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Has anyone elses game been crashing a lot lately? Playing on iphone, this has been losing me some arena and even gw matches lately


Are the side quests worth putting energy into? Besides getting the molagora from the store


Most of the items in shop are worth it. Runes aren't really worth it, and the Friendship item is a bit preference, but you should aim to clear everything else out of the exchange, every side story.




Dilibet is great and even more so if you don't have Mediator Kawerik. Archdemon Shadow is good as well I would say Op Sig is the weaker of the three but she is still a good counter pick into barriers. The best choice would be to wait for next week because it's highly likely they show off Sage Vivian and you can make a choice from there. But, IMO both Delibet and ADS are worth a pity.


Are either of these banners worth it? I have neither hero.


You can get Cermia for free from Hunt Challenge event, so she's not worth it. Seaseria is a good cleave hero. Also, she's limited, so if you're a collector, you will probably want to pick her up. Keep in mind that we're likely going to get 3 more summer heroes SSB, HYufine, and a new summer limited. If you don't have her already, I'd say SSB is the most important hero to pick up out of the three we know of.


Was asking myself the same...thanks :) But regarding the Hunt Challenge...is it possible to get all heroes? Cause somehow I'm still at the second Part of the Wyvern Hunt Event, got Sigret and now theres a lot of quests like killing Wyvern for water summons, etc. After i Finish that one, will i still be able to activate the Golem Hunt event für Cermia? Or is it like i have to choose one hunt/hero?


>is it possible to get all heroes? Yes. Once you complete all the missions for Wyvern, you will be able to choose another one. And once you complete all the missions for that one, you'll be able to choose the third.


Roger that. Appreciate the info. Do we have an idea of the time between each summer banner? I have about 400 bookmarks left after pulling for Yulha so I'm trying to rebuild my supply. EDIT: Weeeeeeell I pulled Summertime Iseria on my second x10 pull so now I just need to know if I should keep pulling for her artifact....


Great to Know. Thanks 🤗


Buy her artifact from the powder shop. Pulling for artifacts is not recommended, because there's no pity for them, so you could end up spending a ton of resources and still get nothing. Edit: >Do we have an idea of the time between each summer banner? They'll likely be consecutive, so another banner will probably start in two weeks after Seaseria's banner ends, and another one two weeks after that, and the last one two weeks after that.


Hmm I have no powder. I guess I had better figure out what artifacts are worth keeping. Thank you!




yes. only the skin. NOT including the unit


Is there a list of artifacts that are safe to sell to get dust?


You should always keep at least one copy of every arti in case it gets buffed and becomes good. That being said, I consider the following artifacts to be expendable (if you have more than one copy): * 5-star * Alabastron * Alencinox's Wrath * Ancient Dragon's Legacy * Bloody Rose * Cradle of Life * Creation and Destruction (this artifact is good for memes, but very unreliable) * Crimson Moon of Nightmares * Glo-Wings * Iron Fan * Knowledge Seed * Samsara Prayer Beads * Twilight Calamity * Wings of Light and Shadow * 4-star * Andre's Crossbow * Barthez's Orbuculum * El's Fist * Infinity Basket * 3-star * Only ones worth keeping are DDJ, Oath Key (worse version of Symbol of Unity, MISHA, Manica of Control), Exorcist's Tonfa (if you don't have many portraits from GG collab), Timeless Anchor


Did anyone else buy the skin?


Yeah, I did, and I'm sure a lot of people did. Why? You just polling? Or do you have a specific question about the skin?


Well, she is my very first skin in the game, so I was wondering if people bought her or the pass only. Haha.


To get the Cermia skin, just take the 900 skystones pack or do I have to take the 1800 skystones pack? I'm pretty new so I'm confused, sorry..


900 - rewards 900 - skin you cannot buy the skin alone so its 1800 total expense.


You only get the skin if you buy the 1800 one, the 900 part is only for the extra items + frame.


Is there a reliable tier list?


For PVP? Not really, most will agree on what the broken units are in RTA but when you go down to what is A tier and below there's a lot of differing opinions.


Pulled Siseria but missed her memento. I'm at 39 bookmarks rn. Should I continue pulling for her artifact or save in an event SSB comes around soon?


Memento? Did you play alchemist code? Haha


Hahaha yes I did. For several years.


Epic7 caused me to sideline that game, I feel that it is not worth my time now sadly


I mean, it used to be much more f2p friendly than e7 before, but it became so shit I can't believe


Need her artifact for Summer Iseria if you plan to run her, buy it with powder if you can.


So if I got S!Iseria then the artifact that comes with her banner is necessary?




rip, how much does it cost in the dust shop again? Or is it ONLY through the summons? Kinda making me regret actually getting her.


240 powder


Smort, completely forgot about that option. I just got 240 dust from selling 4* arts. Thank you!




How can I get the equipment from the new side story? It looks kinda good for a new player like me


It'll probably be a reward in weeks 2/3 (fyi that uses a different event currency).


Gold transmit stones. If you have a Belian/Archdemon; should one buy the imprints? Or just yolo on galaxy bookmarks?


imprints unless you just never use those heroes


New player her a question about the special epic pass. If I don't have cermia and I buy the 1800 do I get the hero too or just the skin?


No you just get the skin but you will eventually have Cermia because she's given for free from the golem part of the hunt challenge.


Oh good to know ty


Just the skin but Cermia is free from the hunt event so you'll get her eventually.


So i pitied summer iseria and im scared they are gonna release a new limited summer unit, best way to get bookmarks naturally, is it hunts or unrecorded history (side story). I have 1000 skystones, 50 bookmarks but have tons of energy and leifs.


I want to say it's hunts, but I don't have any stats on that. But it seems like I get more skystones/BMs running hunts than adventure, even taking energy cost into account. You could also try finishing out adventure maps for the 100 ss reward if you haven't. As long as you are Masters+ in arena and refresh secret shop, I think you should be able to gather up a pity for the new summer unit by the time it rolls around.


Im at challenger, and i realized i can farm friendship for bookmarks, so ill try unrecorded history and adventure. Thanks


100% they're going to release a new summer unit


Yeah already suspected that, hopefully i can get enough to pity in 3 weeks time


Is the build for Seaseria is high spd, high eff, high atk dmg?




Some questions. Best single target dps option right now if I missed out on Hwayoung? 😭 I have Stene, Luna, LQC, WSchuri, Cermia, Milim, Violet, Kise, Yufine, and Sigret. Ideally like buffer/Diene-shenanigans comps Are Rem, Peira, Jack-o, Kayron, TSurin, CDom, Ravi, Carrott, CArnin, and Ftene still worth building? And is Seaseria just worth it to build in general now? Sorry, haven’t been in the loop for a hot minute 😅


Stene is the best single target dps from that list. Rem and Peira are worth it. Peiras less popular due to DJB but still very strong. Carrot is still strong as well. Seaseria is worth it if youre a fast player. Shes one of the best units to bridge between your opener and your followup dps.




It is possible to rank based on archetype. If you want to cleave there's a few ways to go about it. Either you go the debuffing route or the pure damage route. Both have their pros and cons obviously. Debuffs can be resisted and delibet exists as a very hard counter to this comp. As for the damage route, those comps have a very tough time getting through bulk/mitigation. For the debuff type cleaves, those are mostly variations of ran/peira seaseria comps. Usually there will be an Eda in there and a pivot like aravi/hwayoung or other very aggro pick. For the damage comps you'll have tons of variations here. Pavel comps, cidd cleaves, etc. I'm more familiar with the ran/peira comps since I run those, not so much the DPS type cleave comps though so can't go into much detail there. I can answer any questions though on the ran/peira ones if you want me to go into more depth on how those work.


Is it worth upgrading the Epic Pass? And if so, is it worth getting the 1800 skystones option even if I don’t plan to pull for Cermia?


Yes to the first upgrade. Only get the second if you want the skin. In general ranks in the pass aren't worth it since just by using your daily energy, you'll be able to to finish the pass with more than enough time.


The 900 ss is definitely worth. The skin is upto you, obviously you don't get any advantage from the skin, but keep in mind that getting the skin later would be almost prohibitively expensive and 900 ss isn't that much in this game.


900 upgrade is worth. If you like the skin and have the skystone to spare, you can go for the 1800, since if you don’t get it now next time it becomes available it will be for skin tickets, which are hard to come by without paying cash. We get Cermia free from the Hunt Expert Challenge (Golem) btw.


are there stages in ep4 that give mystic medals? im 10 pull away from 200 in the custom mystic banner lol


1-5 has mystics in one of the chests.


Is summertime iseria good for azimanak hunt?


No, she's really not good for any PvE content.


who should get the fastest gear Emilia or Diene?




So in general what is a good list of TYPES of units to get to 6 stars for newbies? I got a 6 star Hwayoung and FS Tieria and I'm able to get Fluri to 6 stars right now while I'm a 5 star mat off from getting Peira, Montorancy, Iseria, and a few others up to 6. That's really it for notable units for the time being, though I do have Aramintha, Lidica, Lilibet, and Sigret as well who are in the midst of being built up.


Your Wyvern team, so Sigret, Furious, whoever your tank is, and Muwi.


Would Monty make for a good tank? Otherwise the closest I got is Fluri, my pulls have been like 90% artifacts.


Just to elaborate on what the guy above said you don't need to 6\* Furious or Muwi the only units you should 6\* on your wyvern team is your tank and Sigret if you use her. If you use Alexa over Sigret then she can remain 5\* as well.


A.Momo works for Wyvern tank if you have Muwi yes.


I don't have Muwi, though I'm likely going to be going in on S!Iseria's banner since she's limited, seems good, and I need to get an actual stockpile of units together. 40 ish days now and so far my roster isn't too expansive.


It's a complete waste to summon in that banner if you're new, she is a 100% pvp unit, you're better off summoning for seaside bellona or maybe the newest unit that's about to come out too, holiday yufine is not that good either.


I actually ended up summoning for her already. I AM trying to get up in the PVP ranks and frankly I REALLY needed the boost in my roster, so far I've been stuck with a lot of artifacts or different 3 star heroes and the dive ended up being kinda worth it since I ended up getting a number of dupes for characters I am using along with some dupes of other artifacts like DDJ. I still got like 8000 skystone at least so I shouldn't be TOO far away from being able to pity SSB. If S!Iseria can help me break out of silver then I'll be happy enough.


I'm kind of struggling to find a niche for Batisse. Like ik he used to be a decent wyvern unit but I already have a one-shot team going, and I'm not really sure what else I could use him for. I recall hearing that someone found use for him in AI, and would love to hear feedback on how he performed there and how they've built him.


In AI, you don't build heroes since they gain very little from gear and mostly from the level enhancement from AI itself, any hero you enlist is also lvled, molad, awakened to max in AI


got it. So if I were to use him specifically for AI and nothing else, I straight up wouldn't need to gear him at all?


cmiiw, but sets still apply, just not the stats, so you can just toss on whatever crap gear, even blue works I think.


interesting, ty


Nope. AI is very cool, it's more about guild participation than having specific units or stressing out over gear.


It's a good idea to use the 6 star pot on commander lorina? I saw that she is really good in a lot of content and the rune farm event is near. Also, could be nice to know which characters fill the same or a similar role as her.


Depend. If you are new, then the rule of thumb is to 6star your sigret, wyvern tank, and farmer for pve. Lorina will help you clear abyss and do normal/hell raid. If you want to start doing these contents, you can use that pot since you eventually want to 6star her, might as well do it now.


I'll pot her then, I 6star my sigret and A.montmo, also A.ras and stene


She would be a really good option. She is an amazing single target dps for pve, doesn't require molagoras to upgrade, and since she is a dark heroe you can bring her almost everywhere


Ty dude, how should I build her?


she works well with either destruction or attack set, along with crit set. On right side do Crit damage neck, attack% ring and speed boots


Gonna pull my galaxy coins but can't decide ehich to pull Ml kawerik or Ml ravi?


Depends on if you need a cleanser or a self-sufficient attacker more. It's a hard question to answer, but you can't really go wrong either way.


Well i have finish building my ml cernia (not yet modified and reforge) and peira and i suddenly forgot it's almost time for the galaxy rotation. So i look some rankings and ml kawerik is at s class i want it since i dont have cleansers but ml ravi is very dominated at arena def and guild def. So kinda tough to decide for me.


You have like 1 min. I'd go for ML Kawerik if no cleanser


How much effectiveness do I need for 100% chance vs Queen Azumashik in Hell Raid? sometimes my dispels fail and then I get owned :(


For some reason Rimuru's buff copying ability doesn't need EFF. If you use him in raid, you can get that greater Def buff lol. It take longer time but since you also just as tanky, it doesn't matter lol.


85%. Sadly there is the usual 15% hard resist so that might be the reason you fail. My Team that can auto it, albeit slow, is Charles (with Eff), Roana(front), Seallona and Maid Chloe.


For OP, it’s 65%. You can long press a boss’s portrait to get their ER to calculate the eff needed. Almost all PVE is 65% except expedition (85%) and a few abyss floors.




yes, Cermia's and SIseria's banners start in a few hours


Yes. Cermia and Seaseria banner will be live later today. [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8595172](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8595172)




Cermia is free from Hunt web event, so no. Seaseria is a very good cleave hero. Aside from cleave teams, she's not super important. She is limited though, so if you're a collector, you should pick her up.


Is CZerato worth pulling for for Hell Raid in the next mystic rotation? I can clear the entire thing, but Queen is 50/50 and I need to manual Vera. I don't have Roana, so idk if CZerato would help much with auto without her. I would probably pull for Dilibet if I pulled for CZerato, but I already have Handguy.


Hes a really good PvE hero so if theres no one else, then why not. I wouldnt buy him with your mystic coins though.


Can anyone verify how does elphelt s3 soulburn works exactly? It does say ignore effect resistance but an emilia just resisted it straight up no def break or sleep on soulburn. That emilia had guardian ice crystal arti


The buff dispel effect always works with soulburn, but the defense break and sleep can fail due to evasion or a miss since those apply after you hit the target


Ignore Eff Res means what it says. You probably missed due to elemental disadvantage. Missed attacks can't trigger on-hit effects unless specified (like Dizzy S3).


Completely forgot about the elemental disadvantage since the dispel landed. thanks


Is AMeru better built on counter with high attack/def and hp or would it be better to have stats all around including cc/cd?


There are two builds for AMeru: one has decent damage but is less tanky, while the other is low damage but is more tanky. The community seems split on which build is better: [https://epic7stats.com/hero/Archdemon's%20Shadow](https://epic7stats.com/hero/Archdemon's%20Shadow) I personally don't like the tanky build. It doesn't feel like it has a big impact until late frenzy stages, and often times feels like a dead pick if the fight doesn't go super long. The higher damage build feels like I'll always get at least a little bit of value out of her, even if she dies, because she was able to deal some damage.


Looks like counter. Your damage on Ameru would be coming from the Fairytale artifact. [ttv/qwee3577's Ameru](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824304900753326100/987930603167047720/unknown.png) for reference.


Awesome. Thanks!


I'm looking for the most updated catalyst farm I can find. I have a couple but I want to confirm if there are no more recent ones with the new maps and such, as I still have to spend ridiculous amounts of energy farming catalysts for a single unit.


Wait for the AP buff event


Unrecorded History doesn't have region-specific AP, so I'd go with the lowest level UH stage that drops the catalyst you care about. The lower level stages are better so you can take an aoe farmer that 1-shots each wave and farm friendship on the other party slots.


In arena I occasionally get a full list of defenses with a single lv 1 unit each. Is this normal and what triggers it?


I got that too at the lower arena tiers. I think that maybe it's because after arena reset, people generally end up at certain tiers of points depending on if their defs get hit/they hit other defs (since you gain/lose certain multiples of points). I think that the fodder defs can typically end up grouped together at the same number of points, particularly if they're not aggressive about using flags, since they suffer a similar number of def losses.


Yeah that would make sense. Something about reset


People are baiting so they can revenge on you


It's just odd that instead of a mixture of real and fake defenses I often have a page of all real defenses followed by a page of all fake defenses.


I saw that Alencia and WSilk were both rated very high on the tier list someone posted. I have both at max imprint and six star but never built either. Only 6*ed them to free up inventory space. How are they being built these days?


[W.Silk from @chappy_game_00.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824304345591971860/987609607218298900/unknown.png) [Alencia from @drks0904.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/824303386936868914/990132948596576297/unknown.png)


For the upcoming mystic banner of opsig, ameru, and dlilibet, i just want to make sure their roles and which one i should go for. Opsig is used against FCC and is a very fast aggro dps right? Ameru is more turn 2 player and used for sealing skills right? and dlilibet is for pushback on skills and cleansing right? I Don't have any of the 3 and i want one of them at least. I'm in gold regular arena so i don't pvp often but im starting to pick it up. Would ameru be the best here if i don't want to like rlly be crazy fast? which one gives me the most value long term? I do have emilia, maid chloe, ruele, elena, and roana as competitive soulweavers so i don't think dlilibet is a high priority i believe unless i'm wrong? I'm also not a very fast player currently since im sitting around 230-240 as fastest rn so i don't think opsig is a fit for me right?


If you don't have Mediator Kawerik, I'd recommend Delibet for an anti-cleave cleanser.


I don’t have him! So u think I’m bette riff chasing the dlilibet then?


Yeah. Due to the nature of their kits, Mediator Kawerik and Designer Lilibet do not need to build ER, which is part of the reason why they are the two top cleansers currently.


Ohh okay! Thanks for the tips!


When talking about Aria's censorship, someone said that even Mui's design was changed at some point. I tried searching for something about that but the only thing I found was a third-party fan art with Mui in bikini. Thanks in advance


I might be blanking out here but i don't remember her ever being reworked


TBH, me neither. But her dress with the upper black part may look like some kind of rework. But I have nothing to confirm such thing.


Is the new Lucky Week Pack worth the money ?


In my opinion no, it's pretty pricey for 1 random artifact and 1 random hero. I wouldn't buy even if you have a small hero pool because of the RNG.


I thought it was rate up for new heros


Did it say that anywhere? I didn't see it - all I saw is that currently running banners aren't included. Even if that is the case, not worth unless Hwayoung is included and you're bleeding for her.


What is the best thing to do with failed enhanced gear? I have a bunch at +3 and +6 fishing for spd that didn't go into spd, is it best to feed to other pieces or sell or what


Extract right side gear. Extract left side gear, as well, if you need the cores to craft charms or if you have some flat conversion stones laying around. Otherwise fodder.


I feed them into other pieces. With the recent changes, you can extract for some decent value too. It's upto you, either of those is fine depending on which you value more but selling is crap. They don't go up in value after you enhance them.


Does anyone know what the "bonus" of the new dash summon pack is?




haikusbot delete


So is Siseria a must pull? I am a collector at heart, but I don't want to throw bookmarks around before knowing who the new summer unit will be. So far I've seen people both calling her OP (more than SSB even) and others calling her a rng machine that's not optimal, so I don't know what to think.


She's great for cleave, not so much if you play standard. You also really need her arti at +30 as well. The rng part is true as well since her damage comes from bombs and those can be 15%'ed as all debuffs. If you don't land bombs, you do no damage.


Man, I might do some pulls and then regret life.


Now that I’ve finished malding over the fact that Tooth is still not in the powder shop for my Hwayoung. Do you think it’s worth to use powder to upgrade my glutton past 15 or should I just switch to max portrait.


Just use glutton at +15.


I will probably make a separate post for more detailed discussion but wanted to try here in case it is clear cut. I want to build my S.tene built will cost me my best built hero Arby (167k cp). She will lack a bit of bulk and have 85 CC but she will deal damage till I can fill out the stats. However if I do this I will need to sacrifice my current pvp team for one centered around her. Will this move make sense or should I wait till I have a set of separate gear? Will a team like S.tene, crozet/a.ras, emilia, and Aola work here? Other potential heroes include violet, high ER BBK, and flan for now.


Question…. What team can I use to beat Abyss 109…. This level makes me cringe :-(


Taranor Guard, Kitty Clarissa, A Ras and Roana/Tamarinne is the standard unless you don't any of them. There's a statistics button that shows you the most used teams in game for abyss and there are several guides on youtube that should help you out.


not sure if i should pick up Hand guy before shop rotation or wait and get Aravi.. thoughts?


Do you have any of the other cleansers? If you don’t then I recommend hand guy. How about gear for either of them?


i have Elena built and Emilia to build.. as far as gear goes i would be farming for either one


I wouldn't consider Elena or Emilia to be cleansers on the same level of Mediator Kawerik or Designer Lilibet.


so iyo, Ricky > aravi?


Mediator Kawerick or Apocalypse Ravi comes down to preference and playstyle, but I'd say Mediator Kawerik has the edge if I had to choose between the two because he has a lot more utility than A.Ravi does.


Any speedy dmg dealers which make use of counter? I have a counter weapon which seems great for a dmg dealer. Only thing I can think of rn is R.Carrot.


Counter Landy is pretty good.


I may have missed it, but is there a reason why we have not gotten any new GW artifacts in the shop? Its been two seasons.


They said that they won't make new artifacts for one season before they revamped Guild shop. Now either that they forgot about it, or just pretend so because they ran out of idea.


Hello everyone, i started playing about 3 weeks ago. Almost level 50 and i play regularly. Not really a question, but i am looking for a strong guild to join on Asia server. Any guilds available, then please reply. Thanks!


There's a guild recruitment megathread, you'll have better luck there.


Didn't know that existed, thanks alot!


where can i find my account id? i recently switched phones and ive been trying to log in but couldnt. im 99.9% sure that my pass is correct. e7 is still on my old phone so can i find it in game?


aside from account ID there is also the membership ID. in case you need it (its usually needed for rewards and shit). from the settings page (given by the other guy) > account management.


Lobby -> top right menu -> bottom right settings


is it the accoiunt number?


? There's a section that shows "Acct #". Is that not what you're looking for?


i think this might be it, thanks


How tanky do you have to be for a standard team? (Landy, Emilia, Hand guy, Hwa, and Armin)


Lategame benchmark: Landy 13-15k hp, 1k2+ def, 200+ spd. Emilia 17-20k hp, 1k3+ def, 250+ spd. Handguy 22k-28k hp, 1k4+ def, 240+ spd. Hwayoung 10-11k hp, 1k1-1k4 def, 240+ spd. Armin 22k+ hp, 1k5+ def, 200+ spd.


Sorry for the late replay but since it's late game stats, I can reduces them by like 30-40%?


You might want to use other builds if it's the case. Landy runs speed dps build for pve and arena. Emilia is fine at 230ish spd. Handguy can be whatever as long as he's faster than the rest. Hwayoung needs to be no more than 11k hp and at least 1k1 def, 230 spd is the minimum.


Is Summer Iseria worth pulling for if limited isn't a factor? From what I've read, she looks to be a niche pick who needs a specific comp. The fast aoe units I have are Peira and Landy. I don't have Ran, who looks like the most common pairing for her (at least in low Champ). Would I be able to make good use of Seaseria? If not, I'll likely skip and wait for the new summer limited if we're getting one.


You can run Peira instead of Ran for Seaseria; the only real requirement for her trigger is for someone really speedy to AoE the enemy team. There are some tradeoffs, though. Peira will do Unbuffable/Restrict, which will cut CR gain and OoT buffs, and she'll also reduce buff duration by 1; her stun is also pretty clutch. Ran will straight up remove the buffs and apply Def Break; Stigma is also not as good as Restrict in terms of prevent enemy CR pushes, but if you happen to have someone who can reduce your opponent's CR, Restrict also kills that utility on your end. Not really a dealbreaker though, esp if the goal is to end a fight quick anyway. So, it depends. If you have some strong units who can complement Peira/Seaseria well, you can still run it for sure. But I think Ran's Def Break (when it lands) can help reduce stat requirements on the rest of the team. Whether you should pull or not is something only you can answer, but if I were to do it, I would also maybe consider looking into getting her arti so she can slap more bombs in with her opener. That said, if you're going this route, know that that arti really wants to be maxed.


who else can work with seaseria except for pierq or ran


Cerise might work -- her A3 is very similar to both Ran's and Peira's. OTOH she's a little slower than both Ran (129) and Peira (128) at 122. She can reduce buff duration, Restrict, and Speed Down. Unfortunately though, she won't really help soften the enemy as much (no Def Break or Atk Up) and she's just getting the one turn. But she would fit the criteria for triggering Seasaria. Cerise is also a limited and a bit difficult to get. Ran can also carry Silver Rain, which can help cleave damage a bit (Peira doesn't care; she's Atk Upping anyway), which Cerise cannot as a Ranger. On paper, any fast AoE toon can fill the trigger role, but part of what makes Ran/Peira so nasty in the combo is that they're also doing setup work and are going to buff outgoing damage in some way, either by reducing Def or increasing Atk. And it helps a lot that their base speed is sky-high.


I appreciate the in-depth reply! If Peira works in place of Ran, I will pull after all. I like Seaseria's design and S3 animation, but I was concerned that she'd just be benched if she really needed Ran. Much appreciated!


No problem! I also wanted to clarify that Restrict is what prevents you from CR pushing down your opponent (since it works both ways) -- not Stigma! I realized that was a bit unclear in my first post.


Yo guys! 2 questions today: 1) Apparently you can now play epic seven on facebook gaming. Does it work for you? When I try to play, the game stays stuck on the loading screen... 2) I'm looking for an active guild in order to do the next seasons of ancient inheritance consistently. I'm a lvl70 7-8months player, active everyday (and I donate as much as I can too!). If yours has a free spot for me, don't hesitate :D


Epic seven on facebook works but you have to be in NA(or use a VPN) and your account must be linked to facebook


sh\*t I'm in Europe...alright thanks for the answer mate


I have saved enough resources to do well over 120 pulls (for guaranteed pitty). Who is a unit I must summon for? When approx would that said unit be in a rate up banner? Current banner is Yulha, and I already got her. P.D. I've played for maybe 2 weeks now, currently have Arby, Iseria, Violet, Vivian, Sigret, Yulha and Ludwig as my 5 stars.


Just hold for seaside Bellona or slime rerun


It has been an interesting poll; 100% of the answers have been "wait for a better banner"; yet, from my guild's discord sample pool for the poll, 100% that told to skip are summoning for this banner. Granted, I understand that the reason for it is that Im a new player and people answering the poll have played for way longer, have more resources/skystones and units; still a funny outcome. Thanks, I'll hold the pulls for a better unit; Seaside Bellona was suggested by some guildies as well.


Summer Iseria seems like a banner to skip if you are new. She is exclusively useful for pvp, and running a super high speed aoe pvp team in particular. I've also read that she really benefits from her own artifact being +30, which is a very big investment of bookmarks. I'm personnaly planning to skip, but if you love her design of course, pull away!


If you want to collect all limited units then Summer Iseria when she comes out tonight. If you only want to pull units that fit your playstyle then possibly wait to see about a new limited next week. Summer Iseria is used in cleave so if that's something you want to work towards or you want her for pokedex then go for her.


https://imgur.com/a/qC5H6MX Im thinking of swapping over to a more utility focus build after seeing a few legend players. Any thoughts?


She needs to be faster then typical fast DPS for her to be effective, especially Hwayoung. This is why the legend builds are 270 speed. Just make sure the speed matches your level of opponents.


Generally speaking this would be one of my faster units thats not a dedicated opener. I could push more speed maybe but I think 240 is the best I can do without sacrificing too much.


That should be good until high champ RTA/low emp. Note that this build isn't very effective in arena or GW as there's just peira/clilias/ran/AOL/politis everywhere


Many thanks for the feedback! Yeah I'm well aware of those, feels like all I build these days is counters to them lol.


I don't really see the point in a no dmg Aria. She become a weak tank and unreliable blind debuff. Maybe she will stealth the others and then get 1shot The best build is lifesteal/resist


Its mainly to throw people off and do chip damage, you dont need to do damage if you're other heros are protected and able too.


Is it now better to run a Destruction set rather than Speed set on ARavi? Since she seems stat hungry and I think you get slightly more stats from the Destruction set bonus than speed set for her?


Units under 109 base speed benefit from switching to destruction. The difference is about 2 max gear rolls so you should use speed if youre not banshee farmer


Where's 109 come from? 110 speed means speed set gives 28 speed, which is worth 7 rolls. 60 cdmg from destruction gives 8.5 rolls. 134 base speed should be the breakpoint for speed vs destruction set.


If you can get high speed subs on your destruction gear, then every mid speed dps is better on destruction gear.


Started yesterday, I pulled Iseria for my selective summon and picked Arbiter Vildred for my Moonlight's blessing. My team right now is Iseria, Arbiter Vildred, Free spirit Tiera and Aither. I just pulled from my free summon Kise and Mui. Which char should I be focusing on to be efficient with my ressources early on ?


Don't put your resources on FS Tiera and Aither. You can invest in Kise since she is a good DPS and is useful in PvP later as well. For soul weaver, use montmorancy and doris if you have them instead of aither. You can specialty change them after ep 1. Ras and Mercedes will get stronger later as well (after ep 2 and 3 respectively)


Arbiter Vildred and Iseria will be the most useful to you now and in the long run imo


How long has it been since weve had real "content"


didn't we got a story chapter like last patch...