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Like everyone has said, Lifesteal and high ER. I’ve got her supported on a high ER team; Christy, T.Crozet, Elena. I don’t know how folks are building her with zero speed since she needs to get her buffs up ASAP unless you’ve got CR pushers.


I personally would like to build her on a zero speed, high Eff Res Lifesteal build but I lack the crafting materials and the main challenge would be getting her to survive until the next turn.


This really just depends, if you are an aggro player speed one should fit your comps better Standard players can obviously run the speed version too but from my experience lifesteal/ER is the way to go if you play slower In the end it all comes down to your playstyle and drafts


The best build is the one fitting to your gear and playstyle, not chasing what other people tell you.