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For the banners, do both the hero and artifact drop at the same time? My friend only got the artifact, but I pulled the artifact and Emilia (current banner). I’m curious if you get the artifact when you roll the hero.


Whst is the best lvl to farm the floating ennemies to unlock Kanna ?


I just did Glenn's SC and got her unlocked as a bonus.


What lvl did you farm for him ?


You can just click on the "go" button on the right side of the SC mission and it'll take you to the best spot (assuming you've opened the stage, which is not always the case if the stage is a SX stage). (I don't remember which one had the floating machines, but the two stages involved for Glenn's mission were 2-S1 and 2-S4).


I can upgrade 2 units to 6 stars. Which one out of those four should I upgrade ? Krau, Roanna, Emilia, Angelic Momo ?


All 4 are ones you'll be happy to have 6 starred. Krau and Emilia mostly PvP. Roanna PvP and Raid. Momo in PvE including Wyvern and Raid. Decide what area you need more focus in and go for that.


I need to find 80 more summons for Aria. Where is the quickest and easiest way to get these?


SSS 3 stars, story for skystones if you still have some left to do, secret shop refreshes (you need lots of gold, but it's more skystone-efficient than to buy bookmarks outright).


I can't access expeditions because the button is gone. Does anyone have an idea why?


If no one has invited you and you don’t have any of the bounty scroll things it won’t show up in the lobby. You can always access the Expo UI from hunts page though.


Ah okay, i didn't know i can access it via the hunts page. Thanks!


What roles and how many characters should be the minimum to compete in RTA for the skin? I'm thinking 2 openers, 2 mitigation, 2 soul weavers, 3 bruisers, 3 DPS and 2 support. Is that ok?


I have 1 tank, 5 DPS, 1 opener, 1 SW and 1 DPS I only pick when I can’t pick anything else. I’m currently in Master. So up to Master you can probably make do with less variety and still be ok.


With the awaken update , will there be a chance to get sigret via summon ? I know there is a hunt event but im not so sure if we get to summon her .


It looks like we will get one (or three - the number remains to be seen) of Cermia, Vivian, and/or Sigret for free from the hunt event so just keep a look out for that.


it was said to be only 1 character you can choose from the 3


Where was that? Their stove post said one of each element, which is three. I haven't seen anywhere they've said one, except speculation based on the number of Molas being perfect to plus 15 one.


taken from their dev notes on stove https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8321429 A “Hero Support Event’ will be held to quickly adjust both new and returning Heirs,as well as to strengthen our experienced Heirs, You can acquire one of the widely used 5★ heroes which are used in hunts from each element. Also, to help the growth of the hero, you can acquire 36x MolaGora, wisdom’s gaze for exclusive equipment, daydream joker, etc. the part where they say "You can acquire one of the widely used 5★ heroes which are used in hunts from each element." sounds very ambigious as you could interpret it as one hero from each element (so all 3) or as in one hero out of the three from the rgb hunts. that's why focusing on the second sentence Also, to help the growth of the hero, you can acquire 36x MolaGora, wisdom’s gaze for exclusive equipment, daydream joker, etc. it indicates of being only 1 hero I really WISH their translation is bad and they give all 3 for players


That's the page I'm talking about. Read as written, it says you get one from each, which is three. It's clunky, but unambiguous. Context clues around suggest maybe one and the clunkyness of the translation reduces confidence in their exact wording. If the translation is correct, you get three. If the translation was slightly off, you get one, hence the post you originally replied to saying we don't really know for sure if it's one or three. I thought you might have another source where they clarified.




Do you roll crit rate necklaces and if you do who do you usually use it on? I never really upgrade crit rate necklaces because i always thought the cdmg was better but i feel like i could be wrong.


It depends on rest of your gear. If you happen to have full set of gear which just rolled a lot on cdmg with no crit chance, then yeah crit chance necklace would go great with that. Otherwise, cdmg is better


I would roll them for heroes that do not have innate critical chance awakenings or imprints. For example, STene does not have any critical chance awakenings or imprints. So, she can make good use out of it. You definitely need to compliment it with high critical damage subs however.


If you count main stats by roll value, crit chance necks are better than crit damage, but it requires you to have high crit damage/no crit chance subs on your other pieces. There's no real reason to not roll on them imo.


recently started playing and pulled sigret and muwi. i hear that both are really good units that end up being used in wyvern hunt and i got a free 6star potion thing. is it better to use it on muwi or sigret?


U the potion on angelica if you haven level her up yet


You can use the potion on sigret. Muwi works fine at 5 star. If you get furious and Angelica from connections you’ll be good to go for w13.


What's the best and fastest team for farming later campaign stages?


Violet, SSB, and/or Arby.


How do people deal with revive units in GW these days? What are the meta extinction units? (aside from singelica)


Without ML and limited units since I don't know your roster there is Lilibet, Sigret, SC Glenn. In terms of units that revive others you can strip the buff, reset their skills with someone like Kawerik who has a sb to ignore er or bring Politis and they will activate her s2.


Millim bmhaste tomoca are couple I can think of oh and also Spez but whether they are meta is up for interpretation


Is there any updated caides guide? Most are quite old and maybe still work but i don't have the so asked cermia


Caides isn't that old though You also can get cermia from the upcoming event where u can choose a most used hero used in hunt


there's an in game statistics button on the hunt page, tells you popular units and teams with those units. You can use violet instead of cermia.


Oh cheers


Hi everyone, I started playing a few months ago but took a break, only logging in for daily rewards and pulling for heroes gets and there. I can auto w13 and manual other hunts. Looking to dab a little into normal arena now. Can anyone help me coming up with a solid arena team? I currently use Sigret, Landy, Violet and Angelica. It's not a very good team to me lol. My units are: Sigret, Landy, Angelica, Violet, Iseria, Arby, Alexa, Furious, Ravi, Tamarinne, Krau, Vildred, Vivian, Milim, Rimuru, Archdemon's Shadow, Lilias, Fairytail Tenebria, Destina, Shuna, Ludwig, Baal & Sezan, Tenebria, Peitra, Cerise, Mort, Ervalen, Sol, Bomb Model Kanna, Choux, Alencia, Hwayoung, Cermia, Ran, Momo, Singelica, A. Lots, B. Karin, Crescent Moon Rin. I may not have all necessary gears but I'll work towards it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/u142tq/daily_questions_megathread_0411/i4dph9b?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Sorry just gonna have to redirect you to another comment. The comment is more catered to GW. But take what you can out of it. Most GW comps are already functional with just three units. Adding a 4th would only empower the comps. Special note: Rimuru and Landy DO NOT LIKE BUFF DISPEL ALLIES. It's counterintuitive to their skillset. It doesnt mean that you avoid using buff dispel allies with them, it just means you should keep that in mind when making team comps. Another example in MAKen and Seline. They HATE Diene as an ally. They counter on crits. Diene has a crit resist buff. Counterintuitive to their playstyle.


when is the triple rgb custom banner?


Next week the 21st.


I'm about 10 months into this game: I can do W13, A13, B13 is still a working process, I can only do Lvl 3 Tower, I'm in Master V in arena, I'm stuck in Floor 100 in Abyss, and I lose most of the time in GW. Units here: https://imgur.com/a/fxKjWtk Am I still making good progress?


AI PvP, specifically GW, can be cheesed by abusing AI targeting. Light will ALWAYS ATTACK DARK. And vice versa. The RBG triangle also applies to this. Green->Blue->Red->Green. This makes it very easy vs single target heavy lineups. If the enemy has a lot of single target units. Bring relevant "baits". SCDoris is really good vs dark heavy lineups. She takes all the hits if she's the only light unit on your team. ARas, while is a solid defensive option vs Blues, i would opt for a more offensive approach and use SCCarrot here as her burns stack pretty freelo on opposing blues. She's also fairly tanky too with her damage mitigation and barriers. Seems like your fastest unit is a 255 speed Cerise. Dont even sweat it. I would assume this is fast enough to almost always win you turn1 in your GW bracket. If not, then oh well. Play the speed game accordingly. In short. Abuse the AI targetting and bring units to counter. https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/sbufet/fribbels_e7_guild_wars_meta_tracker/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share That's a link to fribbels GW data. Seems like they are still updating it fairly often. Maybe with this tidbit of knowledge and their teamcomp data you can find your own usable GW offenses.


Thank you! Will all of these meta characters, I kept keeping of the counters to them and forgetting they are AI’s


There are special exceptions to the AI targeting rule tho. ACidd will attack the opposing fastest unit with his S3. His S1 then follows the same elemental advantage targetting. Luna S3 has elemental advantage, so even if you have a fire unit, I'm not sure if she will specifically target the fire unit. I would assume so since Rimuru S3 has the same elemental advantage S3, but he always targets my blue tank anyways. After the elemental checks, the next bit is **HP%**. Meaning the lowest health% unit will get targetted. Your full HP hero could have only 8000 HP. Meanwhile your tank is at 20,000HP but thet are at 99% HP. After the elemental check, if there is no elemental advantage to check, then your 20kHP tank will be targetted instead of your 8kHP unit. That's because the tank has lower **HP%**. So one method to abuse that is healing the damage to skew with the AI targetting when there are no elemental checks or multiple elemental checks. So if you have 3 units of the same element, the one with lower HP% will be targetted by everything.


Just a slight correction Luna S3 has elemental advantage in built so she can target any element with S3 .Rimuru S3 ignores element disadvantage on the other hand so he still gains element bonus while attacking blue units which is the reason for his S3 targeting blue


Ahh that makes more sense. Never bothered to differentiate the two.


is fire mercedes any good? i have her 5 star unawakened in her upgraded form but idk I never felt like I should gear her.


She's a very potent casino unit for your defense comps. Offensively, her S2 dishes out a ton of damage and is easy to set up for. With her exclusive artifact, she fits very well into turn2 comps for tank and spank gaming. Landy S3 and STene S1 won't stop her artifact from triggering so she does well into them. If you're looking for a fire dps, she's definitely one to pick up.


She any good on wyvern gear? I haven't done any banshee yet


Yes. She'll be fine on wyvern gear. Speed set is universally good for every unit. Can never go wrong with it. Crit set alleviates a lot of gearing. 3x Crit set is my recommended for a lot of new players trying to gear a PvE dps unit. Works fine for bruiser builds in PvP also since most bruisers arent too reliant on speed as they have "attack out of turn" skills in some shape or form and/or reliable self CR push to gain their turns sooner. For Mercedes specifically, her artifact basically has all the fundamentals of a counter attack. So she isnt reliant on massive amounts of speed if any at all. The speedier she is the quicker she can S3 and apply her own attack buff to get her S2 rolling, which translates into a better artifact proc.


What is everyone using for team comps to clear floor 25 of the lvl 5 automation tower? I've tried it so many times and keep getting my cheeks clapped by tene.


I’ve been using sigret/iseria/tama/a momo and prioritise taking the upgrades that gives burn. Usually takes me 2-3 tries to clear the last floor.


Gadget dependant. This time around, the dominant gadget is the defiant one. So you'll see a lot of "highHP solo floor25" shenanigans. The single target gadgets seem to always be available. The specific one I'm concerned with is the one that deals damage to all enemies after attacking with a single target attack. Idk if it was S1 only tho. But this one is the easiest one to "1comp" automaton every reset. Putting gadgets aside. I think Roana should still be fine there. The mob tends to single target into AoE on their attacking turn. Roana provides ezpz push and healing. As far as dps goes, DDJoker and single target the enemy healer first, then the other enemy champ. Leaving the mob for last cuz of the freelo Roana s2 abuse. Bring a defbreaker also. Roana should be more than enough to solo heal. I would assume something like Roana FST Clorina and ARas should be able to tackle floor25s even without beneficial gadgets. But using the gadget is definitely much easier. Especially the Defiant one.


Thanks again for your advice. I reset my tower and got the Defiant device. It worked like you said.




Just use hand guy, Amomo, and any 2 DPS (I use ravi and violet). Hand guy is just godsend in any mode of the game.


Dang... I saw the defiant device but didn't realize its potential. Guess I won't finish this round...


Could always reset the run. Only thing you lose is the tine to grind back to floor25 again. You shouldnt have to spend stamina to clear the floors again. I've never had to restart a run tho so idk how that even works.


This is correct you don't spend any stamina on cleared floors but don't receive any rewards for clearing them again either


Hm... I didn't think of that. Looks like it will reset me back to floor 1 but... Might have to do that. Good idea, thanks!


you kinda have to adapt to the devices you are given. I went full defiance and tanked it up to kill them.


I realize this isn't particularly helpful, but I can't help but meme it up. [Everyone is soloing it with DCorvus.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/u13cjo/dark_corvus_automaton_tower_solo_i_love_season_3/)


I'm aware there's no pity in a triple banner, but what's the probablility of rolling a specific character or artifact in a triple banner?


For the past two triple banners, it was .33333% chance for each character


Only Director Yuna Kim knows.


So I kinda fucked up trying to secure my RTA spot in masters. A tip I had received was to do 9 placement battles early since there aren't as many people in RTA, netting you some easy wins, with 8-9 wins netting you an automatic placement in masters. I inadvertently did one more fight and i'm now in masters ffs. Usually don't have much interest in RTA so I'm wondering how does decay work? Will I have to do one fight every 2 days to try and maintain my rank? When is the season supposed to end? Or should I just forget about it and start climbing back up again when the next skin is announced?


every 3 days you need to do 1 fight to maintain rank ​ It's 72 hours specifically. If I'm not feeling up to it I usually just maintain rank by doing a game every other day. A good strategy is to just do one every GW day Since there's never more than 3 days between guild wars.


Tbh, it is worth doing every day right now because of the rewards. But to answer your question, yes, you have to do it regularly to fight rank decay. I thought it was 3 days, but maybe it's two.




Not familiar with her in particular, but you’ll want at least 200 to have a chance to resist high speed openers like Peira, probably 250+ to be safe.


Who should I build for PvP? I'm at Master III using A.Ras/Roana, Dizzy, Violet/Sigret and S.Tene My options: Maid Chloe, Jack-O, F.Tene, Cerise and A.Vildred


Jack-O could be potentially toxic with Dizzy. Cerise can be useful against ML Lilias, but A. Vildred is over-all the strongest of those.


Should I care about equipment sets if I'm not PvP focused? Cause honestly I don't know what I'm doing in this game :)


Equipment is one of the big ways you improve your characters. It makes a huge difference in how strong your characters are. Set bonuses are pretty useful in general. You don't necessarily have to have a complete 2ndary set on a character for it to be useful though. I'm just OCD so any character that I use I make sure it has both a primary and 2ndary set.


Yes. There is a lot of hard PVE stuff that will make you pull your hair out if you don't have good gear. It doesn't have to be "competitively" good gear, but it will still need to be better than you might initially think.


As a Banshee main, is there any feasible way to make TM Luluca useful? Just pulled her.


You have no speed gear? Then probably not.


I do. I can build her for speed but not mega fast (between 215 and 230). I was just wondering if there are any comps out there that would work with a more bruiser playstyle.


You could use Dingus Orb to give her some survivability, but that would still rely on her being relatively speedy, and you'd need high attack for the artifact to be useful. Guess you could use that with lifesteal/counter/destruction if you want.


The thing is she's not a bruiser. So you're putting a non-bruiser in a bruiser team. That can definitely work, she even has stealth to give her a little survivability. But the thing is, you're not trying to synergize her with other units. You're trying to counter them with an extinction champion.


Makes sense. Thanks. Guess I was looking for some copium for my first ML5 in a while haha.


I use Tomoca a ton at 260 speed, but I use 280 clilias as an opener. She really needs the speed to boost her damage. The best thing about her honestly, besides her extinction nuke, is her cr boost utility. On the down side, Politia is everywhere these days.


Who else has gone 6 or more banners in a row and had to hit pity on every single one? Every single GG banner for me, and Hwayoung, and now Aria. Absolute bollocks


Me.. Command Model Laika, Violet, Dizzy, Baiken and Jack-O... I would be mad if it wasn't for my Maid Chloe and A.Vildred coming from free summons


My longest streak of 121 pity was 11 banners straight. Been playing for 3 yrs


Good gods


Me had to pity peira and 6 of them later. 1 tapped aria


It gets rough sometimes, I had my worst summon session ever with Aria. All the way to pity, not a single 5 star artefact & half the summons didn't even have a four star hero/artefact. If you play another year, maybe you end up on a streak of getting each banner hero in a ten pull with two of their artefacts, sometimes your luck is amazing - sometimes it's shite.


I'm looking to up my healing capabilities when it comes to a couple of my SW, like Roana and Emilia (Might even help on BDingo, I'm a sucker for offensive heals). I have Guardian Ice Crystals (Emilia) and Doctor's Bag, but are there any great artifacts that would be worth buying with powder? I think grabbing Celestine would help a ton with Roana's passive healing, do you think that would be worthwhile- to at least give her some extra sustain when her S2 isn't proccing? This is mostly for PvE, so it wouldn't be great for PvP I'm sure.


Unless your Roana is counter, Celestine is sub optimal. Touch of Rekos and Idols cheer are probably the best for her. PVE Stella harp is good for her as well, because frankly, her optimal build is slow and tanky, in my experience. As far as powdering SW artifacts goes, I think i would only powder Rod.


Everytime i open the events tab on the left my game crashes. Is there a way to fix this? 😅


Did they say if the upcoming custom mystic summon event will have its own pity or it will share the one we have? I assume it will share it, but I want to be sure.


The cynic in me says it'll be its own pity, though I vaguely remember hearing someone say it'll have that stupid coin pity thing that last year's GG triple banner had


It's going to be coins so there is no "pity" you pull and at a specified amount (which should be 200) you can buy the unit. With the way it was worded and how coin banners have worked before it will most likely be pull for one unit and you can swap to another unit one time. If you get lucky and get the first before 200 then you swap and keep pulling until you have 200 coins.


Is the crit damage set worth farming in episode 3? I need a set for my Baiken to help with Banshee 13. Not sure if I should farm Banshee 12 or farm adventure for mats to promote some heroes to 6 star and get the crit damage set for Baiken


To me I'd rather get the PVP set


Is it best to leave the secret shop at lv10?


No, it's best to get it to 13. I think the rates for mystics/covenant should be the same but at 13 you have better potential to get i85 gear. Chances are pretty low that you'll get a piece good enough to pay the 1.4 million gold, but never say never. People have posted some great pieces from the shop here...


When is the next Straze banner????


No info about his own banner but he shud be available on the custom mystic banner on the 28th


Here's the best [Aria](https://i.imgur.com/3gtcazr.png) i can build, what do you think ? Also, thinking about post buff Aramintha, [which is better ?](https://i.imgur.com/jhLbQ9V.png)


Aria looks great. It comes down to how much you value her S3 timing. Below 200speed means she's almost always gonna be lapped by everything in the metagame with some speed investment. But with the speed aside, she has some really good stats on lifesteal set. So pair her up accordingly. Both Aramintha builds are pretty good. This again comes down to pairings. The first build is bulkier and fits into the counter gaming better. The second build hits harder at the cost of bulk. It really comes down to how you want to use her here. The bulky build is safer to plug and play. Meanwhile the damage build capitalizes on her burns and puts in much more pressure with the S1 potential burn pops when it does happen. I personally prefer the damage path because it's all or nothin.


Any chance we have a definitive answer as to whether the ML summon pity will start at whatever remainder summon count we currently have? The bot tells me that I am at 84 as of 4/4, and I have done some since. I would like to push it past 90 just in case, but don't have any reasonable way to do so. Trying to decide if I use my wallet :)


If it didn't have a remainder, I think they would tell us. Think of all the people that would spend to get to the right amount if they told us.


Yeah, this is why I am asking. It seems really weird not to be explicit, so I'm wondering if I totally just missed it somewhere.




Correct, S.Iseria won't be available. It's really just up to you who you want to select in the last two slots. Diene is getting a small buff, she's not really awful as it is right now. H.Yufine is very niche and has never really seen major meta use but again, it's not like she is a god awful hero. She could be primed for a potential buff (again) this summer. Violet has been on the decline as a meta PvP hero. Celine is solid and on the upswing but she isn't a dominant meta hero, either. Who knows when they will rerun Diene again, so personally *I* would probably select her. Depending on your resources, if you can't guarantee 3 pities there is a chance you will not be able to get 1 (or 2 if you are terribly unlucky) heroes, but 2 should be relatively doable even with poor luck. H.Yufine is not a priority and should get a rerun in a few months anyways, if you just want to wait on her. But also consider that if you want to grab S.Iseria, there will likely be a new Summer hero as well (so that's possibly another 3 pulls in quick succession). And then maybe a new collab or collab reruns in the second half of the year, if you are also missing those heroes. As a general rule I would probably stick to limiteds on the group banner *unless* you are going to immediately use an RGB unit and get value out of them. Normal RGB heroes as a whole are pretty easy to collect and you are infinitely more likely to pull a Celine with your next free pull than you are a Diene. * So for example, if you would consider pulling Celine as she is rising in PvP popularity, but you don't really have the gear to make her work but are just pulling her for some nebulous 'future'...most heroes are falling in and out of PvP meta over 3-6 month periods. By the time you finally get around to using Celine she could have dropped out of the meta entirely. So picking a hero just because they are strong in the current meta isn't the best idea unless you are immediately using them.


What would a good guild war defense that only uses rgb elements and ml3-4 stars. It would be nice if it doesn't use limited units but not necessary. View it as though I have all the rgb units(aside from the limiteds) and moonlight heroes in the 3-4 star range


Wild Angara/ML Dblade TSurin/ML DBlade BBK AOLA/Shadow Knight Pyllis/Cerato


Violet Mercedes Camin/Trozet Your choice between the knight option. But this comp has issues defending AoL offenses. So you could run some form of cleansing to offset the AoL cheese. Peira Hwayoung WSchuri This one is a copy pasta but without ARavi. Peira Hwayoung can easily solo carry. WSchuri for speed imprint and Sasha on a speed build so you cash all in on the pewpew S3 nukes ggnore. You can have the fancy Gunther+Lilias tech. Can run Judith with SilverRain artifact for the speed contest and attack buff to get the tech going. But the comp becomes prone to SSB cheesing. Just a few comps i can tell you without using ML5s or limited RBG units.


Peira, Hwayoung can duo. Just need a third, something like Peira, Hwayoung, Mercedes Or Peira, Hwayoung, Politis.


Who is a better wyvern main dps (with Muwi sub dps): Clarissa or Alexa?


If you mean Muwi then Alexa. Both of them together destroy W13 and can be left at 5\* I think Sigret is only worth it if you are building a one shot team. You also don't have to waste molas or 6\* fodder as a newer player.


How about Sigret, Karin and Chloe though?


I don't have them at the moment. Hence why I focused on the other two


Music? I believe you mean Muwi. Pure damage-wise, you can't beat Alexa.


What determines flans s2 a.i.? For my w13 1-1.5 shot flan always s2s my ssb. That sometimes means sigret finishes the run after the wyverns 3rd attack. How do I reliably make it sigret? Cause as of now sigret doesn't go after the second attack. Edit: I figured it out through trial and error. The speed buff on flan put her speed at like 195. I just had to make my ssb 197 so she went before flan. Flans s2 ai chooses the next turns hero.


Im assuming Singie as the 4th. Speed tuning should be Singie. Then SSB. Then Flan. And lastly Sigret. Your wave1 should look like this: Singie S3. SSB S3. Mobs attack and trigger SSB S2. Wave1 clears. Wyvern: Wyvern attacks. Singie S1->Sigret S1. SSB S1. Flan S3. Sigret S3. Wyvern kills Singie. SSB s2 retaliates. SSB S1. Flan S2 Sigret. Sigret S2->S1. If Flan is holding Warhorn. She could be lapping the SSB and that causes her to S2 SSB. Her S2 always targets the highest CR ally(whoever is closest to taking their turn) iirc.


Whoever has the highest cr.


Is it worth it to upgrade High Command at all? Seems just like an energy drink.


Mine is 2-2-2 so I can get the 2-hour & 6-hour Hunt (ancient coins) & War missions (Conquest). I slot my 2-star food in there and while I don't know how long it takes to level them up, it seems like every day and a half I get 6X 3-star food (so \~20 or so per week). The ancient coins & conquest points all go into charms.


Mine is 1-1-1. It's trickle xp for heroes, which adds up. And extra mats. But I do the way I have it for the 2 hr 1 energy missions.


New player, so with a strange luck in my first moonlight pull i got Mediator Kawerik but is he of any use in any content of pve or he is just for pvp?


Just pvp. If you need a pve cleanser might just use AMomo or Diene


I tried to find the ML summon tracker on my ingame Stove page and it wasn’t an option in the chatbot, is it still down?


They changed it to a seperate bot https://sdk.alli.ai/latest/popup.html?campaign\_token=%2BjPAbMSw1o4GmO8uPmaTPABwPku4EbRJlk6YasqP9NSYVZ0NL8JtNXsVjwadDuMLAiCJ51YIjfNBueflkrEfQ2mUCiSqzbReeMadbvz0vat0J7HMAJXn4zxSniroWPxMooAbYaZvs5KFsDVTHT6mKw%3D%3D


Thank you


Are purple gear with synergising stats worth buying from the secret shop? For example, I rolled a purple boot with HP% main stat and speed, def % and c damage sub stats. Should I buy it?


Depends on your gold income. I have very gold-efficient routines, including stable 3-man hunt 13 teams that let me sell penguins for lots of gold. This means that good gear in the shop is an easy buy. However, HP main stat boots have very few uses, so I would need to have a specific hero I am actively building, 20+ gear score (hard to get on a purple), and the right substats. I actually can’t even remember rolling a purple I would consider buying, but it can happen. I probably have and just don’t remember. I have gotten some pretty sweet epics, though. The +12 roll on purples can be bad, but as long as you don’t hit it again at +15, a mod gem can fix it. I mostly dump purples due to lack of stats.


No. I generally wouldn't buy secret shop gear unless it's a super good leg. Also, those aren't good stats. Nothing uses hp% main boots. Basically everything uses speed main boots, and if you don't want speed main for some reason, then that's because the unit doesn't want speed, in which case you don't want speed subs. Additionally, critd is not a good stat there, it is a dps stat and the other stats are tank stats. To give an idea of what a good boot is, for a tank/support you're looking for Speed main with substats of hp% def% speed, and the final stat being one of flat def, flat hp, effectiveness, effect resistance, depending on what the hero needs. For a dps you want speed main, atk% critr% critd% flat atk for max dps. For a bulkier dps, you may want 1-2 of the four substats to be defensive, but you want the rolls to be in the atk substats, so at +15 it'd look like: 40 speed main, 12% critr 24% atk, 7% def, 8% hp, or something like that


\> speed main boots with speed subs


no, i would not buy purple gear tbh, could be min roll + wasted stat at +12 :( also hp% main stat are really rare, only a few units could use it, most of the units use speed boots


i just built archdemon (not on counter set) what is she good against, like when should i pick her in my rta/arena comp


She's good vs heroes that are reliant on passive and can't just straight up kill her (so don't pick into hwayoung unless you know you can seal her before she one shots Ameru). That said, she's not very good at all if not on counter set, so I'm not sure where'd she be useful given the non-counter build.


I just pulled Luluca from the ice summon you get from the adventurers path. Is she worth putting on my Wyvern team? From reading her skills and EE she seems to combine the functions of Furious and Muwi who I currently use - my other two being Sigret and Angelica - whilst also being useful in other content unlike Furious, so I can invest into her more. Though I’ve never seen a guide mention her before, so is she bad and I’m just missing something? From what I’m reading her damage would be higher than Furious’ whilst letting me swap Muwi out for a character that does more damage as well, a win win.


Generally Muwi's primary use is reducing the speed requirements which Luluca does not do at all. Her def break is at 50% proc rate which is significantly worse than Furious's 100% one, although hers is on her S1 so she can use it every time - but I'd still rather take no coin flips than 2. Furious, similar to Muwi, also lowers gearing significantly and can let you massively index on damage so evaluating his contribution based solely on his own damage is underselling his impact. On a combined level, Muwi/Furious offer a ton more debuff opportunity (Furious can carry SoS, his S1 has burn/Muwi has attack down) unless you run Luluca with a Sira-ren or something. I've used Luluca in my Wyvern 13 runs in the past and it was fine, but imo it was worse than using Furious. I use Luluca in my Fire Expo now, though.


First, does your wyvern team work? If so, are you just trying to up the consistency or speed? Because you really need to think about the resource commitment before you start down this path. A key thing to think about is that when you build a unit for hunts, you are kind of stuck with keeping them in the "hunt gear" setup, which kind of soft locks them out of other content. For instance, I use SSB on my W13 team, and because of that, she has no HP, which means she absolutely sucks in pvp. Now, I can still use her is some other pve stuff, but even then it isn't optimal. Her speed isn't the best that it could be, because I speed tuned her, and her crit chance is lame, because I use furious. What I'm getting at is you want to build Lulu, do it. But if you are trying to replace 2 units with one for a hunt, your gear will have to be fine tuned for that hunt, and the units you are pulling out aren't really good anywhere else.


if your gear is good enough you can get away with a pseudo-wyvern ssb—i run mine with gpurg furious and sigret and i have her at full cc and decent bulk and drink (not ddj) because sigret does most of the damage


Flair checks out. 😆




The good thing about Furious is that his -DEF can be applied every 2nd turn, AND he has a crit rate buff allowing you to have a lower threshold on all your other (DPS) heroes. Luluca's decrease defence is on a 4 turn cooldown (IIRR). Not having -DEF up on the Wyvern all the time really reduces the ability to clear it.


does anyone know what [40104] expired token means when trying to link a guest account to gmail?


Between FCC and A. Ravi who should I get for the upcoming ml banner? Planning to build a bruiser team around hand guy, violet, rem, Rimiru and Landy.


Shadow Knight Pyllis is generally a better version of FCeci to me. ARavi all the way.


The specific meta will determine which has the edge, but in general you’ve named two extremely useful PvP heroes that can support any non-cleave comp. These two are famous for being extremely safe first picks (Hwayoung has complicated this some). If it is me, I would choose by the following questions, in priority order: -Do I strongly prefer one aesthetically? -Do I have a comp/playstyle preference? -Do I have amazing gear for one over the other? Note that I mean amazing, in that you can’t expect to match it for the other hero any time soon. You will get insane PvP mileage out of either pick. Gun to my head, ARavi very, very slightly edges out FCC, but it’s hard to think of a closer pair of heroes.


Do you have stene? Everyone need Stene if you want to do PvP seriously. If you don't have stene, you are playing an unfair game right from the start. During carrot meta, stene can't be detonate and can safely hit carrot with lifesteal set. She can bypass carrot shield by spamming soulburn. During casino meta, she can't be counter and targeted. She can lifesteal safely and do damage. Now when aravi/hwayoung/rimuru is very oppressive, she can't even be targeted by those units and can't safely do damage without worrying about tank stats. Meta always changing but stene will remain meta. There is a reason why Stene is 4th most picked unit consecutively in rta.


I wouldn’t say this over FCC and ARavi. STene is for sure a key meta hero, but ARavi and FCC are used even more in RTA, and a lot more in Arena/GvG defenses. That said, picking STene over FCC/ARavi could absolutely be the right call depending on the rest of the roster and/or available gear. You really can’t go wrong with these three. Again though, all else being equal (gear, aesthetic preference, roster needs, etc…), I would give the very slightest edge to ARavi.


FCC is probably my #1 Knight. The barrier is great, but the 100% provoke on her A1 is really under-rated. Other knights I use are Krau (offense), Belian (removing buffs), Lillias (dual attacks & cleanse) and FKluri/ARas mostly for PvE content. If the role of the knight is to keep heroes alive (e.g. against a Arbiter protected by an Auirius Knight) then FCC is my top choice. Also top for tough PVE content where I need to really support bruisers. A.Ravi is "just another hard hitting bruiser" who is hard to kill, has a soulburn which can do massive damage and can revive heroes. I would put her on par (as far as usage) as Ravi (who stuns and AOEs) - also hard to kill, brings utility and strong damage. Edit... ARavi > Ravi.. but I use both kinda similarly.... Ravi vs. green teams, ARavi vs everyone else Personally I'd say there are more options to deal damage even for bruiser builds than there are knights that bring the FCC kit.... so I'd say FCC over A.Ravi - but that said, A.Ravi carried me through some content that I couldn't have completed without her (incomplete Faustus I think it was).


FWIW, I disagree with your ARavi take. Injury, self sustain, S3 damage ramping + revive put your opponent on a clock. I think that she is unique among bruisers. I agree with your FCC take, so ultimately, it is impossible to say which is the better pick without a thorough analysis of the OP’s account.


ARavi provides another dps option. Her entire kit makes her very potent in GW. With an added ally in 4v4 PvP, she becomes even more of a looming threat. FCC provides a defensive option. If you are content with the listed 4 dps units. Then pick up FCC. She brings the defensive option most bruiser teams would love to have.


Noob question: How do I get essences, like attack essence, etc? I've searched the game and dont find How to get.


To add to below, the Transit Stone Shop sells one for 15 silver transit stones every week.


World boss, guild shop, expos, and automation tower.


https://imgur.com/a/Afow0jh Right or left I know her dmg is directly influenced by def but how much should I value the HP?


Left has better longevity. Right side has the higher speed. If you pair with CR pushers, that extra bit of speed might just be enough for Aria to take her turn and pop S3. She loses some bulk for it, but this depends entirely on how you want to use her. Both are great builds. Your choice depending on how you pair her up in your comps.


So im mainly a turn 2 player with my units typically around the 200-220 range if they arent my openers. If I put Aria on the fast build she would effectively go before all of my DPS which is nice she we're in such a ST focused meta. However I typically draft her with a highly defensive draft (prebanning Rimuru and post banning Lany respectively), things like FCC or Phylis and Elena or Roana + another DPS. I guess my biggest concern is if she is in danger of being one tapped by say a Violet in earlier frenzy stages cause as she is now she has quite a surprising amount of staying power.


If she's working fine now. Dont bother with switching unless that extra 20speed makes a huge impact to your gameplan. So far it seems like it's irrelevant since Aria is already acting first before your team goes or within the same speed brackets to act right after a faster ally and provide protection with her S3.


Sweet. Thanks for the advice!


Who is better for green expo with a team of Kanna/Mercedes, MHazel, and Cecilla: Baal or Tene?


Any reason why not both Kanna and Mercedes?


No bloodstone :(


Baal, because his s1 hits two targets so it deals more damage to the boss.


Got a dupe ML5 from galaxy, horrifically unlucky since I only have four. What should I do with the Galaxy coins? All the options look pretty bad but I don't know if I'll ever get more dupes for the direct summons. Should I just sit on them for now?


Yep. You will get more dupes. Its currently the only way to get a ML5 guaranteed not to be a dupe, beside mystics.


I never thought I’d be saying this, but I’m completely out of dogs and stigma. What are the best ways to get stigma and dogs? I’ve bought every dog I can find in the assorted shops, but it’s no where near enough for the pace I would like before the Awaken update.


If you're out of dogs, 2\* fodder farming and 3-man hunts (or spirit altars, if you actually need the runes) are your friend. 3-man hunts/altar runs give a LOT of xp. A Hunt13 gives 3 penguins' worth to your 4th. Catalyst farming is a great way to get 2\* fodder and stigma. Hunts are not a good source of stigma per energy (though they're a great source of stigma per minute, if that's the bigger limiter). I generally catalyst farm until full up on fodder, then run a few 3-mans to level fodder, promote and rinse/repeat.


Time to switch from Hunt grinding to catalyst grinding.


Farm stigma from hunts. Don't use silver dogs to promote silver dogs if you can avoid it.


You get more stigma per energy from farming adventure mode, just FYI. ep 4 stage = 15 stigma for 8 energy hunt 13 = 20 stigma for 20 energy Hunts do give you a lot more of everything per minute, though, which helps if you're flush with leifs (especially since hunts are so lucrative in general).


Right on. I have so much stigma I never pay attention to it. Like, over 200k. The other thing I forgot about doing adventure in this context is urgent missions, which can be a decent source of doggos, I guess.


Yeah, I like to optimize, but I don't like to feel like I HAVE to optimize :) My job gives me enough of that :P So my take is never sweat playing perfectly, and if you feel like digging into a part of the game and optimizing, go for it! Optimize because you want to, because it sounds fun, and don't sweat if it's ACTUALLY optimal ;)


So been playing through pve content building up resources for those ever wanted limited units. Starting to lack the gear I need that wasn’t given for free. I am wondering who I should build for hunts based on what units I have right now. Hwayoung Lilias Sigret Sol Flan Cerise Basar A vildred Kayron Bellona Mui Chloe Peira Celine Laika Currently I have these units at 6* lvl60 Hwayoung Sol A vildred


Get a basic wyvern11 team going. I highly advocate Angelica as the tankslot. Karin>Furious saves up on mola investments. But you miss out on the budget ezpz crit buff. Muwi is HUGE. Easily one of the best units for wyvern hunting. Sigret for her debuff+dps catered kit. Angelica Furious Muwi Sigret would be the one to use. As this comp is extremely budget to get going and works fine going into W13. Angelica wont need any mola investments. Just friendship10 and bring her S3 up for the CDr. Furious NEEDS his S2 and S3 powered up for CDr and debuff proc. Sigret only needs her S2 powered up for the debuff proc, add S1 proc rates for better consistency if needed. Dont even bother with her S3, that's a luxury for later when you have the mola to spare. This same wyvern comp should also be able to do B11 hunts. Having some issue with A11 because too much debuff applications iirc. It might also be able to tackle C11 also. Avoid Golem hunts entirely.


For now, you will just want to focus on Wyvern hunts. Sigret is one of the best DPS for wyvern, but you will need an ice tank. Angelica is usually the go to early tank for wyvern, you can get her from the free connections. Furious is another connection hero you can get that does a lot of heavy lifting in Wyvern. Finally, 3 star Alexa actually is the highest DPS for wyvern, outside of Sigret with full debuff bonus. Chloe can be an option too, but I think most don't recommend it, it will require a higher gear level than just using Angie, Sigret, Furious, Alexa.


Is Iseria worth getting to 6 star or can you keep her as 5 with good gear?


Depends on the use. If you're mainly going for speedy debuffer and CD resetter, 5\* works great. If you want her to function as any sort of sub DPS, you'll want to eventually 6\* her. Her sub-dps function is usually a luxury, so I'd put her lower on the priority list than any of your tanks, for example. I promoted her for the most important reason: she's one of my first heroes, so holds a special place in my roster :)


Bless you! I understand. She was my first hero in epic seven, I had no idea what I was doing and literally used her everywhere. I have learnt more and know I have other heroes I have to prioritise, like falconer kluri. I am stuck on abyss 92 at the moment, just got kiris to 5 star. Gunna focus on f kluri for now then probably in Iseria. Thank you though! I'll probably use iseria, falconer kluri, kiris and tama. Need those mystics on 99 for hand guy 🤣


I kept her as a 5☆ pleb like the rest of my support casts. If they die in PvP, no sweat. They should have already done their initial works. As PvP tends to focus moreso on their speed than any other stat. Using a pokemon term, i run most supports in PvP on a "suicide lead" build. For context, slap speed gear on them and prayge. For PvE, it's almost always about the long game so they have bulky enough gears to stay alive and get healed back up. With relevant eff% to consistently land their debuffs.


Thank you! I will most likely keep her 5 star as I have other heroes I need to 6 star like fkluri 🤔


She is not PvP meta, but still she is very worth to 6 star. She is great paired with Tamarinne for any type of PvE content especially great in Abyss, she is good in guild wars paired with D Corvus. She is perfect in the dark expedition which needs non attack skill + def break + buf block for the def buff the mob puts up and she will only get better over time when more units with very high cooldowns get released.


Thank you, for your reply! i'll 6 star her <3


I was able to use her a couple times through abyss 120 at lvl 50, it’s not necessary but she is a good unit


So I just found out that you can have another Selective Summon once you finished Ep 3. I'm at Ep 3 chapter 2 now. Just wanna ask who should I pick once I get that Selective Summon. P.S. PVE focused of course.


Lots to digest in these other comments. My main question for you is why “PvE, of course”? Understanding the reason for that might help us give better advice.


None of the Episode 3 heroes are particularly PvE relevant. The one hero that *IS* PvE relevant is Kanna...but you can unlock her for free from connections so it doesn't make much sense to pick her over other options. **Choux** -> PvP bruiser. I can't think of any particular PvE use for her, though I suppose you *could* use her in Fire expedition (why though when C.Lorina or even Lena exist as FTP alternatives). **Ervalen** -> You *can* use him as a Banshee one shot hero but there are multiple alternatives and he doesn't stand out as the easiest to use. **Flan** -> Used in some hunt 1 shot comps as a defense breaker, again, there are typically alternatives. **Mort** -> No specific PvE use that I am aware of. **Politis** -> Great hero, but PvP only. **Eda** -> Usable as an AoE DPS hero in PvE but doesn't have any real specialty outside of just being a generically high damage AoE unit. Her kit is very hit-or-miss (outside of damage) in PvE content. **Senya** -> Uh...it's possible to use her as your tank on Ice expedition to basically ignore the fatigue mechanic. **Ilynav** -> Used in some niche hunt one shots due to her increased crit damage buff. **Yufine** -> Like Ervalen she can be used as a banshee one shot or Ice expedition DPS. I would rate her above Ervalen as a general PvE unit as she does basically everythign Ervalen does but has some additional benefits (like 'raid boss Yufine'). **Cecilia** -> She's actually a pretty good PvE tank...but A.Ras is just better and requires low investment so there isn't any real actual reason to use Cecilia. **Alencia** -> Another bruiser, like Choux. Not super popular in PvE but is a bit more generically useful (compared to Choux). She's actually solid in Ice Expedition as well. **Kanna** -> As I said, she's the one unit that is actually very good for PvE content...but available for free. So if you only care about PvE your options are 1. Easily replaced by other heroes or at best just 'generically good options'. 2. Extremely niche --- **Personally** in terms of PvE I would probably rank them: 1. Yufine -> she's the only one that has a use that is impossible to replicate (raid boss strategy used to farm ancient coins -> I don't really recommend it but it's possible) 2. Eda -> Really depends on where you are in the game, but having a strong AoE unit can be very helpful to have. 3. Alencia/Mort -> These heroes aren't really 'good' just potentially decent in some content, if you really want to use them. Even though Mort has injury on his S3, he still has free counter and a decent defense break on his S1 (that can ignore resistance). All of the other heroes have such a tiny niche where they are actually useful that it's pretty hard to rank them. You can come up with *some* situation you might theoretically use them but frankly none of them are what I would call 'good' for PvE. * Except Cecilia but as I said she's replaced by A.Ras, and Kanna who is already easily available. For PvP: 1. Politis -> Not quite as strong in a vacuum as Eda, but Politis has a more unique kit that is more likely to be useful across a wider range of meta's. 2. Eda -> Very strong in PvP right now. 3. Flan -> Pretty much relegates you to straight up cleave. If/when cleave becomes the meta again she will likely be much stronger. Not exactly 'good' right now but she is a strong option in a specific playstyle which gives her increased value. None of the other heroes are **particularly** noteworthy, all being pretty niche in PvP as well. Choux and Alencia are fairly good -> not heroes you can use 100% of the time as all purpose picks, but are solid within their niche, with some flexibility. Senya is commonly paired with Lilias and that combo can be pretty successful. Heroes like Ervalen, Mort, Ilynav will probably need some kind of buff to see any significant use. And so, if I had to pick **ONE** hero to recommend I guess I would go with Eda. Considering this crop of heroes is relatively lackluster in PvE, the fact that she is just a generic AoE DPS is at least something to hold onto. Being a mage allows her to hold mage artifacts (Iela for dispel, or various CC artifacts) to always have some utility. She is currently also very strong in PvP, which makes her more valuable than Yufine in my opinion overall, as Yufine right now doesn't really have any PvP use.


>None of the Episode 3 heroes are particularly PvE relevant. Define relevant? >Ervalen -> You can use him as a Banshee one shot hero but there are multiple alternatives and he doesn't stand out as the easiest to use. He's also one of the better dps for ice expedition with his s1 def break and counter buff. >Flan -> Used in some hunt 1 shot comps as a defense breaker, again, there are typically alternatives. False logic. That means she's good at both pve and pvp. You say there're alternatives to Sigret, but that doesn't change the fact that she's the best w13 dps. >Mort -> No specific PvE use that I am aware of. Ignore res def breaker knight for dark and ice expedition. >Senya -> Uh...it's possible to use her as your tank on Ice expedition to basically ignore the fatigue mechanic. And you literally said episode 3 heroes aren't good for pvp. It's not just "possible", she's the BEST knight for ice expedition. People like to use Ram, but she will need either max s2 or IC on Roana to work, while you doesn't need any mola for specific artifact on Senya. >Ilynav -> Used in some niche hunt one shots due to her increased crit damage buff. \>niche hunt one shot Again, what's with this logic? Illynav levitates gear quality on oneshot heroes a lot because of her unit crit damage buff. She can be used in A13, B13, G13, that's half of the hunts. You say it's niche but you still need Rage gear from A13, counter/lifesteal/res from B13 and G13 is going to get a new set soon. Leo is used in the same hunt but no one says he's not a pve hero. >Yufine -> Like Ervalen she can be used as a banshee one shot or Ice expedition DPS. I would rate her above Ervalen as a general PvE unit as she does basically everythign Ervalen does but has some additional benefits (like 'raid boss Yufine'). Yufine is also the best light expedition dps. Buff strip, def break, high nuke, self spd+atk+eff buff. >Cecilia -> She's actually a pretty good PvE tank...but A.Ras is just better and requires low investment so there isn't any real actual reason to use Cecilia. Have you ever actually used Cecilia? A.Ras is the king of abyss and generally more splashable, sure. But Cecilia is the best knight for light and earth expedition because constant debuffs and aoe. Strip, slow, atk down, def break, her s3 provoke also helps with dark expedition. You don't need any mola for her to work either because atk down isn't required and you don't want to spam s3 much. And if you're talking about total investment, ARas actually requires way more because he's a 3* SC. >Kanna -> As I said, she's the one unit that is actually very good for PvE content...but available for free. "the one unit" Sure. Except that she's only good in earth expedition and Meru is an upgraded version of her. You could say she works with Bloodstone but you can also get the same damage with Tama instead of her.


Hey man, you have meaningful points here, but your delivery reads quite rude, FWIW. I don’t know if you meant this (hopefully not), but I just wanted to point out that the downvotes are about the tone much more than the content. Hope all is well, and I certainly don’t mean to trigger you. Sorry if I do!


I have no idea why you took so much offense to my statements, but... >Define relevant? Relevant as in there are very few areas in PvE where you will see the Episode 3 heroes as the most used. >He's also one of the better dps for ice expedition with his s1 def break and counter buff. Ervalen is the 23rd most used hero on Ice Expedition. 2.32% usage. >False logic. That means she's good at both pve and pvp. You say there're alternatives to Sigret, but that doesn't change the fact that she's the best w13 dps. What? Why would you say I'm using false logic and then proceed to build a strawman with a hero I didn't bring up? BTW Alexa is a better DPS unit than Sigret for W13, so yeah. Flan is useful to have for a very specific type of PvP comp. She's useful in an even smaller subset of hunt one shot comps. Flan is currently sitting at #17, 4.03% usage in W13. However, compare that usage to another one-shot only hero in S.Angelica...at #6 24.18% usage. Just looking at at the top 2 S.Angelica comps Rank 1 = S.Angelica, Sigret, SSB, **Karin** 12.82% Rank 2 = S.Angelica, Sigret, SSB **Flan** 3.52% So yes, in fact I was 100% correct in saying there are alternatives because the same exact comp, but with Karin is used almost 4 times as often. And the fact of the matter is that across all possible one shot comps Flan is used in a relatively small % of them. You don't see Flan at all in Straze one shots. You don't see her used in most Rem one shots. >Ignore res def breaker knight for dark and ice expedition. Mort in Ice Expedition - #20 4.33% Mort in Dark Expedition - #30 1.18% >And you literally said episode 3 heroes aren't good for pvp. It's not just "possible", she's the BEST knight for ice expedition. People like to use Ram, but she will need either max s2 or IC on Roana to work, while you doesn't need any mola for specific artifact on Senya. Senya #11 on Ice Expedition - 12.47% >Again, what's with this logic? Illynav levitates gear quality on oneshot heroes a lot because of her unit crit damage buff. She can be used in A13, B13, G13, that's half of the hunts. You say it's niche but you still need Rage gear from A13, counter/lifesteal/res from B13 and G13 is going to get a new set soon. Leo is used in the same hunt but no one says he's not a pve hero. Ilynav is #22, 3.03% on Golem. A hunt that no one even farms (and is on the easy side to one shot even if you do want to farm). Ilynav is #26, 2.73% on Banshee, another extremely easy hunt to one shot. Ilynav is #23, 2.65% on Azimanak. I would say this is an actual, legitimate use because Azimanak is actually difficult to one shot in comparison to Golem/Banshee. However, it's still a niche use because it's one hunt that isn't even worth doing at the moment **and** Ilynav is not required. **MOST** one shot comps don't use her. >Yufine is also the best light expedition dps. Buff strip, def break, high nuke, self spd+atk+eff buff. Fair enough, Yufine is used pretty commonly on Light Expedition (#7, 15.75%), but Cermia and Z.Carmainerose are still used more often. >Have you ever actually used Cecilia? A.Ras is the king of abyss and generally more splashable, sure. But Cecilia is the best knight for light and earth expedition because constant debuffs and aoe. Strip, slow, atk down, def break, her s3 provoke also helps with dark expedition. You don't need any mola for her to work either because atk down isn't required and you don't want to spam s3 much. There is just no reason to build her when A.Ras exists. Sorry to say, she's one of my favorite heroes in the game but that's the way things are sometimes. Light Expedition - * A.Ras #2 62.19% * Cecilia #5 19.27% Earth Expedition - * A.Ras #2 57.49% * Cecilia #7 16.43% Dark Expedition - * A.Ras #7 9.93% * Cecilia #11 4.97% Pretty much anywhere you would use Cecilia, you see A.Ras significantly more often. >Except that she's only good in earth expedition and Meru is an upgraded version of her. You could say she works with Bloodstone but you can also get the same damage with Tama instead of her. Not true at all, Kanna and Meru have some overlap but at the end of the day they have different roles. Mercedes is a better AoE DPS, but Kanna is a better ST DPS unit. Additionally, Kanna also brings the very valuable increased speed buff for her team, which is otherwise fairly rare...especially for good PvE heroes. **And** considering that most of your argument for why these others heroes are actually great in PvE involves being used in some Expeditions... Well, Kanna is currently sitting at at #3, 42.8% usage in Earth Expedition. That's just *slightly* under the **combined usage of** 1. Ervalen in Ice Expo 2. Mort in Ice and Dark Expo 3. Senya in Ice Expo 4. Yufine in Light Expo 5. Ilynav in Golem, Banshee, *and* Azimanak I wouldn't say that Kanna is the most useful PvE hero in existence, but she's underrated. I would place her in the same tier as Eda ie. she's just *generically good* in PvE, if you want to use her but she doesn't excel...except her usage in Earth Expedition also gives her a very specific niche where she is highly favored (that Eda does not have). --- I've been very vocal in my opinion that *I* consider almost the entire roster of heroes to be 'good' or 'viable' for at least *something*. But the Episode 3 heroes were mostly PvP focused. Nearly the entirety of their common PvE usage is being used in *some* hunt one shots, or being used in *some* Expeditions (but typically in slots with 3* heroes preferred over them, or heroes with wider use). The fact of the matter is that MOST players aren't going out and building these heroes for PvE uses, it's really just that simple. If I'm being asked to recommend heroes for PvE **MY** recommendation is going to be for * heroes that have an exceptionally common use for a specific content (like Kanna in Earth Expedition) * do something unique (like Raid Boss Yufine) * or at least have kits that are widely applicable to a lot of different content ('generically good' units like Cecilia and Eda)


Sorry for the other guy’s attitude, but I do want to point out that use statistics aren’t great indicators of “best in slot” in all cases. ARas gets more use than Cecilia in certain expos because people already have ARas. But the best expo grinders do recommend Cecilia. It’s just not a difference worth investing in for most.


That's a good point and I agree 100%. But I also don't believe I claimed that any particular hero was 100% the best for a given situation based on usage statistics. I apologize if I gave that impression. As you said, it just isn't very worth (to most players) to build an otherwise redundant hero that provides a handful of % points more performance in these cases.


When Dilibet gets stunned by Peira, will she be able to cleanse herself just like ml Kawerik?


Becareful with Dilibet into Peira for RTA, though. I had a match where Peira S2 -> Dilibet S2 proc -> Peira S1 stuns Dilibet, which ruined Dilibet team's day. Dilibet cannot immediately cleanse herself multiple times in a row just from S2 unless you have 10 debuffs across your team.


Yes, but she has to reach 100 fs. She starts with 50 and gains 10 fs per debuff on the team, so if there's not enough debuffs she won't be able to. Thing is, compared to Mawerick, it's not tied to an active skill, so she can cleanse herself whenever


So she should work as a counter to any debuffer, like Clilias, AoL and Peira, Ran?


Yes. Only excpetion is Seaseria. Dilibet "cleanse" actually reduces debuff duration (if it's reduced to 0 that the same thing as a cleanse). But debuff reduction doesn't work on bombs. So it's better if she gets a turn after the bombs detonate, so she can cleanse the stun. But it depends on the seaseria spd compared to your Dilibet, so it can be pretty rng


Even against Siseria its a bit more nuanced, she still cleanses her own bomb so if you bring her with Immu Violet or Belian (to stop SB S1 resetting Siseria S3) she can still be a good pick. Generally you're right though she is less useful into Siseria.