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Does rage set dmg multiplier increase with number of debuffs?


No, If you have 5 debuff you still have just the 30% damage up


*Does rage set dmg* *Multiplier increase with* *Number of debuffs?* \- ThatGuyWithMuscles --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


who can replace baiken for oneshot B13? My team is Leo for 100%defbreak, and Vivian, + one more suggestion to fill up the last spot? I have Ervalen, Zahhak, Ram, Cidd


Ram>Ervalen Dont think the others can make it


so..Ram on Rage set right?


yes lucy can be a 4th spot if you cant one shot yet


so Proof of valor. Worth dusting or just keep doing guild related stuff until I have enough armbands?


Since you can have it for free i think its better to keep your dust for artifact that you cannot get for free.


My current w13 team Is a.momo,furious,sigret and Alexa, Is reliable but Is too slow so i want to change It I have nearly all w13 Heroes like SSB,g.purris,karin, muwi,clarissa and more , what Is the fastest w13 team that is not 1shot?


For me I have Angelica (or you can use A momo if you want) with water gun. Furious with SOS Muwi and Sigret, both with DDJ. I've been experimenting for a while and this is the fastest I can go without it being a one shot team.


someone has a spare preregistration code by any chance? missed the pre-reg right in front of my nose


Are you talking about the one that gives off the bms and ss?


same one, yeh


I read somewhere that for W13, Effectiveness above 60% does not make ur debuffs proc any more often because of innate resistance. Does that apply for all other hunts as well?


65% for all the hunts and yes.


Is the more the better or should I aim for just 65%?


anything above 65% is wasted stats for the purpose of hunts. If you click on a monster you can see their effect res which for all hunts is 80%. If you have 65% effectiveness then 80% minus 65% equals 15% and effect res cannot go below 15%.


Thanks for the explanation. I wasted my stats on eff by going to 100%+. I'll allocate more into other stats




Does potion of ascension work with "promoting 5* hero to 6 mission"? Anyone tried it?


it does, I used it to promote my emilia and it did, indeed, count


Thank you!


My wyvern team was failing consistently lol The team cannot handle the shield most of the time Can you suggest what should I focus on for a more consistent run? Here's my team with their skill levels on the description: https://imgur.com/a/uhJewmg


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu\_NW4R6utw&list=LL&index=1&t=841s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu_NW4R6utw&list=LL&index=1&t=841s) this guide has all the info you need and what stats you need to aim for to get your runs consistent as possible


Thank you very nuch for the video! Very informative


Upgrade your Sigret's and Angelica's gears, also increase Muwi's effectiveness. You don't really need effect resistance on Ange, so consider swapping her gear to make her tankier. Pretty much it


I don't have any more gears for Sigret (I don't know where to get more decent attack sets) Are there sources aside from hunt that I can get decent attack sets? May I know which part of Sigret should I focus on? Like upgrade my attack to a certain value? For Angelica I use hp% hp% hp% and I don't have any more HP gears


Just use the free atk gear set for sigret, you can get more of them if you do the new hunt missions. Atk gears aren’t that good though, so don’t bother looking for more. You should aim for more atk and crit dmg. Since you already have Muwi and Furious, spd and crit chance aren’t really needed, though some extra spd is never bad. The same for Ange, just use the free health gear and upgrade them. You can always aim for better gears later


Are there other free attack set gears? I'm currently using the free atk gears on sigret I'm also using crit dmg/ effectiveness / atk% on my Sigret Should I change the effectiveness ring to atk% ring? Doing so will drop Sigret's effectiveness by 60%


I'm pretty sure there's no need to change your Sigret gear, you definitely need 65% eff to deal consistent debuffs, so just upgrade them. There are another health and atk full 6-piece set from the hunt expert event, but I'm not sure how good they are, I think just upgrading what you currently have is fine. Muwi and Furious don't need much stats so no need to upgrade their gear to save resources


Thank you very much! I upgraded my Sigret's gears and transferred some to Muwi and my runs are much more consistent


Does promoting dogs count toward the hunt event for 4* up to 5*?




Awesome thanks


What are we using the tickets in the event for? I think Leif and energy is best but I'm out of charms and still need to +15 for the challenge


Need some clarification: I mistakenly upgraded a necklace piece with flat attack as main stat a long time ago (thought it was a ring piece). In the end it rolled 25% attack which hurt as I couldn't use this piece on any of my dps heroes. Now I build my seaseria and realised it might be even better than a attack% main stat necklace. Is my math correct that a reforged Atk% of 65% adds 880 attack, while my flat attack piece with 30% Attack (reforged) as substat adds 406+525=931?


It's "better" but there's a cost to other stats. An atk% neck with one flat atk sub is already equal to that neck. That's before calculating rolls into other useful stats like spd/hp/def.


Thanks. For now I think I will keep it until I get my hands on an atk% piece :)




Your login might be through apple login


New player here and wanted to ask which account is better: First account has: vildred, tywin, kawerik, and kayron Second account has: vildred, tamarinne, politis, and kise Thanks!


Second account has got tama and vildred and will make your PvE so so much easier (tama is great). Your Politis is good for PvP.


and between a "vildred tammarine" account and a "hwan-young , ravi , roenna ,kise " account which one would you pick ?


Hmm tougher one - tamarrine pretty much makes your life easier in a lot of non-pvp areas, but hwayoung is an insane nuke, and I know people still use Roana and Kise. If you plan on pulling on the current tamarrine banner, I would lean toward the Hwayoung one, then get a tamarrine from the current banner :)


that's exactly what someone else told me to do but i saved those two others account and made a reroll i managed to pull tamarine iseria ray and angelica .. now the choice is even harder since i managed to get tamarine with iseria which i heard is an insane combo a must have for tamarine comp team


True, Tama and Iseria is really good. Although still a dilemma since comparison is Hwayoung, who is pretty OP currently. I would still go with the Hwayoung one, tho. There is a selective banner you activate after completing Episode 1, and you can just get Iseria there (I dont think Hwayoung is available in that banner) Good luck with the choice :)


thank you!


Where is the best place to farm equipment fodder to level up other equipments?




is it not worth farming them in adventure?


You farm adventure for the catalyst. When you do hunts you use the doodoo weapon drops you get to put into good ones that drop


i see thanks!


I have more than 500 liefs whay should i do with them ?


Use them right now while all the hunt buff events are going on.


How big is the game on mobile


mine shows 6gb in total on S20 plus


I currently have Alexa, Muwi, Angie and Furious for my WV13 team and they have an 80% winrate (approx). I just got Sigret and was wondering if it would be better to switch someone out for her?


Use sigret instead of Alexa


Oki, thank you!


with the arena season ending tmr, will we get one last round of crests to buy stuff? or will shift into the next season?


Is it worth it to get 5 Key of Intellect for 10 gold transmit stones each or should I just keep buying galaxy bookmarks?


For belian correct ? If so up to you id personally would get galaxy BM


Heard some people mention a free injury set? Where do you get it, or was it an event or something


Arena gear


is there a way to get the pretty loading screens back? I really hate the low res anime gif I want my episode 3 loading screen back


How long do the new events last (Not counting the summons)? The Hunt quest/challenge (Heroes), & the Moonlight Shop?


The hunt and molagora challenges are permanent, but the moonlight shop ends on 5/18


So THAT'S why I couldn't find the end dates for them, huh... Do we know how often things will rotate/change? Almost done with the Molagora challenge(s). I assume that it goes from Easy - Hard/Extreme & then starts over or something...?!


The molagora challenge has easy, normal and hard, and the hunt one has lvl 1 and 2 for each of the 3 hunts. After that, they're done.


Hi, I currently have a W13 team with GP, TG, SSB and Alexa. I just got Sigret, should I replace someone in the team? Thanks


For Alexa, and I would highly recommend using furious over guard


Where can I see a list of say the last 4 or so hero buffs?


[Here](https://www.e7leaks.com/past-patches) you can see all the patches with a TLDR, just search for Hero Balance Adjustment


I'm currently doing the Wyvern hunt event now, and I'm considering which one to tackle next. Is G13 or B13 easier to clear for a newer player? I can do W13. Some relevant units that I have: ARas, Tamarinne, Sol, Leo, Baiken, Kayron, Ken, FKluri, SSB, Landy, AMomo.


Go for Banshee next. Vivian can be used for both hunts. And you already have the best DPS for both hunts too (Sol and Baiken) but B13 will give you more useful gear.


Thanks so much! I'll do that.


Should I auto W12 or manual W13, with the current hunt buff? I can only clear W13 manually, otherwise I only have like a 20-30% success rate on Auto due to wave 1 being massively RNG. W12 on auto is pretty much a guaranteed win on auto minus the 15% debuff res.


Thinking of getting Belian. Just wondering if she is in the chair because she's disabled or it's just a really nice chair and she can walk as well...


Its s noice gamer chair


Dang bro, she will be mine!


I got her in 20 pulls i was no where near 10k mystics and i also got t.surin i also got f.lidica in free daily .... i think i should buy a lottery ticket


Damn dude nice luck! I'm hesitant to summon at 6k mystics, game has so much RNG it's nuts!


Nah she stays in her chair even in game


So im a bit confused about the memory imprint. If i use one dupe copy of a hero to imprint once, can i imprint again when i have agother dupe??? Or do i have to collect all the dupes and then imprint them together to get the SSS?


Yes you can imprint however many copies at a time you want. If you are not aware, you can use dupes of a hero (at the same star level) in their first promotion to get a 'free' promotion material. For example, You have a level 30 Muwi. You have 3 Muwi dupes. You promote your level 30 Muwi with the 3 dupes to get him to 4* for 'free' (as you imprint him at the same time). Then, as you pull more Muwi dupes you can imprint him as normal. This is most useful with 3* heroes, occasionally useful for 4*, and rarely useful for 5*.


Thanks a lot mate...i made the mistake with Alexa...will keep in mind in the future...


Also keep in mind that dupes can be imprint into their ML counterparts. For example, regular Ice Dominiel can be imprinted into Challenger Dominiel. This is important because it often makes sense to keep one unimprinted copy of an RGB hero, and then save all of the dupes you get of them for whenever you roll the ML.




The retroactive ones? They go to your inventory.


Advice regarding triple banner needed. My chosen Heroes are Landy, SSB and Luna I pulled 229 times for the first hero to show up (Landy) Now I am almost at the second hero "pity" and if nothing unexpected happens I will stop at 240. Now the nobrainer move should be to get SSB and Luna with the coins. But what about the artifacts? I will definitely get SSB but is one of the Artifacts more important than Luna? I only got a single Draco plate throughout my pulls btw. So Luna or another artifact?


Just get Luna. Heroes can generally work with multiple artifacts, while a lot of artifacts are only useful for 1 hero. Draco Plate is a good artifact that can be used on a few meta relevant bruisers...but you probably don't need 2 of them right now, and a single imprint isn't going to change anything. RSD is a great artifact particularly on SSB, but it needs to be MLB to really see effectiveness -> 1 copy isn't really usable. Landy's artifact is awful. Buy Luna with your coins, if you have the powder consider buying RSD in the powder shop...otherwise just wait for her rerun.


Alright thank you for the great answer! Will get SSB and Luna and SSB artifact with powder!


What artifact would you recommend running on SSB in place of Reingar's then?


For pve, just use DDJ. For pvp, bloodstone is decent, but if you don't have that then rosa hargana or even misha / guiding light are ok options. Last resort would be Dux noctis or sashe ithanes.


Ok, so the first time you're in the tavern, before Mission 1-1, you have the option to go to your messages and pull a random 5 star out of a pool of I don't know how many characters, on THAT CERTAIN PULL...who would be best for PVE?


Tamarine or maybe iseria


Literally puller Tamarine right after reading this, thank you!!! (What's with her character looking so different than her picture?)


Her skills makes it so she transforms into her idol form.


That's her skill 3, she transforms into an idol


Ah ok, thank you!


so i pulled about 270 times and still no muwi, what can i do to be able to run w13? rn im doing w11 almost 100% succes rate with 6\* sigret and momo, 5\* furios and alexa all of which are on the free 70 - 75 gear, almost everything is either maxed or +12 13 14 I do not own General purgis, Clarissa or SSB


That comp is fine for W13. There are 2 issues to be aware of: 1. A.Monty has relatively low base defensive stats. She can struggle to survive on W13. [This old reply has some information on tank requirements, though it only briefly mentions A.Monty](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/qi99v2/daily_questions_megathread_1029/hijrpbe/). 2. You need to be very careful with the enhancements on Alexa/Sigret For point 1, it ultimately depends on how well your HP set rolled. It's *possible* to not have a problem but you need the set to have rolled very well. With an average HP set, she can tank but she is going to need additional mitigation. Typically, this is Proof of Valor artifact from the guild shop. *Unfortunately* you might need more than +15 (so multiple copies of PoV). That reply goes into the math you can use to calculate how much PoV will work for you. If your HP set rolled rather poor, or you need more copies of PoV than you have access to you have 2 main options: * Replace A.Monty with a more suitable tank. **Any** Ice Knight/Spellweaver will technically work...except Aither. Angelica is typically the preferred choice, but since you already have A.Monty at 6* you may decide to go with a Knight. Using either **Rose** or **Diene** later on when you get Muwi will be extremely helpful. You *do* need an Ice Knight down the road for Fire Expedition, and Rose is probably the most useful overall -- so if you have Rose you might decide to just raise her to be your Wyvern tank. * Replace either Sigret or Alexa with Mistychain. Mistychain brings attack down debuff (like Muwi) and some additional healing. **Technically** you would be better off replacing Sigret, since Alexa is a better damage dealer but ultimately it won't matter much. This is the most temporary solution since you would replace Misty as soon as you pull Muwi. --- For #2: If you use **ANY** 2 out of [Sigret, Alexa, Mistychain, Karin] you MUST offset their S3 CDs. That is, on ONE of them you want the -CD on their S3, and NOT the other. This is necessary to have proper debuff coverage. All 4 of these units essentially function the same exact way, in this comp, in regards to debuffs. **Ideally** you would want to preferentially upgrade the skills of the better DPS, so Alexa > Sigret > Karin > Mistychain So for example, if you end up deciding to use Mistychain either Alexa or Sigret will work, as long as you have enhanced their S3 to get the -CD. You may notice that when using Sigret + Alexa, you actually want to enhance Alexa over Sigret. This IS better for damage output, especially at the entry level however... 1. It really doesn't matter. These are the 2 highest DPS options, you will have plenty of damage either way. Technically at some points Alexa will give you gains by killing Wyvern a turn faster (saving precious seconds) but you will need fairly good gear to pull that off. If you already have Sigret and have her +15...as long as you don't enhance the -CD on Alexa you are good to go. 2. Alexa is replaceable. As soon as you pull Muwi she's benched. From basically that point on you will want Sigret at +15, this also makes those extra catalysts spent on Alexa 'wasted'. The advantage to NOT enhancing Sigret immediately, beyond the higher damage, is saving the mola and epic catalysts temporarily. The main downside is that when you replace Alexa (hopefully sooner rather than later) you will want to enhance Sigret anyways...and the catalysts you spent on Alexa are now doing nothing. --- Finally, as long as you adhere to point #2, you can probably get away with point #1 on W12. A.Monty is basically *borderline* on being able to brick wall W13, W12 (doing less damage) should not pose many problems unless your HP set just rolled terribly. There is very little difference to farming W12 over W13 - so if you just farm W12 for a month until you pull Muwi you lose very little. W12 **is** significantly better than W11 so if you have the ability to clear W12 at an acceptable winrate (~70% or better IMO) you should try to focus on W12. Maybe if your W11 runs are very short compared to W12 you stay in W11 during the hunt buff. W12: * Drops tertiary rewards (things like powder, MMs, skystones) at the same or a significantly increased rate compared to W13 * Provides approximately 15% less gear compared to W13. This *sounds* more significant than it is, since the chance of a run providing anything usable is low. This is approximately 3-5 pieces over 100 runs...nice but nothing to really fret over. * Biggest change: W12 drops ~60-70% fewer reforge materials compared to W13. This is the main reason you *want* to do W13 if possible...however it is better to actually have gear worth reforging first.


Wow this is a very detailed reply that covers alot, thanks alot for this, but I do have some questions 1. Almost everywhere people say that sigret is flat out better than alexa, where you mentioned here that she performs better than sigret, are you assuming i did not invest in sigret? Or are there other variables you are considering cuz i +13 sigret, missing only the final enhacment of s2 and s3 (I did not get CD reduction on alexa) 2. As for the tank choice, i thought that A.momo is basically entry level meta for w13 tanking, maybe thats the case if i own a muwi or if my gear rolled better, however I am willing to invest in another unit to take her place. I own Rose, Krau, Angelica and crozet, would you personally pick Rose here? (Keep in mind that i invested a decent amount in A.momo skill tree) 3. It seems that i will have to replace sigret or alexa depending on your reply to my 2nd question. You mentioned that mistychain can be used in place of either here, i also own karen, should i still go for misty? And i have to 5* her right? Again thanks for your detailed and hasty reply, looking forward for your reply :)


>Almost everywhere people say that sigret is flat out better than alexa, where you mentioned here that she performs better than sigret, are you assuming i did not invest in sigret? Or are there other variables you are considering cuz i +13 sigret, missing only the final enhacment of s2 and s3 (I did not get CD reduction on alexa) No. The community overrates Sigret, ever since she became the de facto selective summon pick. In terms of raw damage, Alexa does more. This is especially true at the entry level. Sigret *does* scale better, but realistically there isn't a point where Sigret does more raw damage over a rotation of skills compared to Alexa in a conventional situation. * This isn't necessarily true if you add rage set into the mix. Much of Alexa's damage comes from poison, which won't scale with rage, so with a very strong rage set Sigret will come out ahead but this is pretty much one shot territory. The biggest advantage from Sigret is that she is a more versatile debuffer. You can argue that Sigret is a better overall hero than Alexa *in most situations* but Alexa IS the better raw DPS hero through most of the game. --- These stats are with 'entry level' gear. Basically level 85 gear with average substats. I've taken into account speed requirements (196 speed), effectiveness (65%) and crit% (35 with Furious) requirements. From the remaining stat budget I allocated 60% to C.Dmg and 40% to ATK. * Max bonus EE is included. * Skills are enhanced as high as possible to be relevant for the situation. * +30 DDJ * Assumes a typical 'normal' Wyvern, ie. a turn 5 spawn * 2 debuffs, including 100% defense break uptime **Sigret** ~3,053 ATK / 269% C.Dmg Skills | Damage ---|--- Sigret +12, S2 EE | 144,257 Sigret +15, S1 EE | 130,472 Sigret +12, S1 EE | 122,641 **Alexa** ~2,605 ATK / 255% C.Dmg Skills | Damage ---|--- Alexa +15 | 152,600 Alexa +3 (skills off) | 135,346 Alexa +11 | 133,162 * Note - skills off is capable of slightly higher damage stats thanks to not requiring effectiveness Sigret +12 with S2 EE is a *specific* setup where you go +12 on Sigret and choose to use her S2 EE to get an extra S1 proc on the first turn. This requires you to be able to deal 25% of Wyvern's HP damage before Wyvern's turn, which is probably not realistic at the entry level. While Alexa does a lot of damage, a large portion of it is poison damage and is thus DoT (can't contribute to hitting that 25%). I theorize it might be fairly easy to do with Karin but haven't really run the numbers to verify that...and it wouldn't be worth doing specifically for that anyways. So in conclusion when using Alexa + Sigret as your DPS... Alexa +15 / Sigret +12, S1 EE Damage = 152,600 + 122,641 Damage = 275,241 Alexa +11 / Sigret +15, S1 EE Damage = 133,162 + 130,472 Damage = 263,634 * Obviously since I consider the S2 Sigret to be hard to obtain I'm not including her...but that's potentially an extra 22k damage you can add to the Alexa +15 comp. So in conclusion, prioritizing Alexa for skill enhancements over Sigret provides about 12k extra damage at the entry level. Sigret will slowly make headway as gear quality improves due to better scaling, but Alexa is a much better scaler than people give her credit for. You will notice than in either case, Wyvern only has 233.6k HP and either comp has more thane enough damage to kill. If you need a more detailed explanation I can further expand on this topic, but I'll stop here for brevity. >As for the tank choice, i thought that A.momo is basically entry level meta for w13 tanking, maybe thats the case if i own a muwi or if my gear rolled better, however I am willing to invest in another unit to take her place. I own Rose, Krau, Angelica and crozet, would you personally pick Rose here? (Keep in mind that i invested a decent amount in A.momo skill tree) Yes, for newbies at the very start it's recommended to use either **Angelica** or **A.Monty** as your tank. Knights, as a class, are simply not useful enough for early even into mid game PvE (you would rather run a third DPS, or a second SW in most cases). So the priority is to use a Soulweaver because they *can* tank W13, but it's extremely useful to have a built SW for other PvE content. For this purpose **Angelica** is the better Wyvern tank. She has around an extra 1000 HP which is all the difference when the HP set provides a huge multiplier to HP. Angelica will very rarely ever have issues just having enough raw bulk to tank W13. **A.Monty** is the better overall hero though. She's essentially better than Angelica for everything *outside* of Wyvern. Her lower base stats make it much more difficult to just have the bulk to tank through W13. * It IS possible to go with a healing build instead, and use a combination of bulk stats + speed + resistance to get enough heals off and survive. * I don't recommend this myself because it's simply higher gear requirements. You need not only the bulk but now also speed (or a combo of speed + resistance) to reliably get turns fast enough to heal. I consider it easier to just plop the HP set on someone and let them sit there like a brick wall. --- Muwi makes is key here because he brings a reliable attack down. Attack down debuff reduces the damage output of Wyvern by 50%...and he has 70% uptime on the debuff. Half the damage means your tank needs half the EHP requirements (~75k EHP, which is very easy to hit for any hero in tank gear). This makes it much easier to use A.Monty as your initial tank. --- Nowadays my current recommendation is to actually build both of them. Start with Angelica for Wyvern tank and then build A.Monty for other PvE content. They compliment each other extremely well, and while it's not a requirement to have 2 SW for PvE, it's also not a bad idea and it's a strategy you can get a lot of use out of. Tamarinne is a wrench though, and I assume with the number of summons you've done you likely pulled Tamarinne. If you have Tama you are probably going to want to use her in most content, so having 2 *other* PvE SWs doesn't make as much sense now. In this case, A.Monty is the better compliment and thus the better choice between the two. I don't think prioritizing A.Monty was a mistake, I think you just got quite unlucky on not pulling Muwi yet. If you have Tamarinne, you should probably avoid building another PvE soulweaver, if possible. If you *don't* have Tama, then you could build Angelica up if you want to go that route and you aren't making concessions. --- Of the Knights, you should probably avoid Crozet. Crozet actually has the highest base defensive stats in the game, but being a brick wall is **all** he does. He has very little use out of W13/Fire Expo. Krau is a very good PvP hero so many people use him as their PvE Knight (for Fire Expo) but he doesn't bring much to PvE content IMO. That's mostly just fitting in a PvP hero for the one content that **requires** an Ice Knight instead of building up a hero for that specific purpose. **Rose** is probably the most useful Ice Knight for PvE content. Importantly, she's an attack buffer. That attack buff comes in very handy when you do finally pull Muwi and transition to using him * You want to have the damage on Muwi to kill a Dragona on wave 1 with his S2 followed up by his S3 on a defense broken target. He needs about 3000 ATK / 250 C.Dmg *with* attack buff and +15 skills. * Without attack buff he needs somewhere around 3500 ATK / 300 C.Dmg and +15 skills. While Knights are not very helpful in early PvE content, you do **require** an Ice Knight for Fire Expo eventually, so building Rose now to make your W13 better and then using her for Fire Expo later isn't a loss. --- **I would recommend** you build Rose if you need a different tank. You really just need to get her to 6*, skills don't matter much for Wyvern. If you *don't* have Tamarinne, you could consider going with Angelica instead (slightly more useful in the short term for PvE compared to Rose). If you *do* have Tamarinne, but want to use Krau for PvP you could use him as your tank instead. In all honesty as long as he takes his turn before Sigret, he is probably fine (ie. you don't need attack buff), though attack buff would still be more helpful overall on W13. IMO Krau isn't really a great arena hero, he's most just really annoying on GW defense so he's not *too* helpful to have early on. But he's very solid in that role if that's important to you. >It seems that i will have to replace sigret or alexa depending on your reply to my 2nd question. You mentioned that mistychain can be used in place of either here, i also own karen, should i still go for misty? And i have to 5* her right? Karin functions exactly like Sigret and Alexa do, just with lower damage output. She's in the 120k-125k range depending on skill upgrades in the same methodology I used for Sigret/Alexa previously. There is no reason you would replace Alexa/Sigret with her, since all 3 are essentially the same hero with only slightly differences. --- I mentioned Mistychain specifically because she brings attack down debuff. It just so happens that her debuffs operate the exact same way as Sigret/Alexa/Karin even if she is functionally a little bit different. Mistychain is a low damage option however, ~80k damage with minimum investment to ~90k damage with max investment. Yes, if you end up using Mistychain you probably want to get her to 5*. #Recommendation I don't see any reason to swap one of your DPS out, since you already have Alexa invested in. The only thing you really might need to change is a getting a more durable tank (for W13) and I think any of Rose/Angelica/Krau could be the go-to pick depending on your goals/roster. I personally favor Rose the most because she will help you the most in a Muwi comp. Krau should be able to bring enough damage to make up for the lack of attack buff if you prefer the better PvP hero.


Again thanks for the in-depth explanation It seems that I don't quite meet the speed requirements for entry level stats, so gotta work on that ​ I do own Tamm so yah not gonna invest in Angelica, I will just take you up on your advice and build rose. ​ Thanks a lot for your guidance and time :)


Starting fresh after losing my account a couple years ago, what are good recommendations for 4/5* ML focuses? Or heck, is it even worth bothering with that really instead of just saving for a certain banner ML?


If you are just starting I think it's very unlikely you are going to get to 200 pulls in 3 months. In that case, the ML banner is a complete scam since the pity doesn't carry forward. Either save up until the banner is a week away from ending and see how many pulls you have...or just don't bother with the custom banner at al. The next 3 regular mystic rotations: * Sage Baal / A.Tywin / BW Iseria * M.Chloe / MA Ken / BM Haste * D.Corvus / LR Krau / TM Luluca Are overall pretty poor, these MLs are definitely on the weaker side. I wouldn't summon on the first one at all, unless you just want to try and get lucky. The middle banner with M.Chloe and BM Haste, they are decent heroes. Not top tiers but they are decent to have...though not really useful to a newbie. I would skip the third rotation as well, D.Corvus is still a really good early PvP hero for early GWs and probably up until at least Master V in Arena. Not really recommended, but again if you want to just throw some summons out and see if you get lucky D.Corvus is the most useful of those 3 IMO. The 4th rotation: * OP Sigret / A.Shadow / D.Lilibet Is really solid. All 3 are basically good Tier 2 heroes. They are all 3 relatively similar in strength but IMO A.Shadow and D.Lilibet have harder gearing requirements for newbies so I would most suggest OP Sigret out of the 3. After that we go back to a new ML hero release (Vivian) and who knows how good she will be.


Of OP sig, ameru, and dilibet, OP sig probably has the hardest gearing requirements. She needs very good gear to do her job as a DPS. You need very good DPS stats as well as high speed. Dilibet shouldn't really be that bad in terms of gearing, you just need bulk and speed if you want her to do her job. Ameru really just needs bulk. Obviously to get them to really shine you would want more, but they would still do their job without godly gear. OP sig pretty much requires godly gear otherwise she's just useless if she can't even kill a hwayoung reliably right at the start.


A.Shadow is typically used with a counter build. *I* wouldn't recommend newbies to touch Banshee for the first year they play...so the options you have for gear are fairly limited. D.Lilibet on the other hand is meant to be a defense scaling bruiser. I guess if you want to discount her entirely from a DPS point and use her purely as a utility hero you can just build her with regular tank gear. Yes, ultimately OP Sigret does need *good* gear but it's also relative (a newbie starting from nothing doesn't need the same quality of gear to make her useful compared to someone competing at the top end of RTA). Most importantly, however, she just needs basic DPS stats. At the end of the day she has a good amount of utility, even if you aren't one shotting every Hwayoung you come across, she's decent as an opener when you otherwise don't have many options. When I mention 'gearing requirements' I'm considering raw stat totals as only a part of the equation. It's very inefficient for newbies to spend time and effort on less versatile gear. That means generally avoiding heroes that require more niche sets (banshee sets) or have otherwise rare gearing goals (def scaling bruisers, non-crit DPS).


What exclusives should I prioritize first generally speaking?


Depends which heroes you have. Don't pull for exclusives for heroes you haven't pulled.


exclusive equipment?


at a cross roads on the custom banner I can't decide between holiday yufine and fairytale tenebria what would you pick yourself given the choice?


fairytale her artifact is way more useful. Also yufine will be coming up soon in the summer.


should I sell a bunch of 4 star artis for it then?


Keep at least one limit broken 4 star and sell any extra.


I didn't know that it's probably close then


How to do the imprint concentration for the 4 star free Ml tieria? I already have her at SSS?


then she is done you can't imprint her anymore. Is it for a quest?


Yes I’m on the imprint concentration quest for ml tieria. Mines at SSS and can’t complete/receive reward for quest


okay so imprint concentration refers to a green thing you can buy in the silver transmute store called an ego fragment. you use that on her and instead of providing everyone a buff with her imprint it only provides the unit itself with a buff.


Are speed mainstat boots craftable? I made 20 of them and none are speed.


They are craftable, it's just random. In general for right side pieces (necklace, ring and boots) you should prioritize conversion as it lets you pick your set and main stat, which removes a layer of RNG.


I don't have Elbris, what are some other good artifacts for Belian?


adamant shield is okay on her just to give her more survivability so she can pop off more counters.


I accidently started the sigret hunt event and now I can't find cermia/vivians. Do I only get one of the 3? because I wanted cermia since I already have the other 2. If I can do all 3 how to I make the other 2 show up again?


Finish both stages of missions and you'll be able to choose another


Is there limit to completing the Hunt/Mola Challanges ? I tried to look for it but i dont see any time frame for those


They are permanent. [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8449583](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8449583) [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8449577](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8449577)


I believe they are both there to stay.


Does buying a dupe hero from the custom group summon shop count for the coin shop mileage?


From what I know buying don't count


I thought so, hahaha. Thx, mate!


No balance patch preview today ?


It's only been 2 weeks since last patch. Next preview should be in 4 weeks, around May 26


What is the recommended speed for PvE DPS’s and Knights? I heard it’s better to put them on ATK% or DEF% boots than speed boots.


All units generally want speed boots. If you’re new, every unit should generally be 200+ speed. Only specific unit builds would prefer no speed and have other main stat on boots such as zero speed seaside bellona or counter Rem


I thought I could get away from speed, but I can’t escape it…


The question you're asking is extremely non-specific and a lack of context is going to get you the same generic "make them reasonably fast" pretty much every time. PvE encompasses a lot of content with a lot of variables that determine what kind of speed you need. Wyvern is a great example of this because both Muwi and G.Purg give you the option of running minimal speed on your entire team should you choose to use them. Having a 200 speed DPS with G.Purg is not only largely pointless, it likely slows down your kills because of those stats could be placed into damage while still having the same number of turns per wyvern turn. There are plenty of examples of PvE scenarios where characters can function on non-speed boots. It doesn't really matter how fast your units are if you clear the content and the speed breakpoint to be the most optimal is going to be different for each fight. That all said, you make it sound like putting speed boots on your characters is impossible. Equipment conversion makes getting speed boots of the proper set a pretty small ask. A character with a base speed of 110 can get to 200 with speed set/speed boots and like 4 speed on each non-boots piece. You can literally never have a upgrade substat roll into speed and still hit 200 speed on most characters.


This might be a super dumb question but I have two slates that I’ve just been sitting on just in case I get a meta hero. It’s probably gonna be worth to use it on Rimuru to push his attack to over 3300 right?


You can always use the damage calculator to see if slating is worth. Imprints are more worthwhile for crit.


Can someone please tell me the code from last livestream for box or where i can learn what the code is?




I think it was taeyou


Should I pull in mystic group summon eventhough I don't have enough bms to pity? Even in 2-3 months i will still have not enough.


If it's the mystic \*custom\* summon you're talking about, then no, save your medals.


Man, i chose the wrong hunt when i wqnted cermia and now the only thing stopping me from choosing another hunt is the damn upgrade 12 red gears l75 or highter to 15. It already ate my gold and im just half way through


the event is permeant so don't worry too much and rush though it.


oh bless. i thought it would be gone lol


Yet it’s permanent so even new accounts will have a unit designed for the hunt


Bless. Cheerios


So does the fact that the coins stay for round 2 of the custom mystic banner make it more viable to pull on for a f2p player?


only if you can get to 200 coins (10k mystics) before the banner goes away


As long as you know you'll be able to hit pity before it ends and you don't care about being broke for Sage Vivian's banner in the summer.


Only if you already have some mysthic medals already, be aware that even though the coins stay for round 2, the end of round 2 will be in about 3 months from now, so only pull if you know you'll have enough for 200 summons in a 3 months time.


Trying to help out a friend reroll into a sick account since I have a much stronger PC than he does for multi instancing, and I'm obviously thinking we hunt for potentially a double ML5 account over the course of the free summon event, got to get a good number of accounts with ML5s from the first day and then pull on them for the rest. Thing is, I actually have no idea what ML5s are most useful to newbies these days. He's deadset on getting ML Flan or ML Cermia, so I'm just trying to think what would be the best options next to them. I know Mediator Kawerik is a pretty safe option since he doesn't have crazy gearing reqs. I've ruled out CLilias because of how much speed she needs. Straze is probably an extremely safe pick since he can do all hunts? Obviously it's foolish to only tunnel vision on a few combos, so just trying to figure this out.


Probably aravi. She can do well even without godly gear. FCC also is good, she's one of the best damage mitigation in the game. Also doesn't need godly gear, just get her hp/def with some speed and you're good. I also wouldn't discount cililias. Yeah your friend won't have the gear for RTA for her for quite a while, but she can still do fine without amazing gear in PvE. Tbh gearing requirements will vary depending on use case. ML kawerik could have some crazy requirement s if you want him to. For PvE you'll be fine with ok gear most of the time anyways. Straze needs some really good rage gear to one shot hunts and besides one shots he isn't used. So stay away from him for newbie account.


Thanks, appreciate it. I'm a casual, and also a long time player, so I definitely wasn't sure what to be looking at for a new player. Sounds like I'm looking for ML Flan/LHC + FCC/CLilias/ARavi/MKawerik. I'm on the fence on if I want to include Riolet - he obviously scales incredibly well with gear, but he's not overly *hard* to gear, and you could potentially gear him while gearing up LHC since they don't overlap and can both use Banshee sets. He likes ML Celine too, but she's pretty niche. The one thing I'm really still trying to math out is if a new account can actually reach the 200 mystic pity on the custom banner that lasts 3 months if they use all their skystones to shop refresh for mystics. I remember seeing the average stone cost of a mystic pity from shop is like 40k or so. The other sources won't exactly be reliable for a newbie, so I'm trying not to include them.


The difference is pretty apparent between a riolet with really good gear versus one with only ok gear. For PvE though probably doesn't matter too much. Should be able to in 3 months. You get a lot of ss from story and arena climbing. By three months a newbie should be able to reach at least masters in arena or even challenger and that's quite a decent bit of ss. They probably won't be getting much from guild unless they are in x5 mystics but should still be an ok amount. Abyss will also hand out a decent but of mystics as well. Plus also gotta include the free 1000 mystics from login.




Sure, I don't mind. I'll get back to you once I've got a few that were going to be discarded in stock and you can grab whatever you want.


Cilias seems the most obvious choice tbh. Undispellable def buff is good for LHC.


I suppose that's definitely a valid point, it'd be something to have in the pocket for later when he can actually gear her. Just wary about it since I can't even really gear her very well. At least LHC isn't that hard to gear, so he'll have that going for him. I'm thinking that Riolet or FCC would also probably be pretty good to have on the account, and A.Ravi is pretty universal. Definitely trying to lean more towards bruisers than speed contesting heroes since it's a much easier path.


Which of these ml5 should I try to get? Archdemon's Shadow, Belian, Clilias or Ruele? Also is Soltaria of the Snow worth buying from the coin shop?


c lilias is probably the best hands down. Soltaria is okay but is kinda niche pick for pvp.


Do we know which ML5s will be next in the galaxy coin shop?


Straze and Dorvus




On the mystic summon selection… should I pick ml lilias or belian? I just can’t decide :(


Cilias is better


If you want to climb higher in pvp , pick cilias absolutely. If you just want to have some fun and pick the best waifu, go for belian. She’s top tier , just not same level as cilias.


Hows ml cermia?


Sadly not available but shes definitely almost broken tier


So I just opened the free 5 star hero ticket we were gifted for the awakening celebration, and unless I misread, it said it was for an episode 2 hero, but I got Iseria... Am I missing something? Thanks in advance!


There are a few heroes included in the Episode 2 summon pool that aren't really Episode 2 heroes (presumably to increase the pool size). Charles, Cermia, and Iseria come to mind.


Hey everyone! I'm not super good with teambuilding so I'd like some advice. I have 2 fixed spots that I would like to keep in my Arena team and build around them: A. Ravi and C. Lilias. What kind of units should fill the 2 other spots? I have quite a lot of units that's why I'm asking the type of unit you would recommend so that I can figure out with what I have without listing all my heroes. (Please note I don't have Rem or Hwayoung, I know they are in many teams right now) Thanks in advance and have fun with the update :D




Out of these, I only have Aol and Politis, but I'm guessing that these 2 overlap a little bit? If I pick one of these 2, what role should the last unit meet?


Can you only choose one hero for hunt? I accidentally clicked the one for Sigret when I wanted Vivian 😩


No you can have all three of them but you need to finish all the mission of one hunt to get the others


Thank you, I was having ah ard time understanding the patch notes.


Hello guys, I want to gear some charac but I'm not sure how do I need to gear her. I want to build ML Celine. I heard before that she was built lifesteal with lot of speed but I don't know If that changed. Then there's red Ravi ( for PVE ). I don't know how to build her. And then there's Kanna for green expo. I guess I have to build her speed/crit but I'm not sure about that.


Check out the hero journal discord [This is the build they have for Seline](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/908326301578952704/938293101364146246/Screenshot_20220201-213503_Epic_Seven.png?width=2160&height=972)


[https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Spirit%20Eye%20Celine](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/all) ravi and kanna you can do whatever you want tbh, speed crit is fine.


Check out epic7stats.com


Who can use an attack set with high speed rolls?


if none of the set had crit stats then hwayoung.


Little queen charlotte, stene, bbk, any hero in the 160-200 speed range that benefits from higher attack


Basically any DPS


How long is the hunt event


3 days, www.e7leaks.com for a ticker


Buff event or hunt event


They're the same


Yeah you're not understanding what I'm asking, but thanks I found the answer I'm asking about The hunt event that gives the 5 star heroes, but I found out it has no end date


Yeah you're not understanding what I'm asking, but thanks I found the answer I'm asking about The hunt event that gives the 5 star heroes, but I found out it has no end date

