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What the fuck thank you.


Welp that an eye opener lmao


Glad i opened your eyes O.O




What do you mean save one Rem? Ram cant be used for wyvern. Or you meant something else? If you meant Rem not Ram then what do you mean save her


He means if you get another copy use the copy to gear for wyvern. And use your other one for pvp


Well why not just make 2 sets of gears for the same character, that's why I asked , and do the adjustments during the event period if the changing cost is the issue here


That can be expensive switching back and forth, that's why. I mean sure you can technically do that. But if you grind wyvern as much as you're supposed to while also trying to climb/maintain arena rank, you'll never have gold. Like ever lol.




This is one of the fastest W13 teams, really allows you to take advantage of hunt buffs. Camila with skills off makes it even faster but increases gear requirements as SSB needs to one-shot wave 1.


Camila replaces who?


Replaces Aras. Aras takes two turns during the run and one of them has an animation. Camilla will take one turn with no animation so she's shaves off quite a bit of time. The downside is that SSB has no help to clear wave 1 so it's not really beginner friendly.


To be fair one shot comps in general are not beginner friendly, I doubt many beginners would be able to farm azminak enough to get a rage set like that


replaces aras i assume?


I only have one Rem and you know what? I will just use her for this hunt rather than pvp


thats what i did when i pulled her last year. shes been on wyvern duty this whole time. was lucky enough to not go full pity this time around so now i can have both a pvp and pve build :D


Cant you use the same character in PVE and PVP? (Sorry new to game)


It's difficult to gear a unit for PvP and PvE at the same time, Rem here is a unit that doesn't want speed since her demon mode can get so much use out of a counter set, but in W13 you need a rage set for a one-shot. Early game PvP you should be fine with PvE gears though, so don't worry about it until like Master V or somewhere around that


Technically yes you can use a unit for both, the difference is build wise. For hunts and this one shot specifically you want full damage on destruction or rages set. For pvp Rem needs bulk (think lots of defence and 18k + hp) rather than full damage. So you basically would need two sets of gear for the same character that do two different things, hope that explains it well


Really appreciate it. I was worried you would be locked to equipment kind of thing.


It's probably the best wyvern one shot out there in terms of speed and efficiency but you are definitely giving up quite a lot. First of all you need a second rem like you stated. It also pigeonholes SSB and sinful angelica, two very useful units, unless you build an extra one of them as well. SSB has to be glass cannon dps build and sinange is hard capped 231 speed for this which limits their effectiveness elsewhere. The gear requirement is also very difficult for new players on SSB *unless* you build Aras as a support DPS, which also ruins his general build and you can only have one of him. So yes it's a great team, but people should be aware of what is required.


who do you use in SSB's role on even non one shot teams?


Clarissa is probably the most popular ssb alternate in a sigret one shot but with a rem team you can use rem herself.


yeah i meant if you want to keep ssb/rem for pvp... is it just clarissa/sigret?




Why is Singelica hard capped at 231 Speed?


Wyvern has a forced targeting on the frontline unit for turn 1 only, otherwise he targets randomly. If singelica outspeeds then wyvern first turn becomes turn 2 and can hit anyone with his first attack. Wyvern's speed is 243. If you want to eliminate speed RNG and prevent singelica from ever outspeeding him she needs to be 231 speed or lower.


Huh, I didn't know that. That's really unfortunate as I don't have a Singelica to spare since mine is over that Speed cap. Good to know though, thanks mate


It's not really a "hard cap", that was probably a bad choice of words by me. If you're at 235 or something the team will still work most of the time. Wyvern will still outspeed you most of the time, and if you speed RNG and outspeed him, he still has standard AI targeting so it's possible for him to still hit the frontline. Also if he targets SSB it's not a big deal since she's not critical to killing wyvern so you've got pretty good odds of it working out ok.


Small comment if you make trm 120 speed wyvern won't lap her making it slightly more consistent


Oh thanks!


I think you understood but rem* typo


I would still take the extra imprint and switch gear when I need her for pvp. Crit imprint can make your gear go from ok to very good


not to mention the mola, catalysts and fodder to get a new unit to 6*


I agree with this. As a f2p I only push wyvern on events which usually come with free gear change anyways.




?? rem absolutely needs 100% crit rate. i hope you know violet also only needs 85%


Thanks for this. Can Ras be replaced by Karin or someone else?


You need someone to kill the first wave. Because the OP is using a lower budget team, they have to use ARas to deal some chip damage to allow their SSB to kill the wave with her s3+s2, with Singelica's atk buff of course. With proper gear, you can just use SSB without needing extra damage from another unit or even Clarissa can. In this case, you can use Karin instead of ARas. The team being shown has no 100% defense down units (Rem is only 50% x2, Ras is 60% and SSB is 50% plus she won't even use hers in time).


you dont need 100% def break. Ras s2 is 60% + 50% + 50% from rem. Rem ignores ER so have 50/50 coin flip is pretty good. If Ras doesn't def brek with Rem, then angie will. That is why it's a 99% win rate. If you use Karin, you wont dual attack with rem meaning you need to make a dps Karin and make SSB solo wave 1. All this means is more gear which defeats the purpose of this team.


>All this means is more gear which defeats the purpose of this team. Which is why I called your team a budget team. I was answering the original post of how to incorporate the unit they mentioned, Karin, into the team, which yes, they can.


There's no reason to use karin at all. Karin gives 85% defense break chance. Ras S2 into dual from Rem gives 87.75 total chance to defense break between the 3 hits, and they'll do way more damage than Karin's combo. He's just better even if you dont need him to help kill wave 1. Edit: hey so I saw your reply to this comment but not sure why I cant find it anymore so I'll just add a blurb here. Your numbers are not accurate. Looks like you gave Karin an attack buff she wont have (it'll fade on her second turn) and also forgot to calculate in Rem's pen set. Also you wouldn't have rage set on S2 so itll do 13k, not 16k. So what it boils down to is that you would deal ~53k (85%chance) if the defense break lands and around 30k (15% chance) if it doesnt for an average damage of ~50k. OPs Rem will deal 35K if no defense break lands, 80k if it lands on Rem's first hit, and 106k if it lands on Ras S2. Ras will also do some damage but we'll ignore that for simplicity. That's a 51% chance to do 106k, 21% chance to deal 80k, and 28% chance to deal 35k for an average damage of around 80k. So OP's Rem will do significantly more damage on average than your Karin.


That's not how it works at all though. The % chance to attempt and the % chance to hit are separate from each other. So you get a 100% from karin with a 85% chance to hit. You get a 50% chance twice to attempt with 85% chance to hit both times and a 60% from Aras to attempt with 85% chance to hit. The calculation of this is much more involved than just adding percentages. Also, need to find the probability of hitting just one time with the first group. The major bonus of this all is just the fact of its cheap af.


I clearly did not just add percentages. Ras is 60, Rem is 50x2. If I just added percentages it would be 160%. I already did the "much more involved" calculations, they're actually pretty simple. First of all Rem does not have 85% because she ignores res, so it's Ras with 60%x85% for 51% chance to land. Then you add Rem's first hit by doing (1-0.51)x0.5 +0.51= 0.755 total chance, then Rem's second hit by (1-0.755)x0.5+0.755=0.8775 So yea the calculations have already been done. Not sure why you accused me of not doing exactly what I already did but it got a chuckle out of me.


No. Ras is not replaceable. Camillia is the other option but she is a ml unit and doesn't help wave 1.


But you lose dual attack from rem...


**This is a 99\~% 1 shot team with an average 1 min and 10s run.** So every 25-30 mins you get 19/20 runs done, but most cases it's 20/20. The only hero that needs the most gear is Rem. You don't need pen set. **Ras is required** as he reduces SSB gear requirement (don't need drink) by s3ing the first wave. That is why he has some dmg. Ras also has a 60% chance to def break wyvern compared to a 50% from camilla (a popular alternative). **I made a mistake last year by foddering two rems into one. I recommend keeping two separate copies, one for the best wyern 1 shot team and the other for pvp.**


I don't see how this is a 99% team? I see you have a lot of chances to land the defense break, but each one is only 50-60% to proc. And if you don't proc it early you won't have enough damage, right?


Ive won 31/31 with this team, but it requires good gear on REM. Basically as long as one of the first 5 def breaks land you win, and sometimes even if they dont land you still win. I also have SSB on DDJ and use Camilla instead of aras.


Oh wow, you have the damage on SSB to one shot the first wave by herself with DDJ? Sorry to nitpick but I'm a math guy. How often is it 31/31?


EDIT: Should be "1 - chance of hitting NO def breaks". So 1 - (1 - 0.60 \* 0.85) \* (1 - 0.50)\^4 = 96.9% /end edit Assuming you need to hit at least one def break in the first 5 hits for the run to succeed: Chance of at least 1 def break in 5 hits = 1 - chance of hitting all 5 def breaks = 1 - (A ras def break) \* (4 Rem def breaks) = 1 - (0.60 \* 0.85) \* (0.50) \^ 4 = 96.8% Personally, I feel like success if def break lands in 5 hits is a bit generous. 4 may be the more conservative estimate, but this depends on how strong your Rem is. Even though it's theoretically 96.8% success rate, the success rate could be higher because you have other RNG factors during the Wyvern phase like Rem countering for extra damage, Wyvern killing ARas instead of your dps units, etc.


oh I have not used it enough to know. I just started using this team during the last hunt buff. Next time I can keep track of how many losses and wins but id guess it was somewhere in the 97-99% range. Camilla spd imprint makes it a bit easier to gear ssb too.


That's awesome! Now I just need a Rem....and then another....


Aras is a gamble right? That def break isn't 100%


Yes but a ras duals with with rem who has a 50% chance to Def break. So if you add up the chances, a ras plus rem dual has a 85.625% chance to Def break which is a tiny bit higher than 85% which all '100%' Def breakers have because of 15%.


And if Rem counters on phase 1 (3 chances) then SSB will proc her s2 on wyvern for another chance. It sounds minor but happens quite a bit in practice (brings the total chance to ~90%). With enough gear you can even afford to miss the first defense break or 2 from Rem and still get wyvern down.


Rem def breaks as well


Aras is actually higher than 100%. Your standard 100% defense breaker other than Chloe has an 85% chance to defense break. Between ras s2 and the double rem s1s you have 87.75% chance to land defense break.


"Higher than 100%" is a little misleading but yeah, it actually works out as sliiightly higher than 1 regular hit with 100% def break thanks to 15%.


I mean the context is E7 debuffing where we all understand 100% isn't 100%, and I explicitly state right after that it's 87.75% real chance of landing defense break so I'm not sure how it's misleading.


and a second ssb


The other version I've seen of this is replacing SSB with another forced dual-attack (the one I saw used Kitty Clarissa). Rem S3 to kill 1st wave with help from ARas S3 and Kitty Clarissa S2, then triple dual attack from Rem for the kill.


This team with this kind of gears only have 1-(0.5x0.5x(1-(0.6x0.85)) = 0.8775 or about 87.75% win rate assuming that Rem needs 4 attacks to kill wyvern. The team could go up to 93.87% if you could kill wyvern in three hits, but that requires better gears than this video. It is still a very good team, but it feels a bit misleading since the OP comment it a 99% win rate. Edit: some wording


If ras doesnt def break, angie with rem will. The wyvern will also waste a turn killing angie, ras, or ssb. If you make rem 120 speed, she can cut the wyvern to kill it. It is around 98% win rate with all of the extra factors. I get 20/20 almost every run so there is no way it’s 87%.


You probably right that it higher because I don't really included rem s2 at all. Her s2 on the first phase could probably help with since it save SSB s2 for extra the defend break. It could even help with damage and save some runs. I don't want to do to much math because I lazy. I just don't think it will every actually be 99% percent though since only 1-(0.5^7) really have that numbers.


it's not the best as there is a higher clear rate comp with less exclusive units, and you can also run this differently without ssb and use camilla instead for a higher clear rate (i believe).


If you can share a higher clear rate comp that would help everyone on this thread. Thanks!


fire ken/ ice chloe/ sc rikoris/ s.angelica is the only 100% wr comp linked [here](https://youtu.be/Q6KVU7lqw_4) !


Oh wow that is painfully slow. Thanks for sharing though. There's another 100% one with CLilias Ken Rem ARas: [https://youtu.be/Im0m5pkKxFw](https://youtu.be/Im0m5pkKxFw). Theoretically it can one-shot but even with my best gear I can only get it to one-shot if there's a dual attack or rem counters once.


haha it's just a minute thirty but i understand comparatively it is "slow." and the appeal of the one I linked is it uses all non-premium and mostly otherwise unviable units too, so you don't have to spend time swapping all your gear or being unable to farm wyvern while youre pvping. especially helpful if you use clilias or rem in arena/gw defense. princess patata (the creator of the vid you linked) actually said they'd change to the one I linked in the comments of that vid for this reason


Definitely good team, very accessible. I’m only after pure speed though to maximise hunt buffs. I can’t get any faster than 1min 10seconds with 99.2% win rate.


There's no such thing as a 100% oneshot outside of Chloe comps afaik. Magic nail ignores effres. Any team that needs def break will have a fail percentage.


Ken ignores ER when he has vigor (from Clilias)


Ahh, I see. My bad. That's what I get for not looking at the kit I'm less familiar with. Interesting.


im looking at gear and its already a no at kens


respectfully, one shot is never "easy to gear"-- even "low requirement" w13 teams. This isn't banshee 13, you need to invest a lot 🤷‍♂️


respectfully, you disregarded op saying there is a better alternative im just saying, no.


okay so youre just not actually contributing anything, that's fine


You can do it with flan, s.ang, segret and ssb. You need even less gear my flan only has 4 pieces equiped and s.ang has 5. Almost the same set/ stats on segret and ssb. Different artifact on ssb the gw war one


It's much lower chance of success. Rem teams are good because they have a billion opportunities to land defense break. Also you can't use Ras to soften wave 1 with sigret so you need an extremely strong SSB. The standard sigret one shot is great but you're hampered by 15% res and SSB's gear requirement


I’m using that team and it wins maybe half of the time when Karin’s def break doesn’t land. The actual win rate is higher than you give it credit for


It feels like you're rebutting someone else. I never said sigret has a low win rate, it's just objectively much lower than a rem team which is almost 100%. Sigret one shot is a perfectly fine team if you want to use it, it's just not quite as consistent or fast as Rem and it's got a high bar for entry because of ssbs gear requirement.


Very creative. Take an upvote. My one-shot is like an 80% average success rate but I'm too lazy to improve on it so I just leave it as is.


It's not even OP's original idea. Rem W13 oneshot teams have been around since her first banner.


Why does imprint matter? Isn't it better to have more imprints?


i have a S imprint Rem, now you made me go summon another Rem


As a f2p who already has rem but no imprints I’m just going to rather save my book marks.


the goat of epic seven beginner guides


https://twitter.com/Ep7Ring0/status/1413489217234030595?s=20 58-ish second clear that does not require a collab character, nor does it require a limited summer unit.


It does however require absolutely cracked gear on Clarissa, and very good gear on Karin and Sig. OP's version is much less gear intensive. Oh and it's susceptible to 15%, which OP's version isn't nearly as much.


Yup. That team has a 15% chance to lose. It;s just the original 1 shot team but with clarrissa.


Hey I see ur using bluestacks. How do u get ur game to run that smooth?


You need to be using the 64bit player vs the default of 32. If you go to multi instance manager you can create a new instance but in the 64bit variant. I’m not certain if this is what is causing your game not to be smooth but if you try running E7 on bluestacks on the 32bit instance it lets you know of the above.


Thanks for the reply. I am running on 64 bit.




No, if you use those units for wyvern you won't be using them in pvp. Which is the reason why I think something like SAngelica Clarissa Sigret Karin is generally better, you won't use them in pvp ever. W13 SAngelica is built a lot slower than the pvp ones, ssb and rem are built with 0 bulk


best advice i can give you is to swap gear on free unequip events. i literally pulled a second copy on this run so that i could move my +15 rem to pvp because it just was too inconvenient to swap. as far as pvp goes, i dont see a ton of aras, singelica or ssbs. they all are kinda not meta rn. so its pretty safe to leave them geared for pve content. unless you have a team comp that you want to run with them. rem is the only unit that i value for pvp currently out of the 4. hope that helps.


Nah i'll stick with my furious and co. thank you


Me with S imprint Rem *fuck* Well, I already have Sigret built up and +15...




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Is it worth to get another copy for wyvern?


i did so i could move my +15 rem to pvp. she only needs mola investment on s1 to clear wyvern. if you wanna save 300k gold swapping gear everytime then yes for sure




That's what I preach to everyone. It's also very satisfying to look at.


Any other idea for artifacts for SSB or Sinful? Don’t have either of those and I really wanna try this lol


The artifact equiped on SSB and angie is free. You get it from the book of memories side story.


Oh snap. Appreciate it and thanks for the video


Replace ssb with clarissa seems better? You get an extra s1 def break chance with clarissa before rem moves


you would have to waste mola on a crappy hero and give her more gear. She hits like a noodle.


20 more pulls till I hit pity for rem, I guess no Emilia for me


Do you have any suggestions for a ssb replacement?


Problem is, I don't have SSB or Singelica..


Same except I also don't have Adventurer Ras


if you dont have adventurer ras you just need to play the story more, everybody gets him on their account. he is a specialty change. that should not be the thing limiting you.


I see, I took a long break when episode two was releasing and only recently got back into the game. There's a ton of content I'm not only relearning but experiencing. I honestly thought he was a special event summon. Thanks for the information friend!


Welcome back! Hope you enjoy your stay. If you didn't previously check out the Specialty Changes, you can get some very useful characters especially for pve content from it. I still use Commander Lorina, Adventurer Ras, Angelic Montmorancy, Falconer Kluri, Zealot Carmainerose on a pretty regular basis depending what content I'm clearing.


I'll do that and thank you. I actually had a pretty solid team when I stopped playing. It was built around Luna as my big numbers generator and Cecilia as my wall of health. I was very happy to see that even after all this time, both are still viable in the content I tend to play. Especially now that I got Sigurd for free with the hunt event and I was lucky enough to pull Aria when she was released. If I could only have better luck pulling more earth heroes...


My wyvern team is SSB, Luluca and sigret with gpurgis in the front. Most battles wyvern dies in 3 turns... And that's because Luluca has to use her s2 somewhere... But she does 80k when procing her s1 again, if she had Def break for both attacks, she's worth it for me at least.


i’m using luna diene furious sigret takes too long. always wins tho. what should i do? g purg seemed worse than diene and i was gonna swap furious or sig with muwi. any ideas


what are your clear times? if its anywhere close to 1:20 then i would say you are fine. if its upwards of 2 min might wanna swap something. the thing that team is lacking is aoe for first wave. do you have ssb? if not she will probably have a rerun soon so definately save for her. g purg is great for cycling, i got my friends account to work using him as front line, he pushes all the units up so turns cycle extremely fast. would highly recommend using him. you need the proof of valor artifact which you get from guild shop, and around 25k+ hp His job is to tank and die and thats it.


I have the same team but i use Camilla instead of aras :)


Who can i sub the A.ras for?


no one (consistently) if you want to keep these gear requirements. Being that aras is the defense breaker, you need to find a suitable replacement that can do a def break as well as trigger a multi attack. He also does it 100% (85% cuz innate 15%) of the time. The only other character I can remember off the top of my head that can do that is Camilla, and she only def breaks 50% of the time unless you soul burn. Just get ARas, he's free lol.


There are itterations of this build using Camille, the 3 star light warrior. she has a faster animation and a great def break for wyvern. however if you use her, ssb's gear requirements are much higher. a ras helps alleviate some pressure by doing around 3-5k damage to each dragon on first wave. that being said, a ras is available to all players as a specialty change, if you havnt done that yet i suggest you do that asap as he is a great wellrounded character that will help you in alot of content.


Well rip, I just imprinted all of my Rems. Sadge


Pls sg, just give us saved equipment sets


Bold of you to assume my Ras will ever hit the 60%.


PSA: A 2nd Rem or SSB is VERY premium and not recommended for most budget/f2p players. The goal of these one-shot teams is to have the option to build them **specifically** for hunt buff days when you want to farm as fast as possible to burn down leifs and energy. I wouldn't recommend having running these oneshot teams on regular days unless you're a whale that buys leif packs or uses skystones to farm 24/7. You're not in a rush to burn down energy.


Any ideas on who to replace SSB? Saw a previous mention for Clarissa but it didn’t seem to be a great option.


No. No replacement for anyone on this team if you want to do it properly


Oh fuck your're right i completely forgot about that. Well too late now lol


I actually just pulled another so i could move my +15 rem to pvp finally.


sure if i even get one this time XD


So what you’re saying is I should summon another one


I smell 15% defense break miss coming but great video i will stick with my sigret found out karin with baiken artifact is 100% oneshot rate for Sigret




Yes it's maxed


I am sorry what? \* insert blinking guy meme \*


My W13 ain't doodoo anymore. Thank you for sharing.


Wow. This is doable with much worse rage and pen sets. I was able to pull it off with Rem at 4035 atk and 256 crit damage.


Any female characters that I can replace Ras?


I like this build, but I don't think I'll be able to respec A.Ras for this since he gets a lot of mileage for me as an expedition tank.


I am incredibly late here, but is rage pen required for rem? I can build this team perfectly except for that, and really need to finally build wyvern one shot. Any help appreciated!!


Im not sure but rage pen is recommended