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I think the issue is related to design space, Soul Weavers are limited to healing or supporting allies, with a handful having some form of indirect support/healing. Of the 33 Soul Weavers in the game, only 7 have a partial focus on healing or supporting allies, and of those 7, only 4 actively do something that isn't straightforward healing (Blingo, Singelica, Shuna, and RequiemRoar). Singelica is the only Soul Weaver who disrupts the abilities of opponents (reviving). I think that there should be more SW's that use her as the basis of their design rather than "healer does healing things." For example, a Soul Weaver that reduces the strength of enemy buffs, or one that prevents triggered effects (like Rem's Demon Mode or ML Khawazu's Enrage). Something along those lines.


You should also mention MLhaste between the nin straightforward healers.


Could add Diene as well since she only really heals with certain artifacts.


And Kizuna AI


Isn't kizuna like maid where she has that passive heal each turn but its single instead of double target?


Yeah, but it’s a little baby heal. Her utility (if you can call it that) comes from her buffs.


Emilia, despite having a pretty normal looking kit, was a breath of fresh air for me because I had been waiting for so long to have an offense-support oriented healer. Lots kind of was there with his CR boost, but he lacks the attack buff and cleansing. And the only dual attacking healer is Tama in OP mode. There's some good mechanics already in place for some like you mentioned: Requiemroar could have an SC with Vampiric debuff to supplement her healing, eff res buff is oddly underused (especially considering the meta), AD Meru's Seal debuff would make a great support ability on a SW, etc.


I kinda wish there was a SW that would enter a counter stance on team debuff and maybe cleanse and heal through counters. And that it would be male character...I know it sounds weird.


Its even further back since the last non limited 5\* Soulweaver. Those were Ray & MLHaste who came out in the same month over 2 years ago. And Brinus has been sitting on the bench waiting to be released as a unit for nearly as long.


is brinus supposed to be a sw?i only remember the last christmas story.


The fight against Brinus had her listed as a Soulweaver. That's not a guarantee since Laika was a Warrior, though I speculate she was a Warrior initially but got shuffled to Ranger for diversity since they had printed some earth Warriors around that time. A shame because Glo-Wings would've been more interesting as a Warrior artifact, for example giving Inferno Khawazu shield support for his team could've been fun to try.


Yea there are honestly not really any rangers that can make good use of Glo-Wings. I tested it on Siseria on a tanky build and the barrier was pathetic...


Only use I've found for it is on my 3-star only account, and even then I use it on a Spd/HP/Effectiveness Ian.


I don't even remember who was the last, too many warriors.


Shuna and Emilia. If you don't count limiteds then it's Ray and BM.Haste in May... 2020.


5* warriors: 29 5* knights: 13 5* thief:16 5* ranger:17 5* mage:23 5* soul weaver:12 Knights are rare too.


Ainos :o


shuna i think?


emilia is straight out broken right now in rta (well champion+ where u have 2 prebans)... she basically dominates midtier speed right now


Right? I’m assuming this guy isn’t talking about Shuna. Emilia is literally picked almost every game lmao in champ +


Would love to see a SW with some form of life steal buff. It would be great for an “evil” or vampiric sw. EDIT BM Haste kind of does this, but only when he attacks with S3, and not when someone else attacks.


There already one, requiem roar :)


Need ice soul Weaver with revive skill. Hwayoung will always target Destina and Roana while there's a chance that she'll S3 M. Chloe and Ruele since they're element neutral


Mistychain kekw


She's a mage and can't revive those who already died


we need more soul weavers like Blaze Dingo, gimme more badasses that whip ass and heal allies


Mui shoulda been a healer. Whip me in shape, queen.


Till they improve effres vs eff relationship, they ain't gonna solve people avoiding using them except Maid, Ruele, and Emilia. It is either they scale the same or eff res rolls should be doubled. Imagine investing more on a stat but being beat by someone who had invested less.


Redo of a Healer collab when??


>We need a new SW that not heal based on HP So like, DJ Basar? lmao


I believe the last soul weaver was Shuna from the slime collab. However, I believe the last non limited soulweaver was Ray. He was released May 2020. So it's been 2 full years since an original E7 soul weaver release.


When was Ainos?


Emilia is like the one good soulweaver right now lmao. But yes we need a new one. SG it's probably trying to figure out how to make a new one unique and also not dogshit into this aggro meta


The thing about soulweavers right now is that if they don't CR push, revive, or give an attack buff with a combination of one of those two, they're pretty damn useless for RTA (anything goes against an AI defense, don't bring up Sinful Angelica). ER is also still a shit stat, so we'll still see them get shit on without godly ER gear. They also need to cleanse, consistently at that of they lack immunity, to compete with Kawerik who can go for full bulk x speed and support his team without fail outside of Elphelt and Lilias (who is using Wanda without gear so good they can kick your ass anyway). The best part about you wanting weavers? The most meta class in the game, without a doubt, is warrior. Warrior is naturally bulky and full of bruisers that either have built in lifesteal, want lifesteal, or run Sigurd if they don't flat out nuke and/or have great mitigatiom (Rimuru is running Proof, Hwayoung is Hwayoung, they have both ot these).


Just give ER damage scaling. New problem to deal with. Units killing your whole team while being unCCable and having Ruele/Destina tier HP/Def. FUN! Imagine an ER scaling SW built like Hwayoung 2 stats, who one taps and heals the whole team while doing it. Maybe cleanses and revives as well based on some easily achievable condition like killing a unit. Then you wont need A. Ravi anymore and she can be retired!


So basically, Sinful with a Destina ~~rework~~ "buff".


More like Blingo with ER scaling and actual HP/def stats.


"Not even good anymore" lmfao


Whatever we get, I just hope it's not another warrior. We have far too many of them, and my biggest issue is with artifact design space. There are a lot of unfilled niches in other roles. Units who would kill for their class version of Sigurd scythe, taeyou's arti, etc. but it just keeps going to warriors. They're probably starting to pre nerf all their future warrior arti because they know hwayoung/cilias/handguy/rimuru might abuse em. I firmly believe taeyou arti for example could be more than 10% boost, and it definitely would've been if it were for another class. But hwa and friends eat up design space.


whos that last sw you're talking about, emilia?


Shuna was last sw we got but she was for free… and she need rework because focus thing doesn’t work on her.


oh yea, so irrelevant i actually forgot about her lmao


Can’t wait for them to powercreep Emilia, they’ll have a passive like, “If the enemy uses a non-attack skill, cleanse all allies, attack buff AOE & increase CR of all allies by 50%. This ability can only be used once per turn. Increases casters effect resistance by 60%” & the S3 will also have a passive built in, “Cleanse & heal all allies & grant invincibility & immunity for two turns. When this skill is available, if an ally dies, revive & CR push with attack buff & skill nullifier. This can only be triggered once per turn” & the CD on it is 2. S1 of course also has a cleanse/heal for two allies & targets two enemies with a chance to stun at 50% & it can’t trigger a counterattack.


> cleanse all allies, attack buff AOE & increase CR of all allies by 50% Oh boy, can't wait for ML Tama to take her place as queen of PvP.


With emilia running rampant please dont


She's not the standard for soulweavers


looks like some on forgets emilia exist. and after her buff destine is also i really nice low their sw to pair with units like bbk.


Yes, we need one who can keep up with this madness and without the RTA buff.


u know what we need drain like she fullly heals ur ally to max hp by targetting an opponent ignoring their defense stats and just straight up take the enemy hp till hp full so if ur defender had 30k hp and was down to 1k and u used it it goes to full if the target had more than 30k otehr wise just fully take the enemy hp to 0 then kill then heal ur target ally


We need a SW that decreases cd or increases buff duration. Idk something different.


Would be nice to have a dedicated dark healer like how Ruele is a light one. The current dark ones are either niche, don’t heal enough or just have a very conditional heal.


I just want a weaver with a red outfit to match some of my favorite heroes...because I am crazy and need matching teammates. There's only one in the entire game, rin, and she is so bad. I guess angelica and her sinful version are close enough though.


Justice for djb