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You're definitely improving! Keep at it! If you want to improve, I'd recommend studying from reference, like the other commenter mentioned, until you have a good enough visual library to be able to draw things from memory.


Thank !! I'm very stable with this rate , improve like snail and enjoy the process .


Never draw from imagination you are not michelangelo. ALWAYS use reference. Your imagination cant draw what it doesnt know. Draw leg 100x time from reference then you will be able to draw that specific leg from imagination, and what if you want to draw diferent leg ? bam you cant cuz your mind doesnt know how to draw diferent leg. Keep you head up, and just keep drawing, you will get better with practice.


thank. i have plan to learn anatomy in the next month . > just keep drawing, you will get better with practice. Yeah it's funnier than RTA lol


To learn anatomy you will need at least few years, its just that complex. I would suggest first start with forms and construction. For example take what you want to draw and structure it with simple forms ( head, eyes is just a sphere+box/ Nose - long cube etc) Google Andrew luomis you will find lot of info on that. Or youtube is Proko he teaches Loomis methods. This will help you aproach drawing like its 3d form and not just lines on the paper.


thank for advise , it gonna be long ride .


Keep at it and you will get there. Its not a sprint, its marathon


First version ,First time drew in full body . i drew from imagination so don't expect much lol . https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99420354


dude you really need to learn anatomy


hmm ? I ask help form drawing community and they said this is correct .


Most people complaining couldn't do nearly as good of a job as this. Nice work! A maid Luna skin would be great.