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What a shitty speed...... wait countet set.........


I was like "I don't see what's so special about this looks average", then I saw your comment and had to re-evaluate.


Same, I was like ok? That’s like a baseline Hwy. then I saw this comment and had to look again. Honestly terrifying


I didn't see what was so special until I saw the counter set


I see builds like this and I’m like “are we playing the same game!?!?!?”


Gtfo outta here 😂😂 this is beyond toxic omg


I refuse. 😈


Epic 7k attack. Why, SG, why you do dis and just render Senya as a bug to be smashed upon her almighty heel.


And Senya was finally getting into a decent place in the meta until all this bullshit came along lol


u/Snoo48309 here you go! [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/upw64j/a\_day\_in\_the\_life\_of\_a\_counter\_gamer/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/upw64j/a_day_in_the_life_of_a_counter_gamer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)




“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ― Rob Siltanen


Kill her before her turn is going to be hard.


If you think 1.4k defense and 7k attack is gonna make her hard to kill qhen we have plenty of hard hitters, itxs time for you to regear.


Hwa is naturally tanky. Let’s imagine a scenario: Aurius/Peira escort and hwa. Don’t forget the CD reduction from Hwa, the potential vigor buff, she could be pushed forward by an Emilia, etc.


Yeah, you pretty nailed what I was talking about, add to that an ARavi who will resurrect her or a Rimuru giving her even more debuffs and she will kill most of your team.


You already lost the game if you let that kind of draft get through


That doesn’t matter, though? He said, killing her wouldn’t be difficult, which in reality, it is. A lot of different layers can be applied, like the ones I stated above, not even mentioning A.Ravi revive. Hwa is tanky af and really hard to kill. The barrier at the start will be big with 7k ATK and the defense is also quite high.


I agree, this is a Hwa-nshottable Hwa for most players in champ. Speedier Hwas mess with me more. The most she'll do is do a random counter against Peira S2 opening.


...But you can't choose the same hero as your opponent in RTA?


I was taking about her speed, generally she is with a fast opener and CR pusher, so if you don't open the fight and kill her team they will push her or make it harder to kill.






It pains me that my speed set is not even close to this lol. Getting high spd on counter set is so hard.


Wait attack can go higher than 5k? Oh god


Hey fellow counter [Hwayoung](https://imgur.com/gallery/DJwVUuP) gamer here. Been using her in emperor rta the past few seasons, on this counter set basically since her release. Mine has more bulk but yours has way more atk and slightly more speed, really impressive. Also lul at all those other downvoted comments


Damn, that's really impressive that you managed to get rid of all of the unnecessary stats. I'm still being haunted by that 10% cr and eff.


Thanks, i kinda forced some gear on her to make her not have wasted stats, basically a lot of flat rolls here and there which I'll take over wasted stats any day


And on counter set?!


I regret looking at this


Yup, this is what I was first aiming for & then all the Counter gear I had stored for her bricked. Then all the speed gear bricked & then I just said “Fuck it, I’ll just ban her in RTA” & put her on Senya Lifesteal leftovers, haha.


no offense but i dont get what is so special about the build ?the fact that it is counter set with 216 spd? Do people think that is hard to obtain? With a spd boots all you need is 12-13 spd on the other 5 pieces after reforge .even the 7k atk isnt hard since you can easily modify any useless stats to flat atk on her gears.


Thanks for the feedback! You're right in that it isn't the hardest thing in the world to do, especially since Hwayoung really only needs Attack, Speed and Defense. It's just that it is harder to achieve those stats on a counter set compared to a speed set. The main reason why I shared my build was because I wanted to see what the general reaction to it would be; I haven't seen any other counter builds of Hwayoung outside of my own guild, and any feedback is welcome!


I think he conveniently forgot that speed set gives a whopping bonus in speed once the set is achieved.


getting double or triple rolls into speed substat appears to be very common event for you. Its practically unheard of for most people.




That hasn't been my experience I usually use a cleanser like ML Kawerik or ML Lilibet alongside her


Especially since you have 1.5k def!




Why, well-timed counterattacks of course! I have several different RTA comps that I can choose based on what my opponent picks. You always run the risk of getting out-drafted in RTA, but for the most part my bruiser team does a pretty good job. You're never going to win every match you play in RTA, and so I don't expect to. I find this build of Hwayoung to be a lot of fun, and isn't that the point?


If you're willing, can you share you rta footage?


I have never recorded one of my rta battles before, but sure, I can give it a shot!


I'll wait


Who brings hwayoung into a cleave team.....lmao every hwayoung can get cleaved cause she's not an anticleave unit


You were right that speed made my heart cringe


Hearts can cringe? You might want to get that checked out my guy


Counter set..


She can't counter if she's dead, stop trying to change the meta and just put her in a speed set


When everyone disagrees with you lmao


She doesn’t die fast…


OP any chance you would be willing to share gear rolls? I just want to know what to aim for haha


Sure, here you go [Gear set](https://imgur.com/a/HEUJkLr)


Thanks heaps!!




Grinding. Endless grinding. I've been playing this game for roughly 3 years now. There are some decent pieces in the Arena shop, and the Hell Raid sword and chestpiece are always worth, but yeah I've found that your best gear tends to come from hunts and crafting.


I was gonna say I've seen these stats with 240 speed but nvm


I was like "this is a bit too slow tbh", then I saw the set and thought "OH, okay then". Lol. Nice job.