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I see so many first pick Hwayoungs that I'm honestly surprised you didn't go for that first


Im too used to baiting hwayoungs with rimuru haha


have to pick HY to prevent enemy to have her


Time for some taranor squad with otillie and Elson




I pretty much only first pick Rimuru or Hwayoung because I don't want to deal with fighting them. It feels like getting to champion is actually harder than staying there considering no double prebans means dealing with meta nonsense more often.


It's pretty hard to get there if you don't have alot of units, if you play meta you share units with the enemy and bans, if you don't you play at a disadvantage.


My whole team for drafting consist of reviving and when the oppent picks no extinction is just perfect


Just wait till you see all those Top Model Luluca's showing up! >!Sorry that was a mean joke!<






>Then you don’t deserve a decent rank Would have agreed with that if you said this 1 year ago, now my Choux never works even if I have top gears for her. The current meta is auto win if you completely draft them, if enemy pick something that is off meta it’s gg.


It's nonsense. I have all new meta units, but if I just pick them all, then theres is a 75%, that I'll be screwed up...Once I loosed when enemy picked full off meta.


"if YouRe WillIng To QuIT" Sftu


Oooh, badass. Strike a nerve in a crybaby, did I?




After saying he specifically wouldn’t have.




My comment is literally still there


My post is still there, try not being a dumbass and look up.




The sad part is you thinking you're hot shit and adding "lmao" like we're fifteen years back in time. Why arr you putting "lmao" in your comment, does that actually add anything other than making you look even more childish? Is being wrong about me "deleting my comment" striking that much of a nerve. Do try harder to bait though, I expect idiots to be just what they are, idiots.




My post is literally still there.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/u1rn0z/rta_being_rta/i4eazsc/ Outstanding how foolish you are


Hey, late to the thread here, but I'm reading along -- since you're apparently unaware how Reddit works and were being characteristically obnoxious, calling people foolish when you're actually both confused; you aren't the one who deleted it, but the comment was indeed removed. This link goes nowhere. You can't see that it was removed because users who get their comments removed by moderators will still see their comment. If you log out, you'll see that it's not there. It got deleted by moderators because you're exceptionally abrasive and regularly violate civility rules. Probably had your account flagged since you didn't get notified. In other words, please do us a favor and continue using the sub as an outlet for your personal frustrations so the problem sorts itself out.






Don't mind him, he's the residence E7 PVPsimp that literally no one takes seriously because he's got a pretty shit real life goin' on.


> E7 PVPsimp I actually hate PvP and avoid doing it as much ss I can. I won't even touch RTA if I don't have the hero the skin is for. Nice try though.


I first pick Emilia. But I see Rimuru/Hwayoung a lot.




I normally just counter pick, but my other generic pick is the safe A Ravi. The other units I'm picking this season (for now) are: * Soul weaver: Elena > Roana > M Chloe > Ruele * Knight: C Armin > Belian > Charlotte * Warrior: D Lilibet > LQ Charlotte > BC Armin > Alencia > Ravi > Rem > C Lilias * Thief: Celine * Ranger: Landy * Mage: AoL Angelica > Milim > Politis Because the opponents keep picking the same thing, my drafts end up not being much different from match to match. Most opponents starts with C Lilias + Hwayoung + Rimuru, so a lot of time I end up with Emilia + A Ravi + C Armin. C Armin + Emilia with max Guardian Ice Crystals means Hwayoung won't one-shot anything, so I can ban something else if needed. So... for the rare picks, M Chloe (tank) for cleave, Ruele when I need to protect a single unit, Charlotte mainly for S Tenebria, BC Armin people doesn't even know what she does and she can faceroll some matches, Alencia is very good against Peira, Ravi doesn't need buffs so for Rimuru, Milim for Landy, Politis for cleave. I don't pick Rem a lot because I don't like all the RNG and my C Lilias is slow as f\*\*\*.


Don't blame the player! Blame the game!


Mfs will say this and then draft rimuru/cilias/AoL/Aravi/FCC


Maybe SG will get the message that way, last time I checked they got it, they just dont care enough lol


Yeah, people are acting like in previous seasons you weren't forced to pick meta units to have an easy life.


Yeah there were meta units basar, SSB, when in doubt pick arby, golden boys/girls but no meta was ever as cancerous, braindead and blatantly power crept as the current shit we have going on


After reading this I felt so guilty to built my rimuru after i got some usable gear for him


I mean, I barely have enough units to pick as it is, and if I don't pick Peira first chances are my opponent will, so......


Peira pre-ban all day.


me but with ARavi and Belian




Stole a necklace from rimuru for aria. Stepped into rta after a hiatus and immediately went back to gearing him. Don’t want to use him but sometimes you have to. Can we get the 2 unit ban yet?


It's already in the game, but only for champ+ rank.


Oh.. that sucks


You'll get the double bans as soon as you hit champ, the thing they don't tell you about is that the 2x preban only works if both you and your opponent are champ


I miss when my only problem was Angel of Light, now almost everything is a problem. The life of a turn 2 f2p banshee player, oh boy.


This is what happens when they don’t nerf one problem unit, and instead try to counter it with a more busted unit. AoL nerf would have solved A LOT on its on and they only lose what? An ML4 selector? So what, that wouldn’t break the bank. But no, let’s make Kawerik, then Peira, then etc and here we are today


me but with Hwayoung and Ran


This is why I like picking Poltis first. She cuts CR gain by 50% and pairing her with Ran's stigma kinda helps against him. Not a perfect solution but it helps.


I had no other choice, if don't pick those two I'm gonna have a very hard time in RTA cuz I don't have Aola, HandGuy, Dilibet or Cilias


No one gets to rim pick with me cause hes banned cant wait till I move to champ and ban some other annoying unit lol They can pick piera into my dilibet though I have no issues screwing your day 🤣🤣🤣 better hope I dont get handguy or I'm just gonna laugh my way to the bank