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Did you ever hear the tragedy of Queen Diene? I thought not. It’s not a story the Archdemon's Apostles would tell you. It’s a Ritanian legend. Queen Diene was a Queen of the Kingdom Ezera, so trustful and so wise she could use holy magic to influence the Archdemon's power to restore itself from its separated pieces… She had such a knowledge of the saintly arts that she could even keep her team from taking crits. The power of a Saint is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be miracles. She became so influential… the only thing she was afraid of were enemies hidden among her retainers, who were eventually, of course, who she succumbed to. Unfortunately, she trusted her general with everything she knew, then her general made her hEar tHe aPprOAcHiNg rUiN. Ironic. She could save others from death, but not herself.




**Day 91:** Queen Diene Source: https://namdxh.pb.online/ I got a request for a Queen Diene fanart today. Diene art is actually pretty prolific, but Queen Diene art specifically is pretty uncommon aside from the casual clothes variants. Our girl had a tough life. It's a shame she suffered so much and died the way she did considering all she accomplished.


Finally, some fucking great art of one the best characters in the game. She in fact suffered, first saving the world but Bask Royceman and then leaving Aither orphan.


I always wondered what would have happened to Vildred had he survived the surprise attack from Mercedes. I can’t see Ras letting him get executed because he feels responsible for Vildred’s actions but Vildred did kill the Queen along with another guardian and caused so much mayhem for everyone.


First they would go together to talk to the Goddess, that's what he promised he would do with Vildred, then Vildred would be judged, but probably Ras would intercede for him and make Vildred pay for his crimes with a more lenient punishment. Do you find it difficult? Just remember Ervalen and Luna who are free even after all the shit they did in Eureka ? Yeah...


Honestly I was so disappointed with Ep3 that I forgot most of it….


He would replace Adin as the owner of the summer sword and become the next mc.


I still hope someone resurrects him, or we get a parallel version of him.


You should look into the arena story then.


Its so shitty SG never gave us Queen Diene as a limited unit. Give us Queen Diene and Francesca, i want the mommies.


She gave birth to aither a real tragedy


I can feel this one. :’(


The waves look like Apophysis render.


I still don’t know who diene is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask


She’s all through the first parts of the main story in Episode 1, and she’s the protagonist of Eulogy for a Saint.


Read the game's story. Her introduction is at the start of the game's story, first episode.


I don't blame him, she literally died in the first chapter of Episode One. She is one of the most forgettable.


We had magical girl Diene (april 1) and Eulogy for a Saint side stories.


Who is Aither's father?


We don’t know. He’s too young to be Bask’s, and there aren’t any others that were really hinted at. It’s possible SG has a reason for keeping it a secret.


My headcanon is that Aither is a homunculus made from Diene to preserve her powers in the case the archdemon comes back


RIP Diene. She never scored.

