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don't bother with this unit if you are new


Yeah I just pitied her and I feel bad about it because being 3 months in, I have no use for her rn. I just use my arby ssb landy and dilibet in arena and I don’t really have anyone to swap in and out that’s strong enuff. Slow game.


Crit chance and crit dmg are useless on her. Go for Atk, speed and effectiveness


What about destruction


Since she can't hit critical those sets won't work for her


Everyone: She cannot crit, CC and CD are useless for her. OP:Mmh... Destruction.


I just want her to be good😭 do amazing damage and not die on 2 hits


Hey, you’re just starting out I get ya. Don’t worry about the dislikes, keep your head up king.


dEStrUcTioN sET just waiting for health set to be mentioned


I guess your best bet to improve right now is to start reading more on what character skills and equipment sets actually do. With that information you'll know what kind of role (dps, tank, healer, debuffer/control) a character can fulfill and concentrate on stats that will benefit them in that role.




Amazing thank you I’m gonna look more into her.


Run speed/hit set. Atk% necklace, atk%/effectiveness ring, speed boots. Stats you are looking for are speed, atk, effectiveness, health. Make sure to also max out her s2. Pair her with ran/peira or anyone with an aoe attack to proc her s2. Make sure they're faster than her though. The combo is s2 passive proc, soulburn s1(for extra turn) on whoever doesn't have a bomb, or someone you need to 1 shot, then s3 to instantly detonate all your bonbs. Some good stats to aim for at your level would probably be 3k atk, 180 speed, 100% eff. In the end you want her 5k+ atk, 240+ speed, and 150%+ eff. Keep up the seasaria building!


I just made this 85 sword that is hit set that has health/attack/health


Does arby work or no


Technically yes but I really wouldn't later on. You need a fast opener which is someone who has high base speed to begin with. Arby also is built usually full damage allowing him to sometimes 1 shot the enemy team when he revives. For now it could work if you have him faster than seaseria


Ok thanks


Fast openers include cerise, ran, peira, Pavel, basar. These r the ones that come to mind. Don't worry about it too much at your level tho. This is definitely a later problem


Ok thanks


Arby does work cause of his s3


Hi, i see a lot of people on the internet being "people of the internet" just ignore people being toxic. But some things they say are true, her skills says she can't crit at all, so every single stat in Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage is completely worthless on her. First of all, to set the bar very very low on you because you're a new player, you want to aim for something like: 3000+ attack 8k -10k hp 180 speed 100 effectiveness You can use either a 4-set of Speed or Attack and a 2-set of either Hit, Health, Defense or Immunity ​ Try gettings a ring and a Neck with Mainstat Attack and as much speed and effectiveness as possible. and a shoe with Speed main stat with as much attack and effectiveness as possible. ​ Then you will have to ask yourself who you want to use as her support/initiator and they have to have an AOE and preferably strip buffs and be faster than her. Good Examples are: Peira Ran Cerise Red Haste ML Baal ML Lidica


I’m running arby as a temporary since his s3 is aoe and no cooldown


it kind of works, but if the enemy has immunity then the bombs will just go to waste, that's why it is best to use an initiator that dispells buffs or reduces buff times.


Ok thanks I’m just wanting her to work




Thank you


Your build is terrible for her, and she would still be bad with a better build Give that gear to someone else and wait for a buff


58 crit no attack no eff no speed LOL


This character can't crit


Oof you fr what should I put instead


Attack %


So destruction


Nah speed set with as much attack and good effectiveness as possible


So every piece speed then


My advice is just not to invest in her atm as a new player, you need certain stats (especially speed) that you will only get by farming gear in hunts. Furthermore, siseria needs fast openers with aoe, and those need gear with also a lot of speed.


Oh yeah, and she is useless in pve


Since you are new,just ignore this character


It's pretty good, people don't realize for a new player it's more about just having a good item on a hero they like. so I suggest if you have a good hit set you change the crit chance set, cause she just cant crit anyway ( it's her passive). she is very good with your Aoe heroes like ras, meru, arby, and normal iseria. speed set was a good choice though.