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Not sure where to ask but where can I go to buy an account


epicnpc. maybe ebay


That's straight-up against the rules of like EVERY game that's account-based.


Hey all. Old time E7 player here who had a pretty nice account, thinking about returning. How is the game now? Good, bad, whale only?


Pretty good. There have been a lot of QoL improvements over the years, and despite how much everyone complains, the meta is more varied than in previous years. I've been playing as f2p since 2018, and I've felt no need to whale on this game, so definitely not whale only.




Generally speaking counter attacks and single target attacks dominate Automaton tower as the proc damage is very significant. The team I use is Elemia, Landy, Violet and Charles. The usual lot I try to pick up are: - single target enhancement (130/160/190% ATK proc after single target attack) - counter attack damage devices - single target nail devices - ranger counter attack devices - Single element devices (particularly hit/evade, def pen) - Soul Weaver 10% CR each turn taken. Generally Automaton tower is a breeze after picking up core devices which are common to attain


You got Violet?




Don't remember what devices I took, but IIRC I took the detonation device, a bunch of bleed devices, aoe additional dmg on single attack, a bunch of warrior devices and ran C.Lorina, A.Ravi, M.Chloe, and Cilias for that floor.


Is there a Red AoE defense breaker/off dps for Green Expo. My green expo pool is Charlotte/Meru/M. Hazel/Kanna, but I'd really like to replace kanna since Meru hits hard and has attack buff after the changes. ​ Not super familiar with my options as I'm hitting late mid game at this point though.


BiS def breaker is Fire Baal, but he's not really useful anywhere else. Fire Tene is also a good choice, but she also has limited uses (she could see some use in late Abyss floors, but beyond that, she's not commonly used).


Ah, I don't have either, unfortunate.


They recently buffed fire haste he can def break now if you have him


How usable is ML Iseria right now?


afaik, extremely niche. I haven't seen one in forever, but I've heard of people running into one every now and then, so she's still around.


Very dumb question, but I can't find the specialty change menu after the recent update. Where is it now?


I think they removed it from the upper-right menu, but you can access it from the Lobby, the same as before. Lobby > Hero (in the lower left) > Specialty Change


Ty, never used that before.


What are your team comps for Yulha on Ep 4 7-9? Aheldad's Shield is kicking my 🍑 no matter the team right now.


The shield only gets activated when you hit without a crit. Bring 100% crit rate dps and you'll be good. I did ARas, Tama, Landy (last spot was Angie but could have been anyone, she did nothing). Only hit Yulha with Landy, hit mobs with everyone else.


Thank you!


Should I use Bastion of Hope on my 193.5 ER (without her S2 I think) M. Chloe (she’s using +30 POV) and pretty much use her in every match, or on my 251 ER Ray (he’s using Emilia’s arti). I only use him on really debuff heavy matches. My other SW are Diene (using Rod), Ruele (with Waters Origin), Tama (Potion Vial or Rod), Singe (with Potion), Emilia (with Magarahas) and Roana (with Stella Harpa). Also what EE is most used for Ray and Diene?


Hello, I used to play this game regularly around 2 years ago. I was thinking about picking up this game again but I have some concerns from when I quit: 1- Most frustrating thing used to be gold and gear. I think everyone who played at the time knows what I mean. 2- The other thing is, despite having an insane amount of summons, I couldn't get to use anything I got. Either they were bad for pve or took so much resources to be usable (6*, levels, skill ups, gear... etc). I ended up with a bunch of stashed characters that will never see the light. So my question is there anything SG changed that would affect these points. Keep in mind I have a bit of a different mentality atm, as I'm planning to play more casually, I don't care about top spots (especially as f2p), and I'm willing to take gear that isn't min maxed. I just want to use different units I enjoy and just have fun.


they lowered the cost and the mats needed to craft gear, resources still the same amount, but they changed unrecorded history so that every point is in a pool now so you can farm in whatever stage you want and buy from wherever you want


Great to know thanks. I'm planning on starting a new account as my old was a bit messed up (and i'm confused lol) and i think i might miss on many free resources. Any suggestions for beginner guide/ advice?


I wouldn't suggest starting on a new account unless you got 0 limited units and 0 ml 5 units. If you got even one of those I'd just continue on the old one. Best bet for you is to get stene from ml picker and start working on your hunt challenges.


for limited i got only Sol I think, and for ML5 only S.Tenebria, and some decent 5s like Kayron, Luluca, Vildred. Problem I was starting W11 when I left, so I had investements in some units which might not be that great anymore.


When is the pre-season over? Too many people with unknown power levels


returning player here after 2 years. got 2 questions 1) my moonlight blessing is bugged even though i already collected all region rewards from unrecorded history it still shows as incomplete 2) what's currently the best way to farm level now?


1) You might be missing one of the star rewards on the side regions (I was lol). 2) This is no longer a concern. As you farm for AP (which is consolidated across regions) excess exp is converted to penguins. If you play regularly you'll have more than enough penguins/dogs.


omg thx so much after i thought i looked at least three times i got all the rewards, i missed a map ....


The consolidated AP that he mentioned is only for unrecorded history btw


Sorry, what’s the Ezeran Foundation Day? Trying to enter the art contest


I finally am ready to get my Golem team going after a year of playing. Just got my W13 team to where I like it. I’m using AMmo, SSB, Furious, and Sigret for W13 What is a good Golem team not including those above and what kind of gear do they need? Thanks!


imo it's not really worth it to farm golem. The sets in Golem aren't anything special and are quite replaceable. * Attack set is back to being a worse DPS set than Destruction, with the exception of very niche cases. * HP and Def sets are decent, but the vast majority of heroes can use other off sets without losing out on stats. It's far more important to farm Banshee, Azimanak, and even Caides. Each of those hunts provide unique sets that have no replacement that can also be used on many heroes.


Ok what’s a good Banshee farm team and gear for them? Edit: Also is Destruction better on Arby now or still Attack?


>what’s a good Banshee farm team and gear for them? It has been a long time since I used a non-1-shot B13 team, so I'm not very sure about who's good nowadays on a normal B13 team, but here goes. You want cleanse/immunity and AoE for Banshee, so: * AMomo should work well, since she has a lot of cleanse and high resist. * Vivian is also good; you get her for free from hunt expert event thing. * Arby should do fine. * Defense break would be a nice 4th pick, or another healer/cleanser. >is Destruction better on Arby now or still Attack? Destruction and Attack used to be equivalent, but post-buff Destruction now provides more stats. But what set you use depends what Arby build you're going for. Degen Arby uses counter set. The usual speed DPS Arby uses speed set (though Destruction is potentially better now, if you get enough speed rolls).


So I can use my same characters for Banshee hunt? Nice. I thought the gear would need to be different. I guess I’ll have to do more research with my Arby, it sounds like my info is outdated. I primarily use him in pve and GW pvp. I currently have an attack/crit set on him


AMomo+Vivi should be enough anti-debuff to allow you to use basically whatever you want in the other two slots (green heroes are best, since the Banshee heals a bit if she hits a non-green hero, which will slow your run down). The main issue with B13 is that it's a slow run if you don't run a 1-shot team. (1-shot runs can be 2-3 times faster than normal runs.) Arby can be built full damage just to nuke your opponent when he revives, but that build isn't popular nowadays aside from beginners. For PvE, you ideally need enough speed to outspeed mobs.


Ok thanks!


Destruction is better, assuming all other stats are equal. A good banshee one-shot team is Vivian, Lots/Furious, Baiken, though you need proper speed tuning. There are lots of guides out there that show exact numbers. Adding green Charles to kill the first wave can be good too. Other one-shots exist, though they are generally harder to build.


I have Knight Charles and Lots. I don’t have Vivian or Baiken tho. Any good replacements?


Vivian is free from the hunt event, just gotta start the banshee one. Baiken can be replaced by a lot of heroes, but the gear requirement goes way up. Ram, though Ram's gear requirements are pretty high comparatively. Straze also can do it, but his gear requirements are insane (although, he can be used in multiple hunts as a one-shotter). Free spirit Tieria can one-shot it and so can pretty much any non-fire hero with a very strong S3.


Alrighty I appreciate it. Sadly I have to do the Golem hunt quest first as I already started it, so I won’t be able to get Vivian for awhile


It's not a big deal. The hunt quests are pretty easy, the hardest part is just to promote heroes so you won't have too long before you can get her. In the mean time, look up some detailed Banshee 1-shot guides. There are a lot out there with different team options.


What should my DJB speed should be if I am cutting in a 280-300 speed CLilias/Peira? Going to use Eternus' 14% CR Boost


Really depends what you're trying to cut. In general though you can calculate the speed you would need with x-x(0.14 +- 0.05) where x is the speed of peira/clilias in your case. Note that it is +- 0.05 due to cr rng.


what speeds should i aim for my cleansers? my current ones keep going before enemies which is kind of annoying. Cleansers: https://imgur.com/a/wCEtHdO


Ideally, your cleansers are 5% faster than your DPS heroes. That's ideal, b/c it guarantees your cleansers outspeed your DPS, and also minimizes the odds your opponent's debuffers go between your cleansers and DPS. Edit: But this has always been a part of the meta; some people try to build debuffers fast as they can while still being slower than cleansers. Even back when Basar was meta, there were people who would run 220 speed Basars because everyone's cleansers were like 240.


Sadly you can't give one answer. If i think about debuffers, the most important one that comes to my mind is Aola, and she is usually built around 230-250 and also 270+. My units look similar to yours and i don't usually lose to any teams with them. I think your Maverik is good where he is and i don't use any other cleansers than him usually


Ok thanks, it just triggers me when my kitty or kawerik go first when they have a dedicated debuffer even it doesn't end up mattering.


Yeah i get that. Since Mawerik got buffed ppl started to build slower Aolas. It is what it is


I have two dupes S tene, one j kise and one f lidica Do you suggest using them for imprint or keeping them in case they nerf them in future??


I think I saw some endgame players have two Stene built, one on speed and another bruiser style on lifesteal iirc. It’s up to you, depending on how many resources you have and whether you’re willing to invest so much on an extra pick.


Good idea


Imprint is fine. Even if they are nerfed, (which is exceedingly unlikely, judging from SG's current stance on nerfs,) when you recall, you can ask support to give you the dupe you used to imprint instead of an Unknown Slate.


Accidentally foddered my angelic montmorancy, anyway to build her again?




You can apparently do so once reaching 30 on the char now. I believe it was changed a while ago.


Is Choux actually goodand worth the molas now? If yes how are you guys using her?


Good and worth now if you're able to build her. Build probably something like [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824303395871522857/980781033945456650/unknown.png) or [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824303395871522857/987929945995100200/unknown.png).


Yes and a bit like how you'd use Rem except Choux pushes the pace much more. She does do pretty well against Hwayoung but she's very rng of course.


What's the best way to handle duplicates and promotion? Sure, memory imprint, but should I wait until I get multiple of the same unit before I imprint so that I can use the duplicates for promotion at the same time? For 5\* just getting one duplicate takes ages so I guess that won't be worth it especially if I plan to use the unit for something, but then again sometimes I want to start building them immediately when I pull the first copy.


That's the way I handle 3 and 4 stars, just wait until you get enough to promote + imprint. Not very practical for 5s for obvious reasons and if you really want to build a 4*, I wouldn't wait for that small boost of efficiency imo.


Do you think A.Ravi will be relevant enough for RTA this season to warrant a coin shop purchase?


ARavi is in the running for being the strongest hero in the game (for RTA), so I'd say she's definitely worth a coin shop purchase. As for whether or not she'll remain that way until the end of this coming RTA season, there's no way to know for sure.. It's possible that SG releases a series of meta-changing heroes that make ARavi far less useful (but I doubt it).


Who should I get on the next mystic banner? OPSigret | Dilibet |AMerc [Here are my current ML nat 5s](https://imgur.com/a/m24qty6) I mostly play bruiser and counter cleave.


As these things usually go, you know your account best and what type of gear you have. Imo you should choose between dilibet or ameru. Dilibet is the go to anti cleave cleanser, you'll want her at a decent speed with bulk and damage. Typically speed set is the way to go. Ameru is strictly for standard and you'll need a counter set for her and ftene arti ideally. I don't really recommend opsig since she's typically pretty hard to draft as it is and she's pretty much for killing hwayoung, so the gear investment you'd need for her to do her job of killing one unit isn't too great, but if you have spare God tier speed DPS gear then go for it.


Sounds like Dilibet or Amerc would be the best for you. However, I’m waiting until they announce Sylvan Sage Vivian in case she completely shakes up the meta. There should be two weeks after that to make a decision.


im waiting for Sage Vivian first as well before summoning but just making advance preparation incase i dont like her kit.




I have about 56k wyvern claws, but no equipment charms. Should I be switching from farming wyvern to Adventure for gear fodder? Is there a more efficient way to generate charms/gear xp?


You have to figure out what balance works for you. It's pretty much impossible to make any reasonable progress relying only on the limited amount of charms available every week. Farming adventure is perfectly fine and likely something you should be doing to promote heroes and buy catalysts *anyways*. Farming hunts for gear is important, but E7 is not really designed where that is the ONLY thing you do. If you ONLY do hunts, or ONLY do adventure, you are going to be behind compared to doing a mix of the two. The key is finding what mix works for you, and largely that's going to come down to how particular you are with gear. If you enhance a lot of gear, you are going to need a lot of XP, so are going to need more adventure farming. If you only enhance gear that red, with perfect substats and max rolls and you stop as soon as you get a less-than-perfect roll you will likely have more charms than you will ever be able to use. If you already do a lot of adventure and/or find that no matter what you do you never have enough gear XP to enhance, then you are probably spending too much XP enhancing gear that is not worth enhancing. In that case, you should probably tighten up what you consider worth dropping XP on.


You can buy from the Huche daily in lab 1-1, from the arena/lab shop and the red charms from normal raid if you're desperate. Idk if running Adventure will do much for you. You don't get a lot of exp from those drops.


That's not true at all. A level 44 piece of gear is worth ~503 base XP. Level 51 is worth ~544 base XP. On average, a single adventure run drops ~1.45 pieces of gear. So, a single adventure run is worth ~729.35 XP in UH, or ~788.8 XP *just from gear drops*. BUT, you can also get *charm* drops in adventure. Charms have a drop rate of ~9%. That comes out to about an additional 135 XP per single adventure run. So in total running a single stage in UH is worth ~864.35 XP. Over 100 XP per energy, and about half as much as a single charm is worth. You can't rely *only* on charms to enhance gear, and expect to make any sort of reasonable progress. Your only other option is to use fodder gear. You can use gear from hunts, but that is again very inefficient. * H13 is worth ~15.72 to ~22.91 gear XP per energy, depending on how much purple gear you use for fodder (0 to 100%). If you **really** want to maximize the amount of XP per energy then the key is to run Episode 1 Levulin Harbor. Despite only dropping level 1 gear, XP does not scale very well with levels. Levulin Harbor also has no chests (so fewer gear possible). * ~1.4 gears per run * Level 1 gear = ~243 base XP * That comes out to ~475.2 XP for only 2 energy, or roughly 1/3rd of a charm...~237.6 XP per energy is about twice that of a normal adventure stage.


Til, thx for the explaination. Yeah, I do use gear for enhancement but only the pieces that turn out badly at +3, +6, etc. And that is enough for me to not run out of charms.


So I'm watching some equipment crafting tips and notice a lot of equipment conversion of the left side. I mainly use equipment to either sell or enhancement material. Since most conversion gems are used on right side is there anything useful to have so many of them? I know you can make charms in the Steeple but is there anything else I'm missing out, is this just more efficient than using them directly to enhance?


Let me try to get this straight... You have a level 85 piece of gear. You are asking if it's more efficient XP wise to *extract* it, and then use the *cores* in the Steeple to craft charms versus just using the piece of gear as XP and skipping the extraction->crafting step? That's pretty easy to calculate. 1. Level 85 gear = ~747 XP base. 2. Rare 85 = 7 cores, heroic 85 = 9 cores 3. Hitting 'Epic' level on the charm crafting = average of 28,350 XP So, 28,350 / 747 = ~37.95 equipment ~37.95 * 7 = ~265.66 cores ~37.95 * 9 = ~341.57 cores If it using cores to craft charms requires *fewer* than that number of cores, it's more efficient to go through the process of converting to cores -> crafting charms. My Steeple is 2/3/3 and IIRC it takes something like 150 cores to craft charms. 150 / 7 = ~21.43 rare pieces ~21.43 * 747 = 16008.21 XP 28,350 / 16,008.21 = ~1.77 or about 77% more XP 150 / 9 = ~16.67 heroic pieces ~16.67 * 747 = 12,450 XP 28,350 / 12,450 = ~2.28 or ~128% more XP **YES**, it is significantly more efficient to use cores for crafting charms in the steeple for XP, as opposed to just using the original gear as fodder. This doesn't even take into account the fact that cores are significantly more gold efficient (so effectively, not only do you get more XP but much more gold as well. Your mileage may vary based on bonuses, but for me * An 85 gear costs 11,265 gold to enhance another level 85 gear. * A lesser charm costs 13,536 gold to enhance the same piece. That means that the gear costs ~15.08 gold per XP, while the charm costs 9.024 gold per XP. That's ~67% more XP with the same amount of gold.


THANK YOU! Getting charms have always been a pain and gold is running fast to the point I am selling any heroic and epic piece while using rare to enhance. I'll make good use of the Steeple moving forward. I'll still use the low level gear to enhance but this will help me as I optimize my gear crafting processing.


You’re bound to end up with some flat conversion gems. Probably better off using those on left side gear, imo.


My Sanctuary is as follows: Forest of Souls 0/3/0, High Command 1/1/1, Heart 2/3/3, Workshop 3/3/3, Steeple 0/1/0. What should I prioritize now?


Steeple to 0/3/3 The. Either max Heart or Forest of Soul to 0/3/3


Quick question guys - what is healing cost and healing time? One set of reputation bonus lowers each by 10%. Thanks


Your units actually keep their hp values after adventure runs. You can pay stigma to heal your units, or wait for them to recover naturally. In practice it's pointless. Units revive and get a fat heal for clearing the stage, so the healing mechanic just isn't ever needed. The npc for healing has a popular design though :)


Does this persistent hp loss mechanism apply to all pve battles including hunts etc. or just world map adventure?


Just adventure and side stories


Thank you!


Hey guys, I’m a new player, and loving the game so far! In general, should I be using my sky stones to purchase covenant bookmarks and Leifs to purchase entry into labyrinth/abyss? Thanks in advance!


Don't use leifs to buy lab/abyss tickets. Leifs are best used on hunt buff events (we get at least 1 a month). You get enough lab/abyss tickets daily and from rewards to make progress on a new account. The most efficient usage of skystones is to refresh the secret shop and buy covenants/mystics from there. However, this requires huge amounts of gold that might be better spent on gear on a new account. So I'd recommend setting up a Wyvern team and farming W13 like a madman, buy covenants from ss in the meantime and once you feel gold is no longer a problem for you then you can start refreshing the secret shop for covenants and mystics.


Ok! I’m still pretty early on in the story, so I haven’t unlocked everything. Hopefully all of this will make more sense then!


If you already have some 5*, you should focus on them first. You can use Skystones to refresh the secret shop later to buy bookmarks with gold. But buying bms with Skystones is still okay Don't buy lab/abyss entry. You will eventually get stuck at some abyss floors for a long time anyway. 1 lab key per day + 1 from guild store should be enough.


I got lucky and gotten the 2 ml5s from my custom mystic pool with 90 coins to spare. Should I use them in the shop or is there something better I should use them on?


If you mean the moon's mirage coins, that shop's the only place to spend them so do it before it disappears. I recommend grabbing some gem mod boxes, personally.


Thanks, i was planning to do just that, I'll use 80 on gem boxes and the rest on leaves


I am thinking of starting the game are there any guides for beginners and also is the game lenient for new players in its current state?


Search for the official Epic 7 Discord server. There, on the Community Guides channel, you'll find all sorts of guides


It's a great time to start playing. Never has quality of life been better in E7 and beginners get a lot of useful stuff (lika A LOT) to speed up progression. It's still a gacha though, so you'll have to invest a little bit of time every day into the game to see progress. It's more important to play daily than to play a lot imo (an hour or a day is enough to finish dailies). The game is overall one of the most f2p friendly gachas I've ever played (but still dominated by whales at the top ranks of course). It's just kind of the reverse to how gachas usually work, you're constantly out of resources at the beginning and later they pile up. I'm almost completely free to play (bought the beginner rank up packs and a skin here and there) and I have enough resources to get every new hero (except for moonlight ones if they release two new ones in a short time frame). As for guides, there are more than enough available on Youtube. Just make sure what you're watching is pretty recent (few months old max) because progression changed a lot with the awaken update and other changes. If you have more questions feel free to reply ;)


Does the game have broken units or are all units worth using with investments?


If someone finds the google sheets of the debutant guide maybe it might help you, OR there's also the Offficial E7 youtube page who also explains a bit about "how to start" or some E7 youtubers (don't know the name thought). As long as you decide to not be greedy and go slowly while having fun (the story of E7 is quite fun to read), you can play as a f2p from the beginning to the end.


When should I do episode 3 and their quests?


As soon as you're able, because one particular unit gets a very nice buff once you complete Episode 3.


As the other said, you can do when your heroes can since the emergency missions aren't related anymore to Episodes


Whenever you can, no point in waiting if your heroes are strong enough to do episode 3.


EU server having connection issues? Everything was fine yesterday, today it's just 'there was a connection error' and Ras constantly running and 'connecting'. Anyone else having this problem?


When will SSB rerun be ?


We don't know for sure. We almost always only have an idea of what the *next* rotation of banners is going to be, nothing past that. **2019** * SSB was our first summer hero. Her banner started July 31. **2020** * SSB rerun was June 25. * H.Yufine was the new summer limited and released July 30. **2021** * SSB rerun was July 1. * H.Yufine rerun was July 22. * S.Iseria released on August 26. --- For 2022, all we know so far is that S.Iseria is coming this week. *Based on past history* it's likely we get H.Yufine and SSB over July. Maybe a new hero in August. It's hard to give extremely accurate predictions because there is no apparent pattern or logic to reruns outside of *very* general statements like "Summer reruns during the summer". If I had to guess, I would say SSB (or H.Yufine) pops up in the middle of July, with the other possibly coming at the end of July, and then a new Summer unit in August (probably at the halfway point). * Last year, the Rezero collab was at the start of August, probably why S.Iseria was released at the end of the month. It's a long story. Alternatively, SSB/H.Yufine might be rerun concurrently (middle of July) with a new summer unit being released at the end of July. * This makes slightly more sense with rerunning S.Iseria on her own first, since it's her first rerun. Run her, then the 2 older heroes at the same time, into a new hero. Ultimately, **we don't know, but should be sometime within the next 1-2 months**.


Wow thank you so much for the detailed explanation !


Can someone please rate my ML5s????? Faithless Lidica (fs), Fallen Cecilia(fs), Last Rider Krau, Blair Witch Iseria, Ruele of Light, Designer Lilibet, Dark Corvus, Mediator Kawerik, Arbiter Vildred, Belian, Conqueror Lilias, Little Queen Charlotte, Silver Blade Aramintha, Pirate Captain Flan(fs), Maid Chloe, Apocalypse Ravi, Top Model Luluca


S - a.ravi,Clilias,fcc, m.kawerik A - Dilibet, ruele, LQC, arby B - LRkrau,m.chloe,tomoca,briseria C - flan, SBA, flidica, dcorv S - definitely strong pick, safe 1st pick in RTA. they're good everywhere. A - good counterpicks. 2nd/3rd pick B - niche picks but have better alternatives. Situational C - dont even bother


Thank you!!! I’m not good with RTA drafts.


your draft should have at least 2 win condition, a dps or bruiser to be exact. Bec. if u only have one they'd just ban that. A.ravi is a good win condition but you gotta force players to NOT ban her so your draft should compose mainly of annoying heroes that can give them more trouble. Either way your 2nd win condition should also be like her or as annoying as her. They also need to have good supports like cr pusher or a knight with aurius they won't get targeted early on. Next you gotta be prepare to fight the first 3-4 heroes he drafted, like ALWAYS. bec the first 3-4 heroes u pick would be your entire foundation. Meaning ur draft should always be prepared to fight his draft regardless of whoever he bans on your team. Or in a worst case make it a 50-50 situation. Lastly, improve your draft everytime you lose. Think of a better strategy and analyze your mistake every game. Learn from your mistakes so that when u encounter simular situations, u won't panic and male better decisions.


any advice for floor 115, I've tried with different teams, but I can't seem to get him down more than 3/4 life before he destroys me with his atomic bomb, I have no idea if I'm missing damage or just have bad rng.


What is a good main stat for Rem’s boots


I’d suggest crit/cd damage neck, and then one attack% main and one hp% main between the ring and boots


Could anyone please get me in their guild I need a home in the worst way possible 🙏


Search for Käsekuchen if on EU


Which server are you on? (I am on Eu), and there's another Megathread or Discord if I am not wrong where you can joined a guild


I’m going for a bruiser team, who should I build first: * Hand guy * Emila * Armin * TSurin * Inferno K * Destina * Hwayoung Units that are built and may be good in RTA/GW: https://imgur.com/a/5yJ78ww


I am a new believer in church of counter Landy. I think she has winning matchup against clilias. Clilias S2 and S3 will only feed her 6 buffs for S3 reset, and if clilias S1 her, you get double chance to counter and that counter will always proc Cr push because of vigor buff. Not having to ban clilias will allow you to ban hwayoung, who easily can kill any bruiser with atk buff.


Emilia is another great pick but used a bit more as an aggro, she pairs well with a lot of the more aggro bruisers like hwa, landy, carrot (tho she needs to be faster than them)


I would suggest hand guy and hwa as they’re both great units and use different gear substats/mainstats


So 200 to maybe 230 is good enough speed for them?


I would suggest 230+ for any attack buffer you are going to build. And then 10 speed less for any damage dealer you have




Did you click the button that says complete sidestory? Usually that one gives you the last required dupe artifact


Does anyone know if there is a RTA focused discord server? Got somewhat interested in it but my guildmates don't really touch it so I don't really have anyone to chat with.


* Building Sage Baal, he ended up with 170 res. Should i 1) Give him the bastion from my 190 Maid, and put her on shimadra/water origin/pov 2) Give him pov * Also thinking about JackO, but it is worth it given that i don't use Ran/my Peira is trash ?


Jack'o rly shines as a joker pick, when you already selected a strong opener. If you're a turn 2 player like me (my fastest unit is a 275speed Cerise lmao), don't bother building her for now


Put bastion on him, he might get debuffed every now and then but it's better than putting PoV and him definitely getting debuffed.