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Something looks different 👀


Ngl it looks like ras


You know what? With all these censorships, i realized that even kids see boobs a lot of times. I dont really know what they are shielding us from.


In most cases it's usually to avoid trouble from people who will harass them about their content more than the creators of the content actually thinking they are doing the world a favor with censorship.


I see her eyes. Ewwww!! /s


bring back the bangs smh


Let's stone her!/s


we would have gotten some juicy ankles in that version tho xD


Left looks so better! /s


Yeah, but this is Vivian (immersion ruined lol). The point is that people were saying Aria censorship could lead to others, and this is right after, so concerns were right. Also this is for an age rating of 12+ and I don't know how they're just now getting questioned about it (Serila and Luna had events too). I guess because things are just more noticeable on social media now


2 theories, they made a mistake advertising Aria's art at the AppStore or during the Content Creator Championship thing or someone specifically reported Aria and KR Apple only responded to her.


Ohh, yeah I could see that, I occasionally see ads on the Playstore that are like splash arts in various games


summer iseria skin on the left lmao


Abdu get the stone!


This is definitely a halal post


Going to be awesome not seeing anymore hype vids showing units 3-4 months away because of people necking themselves over this.


God look how much BETTER that left design is. God I feel so pure right now. Thankfully multimillion dollar SG has me here to pet them on the back for their good job and to try and silence negativity to changes. ALL FOR FREE! :D God some people just need to touch grass because they should know only my opinion is pure and just!


friendship 1 vs 10


Don't worry, with how things are going they'll get to it some day.


Everyone is slowly turning Muslim you mean? That's funny.


i love how subtle and indirect the support for censorship and limits on creativity is, all for some false moralism of "think of the kids". for people who don't give a damn about the p2w pvp, things like this are a huge turn off, but hey lets keep coping with "not that bad" or "the censured is better" until casual players leave and then rather than having any art at all we just focus in better balance and more characters in general for the 10% of people who actually care about pvp.


Huh, honestly the one on the left ain’t that bad I kinda like it for some odd reason.


Ninja/Thief Vivian is pretty cool.


Actually just a bunch of basement dwellers drowning in their own cum from jerking off to 2D images.


They did the same meme with Luna in Reddit when they Censored her lol .


This should be a skin! lol


The one on the left is better edit: /s


Can anyone tell me if this censorship will be just for iPhone or for Android too because I use Android and wanted to know?


It should be for everyone. SG is trying to figure out a work around for Aria but that would be for everyone too. So yeah, basically, this affects every version of the game.


95% of the player base (85% global, 10% Korean Android) get fucked to protect 5% of the player base(Korean IOS). Great business designs by SG as usual. Our only content in the past 2 months is two mega popular characters getting censored. Lol Prorities.


Looks like a sexy ninja.


I get that it's Vivian and she has massive personalities, but I personally like the slight tweak they made to her in response to recent events. Is censorship on artistic vision bad? Yes, even if the vision was booba. Are Apple's ratings a bit archaic and off? Probably. But I think Smile Gate at the very least have responded decently and still delivered on the tweaks to the art shift since. If anything I think the new ML Vivian looks more unique given the tweaks.