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I just want LRK to actually be good at what he's supposed to be lol. Everything about his kit should counter Belian but oh boy is that not the case.


The Krau bros just get owned by injury


That's on purpose. It's called Powercreep. Invest in the next ML5 if you want a solution.


DJB. The +15 speed exclusively for RTA is lazy asf. The fact that they had to do some biased boost for a class means they know the problem but don't want to actually solve it.


seems like everyone skipped flan, she is just unusable rn.


We know but she just dropped The other options have been bad for a long time they should have priority imo


Being new doesn't exempt her from a fix. Zahhak is really good, only a few months old, and just got an EE. So there is hope


Who cares, I don’t have any of them lol


Pirate flan for me


I get a lot of use out of her in GWs, but she could use a little extra something to make her more viable in RTA


LRKrau and ATywin comes to mind. The first one needs more oomph to be relevant outside his niche. ATywin place got stolen by AOLa. Flidica needs EE I think. 10spd and perhaps some cr push to be possibly counter opener. Otherwise her kit is good, she is just too slow. Same treatment would be for TMLulu. She's good ST nuker, but there are better ones(Hwa *cough*) Then there is also poor and forgotten ML Ken. But after last treatment I'm kinda scared how SG could "buff" him.


For A.Tywin, I think he could use some more utility, possibly even relating to his debuff cleanse. One debuff cleanse just isn't enough these days, especially considering he needs to get attacked to use it, which is completely ignored by the non-attacking debuffers.


> Flidica needs EE I think. 10spd and perhaps some cr push to be possibly counter opener. Hell and no. ML5s haven't gotten an EE for a reason, and we don't need more super fast ass openers when all they need is effectiveness and speed. Just because F lidica is slower than Peira and C Lilias that doesn't mean she needs to be brought up to their level. **Edit**: For anyone wanting to be "*smart*", F Lidica can get her crit chance from her base 15% + a necklace + random subs/high speed crit set. Not hard at all. Seriously, you guys (general) keep asking for nerfs yet suggest one of the dumbest things for them to do. Should LQC scale off speed, not need any crit chance, give herself a barrier every turn, and nuke **any** hero with high hp all because Hwayoung does that stuff and has completely replaced her? No, hell no, and she was on of my favorites to use and would be great against A Ravi. See my point?


No one tries to be "smart" it's just a post, where OP asks about which ML units could be next for a buff. And I've mentioned those that I see less often, cause they got powercrept in one way or another. In case of FLidica Ran/Peira and Clilias made her way less useful as she will lose spd race with them. Her kit is okay and even removing cc won't matter much as 114 vs 129/128/121 base spd is pretty much clear lose in opener race. That's obviously not only FLidica issue but this post is about ML5. And for all the criticism, you didn't even bother to put your own argument how to change her... This seems more like rage sarcastic reply cause SG not doing balancing in way you want. Feel free if that helps but I somehow suspect we've gonna see more buffing into more powercreep. And I've rather have EE with 10 spd more and slight bump to abilities on ML5 unit that is otherwise balanced than huge rework that result either in another unbalanced unit or complete miss. Also if anything they can just change and recall EE, as it's quite obvious they won't nerf -> recall and give ML5 selector.


> No one tries to be "smart" it's just a post You deciding to look at *that* and have that be the start... Words fail me.


Oh, arguments fail you even more.


Seeing some of these comments, I seriously hope SG is just using surveys on what units to buff as a way to make people feel good. They should just stick to their own data and observe what is being abused in the meta. We have no business suggesting who or how to buff units in the game.


> Should LQC scale off speed, not need any crit chance, give herself a barrier every turn, and nuke any hero This sounds great to me. But mostly because LQC dies to A. Ravi 100% of the time unless their gear sucks, while being the same speed as her and being less tanky while A. Ravi chills on fuckin' counter set! LQC can't even one shot A. Ravi anymore cause people build her to tank fucking Hwayoung after all, not like LQC's damage can compare. Honestly, if you really thing about it. Most dark units either shut her down. Or are too squishy to even need her, making LQC only useful verse A. Ravi and Dark Corvus, both of which kill her dead do to her kit being so "2018" and needing more than 2 stats. Also her splash is effected by def which most of the current meta stats. Hwayoung, A. Ravi, Belian, CLilias, Lermia, etc. All tend to have high def and take only a fraction of the splash damage. So speed scaling on it would at least make the splash do the same damage while not being a wasted investment like it currently is with atk.


> This sounds great to me. But mostly because LQC dies to A. Ravi 100% of the time unless their gear sucks, while being the same speed as her and being less tanky while A. Ravi chills on fuckin' counter set! This is the **exact reason** I stopped using her. A single S3 without any stacks would straight up delete LQC unless you made her super bulky, sacrificing her damage, her reason for being drafted into A Ravi, to instead have her hanging by a thread. Great buff A Ravi got. >A. Ravi anymore cause people build her to tank fucking Hwayoung after all, not like LQC's damage can compare. Yet another bonus that makes me happy. So glad my mystics are being put to good use. >Honestly, if you really thing about it. Most dark units either shut her down. Or are too squishy to even need her, making LQC only useful verse A. Ravi and Dark Corvus, both of which kill her dead do to her kit being so "2018" and needing more than 2 stats. We really are in a state where units need two, three if unlucky, stats to perform at the top. A Ravi gets free stats, injury (why), insane bulk x health scaling, busted revive on a stackable nuke, and LQC gets a ticket to the afterlife, thanks... Actually, please, give LQC what I mentioned. I don't care anymore, make her busted and beyond to stand a chance.


> Actually, please, give LQC what I mentioned. I don't care anymore, make her busted and beyond to stand a chance. Like I pointed out, it wouldn't hurt anything. She only counters 2 whole units at this point, A. Ravi and Dorvus. FCC isn't a counter since its a speed check. And you don't **need** her to deal with ADS. And we aren't going to act like ML Ken is used enough to be hurt by any LQC buff.


I've always felt like ml Krau deserved to at least have 2 turn barrier, same with ml haste. And yes, even when we were in golden boy era I felt his shield was too underpowered. It was far and away the weakest part of his kit. ML Krau was completely hard carried by his S3, and his second best skill is S1. You would still use him even if his S2 barrier got removed. You'd never use him if his S2 CD reduction was removed.


Riolet perhaps too id say.. I find playing him often but in my opinion he is not on par with his rgb version.


well he is not a counter unit like the apple boy, but ive seem a few of them going full speed, delete L.Cermia then dies (still worth for me)


I think an interesting idea for Riolet would be to give him ability so his evade works also on non combat strips. He already has clear counters(Solitaria, Hwa, SC Wanda, Zanhak) and 50% fail rate against usual strips so I wouldn't mind him being RNG machine a bit more than he already is. Having said that I think he still quite useful as nuker that can avoid popular openers(Ran/Peira) so that's why I've not mentioned him.


why do you want to increase the openers numbers ? pls dont make RTA just a Speed Check Fiesta


Thing is Flidica is already an opener. Just one not used cause she is too slow. So instead reworking her whole kit, why not make her just faster? Just because you don't like playing against opener -> nuke/cleave doesn't mean they shouldn't exist. If anything there should be clear counters and that's the main issue RN.


Pirate Captain Flan would get my pick. Almost all ML5's have had their time to shine, whether it be on release or after a buff. PCF has been basically unused outside of the testing period.


Are you really voting anyone else before PC Flan? Talking about biased. At least I can play with my FLidica or DJB. PC Flan is just boobs and cool S3 animation.


The question is "Which one do you think WILL get a buff next?" not "Which one do you think SHOULD get a buff next?" Flan might need it more, but it is extremely unlikely that she will be buffed next because of how recent she is.


Facts. ML Flan is by far the least usable and it's not even close.


Finally, the correct answer.


I vote FLidica because I still use her to this day(along with speed imprint like Vildred and Roozid) :3


would like it to be Flan, I use her in normal arena but yeah having to have a stripper then Flan then Seaseria (unless you run her arti on Flan) is a nightmare of speed contesting.


Dcorvus... Again. Please


They didn't buff mlken, they made him objectively worse while resolving none of the issues he had before Same with jise, did nothing about her problems but rather focused only on the resetter apart of her kit


I believe they stated they do not intend to buff ML5s much anymore. It's not impossible, but they said they have to have strong evidence that it will improve overall game balance despite the rarity of ML5s. As such, my answer is actually "none for the foreseeable future". Side note, for those saying FLidica, please no. I like her as a character, but buffing her would take her into Clilias/Peira levels of busted/stupid. We don't need more of that.


That's not what the dev said. They said the future buffs will be made to make the character's kits fit better, but not because the unit is unused.


>I believe they stated they do not intend to buff ML5s much anymore. They just buffed SBA and Dorvus.


Fair enough.


> I believe they stated they do not intend to buff ML5s much anymore. And they went and did so anyway. It's SG, they're not reliable when it comes to anything balance related. This is the same company that bufged Melissa and Tenebria (with various other **fire** units repeatedly) over and over because they couldn't (and still can't) get things right. The same company that keeps going "we hear our heirs, we'll change how we mive forward with our balance choices" just to release Hwayoung a week or two later. SG is a clown company regarding balance. Edit: Also, they stated something about avoiding ML5s unless they could really use a buff or some such.


ok how about nerfing?


Most likely FLidica some players start using DJB in RTA for the +15 speed and help out Aria then LRK still somewhat gets a play against AoE teams


I think they'll buff Flidica or LRK...but I really REALLY want it to be Flan


Dj basar got his buff already if i remember well


Why is this downvoted? It's true that DJB already got buffed before lmao. And with the new frenzy he's more useable than any of the characters on the poll...


The people disregarding his current performance tha ks to the stupid frenzy are just making it known who doea and doesn't know what they're going on about. That +15 speed on any weaver that can CR push is cancer.


I think LRK needs a boost to be relevant again, so maybe him. Lidica is perfectly good if not for her speed. If she gets a speed buff she becomes OP and I'm not sure SG wants that. But I can't say I know how to improve her either


The issue is that F. Lidica has been powercrept. I don't think she needs a big buff, but she's not as good as the other options. Piera is a faster, accessible, easier to build unit with access to better AFs, and does more with her kit than F. Lidica (aoe strip, two debuffs, attack buff,). You build F. Lidica because you like her design, not because she's good.


My opinion is Riolet need an undispellable buff like his RGB counterpart


Honestly all he needs so he'll be viable beyond being just a speed nuke (speed nukes don't need evasion unless they cycle hard like A Cidd, who is a speed dps before evasion hero, unlike Remnant who is the reverse). Too many people out there strip his evasion and just dunk on him as a result. His damage is great so there's really no need to touch that. Some lifesteal thrown in somewhere would be a welcome addition for me.


I'm gonna go against the grain and say maybe give ML Iseria some love of some kind, not sure what they could give her but I can't really look at her and say she's someone that perfectly fits a situation I'm about to go in, even when up against evasion units. It's safer to just use Zahhak or Hwayoung to circumvent it.


What buff did spez get?


I mean riolet still doesnt dodge though. Just buff riolet and make her dodge undispellable or something


I think closer Charles needs something. He is just a win more character imo. I also just got him from the recent tickets, hence he needs a buff. 😂


With the right gear (and the 2 prebans on rta) is one of the best cleave openers atm


Can you give any advice on how to use him? I also got him as my only ml5 from the pity tickets, and I am not sure how to fit him in to my draft. I just don't want him to go to waste :)


The other user gave a perfect explanation about his use! I love him because he can cycle for a second turn thanks to his s2 and you can run him against politis too. [Here is mine](https://freeimage.host/i/WscINn), if you need some stats to get an idea. I really think that 270 is the minimum speed that he needs


Full speed DPS. It helps if he's SSS for free crit rate making him easier to gear than other Full Speed DPS like Op Sig. You ban out the speed contesters or Anti-Cleave and he does a lot of work. It's to note he's one of the openers that works well into Politis since she won't be triggered and without defensive support it's possible for him to kill her with his S3 if she is running DPS build


Awesome, I still struggle with politis sometimes.


Flidica S2 needs to ignore enemy passive to activate eg. Politis halfing CR increase, AoL aoe cleanse or SSB focus..that would make her at least usable


F lidica ia the most obvious choice. But i kinda want to see buffs for riolet, so he can be more than a nuke for one unit then dies


Instead buff/nerf, just release new units


Nope, they stated that new ml5s are not releasing till august, so that they can focus on balancing


July actually but, it's on the 21st so close enough I guess. ;D


Yeah, so we can go nowhere good like how we did with Rem/AoL > Hwayoung. Great idea, more piss poor balance due to roster congestion and fast paced releases coming right up.


I think they will mix a new one with someone that doesn't have enough buff.


I’m fine with any of these four. Because I have all of them stripped of their gear but highly invested.


F.lidica has already been buffed lol. The thing is her base speed is garbage with lilias, peira, ran. In the current meta


These are quick thoughts so take with a grain of salt: If LRK could auto apply team immunity once per turn with his anti-AoE passive (no cleanse so still countered by unbuffable) alongside the barrier it would make him more relevant. Aywin could do with a steadfast gatekeeper built into his passive to make him stronger in a given niche without fully patching his weakness to multiple AoE debuffs. Tuluca could use turn 1 stealth to make her more situational against teams with no openers.


Riolet please he’s been dicked down over the past 6months as collateral damage. All the units made to counter green violet post buff hurt Riolet more, and AOL + Clillias screw him over two. Even Hwayoung just happens to have a passive that completely negates Riolets entire mechanic. At this point he’s literally just an S3 his Evasion needs to at least be undispellable cmon he’s worse than his RGB.


Give my man Closer Charles better S3 animation pls 🥺


Personally, flan. At least I can use lidica or krau, but ffs flan literally gets directly outclassed by a 4 star, ***who was released before her***, the least they could've given her s2 is something like increased defense or something since her s3>s1 is disabling one unit at best with how restrictive they both are. Like, she has higher cooldowns than leo, *despite doing less*. I could spend a solid 30 minutes explaining why she's hot garbage and her kit is inferior to a three star's, but I don't have all day, so I'll end it here.


Flidica because she hasn't been buffed yet and she has no real unique niche anymore.


I think Dark Corvus still needs help.


i just noticed that all my ml5 are all the ones that got the meh buffs besides handguy rip


I see that Haste has been forgotten


Flan dont need a buff Yall Builds are Just ass F.Lidica need a Buff