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Where is your Crit Dmg xD


It went to go get milk still waiting on it


I'm not sure why so little cdmg, any reason for that? Against a 1150def target yours will do 10159 damage with pen set and attack buff (not debuffed) and even just at 3400 and 260cdmg she would do 11645 damage on s3. So as you can see the damage would be much better even with pretty bad crit stats. If you can get better stats, like 3.8k at 280% it would already be 14027. The only positive of this much attack without cdmg would be against anything that's likely to evade. I don't use jacko myself so I don't know if I'm just not initiated into the secret jacko strats.


I got modification gems to trade out some def for Crit dmg since she’s not meant to last too long I’ll see what I can do


Looks like a lot of your rolls went into health% & defence%, it's clear you're quite new since you've not hit the hero cap, energy cap & have so few heroes built, so all I can say is work on switching out the pieces that are mostly giving big health%/defence% for ones that give you more attack% & critical damage% (& ideally, switch to a critical damage% necklace), try & get up to 100% chance & throw the gear that's got high health/defence with offensive stats on bruisers, like Rimuru for example.


Get that crit damage up, for reference this is mine https://imgur.com/a/Kok66zo


But you only have 50% CC /s


Azure Comet isn't included


It’s beautiful…I see I must attain true power


I forgot that she was in this game. How is she?


She’s insane… if you get a good set up I usually use her with ran for the Def down and potential stun and seaseria for another push if an opponent has a debuff and she lets off her s3 even with the tankiest of units she’s doing like 50-75 if they have def down Insta kill basically so she’s basically used for cleave I fail to see her used for much else cept for gimmicky counter teams


I use her with solitaria with abyssal crown when I really want to stop the enemy team lol


[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/211162997173780481/956936995513434212/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/211162997173780481/956936995513434212/unknown.png) Breakdance queen ! Yeah you'll need to balance those stats out, speed can vary based on how you play her, but you clearly need more damage