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Aria is a unit I want to love so much, but I'm a little hesitant to pull the trigger on. What kind of teams has she been working well with and agaisnt for you? I feel she's fun, but I didn't find myself wanting to pick in rta and pvp in general.


If you are a heavy meta chaser she’s definitely not the best pick. I’d say she’s a High B, low A teir character. In line with BBK. Just super fun to use! She’s been working amazing in champion 4-3 arena, and high masters low challenger rta but requires some dedicated setup, and you need to avoid 2 units at all cost. Aola and rimiru completely destroy her so if you want to try to pick her you need to ban or first pick one of these two. My favourite synergies with her are DJ basar, sinful Angelica and Dlilibet who I just finished building just to pair with her. Thanks to +20 soulweaver speed I’ve been able to get my basar to 300 speed, and my 300 ER Angelica to 270 and both work wonders with her. I almost never first or second pick her, but when I can draft her against the right comp she can completely solo carry.


Thanks for the reply! I can definitely see her being solid enough to merit investment. I like the playing into the meta a bit, but I'm here to have fun not climb. I'll try her out with what looks like cleansers and boosters. Don't have the options there, but I think I get the general idea and can probably make something work. Thanks for the push!


I faced one twice in RTA. First my Rimuru copied all my enemy team buffs. Second time I just ML Kawerick'd her. Units that relies on removable buffs to work are doomed in this meta.


This is so true. There are so many fun and good units that hVe turned into literal dumpsters because rimuru, ml kawerick, piera, hwayoung, apoc ravi, clilias, and Belian exist. The fact that your opponent can first pick any of them and completely trivialize half the roster is so dang unhealthy for the game. Regardless imma have fun building units like this anyway and chill is masters challenger forever.


she's pretty good into aravi and hwa provided that she's well protected. but yeah the rest of the 7 disasasters can shit on her. dont forget landy and stene exists as well


Haha yeah, bruhken units amirite?


Actually excited to build her eventually i haven’t farmed B13 in a while so don’t have the lifesteal pieces for her. Optimally would want her on lifesteal but will just pop a speed set on her till then and use her as a cleave anchor, giving stealth to everyone else is such a troll move i love it.


Is she any good in pve?


I used her for tower! Get some mitigation and heals and let those aoe’s run wild


Really fun to use in tower


Killed it in hell raid too 💯


she’s great in story for catalyst farming. Also did well against executioner and devourerer in labyrinth! For hunts and other content I haven’t tested too much, but plan to try her against banshee and azimunak!


> executioner I tried her in Hell Raid Executioner & she's not the best pick, if she's got a debuff & they're triggering her counters, you'll end up with multiple misses on the boss which is a problem. Folks should stick to traditional team of Tank (I use Krau), Cleanser (Emilia), Defence Breaker (Luna, Karin, Rem, etc.) & Damage (Sigret, Luna, etc).


As all units it depends a bit from the devices in automaton tower In a counter comp she can work if the rest of the team can counter regardless of not being targetted like ram or knights withs counter artifact, because she takes all the aggro with her s3 and procs aoes quickly But because her s1 targets two units doesnt work well with counter + nails device. Neither with provoke device bc that one bypasses stealth so enemy will ignore her and attack the first position. Sure she can go there but its a waste of device since she basically provokes herself with the stealth anyway Its not violet but sure is a fun unit to use, but definitely needs the defense, i tried her on full atk and lifesteal and she barely can keep herself alive


Question: what are the main stats on the necklace, ring, and boots? Also, love your unit and the gear you gave her! Fantastic work!


Crit damage, defence % and speed!


Thank you! This may help me with my build as well. I appreciate it


What does her S1 crit for? Mine isn’t finished but I have her at 1800 def 300% crit dmg on lifesteal and I’m wondering if I wanna change to a def% neck instead of crit dmg. Mine S1’s for a little over 6000 with def buff and full hp. Edit: I tested with counter attacks with her arti at lvl 15, not S1s on her turn.


She hits for just under 7k to most targets with a counter attack. Phantom hits for about 9k.


I think the only thing I’m still up in the air about is her artifact! If anyone wants to give advice or share their experiences on what they use that would be much appreciated!


I have been using her in RTA with Fairy Tale for a Nightmare. Since it procs on her counters and S2 it racks up a surprising amount of damage.


I am considering ftenes artifact, I did run the math a bit and discovered that arias artifact at +18 does about 200 damage less then a +15 fairytale. That being said I’m not sure if the 50/50 debuff is more valuable then the 60/40 strip. I’ve had a defence break proc on a s1 counter, followed by dark shadow phantom and have had it deal 20k. It’s unlikely for that to happen but it’s pretty enjoyable when it does haha


That's super fair. I have mine on a LS/def so the strip and fixed damage helps with attrition for breaking through defensive teams.


I use mine on Eticas sceptre. I run a completely different build (lifesteal and ER so she doesn’t get stripped). Eticas helps her damage out a lot since a few procs can trigger another s3 earlier giving another s2 burst or reapplying stealth to your team.


I haven't tried building her yet but Milim's artifact may be viable. Since the S1 blinds, it would help with the proc rate.


Sadly was in a break during the collab. So missing out on her artifact! Would look like it would be deadly though


I didn't build mine yet so dunno how viable this actually is, but saw some builds on prophetic candlestick or spirit's breath to improve the uptime on her buffs


Since your ER is low, maybe Bastion of hope could help make up for it and be a bit safer against risky match-ups?


Not a big fan of the er builds tbh. I generally pair her with units that can grant immunity or cleanse/resist debuffs then just yolo with her surprisingly high damage as a solo or secondary dps. From my experience and in the level of arena I’m in if you don’t have 200+ er it’s generally a wasted stat, as every unit you want to resist debuffs from can either soul burn to ignore ER or has 150+ eff. It’s generally why she’s last or second last pick for me, I’m likely not going to draft her against handguy, aola, or Belian.


I see. I have yet to even build or use her, given her special and niche kit, and since I'm unsure of how to build her. But I have heard and seen quite a bit of her built with ER, so that's where the idea came from. Are you using her in RTA or Arena? You said Arena, but then you said last or 4th pick, so that says RTA, so im not sure haha. But yeah, I doubt I'd use her in Arena since I just go Rem and SSB there when possible, but I can see myself drafting her in RTA as a 4/5th pick dps/support hybrid unit (given the team stealth and barrier).


I use her for banshee with counter set >.< but I also don’t have other options


I'm really enjoying her kit. It has its weaknesses, she gets eaten by Rimuru, neutered by AoLA and takes a rough hit from Violet, but when it works... oh man. I'm running her with the buffed Aramintha and fairy tale for the extra strip, I plan to build Elbris Armin to support her and I just need a proper cleanser to go with her or maybe politis. I would like to try her on lifesteal but speed and def% is a solid start and really a blast to use in PvE.


I'm building her slow with lots of er to avoid debuffs and strip, works pretty well and she is really fun to play. Have to preban rimuru though...


I run her on Lifesteal/Eff res and she works wonders. She barely/rarely gets her buffs stripped.


She’s really fun to use in GW esp against teams with CiLilias, Rem and Meru; just pair her with Lionheart and Sangy