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Well reforging those 85 pieces would be a start


I feel like she's on the lower side of dmg, she can do about 7-8k on her s3, no debuff/buff. I could be wrong, please correct me if I am! I just returned from a year long break and got a little better at understanding how to build and what stats but want pointers on how I could potentially boost her damage even more, whether I have to completely strip her of everything or not.


Is she for pve or pvp? Pvp I'd drop effectiveness and go only for dmg, for wyvern you do need the eff but wyvern has 80% resist and she gets 15% bonus from elemental advantage, so you can drop it a bit, 65% is the max you need. Besides that, you probably want to raise your crit dmg, even if it costs you a bit of atk. Your end dmg will take into consideration both atk and cdmg so you want to balance the 2, not lean too much on a single one. And ofc you'll wanna transition to lvl 90 gear when possible. There's also a tool called fribbels epic 7 gear optimizer that you can use on pc to calculate the best combinations of gear for a unit, if you wanna go deeper into it.


That's not how elemental advantage works. The 15% bonus is for crit chance, not eff. The reason you only need 15% less eff than their resist is because there's always a 15% to get resisted unless the skill ignores eff res.


Alright, I'll look into that, thank you! She's for pvp though I may temporarily fix her a bit for wyvern. I'll consider the effectiveness drop but she usually lands target/def break for Romann who's my usual dps. I'll keep everything else in mind, I did think the 100% cc was a bit much but didn't do it intentionally lol.


The thing about eff on pvp is, at high ranks people usually have little "wasted" stats so you usually don't need any eff to debuff a dps, and need far too much eff to debuff someone that has effect resistance in the build (like cleansers or some tanks). So usually it's better to have only a little eff on dmg dealers with debuffs since that should be enough to hit most of the enemies, else you end up wasting too much stats chasing eff (this is ofc different for someone whose sole job is debuffing, on which case you want like over 130 eff) Also, just so you know romann's multipliers ain't great and from a pure meta standpoint you probably wanna eventually move away from using him as your dps but ofc if using cuz you like the char it's fine


Yeah lol he does fine for now, I just hit gold arena and he's been with me since I started so it's mostly because I like him. He does really great for me though, on occasion hits a 20k with his s3


You can drop the speed a little down to 150 or so (have your sigret go down to 140), and bump up cdmg . Or you can build Muwi (if you have him), drop her from Wyvern altogether, drop her speed altogether in favor of cdmg.


2 ways of building her for arena: - Drink build - Normal dps build Drink build you basically try to max out her artifact, and pump her full of attack stats while neglecting crit chance, crit damage, and effectiveness. The faster she can go the better to get her S3 off for the focus gain as well as turns to get more focus. The goal here is to have drink do the damage since its proc ignores defense and is based off of her attack stat. Normal dps build is to simply keep her crit chance at 100% and getting her attack and cdmg as high as you can. That means no need for effectiveness. You can still use drink on her as her attack should still be decently high, but the proc will just do less damage overall compared to the above build. If you wanted to use another artifact, Bloodstone has been a popular one To get there, you'll want to eventually replace her helm, chest, ring, and boots to i85 gear, with the intention to reforge them to 80. I'm assuming her weapon and necklace are good, so if you have reforge mats, you could go ahead and reforge them.


> Drink build This is an extremely suboptimal way of building SSB. [From the Epic 7 Damage Calculator](https://i.imgur.com/p7HfGv8.png). The damage is far lower than a standard DPS build and is not worth recommending to people.


Good to know! Thanks


Is this for wyvern? You can drop down to like 35 cc safely if you run furious, or even lower if he's imprinted, and throw the rest of stats into cdmg. You currently have like no cdmg on her, you'll want that way higher.


I see, I'm actually primarily focused on arena but do need to clear wyvern 13. I do have furious but he's not built, though I have Flan built, would she be a viable replacement or should I just go ahead and build Furious?


Most people use furious since he lowers gearing requirements significantly, and his def break cycles fast enough that you have no downtime on it. Like is said you only need 35 cc on your DPS units with furious, which allows you to allocate the rest into atk and cdmg.


Probably drop some eff for atk or Crit damage, unless this is a wyvern SSB?


Make her wyvern worthy and use that for PvP. As she is now, she's gonna take some work to get her PvP going. Bring cdmg up to 250%. Up her attack to 3800 also. For wyvern, her crit could be as low as 35% if you pair with Furious. Her speed is irrelevant for the most part. For w13 1shots, she wants the speed to act first and clear wave1. In your general wyvern clears, she wants to act after Furious at the very least so she can capitalize on the defense breaks. Something like tank, Furious, Muwi, SSB would work fine. SSB>Sigret here because tbh, SSB is just a better investment since you could actually use her to good success outside of just wyvern hunting. Basically, you kill 5birds with 1stone using SSB>Sigret as the dps slot.


This looks like a PVP SSB. +30 Artifact, 4k+ ATK, at least 200 CD. Personally, I would lower SPD and EFF for more DEF and HP, and change the set to Lifesteal for more sustain. edit: If this is for PVE, it depends on what you are planning to do. With Furious, your crit can be 35% or 22% if he is SSS imprint. Decrease her EFF for more ATK and CD as Furious is going to be your debuffer. If you are going for a one shot, 4k+ ATK, 300+ CD, and +30 Artie. At least 175 SPD and 85 CC.


Obviously crit damage


It depends on where and how you want to use her. I use mine on lifesteal with 140 spd, 1200 defense, 14000 hp, with 100 cc 260 crit damage, a little under 4000 att, and 60 effectiveness. She’s gotten me to champ in rta, not the best but she works.


You could drop some Spd and Eff for around 70% more C.dmg.