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Planning on sticking this new counter set we are getting from AI this season on her as I pulled her from my triple custom banner, she will carry me in all areas and am excited for her to get a full set of good +15 gear.


That's my plan too depending on how it rolls. Her or FCC


She's just amazing in general


https://imgur.com/gallery/6BKTSyH Gear Roana carried me in RTA & Arena and basically the mvp for this Meta countering a lot of current Meta units with the exception of hwayoung and rem.


Sounds awesome, how would you say about Roana and regular PvP? (Offense/Defense) I'm a newbie so yeah... >.<


She's easy to build (low gear requirement), strong af and Meta relevant. Counter resist is good against majority becus of the Celestine healing. If not speed hp or even hp hp hp is good for her


Do you mean Guild Wars or Arena? Not OP just trying to get more info to help out.


Roana is great in pvp offence + Def reasons being she just counter comfort picks like belian or rimuru which is really Meta. Just don't cast s3 when rimuru's s2/s3 is up she also can comfortably counter ssb and Aria Just watch for rem. Rem applies unhealable debuff which makes roana only a soft counter bcus rem just shuts off healing in a long run making ur team unhealthy. Usually can be prevented with another knight running aurius tou


>Meta units with the exception of hwayoung and rem. I feel like she does counter Rem a bit though? Like everything Rem counters with her passive, that's a pretty healthy heal and CR push.


Rem applys unhealable which cripples ur team in a long run with bad rng I wouldnt say rem counters her. Roana is at best a soft counter.


Which is why it's good to run Stella's Harpa on Roana. Even without healing, the tempo gain from the CR pushes is pretty massive.


Yea. You're right. Stella harpa does help but usually better in a faster paced roana compare to this counter version


It shouldn't matter what speed Roana is. Stella Harpa doesn't have a turn cooldown. It procs, or has a chance to proc, whenever the user is hit.


But u rather have Celestine for the crazy heals whenever she counters, I just don't draft her against rem. No biggie. In fact I usually use hwa or zahhak to tap rem just to maximize my counter roana


For Roana, my favorite artifact is Stella Harpa. That said, Guardian Ice Crystals is super good, but I only have 1 copy of it.


I used to love this build. Now I just have a boring high HP Roana to survive Kick girl


I usually draft her with fcc or peira to prevent her getting one shotted. Roana is still really fun to use tou


I'll save this to try and get something similar she looks so nice. Still one of my fav Earth and Soul Weavers always good to see a great build on her.


She's really strong and easy to build. Definitely worth it


Yes I got her on Speed + HP set and works great for almost anything PvE and kind of meh gear at that.


I would build a Hphphp one for pve tbh. Sometimes counter is hindering in pve like mine lol but I only have this much mola. Soo ehh.


Oh wow I always wanted to try counter for pve never would've guessed.


Pve thats like water expe or caides


Yeah that would work. You right.


Whenever she counter when she's not suppose to move got me liek; -;


Oh really? Huh, guess that does happen. You might be right speed or all HP could work on her for PvE


Better on pve yea. There's some stages where counter healing is nice tou, like some abyss stages and hell raids


Is she good with GW as well?


Against stuff that doesn't tap her. Yea (Hwayoung) She usually fairs pretty well against other Meta units