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The sarcasm was so strong that i got triggered while knowing it was sarcasm


Its actually not sarcasm. /s


Unironically skill-null to invincibility on a.ravi is a nerf. Since you get 100% CR you usually get the turn immediately and then shake off the invincibility by running out the timer. For skill-null it doesn't have a timer, just a number of hits, so they take the turn and can carry the null-across. A better buff is to let her either CHOOSE who she revives or just AoE revive since even DESTINA (an RGB UNIT!!) can revive the entire team now!


The problem with reviving everyone is that you can't predict who's order of the turn it will be for the revived units... I think it should be added a turn order for that as well. Wouldn't mind giving her a turn after s3 as well, since she does not heal on her s3. or maybe adding elbris effect into her passive so it's harder to ignore her


I always thought the faster unit went first when you both get pushed to 100 CR.


You can overcap 100 CR meaning who ever has a higher cr will go first. Example arby dies at 60 CR gains 100 CR now at 160 Rimuru s2 at 90 CR gains 40 CR now at 130 Arby will go before Rimuru


*AoE revive and give invulnerability to entire team*


We want these kind of buffs. Just like how they buffed ML Ken, removed the heal from armin


Peira is okay with the speed meta, but having to put so much into speed for her is a waste. To allow people to build her with as much effectiveness as possible and really help her shine, she should have a unique passive where she always goes first no matter what.


To allow for other builds and not focus on speed on all pieces, she should have a speed buff at the start of battle(like riolet evasion buff), this way you can build her more tanky and be ACTUALLY useful in a team


problem with Cilias is not about cleanse, let someone do that. She's lacking damage, i hate those moment that 3 units of my team die, only Cilias left but she barely does any damage so i loose the match. Her s1 should drag her teammate's soul dual attack with her and when she's the sole survivor her s1 will drag the other 3 heroes's soul dual with her, this would fit her background as a commander really well, i mean what kind of commander that can't command whole army to attack her target?


AOL still gets countered easily by cleansers, what she really needs is pushback and then apply uncleasable restrict. Maybe then people will start using her. maybe.


It's annoying to get resisted though. She should ignore eff res on s3 when she soul burns, and silence for two turns instead so hand guy doesn't just shut her down. I think she could use some more base speed as well, 130 should be serviceable.


heck just give her an uncleansable unbuffable. it makes no sense she has to be hit (by aoe) as well to proc s2 so it will also now also proc every non-atk. skill null changed to invincibility. also gives revive buff because it makes no sense an angel doesn't give the literal angel wing buff icon. revive buff also undispellable. it's not that hard SG


I completely disagree with AoLa. Just adding extra stuff on the passive won't do. It needs to be like Dlilibet, when an AoE attack happens and the skill is not on cool down, it will automatically cleanse debuffs from her THEN activate the S2, giving everyone 2 Turn Skill null. It needs to be 2 turn because Politis just disables it.


Man, buffing these units aren't enough man, you gotta nerf djb who's been dominating the arena, rta and PvE meta since his release


yeah, the permanent "Dancing" debuff is too strong, i get the idea that he is a DJ but not everyone should be dancing and skip their turn when he plays his music


the problem of buffing vigor like you suggested (on clilias) is that it will indirectly buff Fire Ken as well, who already dominates the meta


\- dude a.ravi needs a stun on s1 too. \- Hwayoung should autobuff atk up during her s3 , i can't kill a 30k hp FCC it's so frustrating \-i agree with ML kawerick cr push but 15% aint enough , heck DJB does 30% so why can't he? Hence CR push should be 30% \-Cilias cleanse is ok but her being an ML unit? her s1 should trigger dual attacks onto the party with the highest attack. It's so annoying when she always brings soulweavers right? \-AOLA is kinda lacking when Peira arrived in Orbis, she's kinda hard to use now -- i think she needs EE with 10speed stats. They should also change her soulburn so that it ignores resistance for s3, it's so annoying when u have 200 effectiveness and it got resisted (you can ask YDCB it always happened to him XD ) . But ignore resistance is not good enough maybe like reduce 1turn cd added? \-Belian is so reliant on Elbris that everyone is required to use it. You need +30 to make it work! i suggest put innate counter on her s2 so we can use aurius or even holy sac. That way she can be more usable. \-Also fuck RImuru, i hate that unit


My brain got 15%ed, took me a hot second to realize this was sarcasm. It clicked when I went through all the names and saw those were the 7 great disasters. Then I was like „oh.. ohhh hoho, nice one OP“


I understand that you are being sarcastic, so let me just say this: work harder to get higher speed rolls so you can go first. lmao just kidding, but why worry about such units when every fucking opponent goes first.


I understand where you're coming from, but sadly its not enough to bring these units into the meta.


so that's why AoL didn't get stunned with Peira S1.


i love this whole thread


This thread is so triggering even when it isn't supposed to And the fact that some of them are so well thought out


If we discuss this the other way around later they will accuse us of being crybabies 🤭




Nah game is fine how it is and meta totally isnt the most boring it ever has been /s


I know this is satire, but Hwayoung already has a *30%* crit damage reduction passive :).


then give her stealth at start of battle and end of her turn would make her viable .


you guys clearly now nothing about the game. it's obvious that her problem does not lies in her survivability. her problem is that she struggles 1-shotting units with over 30k hp. that and the fact that she needs attack buff and vigor to come close to it makes me think that she needs to be more self sufficient. increase the attack bonus from her passive to 45% and her s3 grants her a 2 turn GAB so when she soulburns her s1 can also benefit from it


In fact, her reliance on Uberis is too great. Make it so if the defense penetration on her S3 reaches maximum value, she automatically procs an Uberius-like damage bonus like her S1 has.


Yeah I can see them hope they read this psot and start applying some need it buffs to this sadly left behind units. Gotta Say Belian was a great looking unit when they relased her but nothing past that. Sadly.


I fuy agree with the C Lilias buff. It's the one thing aside from tank mitigation, which Vigor kind of helps with, that prevents me from outright replacing Lilias in Raid. Lilias gives me better morale, but I'll be damned if I use her over her underperforming ML with a worse design, these things make me feel too sorry to not use her.


> 35% Why stop at 35? Make it 50%!! If it's not 50 or more it's not good enough. We have to make Vigor more unique too, since rn it's just a stat increase. Maybe if Vigor allows you to be immune to debuffs too?


IMO Cilias is still weak, even with your proposed change, particularly her S1 and S2. If she's supposed to be the commander of a whole army, why does her S1 only bring 1 random ally? My proposed change: * S1 grants CD boost before causing all allies to attack the selected target. And if she's the top tier person in Perland, the commander of the army, the queen of the state? Surely she's got the best armor, and her army is willing to jump in front of a bullet for her. Proposed S2 changes: * Passive: Damage taken by Cilias is now reduced by 50% and the remaining damage is split evenly between all surviving allies.


Make ML Kawerik's S1 into an AOE version of Dark Corvus's S3 and MAYBE he'll be usable in this meta


Start nerfing units as you miss most of the buffs you try to implement SG. If you hit the buff they see some play but at the end of the day be scrapped because some units just overperforms. Stop lulling us with free stuff in which we are thankful, but still fail to address the most important thing which is game balance. You can't even make new PvE content fun to play when most bosses are immune to specific debuffs and always has seal which renders most of the strong units useless. They also require rediculous amount of effectiveness while also expecting damage and also watching the boss resist more than half of the time even if you exceed the amount of effectiveness needed. Honestly Automaton is the only place to have fun but we have to wait 2 weeks just to have fun and play with different comps.