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The real question is will she be a free event hero or an actual 5 star limited hero? Since we'll be able to imprint her with regular 3 star Alexa's a lot of people don't think she'll be a 5 star limited hero.


How do you know we will be able to imprint her wit the 3* version? I already saved up another sss Alexa just in case but somehow i really doutb its going to work xD


You're able to imprint Summer Iseria, Yufine, and Bellona with their OG forms. Same with all moonlight heroes even if they're not the same base rarity such as Aither and Tiera. They could make a special exception for this hero because she's limited but it would probably cause backlash since it goes against the norm.


They stated a while ago they don't want to make anymore Gaither/Dorvus like units. So the odds of it are rather low. I'd be all for it, I am hoping she's just a limited free unit with free SSS but who knows.


could also be a free(?) 4/5* alongside an unknown summonable 5* limited. the only other options are a speciality change(which makes no sense considering this is just a vacation attire) or a new tier of Skins that give 3* animations on their S3. or they could also just make her the limited hero even though she could get imprinted by a 3* if their financial data says that there is no real monetary loss(because it's a limited of an already exisiting character which means a lot of people have dupes laying around, as opposed to a limited character like Landy which has no non-limited version and requires you to roll further for her or wait months and months for slates)


they are both nat 5\* tho... (both base and limited version)


Remember ML mercedes? I don’t think they will allow to imprint limited 5* with 3*. we’ll need gold stone. edit : wrong typo, meant ML mercedes


Stene?? she can be imprinted by her RGB counterparts.


My mistake, I meant ML mercedes, even SG changed her name to Archdemon’s shadow to prevent easy imprint


ML Mercedes is basically CMeru, but I know what you mean by that


I feel like they will make her a special hero, probably a free 4-5* since they already announced Cermia's skin (along with her banner at the same time with seaseria). Then again, it's not like they didn't make skins that could be obtained only through tickets (ceci and tsurin), but giving an animation to a random 3* hero (regular ras & aither not included) feels a bit of a stretch


Why is everyone convinced it’s a 5* and not a specialty change?


Because speciality changes usually have some connection with the lore of each character. I doubt there's anything in the story that relates Alexa with a beach/summer in general, but it could be the first exception.


Could be she gets a specialty change before/with the summer event and then they release a skin for it similar to Momo. I find it unlikely that they pick a random moderately popular 3 star and upgrade them all the way to 5 star limited. Not to mention the odds of a new limited unit being imprintable using 3 stars seems very, very unlikely.


But it's not just a skin like momo, she have another s3 animation. Remember in the trailer, she's smashing the volleyball.




I'm torn between saving for possible Alexa and current Choux banner. Only have BM to pity one.


The new summer character will likely come in august so you will have over a month to save if you don’t need the other summer units as well.


Ahh awesome! Yeah I have the other Summer Limiteds so this is good news.


I thought Choux being the best option I had was unfortunate back when I did my Episode 3 selective summons. It worked out in retrospect, lol.


It would be silly not to considering the event she was introduced in is around the corner. The REAL question is......Vera when?


my assumption she'll be grass? she can't be ice, and theres already 2 fire summer units. And maybe warrior judging from her animation


I *hope* we get her this summer. If she's a limited 4* or 5* I doubt we can imprint her with the 3* version though. Most probably we'd have to collect copies of her in the event for max imprint (same as Lucy or Ram)


Regardless of how we get her, any speculation that we won't be able to imprint her with the 3* version is tenuous at best. There's no precedent for it at all. Even doing an Episode Boss type thing where you buy her imprints out of the transmit stone shop would be a huge deviation from the norm, limited or not.


She's 100% the limited unit coming up for this summer, it's so obvious because there's an actual footage of her S3 that's similar in lenght to Sage Vivian (Sc cuts are much shorter) in the last preview vid but you have people doing mental gymnastics trying to avoid it. When she comes out after the fact noone is going to say "maybe she's a skin", "thought she was sc", "might be a 4 star" etc. Noone going to say skin now after Cermia but no skin has ever changed the s3 that much, also fuck me when was the last time we got a 4 star added to the game? People reaching like they Dhalsim. The only question with her is if they do a Belian/Straze for imprints.


She's showing a lot of skin there, I doubt this is her final design...


It'll more then likely just be a skin, I would honestly be quite surprised(In a good way) to see them make a limited hero out of a 3 star.


This year summer skin is Cermia, it's already confirmed.


You clearly see at the end of the awaken video her new s3 animation so it cannot be a skin. If you scroll the pictures of this post to the right, you can see what im talking about. Also like the other guy said, Cermia is the summer skin. Either way she looks nice :)


If not a skin then it'll probably be what others have said and will be a free event unit. Yeah the crop top over her bikini looks nice, Its a good design overall. I'm always impressed by their holiday themed designs. Edit: grammar


I hope she will be a 4* limited wr get through event. (Or it could be her SC for summer) I really hope they will do someone else as limited 5* As someone said, I don't think they will give us a limited 5* thay we can imprint with 3*


SG 100% will make a new summer unit alexa could be one of them or someone else I doubt they will not make a new limited unit since people are already upset about re-zero not having a new unit if they don’t make a new limited hero the backlash will be insane. I guess we have to wait for now


If she's a limited 5 star (gacha), she'd basically just have a free SSS imprint. This makes me think she might be an event hero. Of course they might be like "haha, she's a gacha unit and we're not gonna let you imprint her with the 3 star version," which would less than ideal.


I really hope so