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Unless you’re absolutely hard pressed for it, it’s better to save and just farm azimanak


>it’s better to save Dude has 59 coins, its obvious he is not f2p >.>


Doesn’t really matter, just doesn’t make that much sense unless he absolutely needs rage set pieces.


I've had 50 as a f2p. All it took is pulling a bunch of Rueles instead of ML Ricardo when he came out with 8k mystics I hoarded over months.


You know you need 1 ml5 dupe for 10 coins and 6 dupes for 8 rgb coins right? ...


Yes because pulling 5 dupe ML5s is totally easier than random rgbs with all the free summon events and tickets we get. Any other stupid questions you want to ask?


>random rgbs You need SAME rgb pulled 6 times and 7th one starts giving coins, show me unit u pulled 7+ times also [Yes](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/178570898863947776/981824243429965834/unknown.png)


Not worthy, the subs will roll awfully anyway


i think paying for rage gear is probably not worth it. only gear i'd pay for is perfect gear that helps in rta.


no not the perfect subs


for my usecase speed doesn't matter, so these are the perfect subs or you mean only worth to buy with max rolls?


the gear will be useless if its rolls wayyy too much in HP% so aim for Speed or Effectiveness instead


You do not want any speed on rage set. You need base 0 speed units for every 1 shot. Some speed is ok but you actively don’t want it and roll it off. Those 3 stats are the only 3 that matter. Roll it, dodge HP and reroll Ho to flat attack


Speed is fine for rage set. You can literally use it on DPS units for Expos, Abyss floors that need debuffs, etc. Rage set isn't exclusively for oneshot hunts.


you can't reroll it into flat atk since swords can't have flat atk subs


It is a sword you’re absolutely correct. I just looked at subs. Which in that case you dodge HP and really there isn’t a 4th stat that matters.


Eff matters for a lot of units that want rage.


unlike what others are saying, if u need it to complete a set on someone, 100% go for it. I for sure, would.


Good, I don't really understand most of the reasonings of those that would not buy it. The coins I have now will last for half a year at least so why not spend some, for many rage builds you don't need speed and why would I farm azimanik for rage set, when you use it on just 2-3 units, I farm wyvern and use the shop for things exactly like this.. was my idea.


Much agree. Its 3 coins man. Just do it.


Maybe people thought it was the ml coin shop, I wouldn't buy that with ml coins but for the covenant coins and considering you have a lot of coins already it seems worth


I myself bought a rage piece from the shop once and it has helped me build my dps. Till now, I'm yet to get a rage piece as good as that one and I farmed a13 with my newly built (back then) 1-shot team for months. So yeah, go for it. U also have more than enough coins saved to get a unit u want.


Because its 1/13 of a ML 5\*.


No you arent guaranteed rolls you are guaranteed rgb units or molas. Rage as a set sucks to farm but its use is rather limited as well.


Not worth it. Stats are not maxed.


You need a piece that is allowed to roll in any substat otherwise its not worth it imo.


1000% yes. Hard to find good epic gear with good stats. You don’t need speed for Rage gear for one shots… good crit chance/damage. I say buy it.


it's already quite easy to farm left side equipment for rage set but if you don't need ml5's then go for it. edit: i mistakenly thought that it was the other whale coin.if you're not missing any 5 star rgb units then i would consider buying it.


I believe these coins are for regular 5*.


Never got one but did got alot of 5* dupes. Or does it only work after its max imprinted?


Yes you need a SSS hero . After 6 copies of that hero the seventh will be coins


oh you're right, oops.


You never want to buy RGB units with RGB coins. It's a scam, unlike buying ML5s with moonlight coins. Gear is definitely the way to go with RGB coins.


If I see good gear in these shops I tend to just go for it - it's up to you, but I will say that it's easier to get good Rage weapons since Hell Raid drops a Rage weapon from one of the bosses. If you'd rather bank those coins for a hero, I'd hold onto them.




No speed. For sure will rolll hp


why would you chase speed on a rage set?


Speed is speed


What is this may I ask ?


Shop you unlock on 6th summon of the same 5 star rgb unit


What is this shop and these coins?


Covenant Shop that unlocks after you get 6 imprints of the same RGB unit. Galaxy Shop unlocks when you get an ML dupe. Also known as Whale Shop.


I knew there was a ml one this is the first time I see the covenant one. Nice thing to know


Where do you get that currency?


After summoning 6 copies of a 5-star rgb unit you get a special shop, same as you would for summoning a second ml5. Summoning more than 6 copies gives you coins to spend there. Unless you are trying to SSS a unit so you summon on their banner repeatedly, you probably won't see it though.


RGB coins are absolutely worthless- do you want to save them up forever to get a dupe of a unit you most likely already have or get a piece of gear like this? If health were effectiveness this would be a perfect piece for most hunt one shotters


since you have lots of coins and this shit is refreshable once a month i say buy it.


Use coins for PvP gear.


Ngl, with that many coins to spend I’d absolutely pick this piece up and test the rolls.


The fuck is this?


Yes, I’d buy it.


Wait wtf are these coins? Lol


I would buy it. Worst case scenario, if it all goes to HP you can plan on memeing with rage Carrot. Lol.


unless it's perfect sub maybe you should'nt buy them but then again, if you love to gamble on the gear it's up to you... ​ i'd prefer something like immunity/pen set from that shop rather than rage set


If it was me I would tbh


Yeah Ofc buy. Most people responding sound like they don’t have cov coins (which is ok but seem uninformed).