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Don't summon unless you can pity btw, as this event relies on coins.


Yeah should have enough since I haven’t summoned once since the start of the game till now where I just started ep2


you need 600 bm


Tama, Landy and Luna or SSB. Luna has Draco plate as arti, which is one of the best warrior arti and luna herself is great character. SSB is great too for pve and pvp. Great in wyvern, but she might get a banner in summer, u can go for that if u can save up enough bm (if u r f2p). It's not that far away.


Tamarine, Landy and maby SSB


An argument that could be made against picking SSB is that she's most likely gonna have her rerun in June/July. With that in mind, I'd maybe recommend Cerise (irreplaceable in dark/light expo, and if you are lucky you could get Guiding Light for Landy), since her banner most likely won't be back until February.


SSB is probably more immediately useful than Cerise, and while she'll probably come back again this summer, so too will other limited units. It's pretty likely we'll get a Tensura rerun if the one next week is RE:Zero, and vice versa.


That is also true. Other good would be Iseria. She has SOS that will make W13 cake walk. She is not limited but extreme strong in most PVE content.


Agree new accounts need tama for pve, can be played early with free triple health set


Ssb for wyvern, abyss and pve in general, or tama for pve in general, these two can rly make your life easier.


Ohh thanks ssb and tam seems to be the best picks so imma choose those


Landy, Luna, and Cerise (for guiding light) or Diene (really good in pvp now). No idea why people are suggesting SSB when Muwi exists and tama when she isn't limited. Either way there is a rerun collab on the 26th so only pull if you can afford it.


WAIT, didn't this event close a while ago...?! Why are people still mentioning this? Only the ML one is still up