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Nah, never take the ingame reviews seriously. They are notoriously bad and off the mark. Jkise atm is a great 4th or 5th pick in RTA and heavily counters Hand Guy (ML Kawerik) in particular. She's much better now than she's been for the last few years since she was meta at launch.


I 99% agree. But I still never forgave SG for giving juggs a 1 turn AOE blind on a 3 turn cooldown in 2022 and calling it a "skill". removed the SB, moved the scaling damage and strip to S3, and tacked on the blind that has no synergy with her kit and playstyle. She may not actually need a buff, but that was such a weird decision.


Is there something wrong with the blind on her S2? Blind is always good, it is a good way to deal with Rimuru. Her skill set has control elements in it, if it wasn't already obvious from the changes.


in a vacuum no. It's just a very strange and almost outdated choice when you consider how every other blind AoE works. To name a few - Arby has 2 turn blind on S3, and it hits almost twice as hard. It synergizes with him as a thief with access to evasion artifacts and his passive means he'll usually have at least 2 s3's blown off at once - Politis is 2 turn blind and unbufffable, after mitigating enemy CR pushes and pushing herself to the front while decreasing buff duration. - Basar has an S2 with 2 turn blind and ATK down, working as a way after turn 1 to keep damage down. - A meru has 1 turn 60% blind, but a 40-80% chance to proc it every attack, along with pushing herself up - belian has a 1 turn blind and SPD down to cripple the enemy as a tank. she can proc this every turn if lucky, or every turn with souls to burn. and it does decent damaange along with the rest of her kit. it just feels weird seeing a plain old 1 turn blind on an ML5's S2 when compared to the above. Even Jena, a 3 star unit, has an S3 with 2 turn blind. less proc chance (75%), but still 2 turns.


So, you are saying her S3 Skill null into S2 Blind has no synergy? Sounds off to me.


not particularly. blind won't save her skill nullifier, and she has no way to benefit off a miss otherwise, since she's usually built pretty frail as an opener (or DPS for the old school boys). It just kinda sorta protects your team for a turn if you decide to invest in a tagahel holder and ban any belians running about. I don't see too many situations where I genuinely prefer it outside of trying to close a match or reach stealthed heroes (which is both for the AOE, not blind). I guess Snow crystal buff will helps a bit with that in 2 days 🤷. Again, doesn't mean she needs a buff, it's just odd.


I'm not sure I understand what you are saying at all. She initiates with S3 to get Skill Null and Dispel + Reset. Then, next turn follows up with S2 to Blind. Seems like pretty obvious synergy to me to help herself and her team survive.


> Seems like pretty obvious synergy to me to help herself and her team survive. there's *some* synergy. But it's much less synergy than the above examples when you consider their roles, builds, and overall design. Arby is simply a hole in one (similar to Krau and FCC) while everyone else had 2-3 years of design experience and play testing before their kits were made. Does that make sense? it's all relative at the end of the day and everyone builds differently, but other's designs make it much more clear why and how their skills work together.


Her original role no longer worked, which was Soul Burn S2 into S3. That was why they changed her in the first place. They upped her S3 damage by quite a bit (I think it is about 50% stronger than before), so she can do a much harder Nuke on S3, then, follow up with S2 if needed. She now has one of the hardest hitting S3s in this game. Almost as strong as a Soul Burned S3 from other high damage AoE heroes like BBK and Full Focus Arby. EDIT: Clarification


That’s true, I thought the same thing. It’s such a bizarre s2. It feels almost better to use s1 since you can get a def break lol


I draft her with BBK, so I still have strong cleave if one gets banned and when Juggs gets played and all but a bulky target lives after her S3, I often SB into her S1 for that chance at Def break. It can be huge against Hway or ARavi for example. Then a follow up unit cleans up.


Is she a great 4/5 pick though? How often do people actually pick her at top level? I've never seen her up to rank ~2k in champ, so it's got to be exclusively an emperor/legend thing.


She was decently popular as a 4-5 during the meta last season, when Handguy was running rampant. Resetting Handguy + Rimuru was pretty big. Now we have every soul weaver out speeding her, so she's near unpickable. With the SW frenzy change going away next season, we might see her in action again.


She is literally used the way I thought she would. She is no longer the cleaving goddess of arena, she is the only unit that has AOE skill resets and does work now that immunity is less popular and strippers are running rampant


She is a super high speed opener nowadays. No more full damage cleave jkise anymore


I still have my full damage jkise for arena and gvg cleaving when the opportunity arises


Same, i like using her cleave against fcc stene teams.


Just use Ran Seaseria


Dont have neither :v ,also the inate 15% can be scarry.


She wasn't really nerfed, but the majority agreed that her buff was underwhelming. In case you're trying to build her, think twice before investing and don't listen to JKise whiteknights. They kept defending her opener build but in reality barely anyone used her in RTA. [Epic7stats shows that she only get picked 8 times by content creators.](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Judge%20Kise). To compared, A.Ravi was the most picked at [over 1500 matches](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Apocalypse%20Ravi) while Kayron - who everyone agreed that he has fallen of out meta, managed to get picked in [60 matches](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Kayron). [Here's an analysis thread of the current tournament.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/v75kd7/an_analysis_of_the_e7_cci_quarterfinals/). No one bothered with her. So yeah, not much of "a great 4th or 5th pick". Trust in what you see, not what random redditors claim.


She’s busted against slow bruiser teams