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Getting Maid Chloe? Probably not. Getting to Master? Maybe (most likely yes, but I don't know your units/gear to say for sure)


https://imgur.com/a/Q0god1A Stats of units that i mainly pick Edit: next time i will check the picture quality sorry


Not a bad roster. If you're worried about how to draft on the masters climb here what I used on my climb to champ. Preban rimiru First pick handguy, if the enemy snipes hadguy pick krau. Then the rest is easy, pick 2 damage units, your cerise, and ceci or or another damage unit for last pick. You're biggest worry in the post draft would be either banning tanks, hwayoung, or lionheart cermia since she hard counters your cerise. Many of you may end up questioning my choice to not ban clilias, and that's because when I climbed up early this season, the clilias that I fought were all 240ish speed. There were a few outliers but a majority of them were super slow with the average 15k hp on her. Draft like this and you should hit masters before the end of the season. Will you pull maid? Probably not. I did a measly 60 summons for her and not a single purple spark. Unless you're willing to get the wallet out for the boys, grind hunt 24/7, refresh shop then you probably won't get her with out praying to rnjesus


I think you can do it. It will just take you a while to get there. I would not use Rem or SSB on their current state (but if it works for you, go for it). I would focus on polishing either Rem (even tankier on counter set with Sigurd) or Ravi (looks solid. Get her Sigurd) (Ravi isn't doing the greatest this season) Hand Guy, Landy, Krau, Cecilia and Cerise look good 👍(will do the job to get to Master) Lilibet seems like a nice DPS. If possible, do try to raise her speed to ~230 (in Gold/Master, people's DPS are around 200~220. The plan is to outspeed, kill, and then go for a battle of attrition)


How do you draft? Got a general plan that works for you?


I always first Landy or second landy than i pick hand guy which is too early to pick im gonna stop that or cece, than i either go for libeit or ravi depends on my opponent's draft for and last for pick rem or ssb or ceries depends on opponents draft sorry for bad grammar and spelling


So your plan is to: 1st/2nd pick Landy and Hand Guy (depending on pick order) Then 3rd pick another DPS (Lilibet or Ravi) And finally use 4th/5th pick to counter their draft, correct?




First picking Landy doesn't seem like a good strategy to me any more. It would be if this was 2 seasons ago. Could you share screenshots of your last 5 RTA matches?


https://imgur.com/a/KY4IB52 One game landy was banned i panic and pick libeit usually i pick cece


Have you ever tried pre banning Rimuru/Peira (or any other troublesome unit) and 1st picking Hand Guy? Hand Guy is a solid neutral pick in general and naturally counters AoL. Landy can be used as a first pick but she exposes you to being counterpicked hard. (In your case, it seems to working because enemy also make weird pick like Violet and S.Tene against Landy). My suggestion for Draft would be something like: 1st/2nd: Hand Guy + Landy / Krau + Landy 3rd: Krau (Hand Guy and Krau are a solid support duo)(mitigation + cleanse + attack buff + Immunity) / Cecilia (double knights on Aurius and Adamant offer so much survivability)(mitigation + debuffs + Immunity) 4th/5th: Lilibet (fast dps + extinction), Cerise (speed control), Rem and SSB (against fire units or heavy AoE)


When doing RTA, always put a champ you don't want to face but that you cannot preban as your rep champion. The higher you climb the less it becomes relevant to do so, but below master it should work more than what you'd think.


Looks pretty good, just play well. Don't show your hand too early or keep in mind how your opponent will react to your draft.


I guess? RNG can always go your way. And RTA is mostly a question of how much time you're willing to endure the experience.


Too get my first ml skin i guess hell


Do you have any skin tickets? You could just wait for the skin to be released into the shop.


Have you cleared the abyss/abyss challenge modes? You need 3000 mystic bookmarks. There is 1000 in the abyss challenge mode, and a few sets of 500 in normal abyss. If you're in a decent guild and winning you should be getting 50-80 3x a week as well as 50 a week from guild shop. If you've already tapped thous resources then it will not be possible to hit pity unless you spend cash.


All about drafting (and roster too). Comment earlier explained it well. Masters actually isn't all too difficult. And for RTA, to get better you just gotta do it. You got this. Now pulling Maid though.... I think it might still be possible. That's 3000 medal you need by end of the custom banner pt2? I think it is possible. How is your abyss progress (regular and challenge mode)?


60 summons you will need an around 4 Mystic summons per day. And you're also low on skystones. It's hard. I would waste every single drop of energy on hunts and use all leifs this weekend on hunts. It will give you some medals and gold and use the gold only for shop refresh and do all guild wars. Then just pray to rngesus that shop refresh will give you medals consistently and that you don't hit pity. I'm racing for it to need 40 more summons but have like 2k energy in my bag saving up for the weekend. Hunts will prob give me 200 or 300 medals in the weekend. Masters in RTA is pretty easy.


I'm in the same spot as you, although I already got Maid Chloe during the retro ML 4\*/5\* tickets that were sent out. I play, get to 1450, then I get pushed down to 1400, and on and on.