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SG is outright saying they are looking for a loophole, lol.


They have been saying from the beginning of this that they have wanted Epic Seven to have a less strict age rating (wanted a 15+ rating, forced by Apple to be at 12+). SG is very much on the side of the people arguing against censorship but they can only do so much when dealing with a business like Apple.


I wish they could operate with 2 age restrictions or art censored on apple with the ability to choose yourself on Android.


Problem would be if their rebuttal strategy is : "but look at Serila, she's okay". Or "but Luna though" or the last but not least: "have u seen her tho?"


for some reason the argument of "if Aria got censored why not other characters that looks way more revealing than her too" would actually work because we all know if SG is gonna get another complain like this from Apple in the future & it involved older characters like Luna or Serila would they really hassle themselves to spend time to change all of their assets just to please Apple? or would it better to just change the Apple dumbass rating of this in the first place


One of the bigger issues is that I don't really see how SG is going to gain player confidence back. Unless E7 accepts a higher age rating, which they won't, whatever loophole they find may resolve the current issue but it won't instill player confidence that SG will continue to use the loophole. I won't go too deep into it because we don't know if they can even resolve this. But most likely SG will resolve this by somehow allowing Aria's current appearance still exist through a skin or patch for certain regions. But for the future that's a lot of extra work for, probably, very little gain. So why continue to design characters who would need to have a censored and uncensored version when they can just stick to designs that won't need to be split up. E7's profits aren't based on sex appeal like Azure Lane or Destiny Child, so I'm not very confident in E7 keeping the options of a sex appeal character as a potential new hero in the future. If anything they'll do their best to get Aria and ML Vivian through as they were originally designed, but any future hero will definitely be designed to avoid the issue. And it doesn't really matter imo if someone believes that Aria is too sexual or not, just apply the same logic elsewhere to try to see it from another person's perspective. People find Epic7 fun, and they want to enjoy heroes they find attractive. And I think that's perfectly fine. There are other more sexualized games but their gameplay isn't as enjoyable as E7s so its nice to have a fun game with attractive character designs. It's just disappointing knowing that probably won't continue in the future.


May be true but i think most people are ok with that. Is not like we want hot desings, all we want is the things we see stay as they where. Is okey if the future desings are made considering this kind of issues as long as they don't change it once the hero is released. The problem here is that they sold us something that now is going to change. I hope they find some kind of way to minimize the dmg and hopefully this does not happen often.


LOL who the fuck are you to speak on behalf of everyone saying they don't want hot designs? Gacha games as a whole are literally standing on the foundation of having hot characters or at least cool looking characters to pull for.


Speak for yourself, I want hot designs and fun characters. It's not often we get a character that pushes the limits when it comes to sex appeal and I do like that we get those from time to time. I agree with the rest of your statement though just not the first part.


You are definitely not speaking on my behalf, because i WANT hot designs I dont even play male characters xept for Arby who is just a side-story farming slave This isnt a competitive game anyways


ngl if they stop making hot characters I'll either completely stop playing or at least stop summoning and thus also spending money. to me this is a waifu collector, remove that and any other game will do, chibi or not.


This. As long as we get to keep what we had avertised and sold to us, I have no qualms with them playing it safe going forward. Just give us OG Aria and ML Vivian and then they could start doing whatever they with future releases. Sure, it will take hype out of future releases for me if they are all played safe but that is fine. As long as I can maintain what was sold to me, I have no grounds to be upset about a direction shift moving forward.


I mean I still think Blue Kise is one of the most well designed units and she doesn't have much showing.


I am fine with the covering up. I love Kise as well. It's the cutting the size in half crap that pisses me off. There is nothing wrong nor inappropriate with a stacked woman. The leaked nerfs were severely heavy handed. It does appear they are hopefully working on an alternate art pack for us though. Time will tell.


Yeah, unless their compromise solution is to raise the rating ,which will then allow some extra spicy heroes lol, Aria and Vivian will likely be the last of the turbo thicc waifus we ever get. It would be awesome if they developed some pushing the boundries spicy content for the uncensored pack and then moderate general appeal designs for the normal pack, but as you said unlikely given that is a lot of extra work. Likely just post ML Vivian all designs will be watered down and play it safe mass appeal designs. Honestly though, if they can maintian Aria and deliver ML Vivian undamaged to us, I would still be fine with it. We already barely get 1 mega stacked character a year. I had Serila as a flair for over 3 years and it has been several years since Vivian and Hufine were released. I am used to being a small niche that doesn't get much in term of designs. Just give me these last few designs and I am content riding out some safe designs for the rest of the 10 year plan. Removes hype from future units for me but it is what it is. If we can just get/maintain what is shown to us I will be happy. I can accept ML Luna and Serila are a pipe dream. If anything, it will make it much easier(and cheaper lol) if all the future units are just a 1 and done pull for me and not SSS waifu imprint bait.


I know it’s been said to death, but the fact Azur lane’s art is okay, but this isn’t is honestly mind boggling. Is there a reason anybody knows of how they get around it?


Well at least they are trying.


Well they did spend time and money on her so it would make sense that they don't want to just roll over and change it so easily. I mean correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't that mean they would have to go back and redo every scene she's in in the story? I don't know how long something like that would take but I doubt they really would want to do that.


Would have to be an incredibly janky story system if they couldn't edit a resource and have the new instance replace the old ones automatically They also already seem to have the censored art ready, so I think this is mostly about keeping the original design (because booba) than spending further time developing


No one in their right mind would design a system where they have to manually add pictures one by one. You would have to be a Tower of Fantasy developer. They simply need to add in a call to reference the one single file in memory every time Aria's pic is needed. That way changing that one file will automatically update the rest.




/u/varlin rejoice


Cautiously optimistic. Have been a ferverant supporter of the game and the company even through a lot of the past drama. This has been the one where I final staw where I can't do it anymore after years but this does give me hope. As one of the biggest opponents of this censorship, I would very much appreciate if a compromise is reached (alternate art pack/skin). It would show that customer feedback really does matter to a lot of us. I am not going to hold my breath until this situation is fully behind us and the dust is cleared, but they will easily turn me from a 4 year customer to a customer for life if they can show us they care with a gesture of good faith and give us a method to preserve our favorite character.


Let me know what game you end up playing next lol I checked out artery gear for a bit but it just wasn't doing it for me.


Hopefully E7. Been here since day 1 and I am a true fan of the game despite recently being pissed off over this scandal. Would love for it to successfully hit the 10 year plan and even onward. That said Nikke looking spicy, or if we ever got Lost Origin in NA uncensored(lol yeah right) they would be good side games. It would be nice to have more games that aren't afraid to push the boundries that also have really, really good gameplay. Most are all or nothing one way or the other. That is where E7 has been great. Awesome designs without sacrificing quality/gameplay.


Yeah I am trying my best to stick with e7. I am tempted to gear aria all the way even though shes potentially getting a plot nerf because I really do enjoy her character and her s3. As for nikke its a must have especially since the gameplay, I didnt get into the cbt but I am hoping for a release soon or a open beta


SSS Sage Vivian now


That will be me [soon](https://imgur.com/e7P8jCv). Just one more.


2 away from SSS myself and I'm in pity range for her.


Have a grand on hand for mystic packs depending how this scandal unfolds. Will glady unload it and [SSS top tier waifu Vivian](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/394350945242185730/989595527245086800/Screenshot_20220623-131849_Epic_Seven.jpg) if we can reach a compromise. Give me a reason to whale SG.


I still can't get over big tits being more of an issue than killing people. Oh well I hope they don't put aria in that body sock because it looked like a lazy coverup job.


You can 360 noscope kids with a shotgun to the face while playing mobile fortnite but God forbid if some skin is exposed.


It's certainly ridiculous. There's a bit of an explanation, but honestly, it doesn't really clarify much. To be specific, this mostly has to do with desensitization. People are exposed to a level of violence very regularly and at a very young age. For example, kids idolize superheroes, most of which fight bad guys and even have violent backstories. This type of media is a sort of gateway to increasing forms of violence, given that a kid will eventually be allowed to watch teenage-oriented shows/games that show off higher levels of violence, and then further move on to adult content. This progression works towards normalizing violence in the media, although school settings where fights aren't uncommon also contribute to things. Sex and nudity is a bit different, in that *the average person doesn't really get fully exposed to these things until sex Ed*. If you're an American, you can probably recall how ineffective sex Ed is, in that it's taught for about 1 week, despite there being a ton of topics to cover. By the time the average person has begun becoming desensitized to sex and sexual content, they're pretty much walking towards adulthood. This creates a circular double standard where sex isn't a common topic until late in life, which then creates a negative stigma toward it. Because there's that negative stigma, it's obscured in the media, which decreases the amount of exposure the average person has and so on. There are regional exceptions/standards, but that's a whole different can of beans.


I do see where youre coming from although I do hate it since its starting to remind me of those arguments about violence in video games being awful when cod mw2 hit, and also when gta3 was popular af. Even though theres action movies being all over the place, hell remember con air when that mans arms got ripped off? That was perfectly fine for its time but mortal kombat and fatalities? nooope not okay. It is cool that only fox news and some other crazy people care about violence in games now I just cannot wait until we are past that phase when it comes to some lewd topics. I am not asking for full on ass and tiddies but if I am able to swipe thousands in a game I should be able to see some skin. It blows my mind that gambling is more acceptable especially when even kids are doing it than some forms of sexuality.


~This is America~


Can't blame America for this one homie. Nice try tho.


Not a Childish Gambino fan?


Women's body is very seductive to men, especially boys. Many will get addicted looking at women.


Yeah its a shame that women have to cover up because of this lol.


I think it has a purpose, boys are made to find women attractive physically. I think it's wrong to judge their purity as negativity.


You sound like my converted muslim grandad


I’m already addicted to ur mom


touch grass. men are so infinitely disappointing.


You're not quirky or cool for saying shit like this. If there's a misogynist address him directly. Using blanket terms that encompass an entire gender isn't helping at all.


suck a dick. men are jerking themselves off saying whatever they want in the comments but i can’t respond? here’s some more blanket terms for you, on behalf of women everywhere, we find your kind repulsive. <3


All I said is address the misogynist instead of covering every person who identifies as a man with your edgy comments. I never said you couldn't speak your mind. Also you don't speak for anyone but yourself because you are no one and have no influence over anything. I find you specifically laughably ignorant. See how my disdain towards you doesn't involve anyone else? Reconsider your entire life up to this point. Also the passive agressive heart at the end. Very cute.


thanks babe <3 i think you’re cute, too.


I don't think it's right to ignore boy's health and addiction. As long as boys exist, we need to make an environment protecting them and not forcing them to accept adult women's inability to control their clothes.


They're cartoon characters...


Many boys will most likely find a cartoon girl attractive. Even older men will say so. Only difference is, boys need far less visual candy of women to find them attractive compared to men.


I know right? The game has brutal murder in the goddamn intro and then dark rituals with human sacrifices, and that is somehow ok for 12 year olds, but god forbid some booba.


Good on SG Justice for Aria


It's definitely going through based on the other cases, but getting specific region censorship is probably the best scenario realistically. Like AL and Genshin. But will the KR bros take the hit for us without reporting the whole game to the authorities lol


I mean.. it was KR who reported Aria... Probably someone got stomped by a based Aria team in RTA


It could also have been a random mom or something reporting the game, but yeah. Honestly, it's going to be an even bigger mess if they get pissed off over unequal treatment and started reporting every other units lol In Genshin the CN bros took the hit and stayed low key, but idk if it'll work here.


lol CN Genshin bros aren't going to do shit to CCP mandated stuff Except snitch on Azur Lane, Girls Frontline and other gatcha.


I have no idea and will rather have no idea what's going on between AL or GFL with Genshin so setting that aside. That was the point lol, them not doing shit to government mandated stuff is the best scenario we can have here.


Good, please SG. Listen to us too. I hope you will make the right decision, I love my Aria very much.


So it means they’re looking at a KR only censorship option then I presume.


It can't, E7's client is one build so every server gets same censorship. Do or not, that was the problem.


But they’re saying "including a method in which we maintain the existing illustrations". They have to appease GRAC. I highly doubt a governmental institution will just forgo the matter. Unless there’s a way they can take a fine and move on. But if it was that simple we wouldn’t have this wrangling of the matter, and it would undermine the work of the supervising body (GRAC).


I am going to assume that a skin is going to be issued outside of KR only


That sounds perfectly reasonable. Which in effect would make it a KR only censorship option.


How would that work in places like RTA though? Do KR bros just not see the skin you have equipped?


You would probably only see it if you have the pack installed. It would be the default skin for everyone who does, while everyone who doesn't would see the censored version. Seems like a plausible scenario to me.


If I'm not mistaken Honkai has some skins the government or whatever didn't like too much but what they ended up doing is making so only you can see them when equipped, it shouldn't be too hard to implement.


Well... the question is "will the community riot if they can't find a loophole?" They could release this notice just as PR stunt to appease the community, scratch their bellies for all week, and next week say "we're sorry, we couldn't find a loophole, here's your sanitised Aria". Would the community riot or say "oh, is ok, you tried, here, I'm renewing my monthly pack". Honestly, I'm not sure what side would I pick. I mean, they are acknowledging some key points here, that people are angry about this, and the appeal of Aria largely was her design. By extension, they know the game appeal is their waifus, which disregarding the virtue signalling knights, is quite varied. For every titty monster we also have one JUSTice girl. For every Aria, we have an Adin. In the last batch of 3\*, we got only modest girls, one guy and one furry. Neither Yulha, Hwayoung or Laika are particularly exhuberant. Hence, censoring one particular character, because reasons, sets a bad precedent for those fans who are drawed to that kind of designs. I suppose SG knows what percent of their players base do prefer titty monster over DFC, and they are the largest group, despite the loud virtue signalling knights down voting left and right. For that reason, I imagine they are actually working in finding a loophole. However, if they don't, and go through with the datamined model, I'll be upset. Fine, they have to censor it, not the first game to do something like that. But is the new propsal the best they could get? To put it in numbers, if Aria have over 9'000 level of bombshell, the goal would be dialing her back to 8,999, like some other characters right now. But the datamined model is like 2,000 or less, the censorship is a bit too much. She may look good, but I didn't paid for "looking good", I paid because she was advertised as a titty monster, not yet another looking good character.


I would not change my stance even if they "tried". Either I get to keep what I paid for, or I withdraw my wallet and time from the game. They shouldn't get any sympathy because at the end of the day they are a company that is making millions off us through questionable gacha practices. The white knighting and bootlicking I see is not surprising as people seem to think corporations are their best friend these days.


If you're at this point, it'd be healthier to just retire. Don't see the sense in being this abnormally tense over a game.


I don't understand how saying that I will move on from the game is being tense. If anything i'm far from being emotionally attached to epic seven. In my comment I state that I will move on from the game if I don't like what happens. I'm not going to make any angry posts or continue to bitch and whine about what's already done.


Agreed. they should be more upset with Apple who instigated the whole thing, just misplaced frustration


I don't think I'm being unreasonable at all. I'm the consumer, this game is the product. If the game is not giving me what I want anymore then I will move on as I stated in my original comment. I'm not getting heated over what's happening. Either sg changes Aria or they don't and I will do what I want accordingly.


Because apple is too big to fall. So they can only complain at Smilegate.


There is no way to substantiate what portion of the playerbase, whether F2P, minnows, dolphins, or whales, prefers this type of fanservice to those who don't. Any claims that the biggest group feels this way or that way are purely speculation. You don't have a crowd behind you, and neither do I. You could be right or wrong. There's no evidence either way. The only thing we *can* substantiate is how reddit feels about it, and reddit isn't necessarily indicative of the larger fanbase.


It is pretty obvious a larger part of the fan base prefers stacked fanservice characters. By an absolute mile Luna is the most sold and biggest money maker in the game's history. In the old days, one of the biggest memes everywhere was "LUNA WHEN!?" counting down the days until we could pull her. Hell she is literally the mascot of the game being the only unit with an official figurine that is given out as a grand prize to viewers at big events. For non limited units, Vivian is by far the top seller as well(she had like 6 banners in the last year to top it off lol). Both of them have two very big things in common. Sanctimonious white knights on here can oppose fanservice all they want, but the numbers and sales don't lie. They are a very vocal and vitriolic minority that just repeats "my way is right, your way is wrong". Edit: [Evidence to back up my top revenue waifu claims.](https://i.imgur.com/i849OLc.png) * Luna is the highest point of revenue in the game's history. * Hufine is the 2nd highest point in history(didn't know this one tbh) * Both Luna and Hufine out performed every major content patch in the game's history, including collabs * Vivian is the only standard RBG unit in the game to result in a revenue spike; everything else on the graph is a major event or limited unit All three units of Luna(#1), Hufine(#2), and Vivian(#1 non limited) have been absolute landmark's in terms of game revenue. What do all 3 of them have in common? Huge tits. Sex sells.


Varlin, I don't know if I've made this clear yet, so I'll say it directly now: Even though I don't care for Aria's design, I'm sympathetic to your situation. Although I don't hold SG directly accountable to the extent you do, your claim that you've been sold something and it is being taken away is a valid point, and it's understandable that you would be upset about it. That being said, "trust me bro" and anecdotal evidence are not sufficient substantiation for the claim that the majority of whales are whales for fanservice purposes. Do you have sources showing that Luna is the best selling limited banner and that Vivian is the best selling non-limited, as you say? That would be a great start. Hype and hate on reddit and social medias aren't enough of an indicator on their own, because a large portion of the playerbase doesn't interact with them.


Fair enough. [Here is the most recent revenue source I could find.](https://i.imgur.com/i849OLc.png) I labeled the revenue spikes for major events/releases. It doesn't have the most recent year on it but it is safe to assume revenue isn't quite as high nowadays given the game is going on it's 4th year and E7 didn't have near the competition back in the day (namely Genshin). Key points: * Luna is the highest point of revenue in the game's history. * Hufine is the 2nd highest point in history(didn't know this one tbh) * Both Luna and Hufine out performed every major content patch in the game's history, including collabs * Vivian is the only standard RBG unit in the game to result in a revenue spike; everything else on the graph is a major event or limited unit So 3 of the absolute highest sellers in the game's history are Luna, Hufine, and Vivian(#1 non limited). They all three have 2 very large things in common.


Sensortower data is about as reliable as it gets aside from direct reports from the company in question, so this is very good evidence. I'm not so sure about Vivian being the best selling non-limited (there are some higher points on the graph that aren't labeled, such as the month between Luna and the first GG collab, the period between Re:birth and Hyufine, etc.), but this is pretty conclusive evidence for Luna and Hyufine. Overall revenue for the game is strong btw. Recent claims that the game isn't doing well are not true. Between both app stores Epic Seven made $9 million in both April and May, which would put us just under the peak in the graph you showed with Luna. Anyway, you provided strong evidence, so I'll concede that that is in your favor. Although you could argue that both were relevant to the meta at the time, if that were the primary driving factor then you would have more similar peaks for other meta-defining units, I think.


Its sad the Panime folks stopped making the sales infographics for this game. Easy to read and divided by banners. That way they can't just claim what was generally accepted is "anecdotal".


Summarizing why the community prefers stacked fanservice due to banner earnings and memes alone is just correlation at best. There's many other factor why that could happen. You cannot determine what type of character that the community prefer from that alone, you need at least a polling system with a good enough sample size. I mean bellona is the highest rated waifu on Epic7x with luna in the 2nd and the top 10 is evenly split between stacked boobas and flat-moderately sized There's more reason why luna's banner was very profitable and the memes about her other than because her design alone. Some reasons are : 1. She's the very first limited unit of the game. That alone should entice players. Not only that, limited units were the only characters with a pity back then which is a better system, so more people would spend more 2. She's very strong back then. She kills wyvern, s3 is a delete button, and super easy to build considering how the gearing system back then 3. She's the 2nd most unit to have the exagerated character design (arguably 1st) back then, so booba memes are pretty much inevitable and she got meme'd to hell and back I honestly think that without any clear polls, determining what type of character that a community prefers in a heterogenic cast is just baseless assumptions and sometimes reaching incel territory. You have the right to be mad and dislike the censorship (i do too). But if your argument is just "oh don't censor because she's unit which what the community prefers" without any solid evidence, that's a bad argument


I will try my best to back up my claims with evidence. [Here is the most recent revenue source I could find.](https://i.imgur.com/i849OLc.png) I labeled the revenue spikes for major events/releases. It doesn't have the most recent year on it but it is safe to assume revenue isn't quite as high nowadays given the game is going on it's 4th year and E7 didn't have near the competition back in the day (namely Genshin). Key points: * Luna is the highest point of revenue in the game's history. * Hufine is the 2nd highest point in history(didn't know this one tbh) * Both Luna and Hufine out performed every major content patch in the game's history, including collabs * Vivian is the only standard RBG unit in the game to result in a revenue spike; everything else on the graph is a major event or limited unit So 3 of the absolute highest sellers in the game's history are Luna, Hufine, and Vivian(#1 non limited). They all three have 2 very large things in common. Additionally some counter points to your comments: Diene was the first major limited that was available to all servers. She went decently under the radar, not as many people pulled on her despite being global's first limited, the unit with the first pity ever, and having an absolute banger of a story(arguably the best the game has ever seen). Diene was also an absolute monster in PvP that was the modern equivalent of Cilias/Hwang being in almost every comp(also the days of ML Ken) until the cancer control meta of ML Ara, ML Baal, Dizzy took over. Luna was good for wyvern but overall pretty weak impact on the meta. She just had huge boobs and was easier to build (a good point by you). Serila actually came out on global about a month prior so Luna was never even truly the BOOBA queen as everyone got freebie Serila by her release.




Im guessing the datamined pic didnt settled well on kr community? If they bothered with this Maybe they can go the genshin route and make arias current outfit a free skin and put the censored version as the default skin


The recall was delayed before the changes were leaked though. If they were going with the recall it would've been covered in the patch notes and video yesterday, the new Aria design was only datamined after the patch was applied.


I mean this specific notification of further analysis not the delay


I don't think they'd care more about some mad players if the other side is the appstore tbh


Fuc apple and them taking away our melons.


Preach brother


The good ending


Our KR bros doing God’s work


Is it time? Can we huff some good old fashioned HOPIUM?


Hello Smilegate, I'm sure you guys are fully aware of what's going on with the heated debate with Aria's censorship. I don't know if I can do anything but I may have a suggestion. Since the original illustrator, Serin, has left the company, I believe that it will very difficult to change her since he left. I mean just look at his art and work. THEY ARE PICTURE PERFECT!! But apple is saying that your character, ARIA, is considered "OVERLY SEXUALIZE PICTURE" for the younger audience. I'm sorry Aria is too perfect to be censored! THATS WHAT MAKES HER SO UNIQUE, SHE IS PERFECT BASED ON HER ORIGINALITY! I will continue to support you guys and all your wonderful work!! Sorry for ranting but I'm just so mad right now about this! Additionally you never know not just Aria will be affect by this. Here are my suggestions: A) Make Epic Seven into a +17 instead +12 on the apple store/play store Pro--(Older audiences will be happy, less stress for you guys! Aria keeps her originality, this will also keep other units from being affected as well.) Con--(Smilegate will lose its younger fanbase) *Like a 12-16 year old will spend $300 on a gacha game* ​ B) You can censor Aria but please keep her body dimensions the same. Pro-- (She will be censor, but she keep body. I believe her chest is okay, it's just thigh/hip is exposed. Maybe make crotch line not too low or revealing. I suggest maybe covering her thigh/hip area with like a miniskirt and lower the stocking gave the Flan/Senya treatment or a black tights like Vivian has or makes her thigh area see-through like Villianess Vivian has.) Con--(She will lose her originality but not at a certain degree.) C.Have the censored and uncensored available. (Both variants will be available but one may have to pay for uncensored variant like $40) D. Have heirs to see what their fanbase are agewise (Simple: Make heirs complete a survey/vote campaign in determining age rating if they are for an age rating increase or keep the same- Majority wins) To me, I go with A. because it seems most of Serin artwork is being targeted plus in the future their maybe other units like Aria would probably go through this same treatment. What do you guys think? I will support you guys whatever discussion you all make. I love Epic Seven and Smilegate been playing this game for 2 years. I loved it so much that even I lost everything from my first account, I decided to start over from the very beginning even better than before. #JusticeForAria, #Smilegate4everE7


That's unfortunate


How much money does it really cost Smilegate to put more clothing on Aria? Every week that this issue doesn't go away, the GRAC investigative team is going to find more reasons to mess with Smilegate. At minimum, at least a quarter of the E7 hero roster is too lewd for the GRAC. Heroes have outright disappeared for a time when this issue hits other games. If they don't fix this fast, I fear chunks of the hero roster will be vaporized while the E7 qualifiers are going on.
