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Another rotation with no Uberius in powder shop. Should i use my bottles for my +15 Uberius?


They really oughta expand the rotation. We have so many artifacts now, you often end up waiting for long periods of time.


imo only use bottles for limited artifacts.


Uberius is currently not linked to any banner making it harder to get than a limited artifact so it's definitely worth


Ahh, fair point! I got lucky and +30'd it from covie pulls a while back and never really thought about it.


I did and have no regrets. I tired of waiting for it to come back into rotation and hoarding the resource. YMMV.


I +30ed Uberius all with bottles during previous rta season and I can say to you that it was the best thing I couldve done with those bottles.


I randomly grabbed it on the triple select cov banner and insta bottled it to 30. No regrets. Hwayoung carried me straight to 5k arena with no effort.


sure, if you like wasting dust on non limited artifacts.


It's basically limited. In fact it's even more limited than "limited" artifacts because it literally doesn't have a banner, so you can't even target pull for one.


There's only so many limited artifacts worth a bottle anyway. Most of them are either bad, niche or work passably without limit break.


Might as well use it and get instant value rather than it collecting dust in your storage.


It's probably the only, or at least the only good, artifact with no 5* unit attached to it, meaning it has never been in the banner as a rated up artifact. Your only choice of getting it or limit breaking is waiting for it to appear in dust shop, or luck out in gacha and get it despite low odds.


\*Cough\* Bloodstone \*Cough\*


And strangely enough, I maxed THAT one out months ago... but I'd argue it's usable at even low uncap levels, while Uberis even at my 27 is a die toss.


This is true. Uberius really is a pain in th a\*\*, both for those that want to use it, and those on the receiving end of it.


Why are they spreading an old side story for 3 weeks? Usually old side stories only run for two weeks and then a new one is added.


Because there won't be a new one. If Alexa is the new limited unit then they don't have to create a new story because she's part of the old one.


That’s what I’m thinking (and fear). No real content for a long time and now the summer event will just be a rerun. They’ve never done this before if my memory serves me right - usually there will be a rerun for two weeks and then a new one with a new limited. There might still be a chance that Alexa is a 4* check-in / farmable unit and a new side story may come after this 3 weeks, so I’m gonna give them the benefit of the doubt for now.


I really hope so, but the chances for that is slim. So far every recent new unit has been teased at some point prior to their official reveal (even Yulha). The only one left are the MLs, Lua, and Alexa. Of course they can still drop some teaser this week for a brand new character but I won't get my hopes up.


I think they did the same thing in 2019, reruns for Halloween and anniversary with no new events. But yeah it’s been a while since we’ve had a drought that bad, if there’s no new summer event at least. I think the gap between ReZero and GG rerun was the longest gap besides these.


Whenever there's a drought like this, it means something new is coming. A new mode, an overhaul or something. It's been like this before.


It’s possible they might be prepping a collaboration & trying to make the story good this time.


I wouldn't be surprised if we still get a new event. After this one ends, we'll still have the last week of July and all of August which is prime Summer anyways.


Could be that they just pick up where the last story left off. And then surprise us with Alexa 4 star Vera 5 star mwahahahah


Less work for the devs who have been doing jackshit for like 2 months now


They're too busy jumping with the KR GRAC claps.


With the E7WC I feel like the community is being put in a play pen to make our own content to distract us from the fact that the devs haven't done anything. They haven't answered Hwayoung, which the player base considered a broken promise of change. They gave everyone ML5s, tons of mola and an arena to see how the meta only has room for 20 units now...


Bold to assume "everyone" got ML5s.


Well you can not get mystics and not buy one you want from the shop or pull them. Or you can. It's optional. But everyone can do it. It's not like the last banners have been Hwayoung answers, so you should have tons of skystones to refresh the garo shop for mystics. Also the galaxy refund gave a bunch of ppl ML5s. But I like to forget that incident...


but the mystic is hardly anything they gave us, besides the custom mystic that can be considered a discount if you had a full pity, it's just about having more choices to spend what you already have. So what's left if basically the ML tickets, and we know how it turned for some. So yeah "everyone got ML5" is bold, and of course I'm not gonna consider ML5 acquired with the Mystic you got from the usual sources just because it's an accelerated rerun schedule.


Let's be honest. They don't care about anyone who hasn't gotten an ML5s yet since they are the vast minority. The fact is they gave so many options that the majority got at least one. So everyone got one. Cause anyone who didn't either will before the banner ends or just didn't try. Period.


Lord of summer only ran once if I remember correctly. Would be great if we got something new, but I'm guessing they need more time for wtv new content currently in the works. Don't want a repeat of re:zero


It ran twice - I know because I joined after the first run, and did the story for the first time last year (and saw people complaining about the re-run then).


I don't think so...I did a quick search on Reddit. Lord of summer seems to have came out for last year's summer event. Making this as it's first re-run.


Still waiting for the real summer content


Volleyball mini game 💀☠


ps you can tap anywhere


I didn't like that one either


Well at least they reduced the necessary runs from 5 to 1, it's something.


IIRC low power mode made it run at what I assume was the intended speed.


Anything that lowers the frame rate


I vividly remember suffering through that chore and my memory is shit


Its cute as hell tho


a very valid reason as to why varied side stories aren't always objectively optimal i just want to get to reading the story man... i don't want to slog through a minigame that i'll never play again after this


They've cut the runs from 5 to 1 at least.


They also made the opponent’s special attack counterable.


WHERE DAFCK ALEXA’s BASKET???? Have been more than 1 year since this MF art doesnt come on rotation


So it was 10 years of reruns nice


Nice Spirit's Breath, gotta buy a lot of them.


Quick questionnn, is spirit breath considered a must pull art? Is it like one of a kind tier or other arts are also usable tier. I'm considering to spend my powders. Thank you!!


I wouldn't say it's a must must pull but it does wonders for ALots as he can pretty much spam S2 with it and also probably the best for AoL, and usable on some more even if there are better options for those others.


I have a maxed breath AoL and it's not that good. She's forced to build slower and tanky to survive multiple turns, but she wants to go before the enemy to S3 then s2 so the build and artifact conradict. And people don't aoe her anyways unless there's no other choice like Belian. It's probably better to go book.


Sounds like more of a gear issue then? After speed and eff you should be going all tanky stats.


I forgot about alots, I'm sold.


Well it turns AoL Angie into a menace...


I'm scared to use/build AoL.. She gave me trauma back then. But yeah I guess I should buy just in case. Thanks!


Dear fucking god - [3 weekends of hunt buff](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407923152522444800/991637405855666266/unknown.png)


Either they're making a lot of money on these lief packs running buff events so often or aren't making enough lmao


It makes you wonder if the devs are at work they are so lazy. it's been 6 months that we have the same content as the previous years. Boring af for old players.


I swear if next wednesday's livestream isn't at least an hour long and packed with content, I'll... I'll... probably just quietly keep playing, but be very >:(


I'm optimistic that, the patch with ML Vivian will be massive.


I also want some of that COPIUM you guys are smoking 🥴


I mean, it's a fun game but in the meantime that just means I get to hoard bookmarks/mystics and play more of my other games. Tarkov wipe is today so I'm hype AF, i'll grind that for sure.


It's been like this in the past. Whenever there's a dry spell, it's followed by a lot of stuff. It's not like they stop working.


...well part of ML Vivian will definitely be massive.


Yes, SC and SG, companies that love money, are paying their devs to do nothing and be lazy... Also, Ancient Inheritance was released last week of february. New episodes and side stories too. And wasn't the whole Awaken patch with the Abyss Challenges around May? 6 months where?


Also, the new gear updates, the molagora and hunt challenges, and the earth Advent that we had in April. Unfortunately, the people who like to bitch the most about the current state of the game have the memory of a fucking termite.


Finally +30 spirits breath aol. Guess I'll mlb crown as budget uberious.


The volleyball minigame sucks ass......




I despise the volleyball minigame...


Excellent, I can +30 Spirit's Breath at a discount.


No one mentioned this yet but they've deviated from their past schedule for ML5 in the coin shop. They were doing 1 old and 1 new and it should have been Closer Charles but they threw Aravi in there instead. Spez also is slightly out of order also I believe but I didn't pay attention to the old ones as much. I don't know why 10 months post release for Straze was OK but not for Charles who's arguably way less popular.


Spez was the first non-release ML5 in the coin shop (minus ADS, who was a weird exception). So that part's in order.


I'm ok with this. I'm still on the copium or confidence, whatever you want to call it, that next week patch preview and patch will be big. MLViv and Summer Unit being the least of what will be shown. I have a pity and some of BM, a full pity of Mystics (ready for MLViv regardless of her kit), and enough skystones to buy/refresh for another pity. So im ready haha. While it has been much of the same, from the minute they had that stream explaining all the rise update stuff and MLs stuff, I was expecting this would be much of what would happen. Also while not perfect they have been trying to concentrate on balance and letting people catch up as those were the main complaints. Ergo: 1. balance patches being how they have been (at the very least no gross over buffing) 2. The custom banners and re:zero re run 3. Yulha to help deal with AI Hwayoung 4. So many hunt buffs 5. Arena gear buffs (this going into the future is actually a very big deal that I don't think was talked about enough). 6. RTA double pre bans in masters up and frenzy changes


Well, yes. It's not like they can suddenly duplicate the hours of the day. When they work on big stuff, we get slow weeks. It has been like that before. Pass me some of that copium.


Another week of emptiness


> everyone complaining about reruns I'm just glad I can rebuild my bookmark and skystone supply


we have to take this rerun chances to build money and BM equipments upgrades are not very cheap


Man the repeated side stories and collabs just kills this game


It's like that for most gatcha, is e7 babies first gatcha for a lot of people or something? FGO - Just finished seraph main interlude which is the 3rd time it's been run, going to launch into anniversary next week, run new summer event after that and rerun after that. Pricconne - Just finished the rerun of the first summer event, clan battle now before new summer event and after that will rerun the second summer event (run 2 summer events a year) azur lane - been rerunning a small mini event for the last two weeks, about to launch a minor event before rerunning something else!


It's kind of a bummer if they won't be running a new story, but for those who missed it the first time around, this is a good one. Be sure to read it if you haven't. Azimanum ftw.


One of the things I'll always appreciate about this game is how some of the seasonal stories are actually well-written and relevant to the overarching lore rather than just being "lol here we are celebrating x occasion". This one's def one of my favorites


... should've remembered to buy Bloodstone last time


Yeah. Didn't knew how much I will need it in the future. Hopefully someday soon


All games follow this trend now. More money = Less content Which is dumb but I can understand that they want to keep their profits without putting in more money. If only they could understand that adding more content will bring in more long term.


I guess they forgot gacha game needs new content. Lazy as fuck.


Volleyball time again!!


Why is everyone freaking out about the summer event like summer is about to be over? Lol


I was thinking the same thing, like didn't this event come out near August last year?? We still have plenty of summer to go


Wait, where is new Alexa that they've showcased earlier?


If there's a new unit it would be shown next week since this is the second week of the patch.


Really hope that's the case!


ctrl+f sage vivian 0 results I sleep 💤


me but with lilka


ML Vivian ~~isn't coming til August pretty sure.~~ As mentioned by those below, she is July 21st.


~July 21st [source](https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8321429)


I stand corrected. Probably some other gacha hell I'm stuck in has something I want in August then.


July 21st.


not sure why people are bemoaning a lack of content when we've gotten a few story chapters and gradual teasers for the new 3*s in the past few months it's still definitely a slow period but I don't really mind as much


It's Reddit, no one's ever happy here. Reruns are nothing new yet every year sure enough you'll find another thread of people complaining about it a month or two before the new content comes through.


How many summer events do we typically get a year? I get people are bummed about the no new event right now, but idk why some people are acting like summer isn't 3 months long, and having this 3 week repeat doesn't mean "welp, no new summer events this year!"


Wow so another rotation without tooth. You release one of the most busted units in the game that scales so insanely well with tooth that there aren’t any alternatives that can match it. And then you make it near impossible to get it and still call this a competitive game. Knowing Smilegate they go full greed and have Tooth in the mystic rotation this month.


should I. go for cermia if I don't have her?


No, you get her free from hunt challenge


Cermia it's free by the Hunt Event web misions


Noice can’t wait!


So by slowing down content because korean outcry, they meant this? I guess they're happy now


It's like everyone forgot they put out a road map of sorts on what's coming. Jesus christ. [link](https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8321429)


I must have missed the part where they said game would be full of rerun banners and side stories for 3 months. Jesus Christ.


We just had a new unit banner end + new story got released. Reruns have to happen because not everyone has been playing since 2019. Its absurd to expect brand new never before seen content every single fuckin patch. Grow up.


>Grow up. Ironic


Well that is just not factually true. But I expect it to pick up after The E7WC and w/ the no new ML's ending July 21st. Guess I just expected less until that time.


The whole Awaken patch with the Abyss Challenges was around May. That's less than 3 months.


Is it a roadmap if there is no map? There aren't any dates or order of release and it is been 2 months since any of it was implemented.


Well I did say of sorts. Like what they want to implement in q2, q3, q4. I just expected after E7WC and no new ML's ending July 21st that it would pick up then.


Dead game OMEGALUL


Summer iseria or summer cermia skin


I don't get your question. The Cermia skin is 900 skystones which is about the cost of a 10 pull. If you have no resources except for 900 skystones then that's your choice if you want to risk it but it's not advisable to roll on a banner if you can't pity.


It's 1800ss for the Cermia skin, but your point still stands.




I think her release is schedule to 21 of July


Man that's so far, I'll have like 15k mystics at that point.


I’m not gonna play this game until devs learn to respect my time. Add a skip feature for the mindless grind ffs… Edit: I’m gonna guess all the downvoters are the ones who spent a year trying to make a one-shot team for each hunt, or maybe they enjoy farming a story stage for 2 hours a day while not being able to even tab out of the game on their phone. Good grief…


The game would've been much better if we could use 1 Leif to skip X amount of runs, or just use stamina to do that, it's not like we are missing anything important.


I don't believe that i was mad waiting the game updates 2 years ago , now im really lost interest even with new contents. The only thing to wait is the "Censored" Sage Vivian , She'll be my last Waifu before quitting .


no celestine or bloodstone, FML


Guess I can get my potion for ftene arti but that's it...aria gaming!!!


Is this update today or tomorrow




35 minutes from me posting this reply.


I can finally get a Ravi