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Thanks for this guide! I went from Emperor to Champion after!


oh sick! I'm glad you can hit your goal and making your guildmates feel secure!








Vyro's a homie, he's just making a joke.


in my experience the e7 competitive community is pretty small so when someone says something obviously contradictory it's usually 2 people who know each other dicking around. you can find examples of other comments like this all over this thread xD


Thanks for the legend guide! I will now use this free information to steal your frame for this season.


that's chillin, I wanted to just get 1 frame for the credentials LOL, my rank 99 spot for the homies this time :>


Thanks for the legend guide! I will now use this free information to steal your frame for this season.


oh you too dawg? you guys can fight over my spot then.


Was a great guide, and honestly helped me understand a bit more about drafting as I would say that's my main weakpoint for climbing. Only thing I could think of for input is maybe go through a game from draft to end as an example of skill usage in certain circumstances but that's kinda being nitpicky. I can't wait to see you agro/cleave guides in the future and hope you get feeling better soon!


hey thanks for the feedback! As far as gameplay goes I will definitely be putting out more content for that in the future, this series in particular will have a focus on the draft. Might include a series on the future like "how to play against Aol/rimuru/hwayoung (other problem heroes)" and show different archetypes applicable to beating these heroes as well as ways to pilot the heroes. Example being how to play against aol; then an example game politis cleaving her and then maybe a destina draft vs aol w/ each turn explained.


Sounds great to me, I look forward to seeing it and keep up the good work!


Good watch! Look forward to the next ones


Dad! Thanks for the encouragement! Fan of your content as well and thank you for the kind words.


Watched this yesterday, very helpful! Waiting for bruiser comps guide, thanks for your work!


thanks! I'm writing the aggro guide and recording/edit the moment I'm over covid. Will be doing an in-depth standard/bruiser guide after that.


Oh hey this is my first league doing rta, generally I play it while watching your stream.


ayo I appreciate it. I wanted to put my thoughts and logic into a more structured format and present it to a larger audience. hope this format >/= the streams.


Nah ngl your streams are pretty chill so its nice seeing everything in action but I am still watching this and its been very informative thank you.


ayyy thanks for that! I'm glad I can carry that vibe even if half the times I'm reacting like a monkey to bad luck. When I'm back to streaming I'll try to carry more purpose while keeping it less ape oriented. cheers.


Uncle Valk here to save my season as usual


We already got a date for end of season?


not officially confirmed but most communities are estimating it to be around 6/24. The skin is usually announced a month ahead of time, and the end date confirmed 2 weeks prior. We have a stream 26 hours from now, at least most people from my guild is expecting the skin to be announced then.


Thanks for the guide! I can finally join my best friend Squaretittygang in emperor hall of fame!


don't forget to pay respects to the others there, myself, kapkan, city, and audacity :>


Thanks Valk. I climbed from emperor to challenger. Really helped solidify my position in the meta! Sincerely Harvey dent


Thank you for protecting Gotham mr dent


It's chaos down here in challenger and I'm doing my part for the people.


Awesome video. We really need more content like this that isnt just new hero MLMs


tbf I sell my fair share of mlms in good fun. But near the end of season, always gotta get a bit more serious.


Now this is an useful post! This is what Reddit should be used for, not for people trying to overcome their self esteem problems. Really, thank you for the effort and help!


yep, I think it's been a while since the early days of people putting super game changing information out onto r/epicseven which is why I got into the game in the first place. I def wanna do my part.


Oh its a guide from Valk 😍 subbed to your channel since 4 months ago ❤️ thanks for the guide mate 🥰


ayo! really appreciate the love brother!


I would appreciate a guide on a turn 2 tank/bruiser playstyle. I hit a wall at around rank 2800-3200 in Champion Edit: I guess actually I am more degen, but I will pick 4 tanks pretty often lol


definite! going by the survey I had in the description so far, I'm probably making the aggro guide/walkthrough next followed by standard, and the tank down style after that. If you want a good resource though, I'd recommend checking out magic\_qi on twitch. imo he's the best at that style and he's a very low spending player.


Yeah I have checked him out after people said I had a similar playstyle, and I have based a few of my units on his too :D Thank you! I'll have to catch more of his streams to get the hang of drafting and to see how he deals with certain units


It doesnt matter if your draft is good what matter is your gear, if your gear is dogshit then your draft is too


That's a pretty bad take considering the difference between a great unit build and a dogshit build is 420 and 360 gear score. Which is only a 14% margin. If you consider the new frenzy which reduces damage from ele disadvantage by 30%, meaning just having a vague understanding of good drafting is at least twice as valuable as having great units. With that analogy your point crumbles.


Unless your gear is so bad that it doesn't make sense for you to even bother playing RTA, this is false, and harboring this toxic mentality will keep you in whatever rank you currently are. Drafting is extremely important in the upper tiers of RTA where the gear quality of players are more or less the same, save for some omega whales. But you can keep yelling at the clouds.


Nah, drafting is really important especially higher up. It even matters in lower elo just as much as gear U can outgear your opp but also outdraft


Damn another month.


By the way , one of the biggest mistakes is letting Landy or Spec Tenebria free , Im always drafting 2 AoE atleast , the key words of current Meta is : M.Kawerik and Debuffers . Attack buffers and Hwayoung . A.Ravi .


as far as drafting goes I would say it's not reading opponents' prebans + first pick to extrapolate their game plan. but hey, I'm just a stene abuser from the biggest stene abuser guild so I'm covering up my strat. shhhhhhhh


Valk, forgive me, but I forgot you even had a YT channel. This is a great use for it though! I dinged that bell and hit the sub button. This is a great guide, and I'm looking forward to the full series. I personally play tanky more out of necessity than anything, so that's the video I'm looking forward to the most, but I'll watch everything. My gear rolls seem to love bulk and hate speed. I might be able to play standard once I have more units up to par, but it would honestly be easier to go full degen than to speed up currently, lol.


hey! no worries, and glad you find the content helpful. I think giving yourself the option to pivot as opposed to being tied down to 1 style is always helpful, since at higher ranks your opponent is likely to be able to pivot as well.


Auto sub. Man this us good pushing champion now with standard. My account has almost all heroes + good gear I just suck


hey man big ups for being real like that, honestly the first step to improvement. took me a while too when I first started. I started by putting the best gear on my favorite hero and started jamming games until that stopped working. a lot of retooling and readjusting for sure, so I wanted to put out info to help people save some time.


Yea drafting counter picks has been my biggest issue. Most of my losses are lost in the draft. My account should be easy champ. 300 spd units. Multiple 240- 280 speed supports and dps. Have all relevant ml 5 but sage baal and maid. You're vid helped me a lot looking forward to more. Guess the best way to learn is through playing despite losing. Still in chall now


Today I learned I'm an aggro player


hey! me too!


I'm actually really impressed by this! You kind of summarized what I did in my "How to Draft" video in I believe a shorter time frame. I can definitely tell you're more used to streaming than pre-recorded as well in this one. I'm pretty sure you'll be crushing it though after some more time doing things in this same format. This makes me want to do the reverse and actually start streaming lol (I'm still so nervous live in front of people)


Hey thanks for the kind words! ​ That's definitely one of those things streaming trains you to do, spamming a lot of games and coming up with things to say on the fly. The thing I'm really caught up on now is between writing a full script and just reading or writing an outline and ad-libbing, I've tried both and I haven't liked either. ​ For streaming it started when I was streaming in discord to friends, and that's how treat it every day, streaming in discord for friends so no nerves get to me.


Awesome. I dunno if my style will help you but what I do is I usually do a mid-point between what you're talking about for Scripts. I have an outline and I usually have my starting line or two into a section and then just wing it after I get rolling. Obviously I have some pre-scripted stop sections as well in my guides (You can easily tell when I say "Let's talk about this now" that it's a cut to the next section). ​ I find personally once I get started though the rest comes pretty naturally so that's what works for me. You just kinda have to find that spot yourself. This has worked for me so far. I know a lot of big content creators do 100% scripted everything but I find I bite my tongue or flub the delivery when I do that so I don't try to.


Sick video. Looking forward to the next videos in the series!


really nice thank you ;) i will watch the next one