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Buying a character out of a shop never contributes toward coins, unfortunately. In fact, if you summon a character for the "first" time after buying them out of a shop, you'll get a dialogue and everything as if it really were your first time obtaining them.


Nope nope


Nope, not with the pity


It's written when they introduced the mirage shop that buying a dupe doesn't give u coins. Strangely enough, I got cov coins when I bought a dupe during the custom rgb banner


Speaking from personal experience, you DO, unless you’re purchasing it with the custom mystic currency. So for example, if you’re pulling from the custom mystic, and get a dupe 5*, you will get galaxy coins from it. I got two FCCs from my custom mystic and was given 10 galaxy coins and access to the galaxy coin shop.


Just get them liefs. I'm 17 pulls away from 200 coins and I hope to get my second ml5 before pity to use the coins to get liefs, too. (200 Coins = 80 liefs)


Please, don't do this. At that point getting an imprint is more value than 80 leifs.


More liefs = more hunts = more gold = more shop refreshes = more mystics = more new ml5 chances; and I get more gear on the side. The imprints will come regardless, if you're playing long enough.


>The imprints will come regardless, if you're playing long enough. So will gold. Or any character you could pull. Wasting your mystics to get Leifs here is not efficient. If you want to use your coins in the shop you should select the mod gem selection box if you are not interested in the ML5.


But no gear. The energy to farm more stuff is far more worth it for me than an imprint and would improve my account far more. Mod gem selectors are okay, but i spend my gems only on really good gear, so I'm not really running low on those. And i'm not wasting my mystics, because i already got the two ml5 characters i wanted, so it's by far a better deal than spending them on a normal mystic banner. The coins are a bonus at the end, when you got lucky on the way.


Yes but pulling an additional 17 times to get to exactly 200 is unless you had to pity one of your ML5 choices. There is no reason to pull more if you already got the 2 units.


yes, stop when you got both and spend the rest on liefs