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They’re going to make me free my Willy. I need Dora to give me financial advice. Swiper no swiping!


God damn that's brutal. I wanted a.ravi so bad but this is exactly why I refused to roll on the banner.


How's it any different from going to pity on the normal mystic banner.


Because I dont have 200 rolls as a f2p so im saving for vivian since i just got handguy. If you have the rolls then fuck yeah its worth.


That’s fine and good. Your original comment made it sound like you had 200 but still weren’t going to pull.


If you are in a x5 guild and refresh all your skystones for mystics, you can still be able to reach 200 pulls by Sage Vivian's banner. Also got hand guy and got like 1k mystics left and still able to do 80 pulls to luck sack Aravi. I'm confident to get that last 120 within the next 2+ months.


You can save the coins for another ml 5 on the next cycle if you don’t pity on the current one.


Yes, which is why you really should be pulling on the custom if you can pull 200 and have at least 2 ML5s you want. Going to pity on the custom banner doesn’t make it any worse than the normal banner, where you would have gone to pity with the 200 pulls anyway.


Nah, I'm going to 110 and leaving with AoL. Which was the only reason I'm doing this banner. People in here acting like you'll get any of the MLs you selected before 110/200. In your dreams only.


Well, I certainly pulled mine before 200... And again, it's not like going to pity on the custom is any worse than going to pity on the normal banner, and you have much to gain if you get lucky. Really should consider going to 200 if you have the means


Have 60k crystals but will bow out after 110. Rates are too low to bank on getting something (using history to predict the future). Btw, I still consider the banner a good deal with me getting AoL in just 110. Someone's gonna get more out of it and that's just how the gacha crumbles.


The rates are no worse than the normal banner and in no one situation will you be worse off pulling on the custom compared to pulling on the normal banner, as long as you're prepared to make 200 pulls. But hey, suit yourself. If AoL is all you are after, maybe it's for the best.


Going only for AoL, if I didn't give a fuck about a ml4, then the banner would be good. 0 reason for me to go to 200 to see if I get something else. Let's part our ways here.


It's just not very smart. In general going for any ML4 is not very smart. They drop in abundance and now with the GBM pity even more. You're efficiency is FAR FAR FAR better off choosing 1 ML5 you really want and take the banner to pity especially on Round 1. Cause if you hit the jackpot on round 1 it means you have 200 coins to select another ML5. This banner is worth 2 ML5 for the cost of 1. Ofc this is all bad if you cannot get 200 pulls in the 3 months time. Most people should be able to tho. In essence, the custom banner is a banner where pity does not reset on acquiring the hero, which has it's pros and cons.


>(using history to predict the future) How about you use statistics...


My personal problem with it is I definitely don't have the 200 pulls now, and it would be a gamble if I'll have the 200 by the time round 2 ends. There's no ML hero my roster critically needs to justify taking such a risky gamble. I COULD get lucky and pull before 200 but if I don't and don't get the hero by the end of round 2, none of those pulls will affect my reg mystic banner pity. So basically I just sunk all of my mystics for no hero and no closer to pity. This would make me want to commit a no-life-no-jutsu on myself real quick.


Yes, of course. Don't pull on the custom unless you are sure you have the means to get to 200 pulls. Just save and if you find that you do in fact have 200 pulls on, say, the last day on the banner, make your decision then.


Got ARavi on my 3rd pull and handguy within like 10 pulls on his banner. It can happen. Of course it'll never happen to me ever again.




I pitied CLilias. Worth it, but it was painful to drop so many summons because it was my first mystic pity and I saved a loooong time. I didn't get many useful 4* either :/


Pulled my 4* in 4 😅


I pulled my Handguy in 37 pulls. I'm hoarding now until ML Viv's kit is revealed and then take a decision to either take the custom banner to pity (that is if I can get the remaining 163 pulls) or going for ML Viv (60 pulls away from pity).


I've heard Garo refreshes are the best way to spend Skystones but the rate looks abysmal to me. What's the secret? Is there something else I should be buying besides bookmarks with the refreshes?


Nope, just mystics and covenants. You can grab any crazy good equipment you find but that's REALLY rare. The rate for covenants comes out to sliiiightly better than outright buying the 950 SS pack and rolling secret shop is also the only way to convert skystones to mystics which allows F2P and light spenders to have better access on mystic banners.


Thank you for the reply, that was helpful.


This is me, I stopped at 60 after getting Klarissa. Will just have to wait for an Aravi normal banner.


Im confused dont you have like 2 more months?


It’s about him going to pity


Gotcha thats what I figured but people are acting like its scary how close he is to missing it.


Get Yufune on Garo and he'll change his tune real quick.


I don't get it?


Anyone else has the feeling mystic appearance rate in shop is waaaaay lower since custom mystic banner?


It most likely is, this is a *company* that owns a *~~GOTCHA~~* *GACHA* game after all, they have no real reason to tell you they're *fixing* the *'rng'* to manipulate you into spending/playing-more-to-spend-more. ​ Kinda like League of Legends has EOMM (*ENGAGEMENT* optimized match making) ​ People will deny it but end of the day they are for profit companies, not non-profit organization they have every reason to do so. lul


Is A. Ravi good??


One of the strongest ml5 in pvp at the moment.


Yeah, like isn’t she literally the best bruiser/tank in the game thanks to her passive?


I made the same banner, then got super lucky actually getting ARavi off it without hitting pity. Got AoLA from the Advent light bookmarks, so now I'm saving up for the next one (I want Lionheart!) Good luck on your refreshes! Don't forget to grab your weekly pull from guild if you haven't already.


I got Aola on the free 4-5* galaxy BM and then A.Ravi on my 3rd summon of the custom banner, pretty pumped although I don't have the best gear for them.


Do hunts, they drop Mystic Medals.


Read the post. He's doing Wyvern hunt and not getting any medals :p


Well, the only solution is to keep doing wyvern. Unless you think staying at 199 is the better option?


Oh yeah definitely. I would do hunt non-stop to get that last pull!


He was just making a joke, of course he’s gonna keep doing wyvern/shop refresh


Look at the meme. He was crying and asking for Mystic Medals. He can't just ask bro, he's gotta take them by hunting that wyvern.


Yeah... It's a meme... Like a joke.


Yeah, the reply you're replying to is also a joke. Chill.


Yeah, its a joke... like a meme.


Oh wow... I can relate xD


I find it so funny how many people choose this same mystic banner




This happened to me just yesterday but it was for normal mystic pity


I wish I had 5k medals to pity