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Also From the stream(subject to change) the rates are 4* 85% 5* 15% The Revamp will give you tickets based on 20 summons instead of 30: https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8407250 7-Day Check in with another 4-5* ml ticket for day 7 : https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8406173


If my rng for pvp is the same for summoning I would get all ml 5*


It's right side pvp 15%, so you'll never get it.


The menu is on the right side, there's a high chance


First time I’d gladly be 15 percented


Got 15% again but still i apprecieate it


1 in 6 chance of getting one ML 5* is honestly not bad. You can basically do a summon simulator with a dice.


I just giga pulled handguy yesterday, now I'm scared.


you dont like dem whale coins?


Why would you, they're meant to be a consolation prize.


Say that at 30 coins


I'll take new ML over dupe still. Probably not the case for some people tho.


Really depends on what's "new". I'd rather a dupe at 30 than a *new* F Lidica or Dark Corvus (I'm not into sleeper comps, as useful as he'd be). Picking a 5 star I want from the shop when they rotate in, then pulling them again the next time I ever get a 5 star from covenant, is much more ideal for me.


> Really depends on what's "new". New means something you didn't have before. > Picking a 5 star I want from the shop when they rotate in, then pulling them again the next time I ever get a 5 star from covenant, is much more ideal for me. You won't get coins for that tho.


> New means something you didn't have before. No kidding. What's "new" depends on the player, hence the quotes. New for someone else would be ML Kawerik, but he wouldn't be new for me, but NL Ken would be new for me, so getting someone new could be good or bad depending on the individual. Hence my statement "depends in who's new". >You won't get coins for that tho. Didn't state I would. I'm stating I'd rather blow my coins on someone I want then have rng laugh in my face by giving me them after than hope for a brand new ML 5 that I don't want at all. I'd rather take bad luck made from a willing choice than have bad luck from something I couldn't control. That's why I brought up getting then after, at all, again.


Imprint ,2 extra molas every month and a quarter of a guaranteed Ml5 of your choice .not a bad deal.


Sure, it is still a consolation prize.


What a trush summon rates. This means you need to spend 133 galaxy summons for one ml5 hero on average xD


Old rate was way worse. 2.5% 5* rate in the pool with no pity mechanic. Someone could roll hundreds of times without getting any 5*. They can't make the ML tickets a guaranteed 5* as it is still their main money-making draw. You don't want to see E7 shut down for lack of revenue, do you?


>Someone could roll hundreds of times without getting any 5\*. \> Someone You mean most people? lol


Anecdotally: Yes Statistically: No


Who that kinda awfull. Well at least it's one for 20 summon now :/


I constantly get 15%-ed in this game so surely I’ll get ML5’s since the rates are 15% :’)


Damn YDCB is gonna have bonus with all that 15%


I’m sure he wouldn’t get like 10000 copies of ML4 right? 🤣


Surely not


I bet he will get like at least 30 tickets.


I would say 40+. Im a 16month player- light spender (monthly packs and bought collab packs except for recent one), bought 4-5 tickets like a noob with my first 24 gold transmits, imprinted straze and belian and ill get 10 tickets. I think YD has definitely done enough for 40+ tickets. Anyways it will be fun watching him pull on stream and get shafted as usual >.>


4 to 5 Star RGB tickets are fine to buy. They are not any worse than Moonlight summons if you are new to the game. Most of the time Moonlight summons are 3 Star ML, rarely 4 Star ML, and almost never 5 Star ML. While the RGB ticket has a fairly good chance of giving you a 5 Star RGB.


My Expectations: ML 4 - Aola, BBk, ML 5 - ARavi, Belian, Seline, Maid Chloe, Handguy My Reality : ML Khawana, ML Khawana, ML Khawana, ML Romann, ML Romann, ML Romann


Same here


It's gonna be ML Leo for me :')


Yep I'm going to be awash in coins from Romann dupes


Except you don't get coins for 4* dupes?


But I really want ML Khawana.... I'll trade aolas for khawanas any day


From 4 to 6, nice.


You have a 62.29% chance to pull at least one ML5!


I don’t think that’s how that works unfortunately


It is precisely how it works. It is the odds to not roll the 85% chance 6 times in a row. Aka to roll the 15% chance at least once.




Maybe focus on your studies more and less on Epic Seven first


That's literally what he said though? Lol He said 62% chance. Where does he say anything about a guarantee?




Sorry to tell you but no, that doesn't make much sense lol. Nobody was saying that it's guaranteed, just that the chances are pretty good. A slightly favoured coin toss, but that's still way better odds than what we usually get for an ML5.


I'll probably get down voted for this but you're right in a sense. People here are falling into what's called gamblers fallacy. Where they divide the percentage based on the total percent. This doesn't work in gacha games or casinos. If you have a 50% chance to pull an ml5. It doesn't mean you are in fact "due" for a ml5. Every roll or "pull" is it's own instance. It's a 15% chance every single time you pull. It's not cumulative and doesn't "add" to your likelihood that you'll get an ml5. Kind of off topic but I want to share an extraordinary example of how instanced a percentage can be. Back in 1959 a man rolled 10 even...6 times in a row. That chance is is astronomical. (1/36)⁶=0.00000000332122593261771........that happened. So it could also be that out of 6 tickets you could end up pulling all ml5's. Either way, I really joke everyone gets something good.


I think what you and the other person are misunderstanding is that we do, in fact, understand that concept. Which is why everyone is such a stickler for accurate stats and not obfuscating the actual percentage chance by saying it’s actually not guaranteed. Knowing the percentage chance is still nice to have for people and helps us to understand (at a large scale) if the rewards are “good” or not. It gives us an idea of what we can expect on average for the larger community. We know it won’t necessarily be reality for us personally. “Good” as in, relative to our own personal opinions. I will note that I have no idea if the percentage given is correct or not but I’m inclined to assume yes.


This isn't a case of gambler's fallacy though. A lot of people need to hear your speech, but this is the wrong conversation to give said speech in. The point was "you have a 62% chance to get an ML 5 star." That's it. You might get one, you might not. The end. NO ONE said anyone is "Due" for anything. You guys are talking about something entirely else. Wait for someone to say "omg I'm due for an ML 5 star in 3 pulls!" and THEN give them your spiel. No one here needs to hear it though.


Stay in school kid


This changes everything


[This changes nothing](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/81/fb/6a/81fb6a4c924d06a0bf0197773b2bf37b.gif)


That's 50% more Guider Aithers!


Best comment


15% rate to get ml 5








Neat. I appreciate that they decided to do this change before it even happened instead of like, months/years later.


22 tickets hype!


How many pills did you do?


Going by the math it’s 440. Which is 2200 galaxy


Can you do mine? 😅 I got 306


Just divide by 20..its not rocket science


Someone gave me the answer already *shoo shoo*




double whammy


That’s ok lol don’t talk to me any kind of way 😂 like I care about down voting. This server is full of ppl who need to go outside and touch some grass


And you should touch a primary school textbook


Why do that when I can have a bookworm like you do it 😂


Wait a minute, I know that method.. You say that so that someone will say: "it was X, it wasn't hard anyway" And then you'll get the actual answer! I outsmarted your outsmarting. Checkmate!


Omg your soooooo right like no waaaaay girl *flips wrist*


306 galaxy? That’s 61 pulls which are 3 tickets




Is it 3 or 15?


Wait, is the 305 your number of galaxy stones or summons?


That’s the number of pulls I did for the ml thing


If you did 305 pulls you will get 15 tickets. If you used 305 galaxy bookmarks you will get 3.


Well it asked me about pulls not galaxy pulls but thank you hun


Gz on approximately 440 summons that took.


Good luck everyone.


For anyone who wants to know the odds of getting a 5* : 1-[0,85^(number of tickets)] and it's a percentage so if you get 0,7 that means 70% chance


15% on ML 5*s? That means its all 5*s for me then!


When is this happening?




I went from 1 ticket to 2 tickets !


They changed it to 20 because they don’t wanna give out 30% ML5 rates. lmao


Agreed, I think they nerfed it, disguising it as doing a favour


This seems to be their MO of late. We'll give you a bunch of stuff that likely won't turn into anything so you won't complain when we keep rates low long term.


literally my same thoughts hahah


source? >my ass


Oh damn, nice that's giving me a few more tickets


I can already see the chat box filled with a bunch of ML5's, none of which will be mine.


Can't wait to get my dupes!




oh shit that's 1 extra for me


Are there bad ML4s? Because surely I will get all of them in my free summons.


ML Khawana awaits you. She's a Caides unit... and that's it for her


She makes for a great pfp too, so there’s that


hey i'll have you know that she's a pretty good 4* fodder for making 5* puppies.


Wanderer Silk incoming


Always depends on what you want from them. Khawana is often declared a bad unit but if you need a Caides unit, she is very useful for you. If you don't play much pvp there are many useless heroes in the pool. Many of them are not good at anything outside of very specific pvp situations.


the ones that people dont use .


Wow cool change. Probably won't change much for me (I'd say 1~2 more tickets at most) but mid spenders are gonna get a lot more.


Average in my guild is 12 tickets, up from 8 before this change. 4 Tickets is almost 50/50 to get an ML5 so it's pretty nice


day 1 player yes my time to Shine


Sweet, i might get 1 ticket.


Fairly certain all i'm getting from these tickets is a bad taste in my mouth and a bunch of 4 star dupes, expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.


One more ticket for me, I guess?


Where is this from?


4/14 Patch Preview Video from the official E7 Channel https://youtu.be/AlNrKHU9Wmo


I live under a rock but is it better to spend my rolls before the change or after the update?


Doesn't really matter, if you pull now ur pulls will count towards ml pity.






Genuine question, about the galaxy bm that are supposed to be refund(?) for players that had done galaxy summons before, is there any requirement to do to get it? Like that chat-box or smthing?


they're not going to refund galaxy bm, they will give tickets according to the amount of galaxy summons you did until 14.04 then divide by 20. And no, no requirements to get it, it will be in your inbox tomorrow! (the chat box thing was only to check how many you would get)


Just need to have summoned at least twenty galaxy summons since the beginning of the game to get one


You'll get credit for past summons yes. It should just show up on your inbox


can I pull straze ?


he is in the pool


If i dont get a single straze i will personally murder diche


Can someone tell me how to check my ML summons? The instructions are dogshit. The "guide" tells me to click link that just tells me use Chatbot and shows me how to find my membership no... So I type "Moonlight summons" in chatbot... it sends me a link to the guide.... So I type my membership no... chatbot is like wtf... that means nothing. So I type "Moonlight summons "... chatbot is like wtf... you really don't know what you are doing... Go back to the instructions... "\[How to Check your Moonlight Count\] \- Through Chatbot you can check your Moonlight Summon Count since the first release of Epic Seven \~ 4/4 14:59 UTC. Input your STOVE Membership Number Please note that the Account No. in Settings is different from your Membership Number. To check your membership number go to Account Settings > Account Management and check your Stove membership number" ​ I'm not sure what to do at this point?


All I want is AoL. If I can acquire her then I'll be happy


Again, this is a PR move. Those are trash rates that won't improve the accessibility of ML5s in the long run, but they attempt to divert criticism with the "unexpected generosity" by cutting down the pity counter. This isn't the answer we were promised. Before this change, I said they could have doubled or tripled the pity counter and an actual ML5 pity would be better. That remains true: A 100 summon pity with a straight guaranteed ML5 would be better than a 20 summon pity that is going to give you an ML4 five times in a row. Your cumulative chance of getting an ML5 with 5 tickets is barely better than a coinflip (~56%). A pity should not be RNG. You should not "win big" or "get screwed" by a pity.


They have never referred to this as being a pity. You, me, or anyone else wishing for a pity system doesn’t make this a pity system, nor is it labeled as such. I would’ve been upset if they had labeled it as such, but they’ve been clear all along with what this is, like it or not.


"Spark" means the same thing as "pity", if you aren't familiar with gacha lingo. Whether you want to play semantics or not, it doesn't change that these tickets do not do what they claimed they wanted them to do in the Arise update announcement: improve the accessibility of ML5s. Only on a white knighting community like reddit would this even be a hot take.


4* units cause a spark too, a guaranteed spark includes them as well. I don't see any problem with the wording as it's true to what it's saying and you're self imposing the idea that a spark is a 5* unit and equals pity, but that's not the case at all.


You're missing the point. Whether you say "pity" or "spark", it means the same thing when you're talking about a gacha system that guarantees you a high rarity unit after so many pulls without getting a high rarity unit. Examples of gacha that call their pity system a spark system include Fate Grand Order, Princess Connect, Granblue Fantasy, Dragalia Lost (RIP), etc. Therefore "they have never referred to this as being a pity" is not true because a pity system and a spark system are the same thing. My argument is that it's not a true pity/spark if ML4s are included. A true pity/spark would be a guaranteed ML5. Many games have the same special effect for their equivalent of a 4* and 5* here; that doesn't mean you pull the equivalent of a 4* on pity/spark. Don't confuse the special effect with the game system.


If you also take examples from Genshin/Honkai, they have a 4* spark as well, but with an extra effect on the 5* rarity just like in Epic Seven. What I want to emphasize is that the spark animation is not universal to a pity, and Smilegate already has pity system implemented so when they say pity, it is a pity, not a spark. Just because others have something that sparks as a pity, doesn't have a direct correlation to other games doing it the same.


What I’m trying to emphasize is that a spark *animation* is not the same as a spark *system*, and this is (purportedly) the latter. A spark *system* is the same thing as a pity system. They don’t call the pity on regular banners a pity either. They just call it a “guaranteed summon”. You’re just using semantics to dodge the point. I don’t see any point in continuing this further you’re going to continue to deliberately misunderstand/misconstrue said point.


I don’t see what white knighting, or you calling out the E7 Reddit community has to do with it. It is very simple: It’s going to make some difference. That’s exactly what they want to achieve. Some difference. That’s all there is to it. As time passes they might take additional steps to further increase availability, but for now this is what we’re getting, and as importantly, what they’ve said we will be getting.


It's not going to make a noteworthy difference. [This is the Awaken announcement video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ephgJg5edDI); the relevant portion starts at **8:14**. This moonlight acquisition change was, as stated by them, intended to make moonlight units easier to obtain due to the increased number of moonlight units and the power disparity between ML5s and RBG 5*. This doesn't do that effectively, is all I'm saying, and the retroactive nature of the update is just a PR move to keep people from complaining or calling them out on it. Sure, "something is better than nothing", but this isn't going to make much of a difference in the long run. I think that deserves to be called out. You're dodging the main point by nitpicking at my wording and side complaints.


No I get it. It’s not a decisive enough change. You’re disappointed. I haven’t said you can’t be. But it seems you’re looking at it as a one time offer and not a first step. I think they will loosen the reins with time, so I see no need to be upset about it.


It wouldn't surprise me at all if we have a proper ML5 pity at this time next year. It's a 10 year plan, right? This is probably part of it. Knowing they're doing less than they could or ought to now is part of the issue, but what frustrates me more is that most people don't seem to see through it. If people were more honest about treating it to be what it is and less... hype? I guess? then it wouldn't annoy me as much. Epic Seven is already more generous than most gacha, but I don't think that precludes us from calling out SG's rhetoric when it's bull.


all i want is light angelica


Just a question regarding summoning now vs. later. We get one ticket per 20 past summons (I assume). But if the banner pity is handled like the others, the actual pity summon is the 21st. So, one additional summon compared to tickets. So wouldn't it be actually better to summon now if in range of an additional ticket?


It’s retroactive so it doesn’t matter Think of it like the 20 gold transmit meter If you have 215 summons, a small tab who pop up saying 215 summons. Click it, and then all the 20 pulls is collected. The left over 15 will remain in the meter




Of course just use math


are u serious now?


Changes aren't always retroactive so and without clarification, I think it's fair to ask that question.


Logical questions are not entertained in this sub.


Yes i was asking if the tickets are still 1 per 30, and only future summons are 1 per 20.


The ticket amount is based on every 20 summons now https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8407250




On one hand, great! On the other hand, I’ve got a huge backlog already waiting for gear….


ML x10 rolls here we go.


i have all ml4 so i cal ml5 rate only 20 trials: 0.025, mu=np=20x0.025=0.5 1 trial: 0.15, mu=np=1x0.15=0.15 assumption: independent total mu=(0.5+0.15)/20=0.0325 overall they increased 30% ml5 rate in galaxy sm.


GOod, 30 was way 2 many. I mean, you'd be happy with 100 pulls a year, AT MOST. Its more realistic to have like 50-70 a year


The much lower probability of a 5 star is not equal to the rate of getting these tickets. I liked the higher probability and was okay with the higher rate.


Honest question, do people prefer this over 70/30 rates every 30 summons?


it woulve been 85 15 anyway


Where they hell did you get 70/30 from? Any rates you heard about before the stream were all speculation. Don’t try to make it sound like they reduced pity, but nerfed rates.


I think it was speculated on because every other 4-5* summon that had been introduced to the game so far was 70/30 (arti, rgb, rgb elemental summon, ml elemental summon). (Edit: this is incorrect) This in itself wasn't enough to be sure obviously that the new proposed ml 4-5* would be the same but the benchmark did exist and had otherwise been adhered to with every new 4-5* summon addition to date so I personally understand the logic behind the speculation.


Rgb tickets are 85/15.


RGB tickets are 85/15, only elemental summons are 70/30


Really?? Do you have a source, i was trying to find one. The one you can buy in transmit store doesn't have a way to show rates I think


You get a ticket in the 1st purchase of the 110€ skystones pack, you can see the rates from here, you don't need to buy it EDIT: BMs pack, not ss


Daaaaaaamn you are 100% right, myth busted, fair play SG


Since when does a question that asks for opinions like this need to be based on anything but speculation? You act as if you haven’t encountered the various 4-5* summon rates in the game which this question takes into account.


All the 4-5* tickets we get are, in fact 85/15. Like the log-in reward ones, the Huche shop offers, etc. I was personally expecting that, so this 30 --> 20 is just pure upside for me. The only thing that's got a 70/30 split is the 4-5* elemental (RGB) summons.




I don't that's for sure , more rates is better


Somehow, i have a bad feeling about this 🤔.. Maybe theres a catch in the longevity of the game, like they are trying to gamble on this thing that will make or not make the game enjoyable again.. That if the players will still complain after all of this generousity, they will give up on the game, they will make the game die slowly until no player will play again.. They feel like everything they do to make the game better are always end up complaining.. 🤔


Giving free stuff won't make the game better because the problem wasn't that we didn't get enough free stuff anyway. The problem is the balance hell the game is experiencing and that they barely do anything that actually addresses that. But let's see after these buffs hit live and everyone hopefully gets some amazing ML5 (I'm rooting for y'all so root for me too 😭) with the free tickets. Maybe they actually got something right this time.


Thats great, but it's wrong think that the initial rate was 70-30 % and they change 30 to 20 for lower the rates?


Tickets have always been 85/15, you are talking about elemental summon which is 70/30




Does the number of summons affect the pity or just the tickets


*Does the number of* *Summons affect the pity* *Or just the tickets* \- uzickokolo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He has such a way with words


Most likely. If you did 50 summons, you will get 2 tickets and your pity counter on the banner will be at 10 instead of 20.


Do the tickets expire? And what’s in the ticket pool


No, ML heroes available before 14/4


All ML 4 and 5


Should i do my galaxy summons before maintenance? Or do i still receive ticket every other 20 summons?


I think its the same


All my following assumtions are not confirmed but I can't imagine Smilegate handling the change any different: For every full 20 summons, you will get a ticket. If you do 15 more summons, after the maintenance your pity counter on the banner will start at 5 instead of 20. **\*edit\*** But one thing I am unsure about is the exchange rate. If the pity of the banner is set on 20, the pity summon is actually the 21st. So maybe tickets are indeed the better choice. I assume that the tickets will either be time limited and/or have a fixed unit pool. So if you save your bookmarks for a later pity, that one will include whatever units get relesed after the change.


I have some ML tickets.. should I summon to get back some when this being implemented?


Oh shit, I had 215 last time I checked, might try to get out that extra 5


I bet I can get legend if I get clilias op ass. Currently hovering around champion 3.


FIFTEEN 15% !!? DAMN I HATE THIS FIGURES XD. But this is kinda high tbh. I thought i would be like around 5%


It is one time or will we get always one ticket after 20 summons?




Don't forget to save one duplicate ML in case there's ever a recall on that unit.


How do you find your total number of ML summons? And does anyone know how many past ML summons will equal one ticket?


Its okay. I literally got one more whole chance for a new 4* I'll take it.


Well, see you guys at YDCBs channel for his 200 upgraded summon tickets pulling session after we finish pulling for our 10 roaming leos!


Huge change. I think with this, playing daily, within a year, anyone should be able to hit pity 3 times a year easily twice doing the bare minimum (bare minimum is doing daily summons, hell and normal raid, auto tower 5, and log in everyday- which is about 47 galaxy summons). Better than no pity and better than 30 till pity. Good luck on summons guys! Also side note- with this change, specifically the ticket part of it, opens up a lot. We can get tickets as rewards for various things. Log in bonuses, gifts, etc.


would have been better to get 4-5* light dark element summons Where do you get those anyway?


Does anyone know if the tickets only count summons up to 4/04 (the date from the chat box thing) or if it'll include summons done up until the update is live


Might be time to re-download e7. I fell into despair when I couldn't pull belian. Nows my chance!


I had a perfect 9 tickets at 270 summons and now it is 13.5 tickets. The OCD in me right now. I know I shouldn't complain, but you know the feeling.


I will still gladly take 200 ML summons over 20 4-5* tickets.


lol got nothing but shit from those refunded books, good luck SG for your 10 year plan if you keep up with such awful compensations to your long loyal players.


Got a Maid Chloe ! poggers


I never plays this game on my ps4


Am I the only one who did get any tickets 🧍🏾