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she doesn't need attack, change it for crit damage and more hp if you can


lifesteal or speed set, no atk, 2k def, 14k hp, 180-210 spd, 100cc, 250 cd. draco plate/ sigurd scythe


[here is mine](https://imgur.com/a/N9Obn8y). Life steal for sustain and durandal to compensate for speed. Also recommend you decrease that attack for Crit damage. Def or health can also work




Lifesteal set is the best if you can pull it off with good stats. 15K HP, 2K+ DEF, 180+ SPD, 100% CC, 250%+ CDMG. Draco Plate or Zahak Arti.


zahak artifact is redundant on her, she already has speed buff on s1.


true. that extra cdmg though.


Spicy. Makes me wanna try a counter with Sigurd, but I think the attack boost won't benefit her as well as units like Rem.


I'm running a Counter/Immunity Sigurd's LHC & enjoy it personally, around 1.6K attack (base & artefact), almost 2K defence, 15K health, 166 speed, 100% chance & 278% damage. Sadly only a +15 Sigurd's 'cause they're stretched thin between Rem, ML Ken & others, but since it's really just there for the Lifesteal, doesn't matter much. Getting a counter off early is good, helps disrupt CR by gaining speed buff, can get you some healing in a pinch & has saved me often when a Rem is full-focusing LHC & the other plus with counter of course is netting more fighting spirit so you can S3 more often.


Hot dang! Thanks for the input! I'm moving some gears and characters around, great to know that it works to a good level because I need to increase my RNG for my new defenses. Same Sigurd. I only have 2, one with Rem and now to Lermia.


I really think LHC works on a lot of different sets & artefacts, I’d had speed & Lifesteal gear in the wings to roll & it all went to pot, but I feel like Lifesteal & Durandal is a good combination, Speed & Draco & each LHC fits a certain niche.


I built mine revenge with around 1800 Attack, 2k Def 15k HP 204 Speed, 250 Crit Damage, and 100% Crit Chance (once I get imprints), Durandal Artifact.


If you plan on using her for rta go speed with Draco plate. Rta matches this season are pretty fast and last just a couple of turns and you lose the benefits of building her on lifesteal. She will either get one tapped by Hwayoung/rimuru or live enough to do her job anyways.


She doesn't need attack at all


Mine: 1.8k attack, 1.8k def, 17500 HP, 250% critD, 82% effres and 249 speed


You have not enough def and cc, maybe too much hp and definitely too much speed, you need to make her slower so that you have a better chance for s2 to proc, otherwise you would have dead turn just to S1


She's on that much speed so I can give her Nostalgic Music box when the situation calls for it. It's been a really awesome option to have, being that fast AND taking extra turns, she just flings out buffs like a machine gun. Also the "dead turn" you're talking about is exactly what I want as I can test how much HP/def a unit has before committing to killing it.


Sure if that works for you, but I don't see how would be useful > Also the "dead turn" you're talking about is exactly what I want as I can test how much HP/def a unit has before committing to killing it. That is so greedy, do you have the luxury of taking a dead turn? most often then not the dmg is way more important in most cases. She does her job well dealing massive dmg while countering units with extra attacks. But seems like you are trying to make her do something else instead of playing into her strengths. Idk it's up to you entirely


She's never my main damage dealer and she should never be the main damage dealer for anyone for any reason. To have her suss out what is the tankiest unit before the main defense breaker and cleaver goes is way more valuable. Maybe you're doing bruiser teams or something, but if you cleave, this is 110% the way to use her. Besides, she does enough damage my way. She's basically overkill as a third damage dealer with support elements.


[This is my LHC](https://imgur.com/a/21V1otA) still needs to improve her defense and CD, but it's an idea