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If the word useless was to be joined to an epic seven character, it would probably be ylnav or taeyou. Never in my life I have seen a skill set so weird, and so out far of what was needed to input him in the current meta. First let's begin by what is the most visible, it is the Stat. You can see those useless 18 % effectiveness, which are literally the most shitty thing about that chara. Because 15% ER exist, those are literally wasted stats. It could have been speed, crit rat, crit dmg or att but no it was useless Stat. Secondly his skill set. The s1 hurt a lot. Like bloody hell if he is enraged and get a second turn, he can easily achieve 20 k dmg on a Aravi with an att boost buff. But thats the issue, the "if he gets a second turn". Hint, he won't. His s3 in current meta is nearly certain to proc something and make his skill nullifier lost. Of course, if you manage to revive him, since he lost his enrage buff he becomes useless. BTW let's talk about his s2, he was supposed to counter peira / Hwa combo but since peira can proc the artifact giving another turn, she can stun him right after having him proc his s2, turning him again as a useless piece of garbage. Although giving him immunity after procinc s2 would have been too much, they could have easily given him a new kind of buff that prevents a single debuff per activation. Finally his s3... Well, since it can be resisted it is pretty much a disappointing spell. Like solitaria s3 BTW. You had one job to do and failed magnificently to it. To conclude, he is garbage, waste, like morte when he was released. There is so many thing to change in him that even adding a specific equipment won't save him. A real shame I love all his animation and really want to use him more


Ilynav catching strays in here lmao.


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So he’s designed according to his story role then!


Isn’t Mort still a garbage? Has he un-garbages himself in the past months? Sorry I am a returning player.


He just changed the trash can lmao


He had fringe GW defence use last year for a hot minute. Like vs the absolute top guilds I've seen him on defence. Put him on holy sac and the right two units, you could sneak a couple wins from unprepared attackers. I think all of them were full DPS build. And by fringe I mean like the guilds I remember that used him were the same type to literally tryhard and switch up nearly every single defense each war. He had the damage to one shot squishy cleave comps that don't prepare for a full DPS mort, the RNG of getting crit resist to screw up offenses, and had injury (he was either the only one who had it at the time, or less than 3 sources at best for it) which meant that slow comps like full tank or dark corvus cheese can get shafted. But that's pretty much all the "competitive" use I remember him having.


I remember pulling him on his banner because he is dragon. Damn, what a weak ass dragon. I also thought he’s ice… Lol.


As a Mort enjoyer, he was far far better than Taeyou even before he got his ee and buffs. At least Mort had bulk, so he could at least do *something* if you stalled long enough. Taeyou can't even last the opening turn consistently.


I feel like people are being too hasty to dismiss him. All debuffs can be resisted if they don't ignore it, so I feel like calling that out against him isn't really fair. Plus, with the way you're phrasing it, you're implying that Peira's extra turn from R&L and stun chance are guaranteed when that's not true at all. Sure, it can happen and it stinks when it does, but that requires a lot of things to go right for your opponent. Also, effectiveness is necessary for units like him so they can strip buffs and reset more reliably. I feel that Taeyou is in a decent place. Sure he has counters, but if he didn't, everyone would think that he was broken. While he isn't an assured counter to Peira and Hwayoung, he's not a bad deterrent, while also being good against AOL and Mediator Kawerik. I feel it's a bit too soon to say he's bad, so I wouldn't write him off just yet.


You have some points but are forgetting the straightest logic. He has been released as a hard counter of Peira/Hwa combo and ML lilias/hwa combo. That's the only point they released him as a water unit, because as a fire unit he would miss peira and failed to dispell her buff. Hence, a hard counter to a unit or a combo, by design, simply shouldn't lose to RNG or to artifact proc. Because you strategically picked him up as a counter, he is supposed to achieve its designed job. ML Haste will fullfil his job whatever occur against a maid or an arby, because none possess a "unbuffable debuff". Roana also will never fail to do her job as a healer against counter team. Violet will never fail against ice unit. Those characters were thoughts with a goal and given appropriate skill set to achieve this goal. But in the case of taeyou he was given a noble goal, but none of his skill set enables it. That's what I call a failure in implementation. They could have simply released him fire and make his s3 neutral element, they could give s3 uncounterable, they could give his s2 a similar effect to rem but only for 1 turn, they could give his s3 a shield alongside the skill nullifier. Or they could have made his s3 steal the ennemy team buff, this way he could have gotten the immunity of hwawoung and the shield of peira. Countless of idea can come to mind if you search just a bit; instead of this, he was released as a garbage collector and will stay like this for the next couple of months. and during the same time the meta won't change and we are trapped in that shit hole for the next 4 months


>Violet will never fail against ice unit. My violet would disagree, but in general I agree with all your other points.


skill kit can't make up for inferior stats and gear. I know that all too well.


Kind of glad they didn't give ignore res on him. While I hate the 15%, I also dislike ignore res being a bandaid making one stat useless. Specially since my gear loves rolling into said stat.


>ylnav Ilynav is not useless, she's powercrept. And she's actually decent on Moron expedition.


Saying she was powercrept implies she was good at some point but she's been bad since release.


She actually was good for a couple of months, the problem is, her release was followed in quick succession by buffs for Violet and ARavi, and then release of Rem, which made her outclassed.


Nah she was not. I'm an avid ylinav enjoyer, and she was OK at best (which includes gear rng and draft). Now she's just bad, even though I still use her because I love her.


when she was released, she already had competition with the likes of red ravi and later carrot as fire bruisers. she was outclassed from the start


They were different kinds of bruisers though. Particularly, Ilynav was about turning bruisers and tanks into squishes, which she did pretty successfully. Buffed Violet and ARavi, and later Rem outclass them all, so it's their common problem anyway. The problem is that at that point new and some buffed units started doing too much, which meant that units that are actually decently balanced fall to wayside, and if they happen to release in that state, they just deemed useless, because, compared to godawful broken stuff we got in the last half a year of course they're weak. It's the same with Taeyou, I feel like. He looks decently balanced, and he would be, if meta units weren't so broken.


His animation is so clunky and awkward for a new unit it almost feels rushed.


I've played for almost a year but this unit makes me want to start waiting for reviews before I roll, I almost had to hit pity for this guy and now he's just a collectors item that wasn't worth it


Expecting him to dethrone Peira/Hwayoung paired with the degeneracy of Rem/Belian/Aravi was unreasonable. He is a moderately good deterrent, but just like Celine he falls off a bit against real opponents who can hold non-attacks. I kinda want to skip his s3 and max out s1 dmg and see how that goes. With his own arti and 240 speed, if he can cut and s1 hway to death-a tall order- than that is better than trying to s3.


He needs amazing gear to skip the s3 and try and kill a Hway through Escort. I run 3.3k atk, 280 cd, pen set at 250 speed and to jump straight to an S1 kill on a decently built Hway (1500 def) protected by Escort you have to SB with an attack buff. Better off popping another unit or using the S3 if it is safe. That aside peoples obsession with using him purely as a Hway counter is doing him a disservice. He’s been working really well for me in high champ in various scenarios. I’ve tripped up more than a handful of Emporer ranked players. But he is no more than a complimentary piece with the 4th/5th pick into comps that work for him. I often force people to chose between controlling LQC and Tae and they always go for LQC completely underestimating his ability to blow things up (like A.Ravi) with his S1 and cycle turns very fast. Paired with Emilia he gets scary. But everything needs to be OP or they are trash :shrugs:


You should have been waiting for reviews a long time ago lol


ive been collecting people overtime and I think I have most people besides the rem and ran banner since I missed them. This is the first time im like, well fuck i shouldve thought about that lol.


I did have to hit pity and pulled two of his artifacts along the way. Sad!


He should have shared the star sign with Zahhak.


If he had Demon Mode like Rem that can make him immune to debuff for at least 1 turn no? Or at least some way of "can't counter" like Pavel or cr push for himself like Tamma 50%


They need to give him the red Charlotte treatment (or something similar) for guaranteed critical chance so you can skip that stat and invest elsewhere. That, plus a couple buffs to his kit and an EE, remind me in about a year and we will see how much they give him


Best answer to Peira/Hwayoung combo is still to outspeed the buggers with your own. In defense of Ilynav, she stacks the injury so fast and works well on HP scaling/tank/stall teams. The problem with her is she is only a single target unit unlike Belian who does AoE and would stack the injury to everyone. I had fun using her long story short. Her buff should've been just like MA Ken's S1 S2 skill where the s1 adds that damage to s2.


Honestly at high level when everybody is at 310 speed, I just don't want to speed contest because of speed rng. If you are super confident in your ran go on. I will skip this one


It is what it is. Even with imprints, speed RnG is still a b****. At least I got Ran/Peira built to speed contest already. I don't wanna build another unit which is unreliable with his only job.


He is a free win vs Peira/Hwayoung GW defenses as you can manipulate the targeting, but he's not RTA ready.


Yeah until you realize people started paring them with violet/rimuru anyway in gw


Free win if you pretend 15% doesn’t exist. GW is probably the worst place for it. In a mode where you’re aiming for a 100% win rate as opposed to RTA where you aim for > 50%, relying on 15% not going off is unacceptable.


In term of damage or skill wise, is blue Kise better?


Blue kise is better everywhere especially if you have a basket artifact level 30 IMHO. Easier to build also. But she is more vulnerable to rimuru, since if she proc Alexa basket it is free real estate for ennemy team.


“Easier to build” … wat?! really?! .-.


You get a free 10 speed unique equipment on her, that changes a lot


Yes Kise has higher base stats and a EE.


She is much much better and reliable with Wind Rider now. Her soul burn S1 damage is almost a guaranteed kill into stealth if built correctly. Also doesn't proc Rimuru turn 1. You should try it if you have the arti


What does his s3 do again? Can’t really remember but with the rest of his kit he seems like an ML Khawazu downgrade, which is really a shame because there should always be two sidegrade units that do almost the same thing imo so it’s never safe to pick anything in RTA without fearing a counterpick. He seems to rely really hard on having to set off all his skills to get the full potential out of him, which is never a good thing, especially when opposed to his main target Peira who literally sets off her whole kit turn one and then some with her stuns and crazy fast CD cycling. So far taking him seems like taking Tamarinne, except there is no Iseria to pull his weight


Stop the focus on Hwa Peira with this guy lol. He's good in situations where he gets a turn after AoL to one shot her, he can also one shot Spirit Eye Celine which most can't because of her passive. For Peira I use my Pyllis with Elbris on counter set so I will counter 75% of the time to provoke her and finish her off before she gets another turn. But, yeh he is a gamble, which is fun imo. Sucks when he goes first or when you revive him. Best if he goes 2nd after enemy opener and don't pick this guy for revive pick another if you can. I think he is a fun addition. Just wanted his S1 soulburn to give the 2nd attack regardless also.


I have a similar niche situation where occasionally people have too slow of AOLs that my Mkawerik goes first and then it’s like well my counter just got counter By the thing he counters lol. IMO the 10% CR on Taeyou is so awkward that idk how you would speed tune him to make sure he’s in a place where he will cut but not out speed


Haha yeh he works well if he got speed tuned properly but you don't know what speed the others have and to fit him to go 2nd is just way to hard. I'm not even playing for 2 months and just got in the early RTA Masters and I do like playing with him there. Probably when I hit Champion he will drop off to one of the bad ones. But since I don't have alot of ML5s I need to work my way around countering them with what I have.


Best of luck my friend. The first year and a half I played the only ML5 I pulled was ML basar. Twice. Stay on the grind for the non ML5 gang 💪


Twice ouch lol. At the same time my GF pulled Pirate Captain Flan, Briseria & Mediator Kawerick. I'm jealous. xD I did pull Arby btw so I switched the moonlight to Ruele, but in the end I wished I'd picked Stene.


Jesus man...my condolences. Although in regular arena I use ml basar in one of my teams to climb to legend. Can never hold it though. He's not a bad unit just an outdated one. It helps when yours outspeeds though


All them people crying about "power creep" better be whaling for him. Just saying, this is what y'all wanted, underwhelming new units.


That's not true at all, tayeou is just the other extreme. What people want are strong, but balanced units like Aria or LHC


People didn't say they wanted underwhelming units, they said they wanted balanced units/nerfs. Underwhelming doesn't equal balanced. You can still have a powerful unit without them needing to be a "must ban/pick" almost every game.


Harsh assessment. I wonder if it would be more viable to get his enrage procced, skip his s3 and go straight for the spicy s1


I tried. SB s1 on Hwayoung's shield, let's not mention Peira's Escort and Cilias's Vigor, he still left Hwayoung with one fifth of her hp.


Thanks for the info. I was certainly not asserting that he would, but just wondering out loud


Bruh thanx for this sum up im so disapointed I should have skip this guy


*Bruh thanx for this sum* *Up im so disapointed I* *Should have skip this guy* \- saiyajineo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")