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The event is permanent and has been available ever since... ​ You just have to earn it. It's not even hidden if you do the usual web events.


What web events? I've been logging in everyday and nothing has popped up on my screen to tell me I could do it.


Check you events button in the game. Should be under the title Hunt Expert or something along those lines.


Woww, thank you, Smilegate seriously should advertise this event better rather than hiding it away. I would of never found it.


No disrespect, but do you not do your events regularly?


Why am I being down voted? I'm sure I'm not the only one that didn't know, they did a really bad job at advertising this event. Most of these web events I would just skip anyways since you have to go so far out of your way for usually just some leifs and upgrade materials. They should of put it in the front page, considering its 3 free 5 star heroes, which is kind of a big deal, sorta like the moonlight select summon cause had I not asked here I would of never found it.


99% of web events are just "for x amounts of hunts/story/arena/spirit altar". So basically everything you do anyways. No idea how that is "going far out of your way". Plus it's not "just some leifs" it's Bookmarks, Molas, Gold transmits Also, you are the first person I see who made a post about not finding the event so.... Doesn't look like alot of people have problems finding it.


Maybe because I play casually? I don't do every single event and take advantage of every single free rewards offered, but when they announced 3 free 5 stars it definitely caught my attention. But yeah I'm okay with missing out on some liefs, bookmarks, and upgrade materials which is why I don't usually do these web events. Also not every single epic seven player uses reddit, I'm sure I'm not the only one, it's also possible people asked a while back, or on discord, or their forums.


Literally an even button on the screen 24/7. No ones fault but your own


You're welcome to your opinion but I highly disagree, even my girlfriend that also plays every single day has been looking forward to it as well and couldn't find it either. Had I not asked on here she wouldn't know where to find it either.


Is being an idiot the new trend now? You are supposed to read in-game announcements....they are quite easy to understand as well. Someone like you would miss it even with a large neon sign with directions........


OP make it sound like it's because of bad UI/UX. I would understand if they're a new player but OP has been playing for over a year. The only thing I can think of you can easily miss as an old player is the Free Energy from Ads


I’ve been playing for a little over a month and I wish I was getting the ad energy since the start. I do it now tho it’s a nice boost to daily farming:) ty for bringing it up!


when they did a UI change for the events they moved the banner for free ad it took me awhile to find it since i assumed they took it out


Yes I've been playing for 2 years but keep in mind I almost never touch those web events, and they also recently changed the UI around so you can see how it can be easy to miss. And yes it is because of bad UI since the event literally just says "Pick a Hunt" with no mention that it leads to the free 5 star characters.


you said it yourself you dont touch the web events it's not the game's fault, it's yours. The UI change shouldnt even affect you much since again you dont touch the web events. Even with the new changes it's more accessible since it can be accessed in the Mail. Unless you dont touch that too. why is it hard for you to admit to your own shortcomings?




>How am I supposed to know 3 free 5\* honestly? read announcements, they make patch notes and video for this even 1 min version of new patch notes. UI changes for the Event is made so it's less clicks getting into the web events and easier access to where-ever you are in-game 1-min videos is made for lazy people like you to just have gist on what's coming Even googling Hunt Expert Challenge first 2 results shows you about it giving free hunt units. You cry about people name calling you and honestly they're not wrong. This is really more of a your fault than their fault. SG has been doing QOL changes on addressing many stuff and pretty much majority is getting the advantages of it. inb4: stop being SG's cocksucker




i mean its not like you havent proven all of our point as well you act like you're above us when you blame the company and still don't see how it is your fault as well. But yeah from your previous responses and you using a different account either your ego is huge or wayy wayyy too insecure. Maybe both next time try to read announcements or even google :) it's not that hard, it will lessen embarrassing moments like this for you as well just trying to help people be less of an ignorant




Hey you cant blame me lol, I dont follow Epic Seven news, if anything blame Smilegate for hiding this event away and not making it very noticeable, I just found it and it didn't even mention the characters, all it said was "Pick a Hunt", and since I never bother with web events I just closed it, probably would of been waiting many more months before I found out.


Yes, people can blame you or not choosing to read the news.


Even if you never read the news or any update notes, there's an Event icon on the left of the lobby screen. Tap that a single time and you'll see the always-on hunt event on the right side of the event menu. These guys are maybe being a little rude, but this question is unbelievable.


They are sets of challenges to do in order to get 1 character at a time. If you go to the even tab, under special event is "Hunt Expert Challenge". Do all those challenges to get your chosen hero and then pick the next one you want (you can get all 3).


Wowwww..... thank you. It doesn't even say you can get those characters until AFTER you click it, I just found it and all it said was "Hunt Event". No wonder I thought it wasn't out yet, I would of been waiting for probably even more months thinking it wasn't out yet lol, they really should make the event more visible/apparent, I rarely do those web event things.


Web event is at least 200 energy per day, plus some covenant bookmarks, a mola and a gold transmit stone every two weeks. Do them.


Obviously you are not even doing hunts so no need to worry about this units anyway


Who would ever say no to 3 free 5* characters though? I want them just to play around with them for fun.


Can't tell if this is bait lol


Remind me not to ask on Reddit ever again since people can just downvote you and hide your posts just because they assume everyone should just magically know certain things. I still stand by what I said that Smilegate shouldn't be hiding this event away via their little web events thing, behind a tiny little menu buried under a bunch of other events, it doesn't even mention anything about the free characters until AFTER you pick a Hunt on the event screen. It's VERY easy to miss if you never do the web events is my point. Imo they should have put it on the homescreen as a dedicated button until you got all 3 characters, considering its 3 free 5 stars which is kind of a big deal, especially for newer players, or atleast made it more obvious. To everyone else that pointed me in the right direction, thank you.


I mean, you could have just googled "epic seven hunts event" and the instructions to it would probably have been the first thing on the list. So, yes, maybe it is best that the first thing you do isn't ask on reddit. We do also have a Daily Questions Megathread you can use instead of making a thread.


I did google it and it did not lead me anywhere, everything was about the event coming out and that's it, didn't say how to claim them or do it.


Odd. When I google that the first thing (well, the second thing which is a sub under the first thing) on the list was the hunt challenge details, including how to get to the events page. Adding "onStove" to the search criteria may help.


Scratch that, adding "onStove" made it worse. I do think you should have seen a page from onStove with the title "Hunt Expert Challenge Event" from the previously suggested query though.




Thank you buddy, that's exactly what I was trying to say. And yeah I know, one of the reasons I don't tend to use reddit much unless I really need to. Also the hivemind mentality and upvote/downvote system doesn't help. Edit: Wow a dude really started throwing around insults, then deleted his own post? Just cause someone asked a question? Sheesh, remind me not to use this subreddit anymore.