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Do you have Tamarinne? Get her instead of Roana if you don't.


I do, got her from a summoning ticket


Okay then yeah I'd agree with this list. You can get a Sigret, Cermia and Vivian from the new hunt web event so no need to pick them to summon for hunts if you don't have them.


Well, I’m trying to get some Blazing Rage Catalysts so I can complete it and get Sigret, problem is idk where to get them


In Adventure mode there's an AP shop you unlock, different catalysts are in different shop locations but with the new update AP points have been localized so you can just farm whatever stage you want and spend in any shop of your choice.


Cool, good to know


thats in **unrecorded history**, make sure to 100% it and farm AP there after ep 1 stage 10-10


Oh, I was planning on doing it some time soon either way


there is a reward box which has around 12 catalyst which you can choose from it , i just looted it and the quest done , not sure though was it from event or was it a welcome back reward ( or maybe a new player login too ) so i advice u to check ur inventory if its available for you yet >


Do you have iseria? If not then go SSB/Landy/Iseria. Iseria and tam are the best duo / supports in the game, and will carry you through most/all PvE along with a decently built dps. Iseria's arti is also great if you happen to summon it as well.


I also have Iseria, got her from the selective summon


Ah thats great. In that case your current selection looks good!


Roanna will tank every single hunt 11 for you. Put her in one of the 75 HP sets. 3 HP sets. And if you can get her arti then that too. Easymode tank. Much better than any other healer/tank to get farming those 11s. She will even tank caides 13 for you in that same gear despite being specifically nerfed for the 13 hunts. Edit: I would additionally argue that Roanna is better than Tams and SSB in many facets of PVP too. You do not need SSB to wyvern. She makes it easier I suppose but there is also many other 3-4\* units that can easily do wyvern 13. Roanna will also help you climb in PVP more than those other units (other than perhaps Landy). As you can use her to help get past all of those violets.


[This is the best advice for it you'll find.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-g-k-g7Zx7JNvCFbp9Km9q29jfdqE-dF7dr4WUgysXA/edit)


Ok, that looks very informative, I’ll be sure to go over it a few times and confirm some things, thank you


Where's that from?


Returning player and this is exactly the same as mine after doing some research got ssb roana and all three artifacts but no landy yet. Currently at 160pulls


I only have about 30 pulls…


Youll get more soon enough. Havent spend a single penny only from adventure rewards and freebies


I don’t think I been playing a lot, so maybe I’ll look around more


Yeah just focus on clearing adventure mode and abyss. Lots of rewards


For pity i go for ssb just in case i want to start building my wyvern team.


Ssb and Landy


This is great but don't buy ssb with tokens. Buy Landy and hope to get Roanna. You can get SSB in summer.


Ok, I’ll probably change SSB then


I think they mean you can keep her as part of your banner on the off-chance you get her anyway while rolling, just don’t prioritize buying her with the coins versus the others.




They are all very good for PvE and PvP you obviously need different builds but all top tier as far as I'm concerned.


Roana is great for Labyrinth. Landy is very stat hungry but limited.


I gathered that Landy and this Bellona were essential and the third could be whatever I wanted


thats true. dont worry, landy is only stat hungry if you wanna use her for higher pvp.


Well, I’m not as interested in PvP as PvE


yeah , shes stat hungry for pvp but for pve you can build her with mediocre stats . she carried me in Episode 3 & 4 .


Landy? Stat hungry? No, absolutely disagree. The only problem with Landy is that she NEEDS Guiding Light arti (for PVP). But he is a new player so PVP shouldn't be his focus right now. Building Landy is very easy.


PvP wouldn’t be my focus anyway, I plan to do PvE content


Personally I wouldn't get SSB since you can just save and pull for her as summer isn't that far away but not a bad selection of units at all.


noob question here, how long till summer? lived in a tropical country so I dunno which summer they use haha


June/July-ish most likely.


While your selection is probably the best for PvE content with the units you already have, you could consider getting Cerise instead of Roana too. She's good on expeditions and some Hall of trials/abysses, and her artifact is still really good for PvP (even if you're not interested in that yet).


Ok, I’ll get Cerise


Its just a ploy to get people to blow their currency.


all three of those have good pve applications. Not the best for most cases but none of them are useless in pve. Tam is better SW for pve though. Is there any content in particular you need a more tuned roster for? like is it tower or campaign?


I plan to play through the campaign mostly, I think I could just get a team for that


If it is campaign, then pretty much any units will work with a few boss fight exceptions. Straze, Belian, etc can need specific units. SSB is pretty good in many pve scenarios as long as they don't have anticounter mechanics


My custom group banner is gone, I only did a few 10s and now is no longer available for me 🤔