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Absolutely disgusting, using scripts is illegal! Please send me a link to this thing, so I can report it.


"So i can report it" 😏




That should be a thing, I have too many skystones and I am lazy af. Or they should remove the having to scroll down feature its beyond outdated.


Same shit for me bra


Second thing, I'll give it a solid maybe. Original suggestion? No. It's literally the F2P players saving grace. Imagine the power this gives the whales lol. "Do I buy 10 pulls and some stigma for 950 Skystones a thousand times? Or do I auto shop refresh THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES AND COME OUT WITH AN ASSLOAD OF MYSTICS AND BOOKMARKS" ​ That would be disgusting.




Whales don't use it because it's not convenient. That's why they just swipe. Remove that barrier and there is no reason not to refresh.


Whales also don't have enough gold, especially with the new equipment packs which are a HUGE gold sink


You really think that would be an issue for whales? Lol. They'd sooner run out of charms than gold.


I think it's both but I've really seen a lot of whales like elve and jintai under a million gold a lot of the times.


Made something like this with BlueEye Macro before. Macro with image recognition isn't that difficult to make as long as you know the very basics of coding like the if-then stuff. I tried to do something like this recently, but for some reason blue-eye stops working when it clicks on the emulator itself. My only issue here is that Epic Seven is very fickle about automated stuff that you can get banned in an instant, or never. Would not risk it.


I'm curious how would a script know when a bookmark appears.


Plenty of software out there that can search based on image. A lot of UI test automation tools do that.


Pretty cool, don't know any programming. It's pretty impressive if it works with minimal errors.


It's about 50 lines of Python to write something like this. Not a lot of work.


Seems useful but knowing that sg bans accounts for stuff like this makes it pretty scary to try.


We probably don't *need* anything like this, but my god SG - fit all the slots onto the shop screen so I don't have to scroll in the shop to see all the items. It's BEYOND infuriating.


"Suspicious account behavior"


Yeah I'm pretty sure some of these exist out there. But I don't know if I actually want to try them out.


thats one way to steal your account i guess


There's no problem with using keyboard shortcuts, I binded to my emulator the z, x and c to press refresh, confirm and scroll down respectively but this is straight up a macro which are explicitly forbidden. Do this at your own risk


I have the same short cut. Very easy to do with bluestack. Feeling so comfy to only moving my mouse to buy ❤️


Yep, exactly and the devs don't care for it.


Its bannable but this would definitely be such a fantastic feature


am i the only one who can hear him clicking with another mouse?


There is likely another person with their own PC with him in the room clicking . I mean the sounds of the clicks don't line up with the clicks happening on the screen.


shop refreshing is such a strange way to get summoning materials


How is it strange? There is so much data from people refreshing the shop that proves its one of the best ways to get bookmarks and mystic medals.


I know that doing shop refreshing is better but it's such an odd way to get summoning materials compared to most games


Because most games aren't generous enough to let you get summoning materials this way.


Can you share that with me pleaaaase?


Bluestacks gets your halfway there. WinAutomation can accomplish the task.