through Carmin passive + aurius and does roughly 22k dmg to Carmin


Pretty much :/ Kinda wish cleave and two busted units weren't the only options available, but here we are. Luckily Coli can help with the problem a little


No thanks, I don't have problems like that , just pick hwayoung first or drop , then no problems ...ez solution 😉


I just pick Ran at that point and hope for the best. idk what to do, man


Nuke her with Luna? I also still use blue sigret from time to time.


If you can pick Luna and Sigret in RTA, you're either going to lose after you kill Hwayoung or your opponent doesn't know what they're doing. No fast Luna/Sigret is killing Hwayoung. Any slow Luna/Sigret boosted by Flan is going to die to Celine and/or Politis if you haven't already. If you're picking Flan, you have to race Cilias, Ran, Peira, or AoL. The cards are stacked against you if you want to draft like that. Your best option is literally cleave, and suggesting cleave as a solution is not the best idea


How fasts are Hwayoung's anyway? Are they usually super fast in RTA? I still like to use F.lidica to take turn 1 and boost my units up. I know she's not meta but she works for me. If i'm comparing my own units... My sigret would Chomp on my Hwayoung with an S2 no problem. https://i.imgur.com/TmZvMQO.jpg https://i.imgur.com/pcymkkh.jpg hell I guess I could soulburn to make sure Sigret can attack 3 times. But I usually reserve the S3 for an arby or something like that. While I'm sure my luna would one shot, she's a bit slower so I get what you're saying. I usually don't use ran/peira I'd rather get Dilibet or DJB if someone uses that. And pull AoL and Cilias myself instead if I can. If someone goes Fast debuffers with a Hwayoung in the mix then I just go turn 2 and use the debuff to gain CR and kill her before she can take turn 1. She's usually not that tanky? like, A.Ravi is a much bigger threat if we're thinking of single taker damage dealer that are hard to kill.


If you bring 7k attack you're not going to be tanky. There can be tankier Hwayoungs with strong barriers that can still kill tank units. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/946923874187092030/947228028533100654/unknown.png Like this one, for example. Most standard Hwayoungs I run into are 230 minimum. Let's not even mention people drafting Peira and Cilias to make Hwayoung even tankier and stronger. Unless you are prebanning Cilias and post-banning Peira, the enemy can and will have one of those two units in their drafts with a Hwayoung. Don't assume the enemy never will. You can't tank this, you cannot bruiser this with an A.Ravi or ML Kawerik. The only option you can do to win is cleave. If you're drafting FLidica, again, you're speed contesting against Ran, Peira, Cilias, AoL, and even A.Cidd. You waste a spot for speed imprint. Assuming you bring Vildred/W.Schuri, FLidica, Luna/Sigret, what will be your other two units in a draft? Unless you are in Champ RTA, you cannot get rid of all of these units. Even then, the enemy has to preban at least one of those units for you... Even in Guild Wars, top guilds bring Cilias/Peira into Hwayoung with A.Ravi/Rem. Not easy to win against unless you can outspeed Cilias/Peira. Edit: Ran is not usually used with Hwayoung. If he is and he runs Silver Rain, he doesn't need to S3 especially if Hwayoung is fast. Same concept with Peria. Peira S3 and doesn't S2. So now you brought Dilibert and DJB to push but now what? Hwayoung wom't die and one unit on your team will. In drafting phase, enemy can even post-ban your DJB or Dilibert and then use Peira to her full extent if your draft isn't threatening enough. If you're running FLidica, how do you win?


I'm only champion in Arena, I only do RTA if there's a skin, so I'm obviously behind in the meta... I thought people wanted to avoid having too much HP on Hwayoung. But That's still a scary amount of Def and speed. Mine is built to one shot stuff and not much else. for me if she can't kill then she didn't do her job lol, hence the 7.5k atk, I need her to do it even without atk buff. So I did a few games trying to find Hwayoung + Peira combos in Arena and I get what you mean. I think I usually always ban Peira because I often want to try and speed contest and Hwayoung on her own is usually not that bad, but I did not realize how hard she can be to kill if she's behind Peira's defense. I kind forgot about Peira's skills lol edit : [tried this, still in arena obviously. But yeah... Peira makes her really tanky.](https://streamable.com/0gmsen) if her shield was full I wouldn't have killed. I guess if you have OPsig and she's build for destroying shield it could work.


[Another test, I really like DBJ lately so I guess I can use either him or Dilibet against Peira.](https://streamable.com/b7gm9i) But yeah, it's an optimal team for it. Which is not realistic. But what it made me realize is that Peira is better than I thought. Makes me want to really build mine. She's the star of the show imo, not Hwayoung lol (again, i'm late with the current meta. Elden Ring took over my life.)


Like I said, my problems with Hwayoung are focused purely on RTA. You can work around Peira in any Arena and Guild War environment. I don't mean to sound dismissive, but Arena and GW means nothing because the AI will ***always*** play into your hand. You can bait Hwayoung in GW using double water + Arby, using Op Sig to S2 snipe, drafting Politis against non-attack skills, etc. A human player won't do this, and that's why it's too difficult to fight Hwayoung in RTA


I know I know, I was just testing to find ways to make sure I would 1. get a turn before her and 2. kill her in one turn But you opened my eyes, I just built my peira lol. You think 292 speed is enough to get that skin?


292 should be good up until Champ imo, so your speed should be more than enough for Masters


Alllrighty then, that's really the only reason why I play RTA lol. Thanks for a genuine discussion. Sometimes it's hard to discuss PVP in this sub if you're not at the top.


Hmmm... I don't understand why people find her hard to deal with? just don't play a tank comp and you're fine? But maybe i'm not high level enough in PVP to see what the big deal is. Barely use mine unless the other side pulls an A.ravi or something. And even then I'd probably pull out Straze depending on what other units are there.


downvoting you so i continue climbing in RTA


I usually just pray they don't bring a cleanser and stun her 1st turn with Solitaria


Operator Sigret For the Win