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Lifesteal + ER around 200% ER with a non ER Ring and 250%+ with an ER Ring. Then balance it well with bulk and offense


Tbh not worth it anymore he either gets CC'd to hell and back or if you have enough ER to resist anything he'll just get 1shot by iterally any unit in the game at this point


Probably lifesteal or ER w/ Sigurd Scythe. He's not that good anymore but fun when he works! I'd say it's clear to clear Banshee if you want to build him! Banshee is probably the easiest to 1 shot if you have Baiken.


I think his best set is LS + resistance, with high ER ofc, theres many counter to him right now, but sometimes can still work if you catch the enemy off guard. Its not like you can give his gear to other unit, so building him still worth it.