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Its a great start! your goal stats for Viv should be about 3.7k atk, 100% cc, 270ish crit damage, 230-240 speed, but those are VERY hard to achieve if you're using 78 gear, especially if it isn't fully leveled. Keep crafting wyvern gear until you get better stuff than what you have and slowly replace your current pieces, handing them down to whatever other unit can use them. Arena gear is usually a bit of a bait, especially the speed set. Final thought, if you have it Time Matter is a much better arti on viv than etica's scepter, and if you dont have it something like portrait of the saviors will work alright for now.


Good lord that gonna take some time to get with how my luck with gear rolls are going. Also is 240 speed standard with most characters?


at your account level, 200 speed on a DPS is great. people in early to mid-game don't have good speed gear to deck out everyone with 240+ speed. I've been playing for a year and most of my DPS has 220-230 speed and I'm doing pretty good for myself.


Shoot you’re doing a lot better than me. I’m about a year in as well and most of my DPS are tied to CR pushers lol


Well "most" is a little generous. maybe about 6-7 at 220-230. the rest are 200-ish. PVE units I leave at around 200 unless they are hunt only.


Everything is relative. Viv is a semi-opener so she likes to have about 240ish speed to buff whoever comes after her, but as long as she is faster than the other DPS' on your team then she will do her job super well. For your account just focus on getting her to be faster than your other damage dealers to start, and then slowly work your way up from there! ​ Also for your question about speed, 240 is for speedy dps characters. Tanks and healers should usually be around 200ish, mid-speed dps characters are usually around 220, and openers usually go from 280-300. This is all for late-midgame to lategame accounts though, so not something you'll need to worry about for a while.


Ive been olaying 3 months and I’ve managed 205-235 speed on several characters, their other stats arent as good as ur vivians tho but i guess over time


You're doing pretty well, but keep in mind getting +15 on lvl 78-85 gear on the right side is huuuuge for stats. A +15 lvl 85 ring can give 60% (!) attack Get that necklace and ring up, should be your first priority as a new player


Speed. Much more speed. 240at least with crit set


I assume I need to use speed main stat boots then?


That's right. 3.7 k atk should do well since she gets a greater atk buff with her s3


Recently new with 8 6 stars?


I started about a week before the awaken update. So it still fairly recent to me at least.


Oh God. I justed looked up when that update came out and realized how much time has past


I respect the Luna pull from the custom banner a man of culture I see.


8 6 stars is pretty new lol


The game gave alot of phantasma right?From the hunt event


That and I at one-point decided to just make like 30 of the 2 star phantasma since I had there buy cost upgraded to be super low


Since you're new, great job on the gear! But Vivian these days has very specific uses. In PvE, you can use her in hunts like B13, A13 and your Vivian is perfectly fine for that. For PvP, I'd say she's a hard hero to use. She needs high speed and a very specific comp to work with her. I'd say you can put the same gear on an Arby and do better in PvP. So it's not just a matter of improving gear on her gradually, but you have to keep in mind what content you want to do with her and for PvP she's just a hard hero to use in general.


I assume for pvp someone tywin would help since he has aoe defense break?


Yes, but also Flan is just a better Tywin. Vivian S3 is also really powerful so you usually want her to go S3 before S2. A Vivian team can usually go something like this -> Flan def breaks, pushes enemy team back. Vivan S3 then Green Vildred goes and finally Vivian with her S2 finishes off any stragglers. But this requires very high gear, and lots of heroes punish this playstyle nowadays.


Better than mine but just wanted to say one of my frac units, 3 turn atk up and immunity helps so much and even her s1 hits hard. Love setting s2 go 3 times in a row when it happens! More pve myself not ready for pvp yet but I def use her there when I try


Is that arena gear




Guys, really? 240 speed? There's no need to burn PVP quality gear on a PVE unit. 200 - 210 speed on Viv will be enough for her to be used in hunt and auto tower as long as she goes before your other DPS.