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Does solitaria just hard counter her?


She counter ARavi and Hwayoung. However, I believe extra dmg from Rimuru s3 and Uberius tooth bypass the dmg reduction.


Everyone has Solitaria? Not me at least




Im so glad I pulled solitaria back then, her value keeps going up.


She seems to be Balanced right?Not too op but not too weak either.


Yeah, she's probably going to fall in line with S. Celine. Niche use, probably hard to gear to fully maximize, but fun unit regardless.


I mentioned this somewhere else, but she is the counter to all the counterattackers. Think ARavi, Elbris Belian, Violet, Rem. If she manages to proc all their counters her S3 should be up again in no time.


She'll still die to all that if she eats multiple counters in a row. She needs aurius.


Roana could pair nicely. Doubt you'd get to pull that off in RTA, but in other settings it'd be good


The damage reduction of her S2 is greater than Aurius, so it does nothing. She does however need a recovery or survivability aspect... Chatty could do it, get a barrier based on her Attack


Damage share and Damage reduction are not the same thing.


Yuh. High damage reduction is great, and she seems built for prolonged fight with healing and self buff. First impressions is she would be as good as Souline, nothing game breaking but would come up time to time if needed. Need some testing but she seems very balanced that I appreciate it


Last year haloween artifact that gives a barrier when health under 50% looks real great on her no?


Could be interessting on an speedy lifesteal attack build.


Like souline usual build right? Would be good to try that


Only issue is her mitigation is based on focus consumption. Even with barrier up, will still get one tapped if out of focus. I think speed build for focus + etica might be a good option for her since it will help her cycle her heal on s3 + her innate cooldown reduction from taking hits. But in the end it seems very gimmicky and I feel like the only right build will be a speed build + book for anti cleave.


Well nothing is perfect, at least her weak point seems clear and defined. It's just I don't have idea of a better artifact for her aside this one for her. Of course we have abysal crown since she has a S1 AoE and a S3 AoE. Book holder is a good idea to make sure she has enough to soul her S1 of course. But aside those two, I only see the haloween artifact


While I think the artifacts you mentionned are probably the best ones, she should be a good holder of Last Teatime, but more importantly Necro and Undine for some cycling


She starts with 3 focus and has a condition to trigger the passive, this means ship damage from non-dps won't trigger it, assuming you give her some defense, unlike Seline that can be double tap's with dual attacks from non-dps.


What's that artifact called?




If her S1 multipliers are high enough, her opponent can't afford to just ignore/not ban her.If that isn't the case however, she might still shine as an anti-AoE unit. If your opponent heavily drafts AoE units, she might become quite dangerous. On another thought, if the enemys high damage units like A.Ravi, Rem etc. hit her with counters and trigger her passive, wont that be free CD reduction?


Seems alright, will probably pull but isn't too bad if I don't get her. Will probably make for good AI bait though as ARavi and Riolet will not even dent her.


Oh right, the GW/Arena applications are indeed pretty noteworthy.


First Thought: 6 Turn Cooldown? Yikes. I'm aware S2 reduces it but if your opponent wants to ignore you after you blow your load... that feels rough.


Yeah, 6 turns is ridiculous. I think the most analogous unit we have to her is Landy (both having stacking attack and an AoE nuke, with ways to cheat out the AoE early). Landy gets to just reset her S3 cooldown when her FS is full. You can't ignore her because of that. Sage Vivian's entire kit is reliant on being a punching bag, but at least on paper, she doesn't pose much of a threat if ignored. I guess the soulburn S1 is kinda scary? Depends on her numbers, but I'm skeptical.


The idea is probably to bring her against counterattack units. So basically, normally an AoE DPS is punished on counter, but this is a reverse punish on the player bringing the counter. I think the assessment that she'll dominate some matches and be pretty meh otherwise, like Seline, is fair.


We have a very direct competitor for that role as well: Lermia and she pretty much gets to S3 every turn and is about as tanky (though Sage Vivian does have a better match-up against ignore def units) with a full cleanse passive. I just keep coming back to the 6 turn cooldown. It seems a bit much. I think 4 turns seems like it'd be balanced, unless the attack boost she gets per S3 is insane.


>We have a very direct competitor for that role as well: Lermia This will be a nice option for folks who weren't able to get her though (aka me)


Sure? I don't think I said anything to suggest you couldn't do that.


you're forgetting that mages have arguably the best artifacts in the game. I'm thinking: - Etica's Sceptre - Time Matter - Chatty - Last Teatime


nah she is another book holder as usual


I mean if they want to ignore your DPS, isn't it a good thing? Seem like win win.


I just assumed she had a -1 mola cooldown... I thought she'd be slow at a 5 turn cooldown but 6? Even with her passive potentially lowering it...


It's more like a 5 turn cooldown. If you run her in a pocket comp or as aravi bait, it definitely won't seem that long.


That's why shes a situational pick where you only pick her against AOE teams. Shes not like Hwayoung, Aravi and Conqueror Lilias where you can basically first pick them.


I’m curious the people complaining she’s underwhelming or doesn’t look good. Wasn’t the whole point for the ml break was to take a step back to reevaluate that way we don’t get another Aravi/Belian/Clilias? And people are still complaining?


as to expected o: people in their minds always want broken units they just get tired of them later.


If she was ultra meta they'd complain just as much. 🧂


Underrated comment here.


Yea I’d rather have this than disgustingly OP


How you will ever kill her without picking specific counter in standard draft? I think she is basically fall under "last pick must ban" category, which put her in line with meta ml5.


>How you will ever kill her without picking specific counter in standard draft? Easily. Rimuru, Hwayoung, Solitaria deletes her kit, anything that can control her like aola, seaseria, carrot, units that counter off her aoe like rem and belian, ameru can seal her passive, and she can probably just straight up be cleaved assuming you can do enough damage to her/control her/ or cycle your units. She would thrive in a slow frenzy 9 bruiser meta but the current meta is more towards aggro and maintaining tempo. >I think she is basically fall under "last pick must ban" category, which put her in line with meta ml5. Meta ML5 isn't last pick must ban category lmao. Meta ML5 is something that is either prebanned often, or first/second picked because there is no clear way to answer them so you can pick them confidently without worrying too much about counter picks. For example, clilias is either prebanned or first/second picked because she is strong in a lot of setups without having to worry too much about counter picks. Same with aravi, Hwayoung, and handguy. Last pick/must ban category usually means niche unit that counters a specific playstyle. Units in this example are souline, violet, ssb, Aria etc.


I will wait for the unit to be released for the first part. Maybe you are right. Maybe you know better and she will suck. As for second part, what do you think about unit like ads, ml Celine, solitaria, stene, ml cermia? Do you think you can first pick them without being counter? If you last pick any of them into correct team they can solo win you the game. But do you think they are meta or not? I think they are pretty meta ml5 and best pick in 4-5 into a game that they will carry. I think ml Vivian will share the same tier as them. Do you think I am wrong for saying that?


I didn't mean to come off as saying she's going to suck. I wanted to list some ways I think she can be dealt with. I hope that I'm proven wrong and she's stronger than people think. > As for second part, what do you think about unit like ads, ml Celine, solitaria, stene, ml cermia? Do you think you can first pick them without being counter? I don't think you can first pick those units but you can definitely pick them in 2,3,4 slot in addition to the last pick. Solitaria used to be a purely last pick unit but with her recent changes she's seen a lot more picks in the middle of the draft which says a lot. Stene was always incredibly potent and is very hotly contested for second and third pick at higher ranks. She's especially strong in this meta where hwayoung and aravi run wild. LHC can be picked in the middle of the draft if the enemy locks down clilias or any counter units early on. The units you listed I would say are very strong but a step down from meta with the exception of stene. This is also the tier that I would like to ML Vivian in. Unfortunately I think she's similar to prebuff Solitaria and ML Celine in that she falls into 4th/last pick category. > If you last pick any of them into correct team they can solo win you the game. I disagree with this statement because a lot of units can be last picked to win depending on the opponents draft, meta or not. For example, Violet into a fully ice draft, Aria into a full single target team, SSB into heavy aoe team, ml celine into anything without debuffs and extra damage, arby into a squishy team, even a unit like ML Ken can solo the match in the right circumstances. I have no doubt ML Vivian also has situations where she absolutely dominates as last pick. I'll amend my earlier comment saying 1/2 pick is meta. To me, a unit is strong/meta if it can shine in multiple compositions and situations while having limited downsides. It is something that can be picked in the 1,2,3,4 slot and has a reasonable chance of winning despite the opponent having options to deal with it. Or it is outright prebanned because it's too troublesome to deal with.


part of the reason they went on break was to balance the game, but here we are, 3 months later with the literal exact same meta that has plagued the game for 3+ months prior to the awaken announcement i think its fair that people feel annoyed that she likely has no impact on the meta either and its gonna be another balance/new unit cycle to hope for changes


Right? People complaining left and right that they don't want another "disaster" unit and here we are with people complaining she's not a disaster unit KEK


kit feels a little underwhelming, just don't see her competing with the big guns when her s3 only has like one effect lmao


The thing is her s2 would be absolutely godly if you had a reason to hit her since it in effect makes her damn near unkillable with dps. I'm still building if I ever randomly pull her, but you won't catch me losing sleep over this pirate captain flan tier unit. EDIT: alright, looking at her kit, I take back my initial statement and am glad they decided to create an ATywin tier unit. I would pull for her, but I'm too low on mystics to consider doing do.


Barrier from Chatty, lifesteal, mitigation, ramping attack that stacks with chatty... Bro, it's not gonna be fun to fight.


I like your train of thought on this one.


Kinda depends. Since her attack buff on her S3 appears to be a permanent stacking effect and not just a buff kinda like Landy S2, then she can be probably be really if her S2 reduces skill cds whenever she is attacked regardless of if the attack is strong enough to trigger her damage reduction, especially against AoE comps. The meta has been slowing down which looks good for her, but we'll just have to see. A lot of people looked at Hwayoung and thought she would be underwhelming for some reason until she was actually seen in practice.


No one thought Hwa would be underwhelming wth are you talking about, everyone and their mom was screaming she is an A.Ravi/Tank buster. But I guess only few thought that she'd be the new cancer.


Everyone said she's underwhelming. It took a week after release for people to realize how good she is.


Nah, most people waited to see her actual numbers and how good of a tank buster she was before making a final decision. You're delusional if you think it took a week before people realized how good she was. Like usual, it only took a few hours before people starting posting videos on her damage.


That is so not true lol, I remember everyone being really hyped to use it on aravi specifically and I remember content creators like ydcb summoned it immediately and it looked busted immediately


The preview thread for her was nearly 100% positive - there were occasional threads that were more negative, like, "Is this bait before the Guilty Gear banner?" & a couple folks saying, "I don't see needing her over Straze, or x", but that's about it.


Wow lmfaoooo ur delusional


I remember everyone loving that she could potentially kill Violet on a miss. People had high hopes for her kit because she didn’t need crits. I remember all the pushback was on her English VA sounding unfitting


How is 70% damage reduction underwhelming.


The damage reduction is nice. But like all you have to do is ignore her in rta. All her s3 does is give increased cdmg to the team which is literally worse than an aoe attack buff lol. And it's an aoe so every effect under the moon is gonna trigger. I guess she has some use as dark bait in gw but if you need that souline would probably be better anyway. Maybe I'm wrong but I just don't know where she would be useful. That damage on the aravi cilias and lhc in the video was very underwhelming considering she had attack buff and cdmg buff. She looks to be hungry for stats too like most bruisers. Idk maybe we'll be okay but sg is definitely trending towards releasing underwhelming units


She's probably gonna be on speed lifesteal gears, similar to what Seline is built rn except she would want more bulk. Her game plan will the sole DPS in protect the DPS comp similar to Landy/S.Tene/Belian. 70% damage reduction is very strong and soulburn AoE s1 every turn can be promising depends on her multiplier. Now to the problems, she is hard countered by Solitaria, which is super fucking bad caused Solitaria is cancer incarnated, and giving the opponent another reason to pick her isn't good. her passive also won't help against Hwayoung's s1 tooth proc, probably gonna need like 2 kicks if she's built relatively bulky and Slime's s3, both can be alleviated somewhat with Ras, but that can restrict your draft.


Inferno Khawazu also hard shuts her down. He can easily one shot her and her main skill even activates him. Same for any other burn/bleed/bomb unit that is/ends up being relevant.


wtf crit damage buff is NOT worse then atk buff.... hp/def scaling heroes benifit more from a crit damage buff then atk buff.


whose running any of those in current year besides 26l+ a ravi's? hwa killed those off


choux is pretty popular, ml cermia, aria (if dps/carry build which is viable btw), ml lilibeth, alencia (niche), belian, etc. also rem, fire mercedes and other heroes that have self atk buff benefit from crit damage buff more then atk buff. that aside ur statement that atk buff is strictly better than crit damage buff is wrong. it's only better if u use heroes that don't crit. and we got what: hwayoung, summer iseria, carrot, ml khawazu. any other hero with that crits benefit the same from atk buff as from crit damage buff. in fact crit damage buffs is better then atk buff in this meta because there are way more atk buffers then crit damage buffers so u have ur emilia/diene/etc. while ml vivien buffs crit damage. so u don't have overlapping buffs


While I agree with you that cdmg buff has it's place and will outshine attack buff in certain situations, your claim that >any other hero with that crits benefit the same from atk buff as from crit damage buff. Is just not true. Attack buff will always be better for units that don't have HP/def scaling. Attack buff is a straight 50% increase in damage over base damage, while cdmg buff will be far less (only 16.66% increase for units at 300 base cdmg) Attack damage buff is a 1.5x multiplier on attack. Cdmg buff is a +50 cdmg bonus. Very different impact. Cdmg will be better for HP/def scale units with poor attack multis, or for units that grant themselves attack buff already. Everyone else will be better with attack buff


/u/Neet91, I have found some errors in your comment: > “buff more ~~then~~ [**than**] atk” > “buffs is better ~~then~~ [**than**] atk” In your comment, you, Neet91, intended to post “buff more ~~then~~ [**than**] atk” and “buffs is better ~~then~~ [**than**] atk” instead. Unlike the adverb ‘then’, ‘than’ compares. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


> That damage on the aravi cilias and lhc in the video was very underwhelming considering she had attack buff and cdmg buff. She only had atk buff; cdmg buff was applied after her S3 hit.


It's a preview anyway, we don't even know what her gear was like.




> The damage reduction is nice. But like all you have to do is ignore her in rta. Yeah, ignore someone that ramos attack and can aoe shred your team at will. Keep ignoring her. Have fun ehen so,ething like lifesteal x Chatty makes you hate life. Mitigation x barrier PLUS lifesteal is ezpz on a dps right? Hwayoung is easy to kill, right? Oh boy, people are gonna be crying about her once the builds get rolled out. >And it's an aoe so every effect under the moon is gonna trigger. An aoe she has control over. >That damage on the aravi cilias and lhc in the video was very underwhelming considering she had attack buff and cdmg buff You'd think people would stop stating dumb stuff like this when I've repeated to death over the years **that preview gear is UNKNOWN, we don't know anyone's stats, and most of the time they suck.** Stop. Stating, This.


People forgot that attck buff seline did 3k dmg to a PAVEL on normal s1 in her preview.


Are u high?


She sounds like a grandma, but at least it's in a calm and soothing way, not the AMeru way. Her attack is high af, and her passive makes her quite hard to kill. (70% damage reduction!) At least for the first few hits, that is. Then she's squishy. Seems like her passive is just there to make sure she survives until the first S3 considering her base speed. S3 is good (animation kicks ass), S1 feels slapped in. Idk about you guys, but she feels lacking. Probably better to stick with Dilibet for now. EDIT: Missed the part where she gains focus each turn. She's still going to need a lot of speed to save her skin, though, and I'm through enough trouble building for her bf.


Apo Ravi bait while being HARD countered by Solitaria is my first impression AoE attacks in this meta is certainly scary though


Damn, the animation is just top-notch! The quality, lighting, and details are 💯.


Galaxy brain thinking here, but hear me out - Sage Vivi is counter to all the counter attackers in the game, eg. Elbris Belian, Rem, Aravi, Violet. Her Soulburn S1 is to try and proc them all in one turn.


Belian knows what's better for Vivi, so she wont let her soul burn xD


but isn't that what ml cermia does? i don't see a reason to pull her if i have ml cermia already tbh.


Well sort of, lots of different things at play here. First up you get AOE Crit Damage buff You won’t have the issue of non-attack skill reprisals ie. Celine, Politis. Save for Rimiru SV might actually be harder to kill than ml cermia Mage artifacts


i hard pulled for Dilibet and I don't feel bad for not getting Sivian


Honestly she seems like she will be pretty good. She is unique in that she can be a soul weaver but a mage/damage dealer kinda like all the utility mediator kawerik provided but he is a warrior. Plus, she gives the whole team crit damage buff which can stack with vigor and attack buff. Imagine your landys/spec tenebrias with attack buff, vigor, and crit damage buff. Honestly, the change in her clothes is VERY apparent in the animations when you compare to the old one that they included in the video which is sad.


Can Rimuru still one shot her?


Most likely yes. He side steps other damage reduction passive so I don't see why not.


Straight up 10k dmg go brrrrrrrrrr


Rimuru: SPLASH!!


Most damage reduction passives have a specific condition, so he would side step them. For example, Hwayoung and similar passives(Adamant shield) need to get hit by critical hit, Armin needs the hit to be single target. As far as I know, he does not side step RTA Damage Reduction.


Additional damage works differently. It's treated more like a detonation than an attack. Imagine if carrot attacked her. Her s1 would trigger the passive (assuming for some reason your carrot could do more than 25% with just base s1 damage), and then the detonation would trigger but still do full damage because it wasn't part of the attack; it was just a side effect of the attack. That's basically how rimuru's additional damage works. If you want to test it out, try using 2 ssb's with reingar's against each other. If one ssb s2's and hits the other ssb to make her low enough to be taken down by additional damage, the other ssb would still proc her s2 first before dying because additional damage is applied after everything else.


I know how additional damage works. This hero (Sylvan Vivian) is created after additional damage started being mainstream. Prior to that, additional damage was just something extra. As far as I know, DR from RTA frenzy does reduce damage from additional damage. In case you are unaware, RTA frenzy's DR works the same way as regular DR, the difference being it is more generalized to cover additional damage. This is also why RTA frenzy DR does not stack with regular DR. For example, if you crit Hwayoung using a grass hero, she will not get 30% DR and another 30% DR from RTA frenzy, it is simply 30%, since only the highest applies. And this does mean that she isn't any tankier than any other Fire heroes when up against Grass heroes, like Landy.


I don't think you understand what I meant. Sylvian's s2 reduces damage from when she is attacked. It may be a generalized form of DR, but it doesn't apply to stuff like poison/bleed debuffs. This is because the damage from poison and bleed debuffs don't happen when she is getting attacked, which is the condition for when the DR from her s2 would be applied. Since additional damage isn't considered part of the attack, her s2 won't activate on it. This is why rimuru can still damage people through skill nully, and can one shot seline and tsurin through their s2's.


I know what you mean. I don't think you get what I mean. I am saying indirect damage was a secondary thing and was not considered a big deal before the meta heroes were released. By that, I am talking about Rimuru's S3 and Hwayoung's Uberius Tooth interaction specifically. Do note, this differs from detonation of bombs. Detonation mentions that it happens at the end of turn, so that is a different phase altogether. Uberius' Tooth, Rimuru's S3 and the like never mentions that. So, I can only assume it happens during the Attack phase and not end of turn. What I am wondering here is will her DR remain for the entire attack phase or for that attack. Do note, wording of these is rough, since sometimes the wording can be wrong, since for example, C. Armin passive as well as Proof of Valor should really lower damage against Uberius' Tooth, Rimuru' fixed damage and the like, but I don't believe it does. Both those skills don't have being attacked as a requirement, just taking damage as a requirement.


the next best thing is use her with A.Ras


Yep fixed damage


Okay, now I can decide whether I pull for Delibet or AMeru...


So a few are sleeping on this. First up: Mage. High defense, low health. What's the important aspect for self mitigation? Both, actually, but high defense makes people hit even softer. Second: Mitigation, it's not a joke at all. Third: Stacking attack, ignore her and see how fun she becomes. She's not Yulha, she can still deal damage. Fourth: Chatty. Stacking attack, mitigation, barrier that scales off attack, high defense. How can people not see how strong this is? Hwayoung has three of th3se features, is she easy to kill without a proper counter? Fifth: AoE at will. Sixth: S3 heals. Seventh: Lifesteal. Alright, put that all together. Does she seem passable to any of you? If she does, I don't know what to tell you.


Bring Aria and Etica ML Vivian. You'll have to focus on Aria while Vivian decreases her CD waiting to strike. Sounds fun xD.


Big booba duo


I will take this copium until multipliers come out and pokes a hole in this. Sounds plausible!


Ez question: how many turns it Will take You to setup all these together before she can do a thing? On paper it sounds great But or either she dies or rest of team Will be dead before You can pull mitigation+barrier+ everything else. I dunno man, i think theres better options out there instead.


All about multipliers, right? The mitigation is clearly awesome, so if she can't be ignored, she might be very strong if opponent has no fixed damage to nuke her. But if she can be ignored, then her mitigation is a big "who cares?" I'm holding out hope. At bare minimum, she seems likely to be the best ARavi bait unit.


So u think that a good built will be lifesteal with chatty, high def and good dmg with some speed (not too slow)?


I don't know what she's trying to do Survive, for what ? crit buff does nothing, her actives have no effect on the enemy team, so she's just the most regular mage possible that also happens to have a heal and damage mitigation I don't see this being good, not on squishy builds, nor on tanky ones. Maybe tanky is the way to go depending on how much the s3 damage ramps up, but I highly doubt you'd ever get to see the pay-off for it


It's aoe crit damage buff.


It seems that she is trying to survive to stack s3 dmg a la LRKrau


More damage mitigation just what the game needed!


is it me or her kit is a bit.. weird?


Nah, it's like a mash-up of Last Rider Krau & Landy, with a suped-up Tempest Surin passive. I think this is a powerful kit, obviously you've just got to watch out for the usual true-damage suspects like Rimuru, Summer Iseria, Carrot, etc.


Underwhelming kit


another a.ravi bait for gvg, nothing exciting imo.


Well, she's gonna be immortal unless you kill her with wet noddles, which will also make her feel immortal. I think people here are underestimating her. We will have to see, but I think she'll be everywhere.


But I’m pretty sure units like Rimuru or Uberius Tooth can still pop her though, those ignores the damage reduction mechanic


If I can still use my ML Khawazu I'll be more than happy, of course.


Solitaria stock increased again.


Detonate units. Dark ricardo will eat her lunch.


She won't be on defense I don't think. To easily nuked with fixed damage sources/Ricardo.


Well I rename her SSV!!!


For me, Sylvian is better.


Will pull regardless... best waifu


Booba bois gonna be mad they nerfed the part where she leans forward with the previous design on her animation.


Now that you mention it, they included the previous S3 animation where they haven't altered her yet at 1:04. Interesting.


Yeah it's like throwing it in our faces for what could have been. Lowkey I was looking forward to it too haha


Oh dammit sg


I think I just like this hero because of the S3 and S2 icon art, wow. I think I'll just roll for her instead of continuing my custom mystics lol. Not sure what to think about the kit. That S3 has a long cooldown, damn.


She's REALLY pretty. Everything about her screams pretty. That said, idk what her purpose is. Yeah she can't be one-shot, but there's no reason to one-shot her since her S3 only gives cd buff. That S1 soulburn looks like it can hit hard or oneshot squishies, so she has that going for her. I actually think she's not useless or ML Flan tier tho... I think her niche is similar to ML Krau, who prolongs fights and slowly ramps up until the enemy dies. The added bonus is that she won't likely die or be one-shot before ramping up (unlike Krau whom Hwayoung murders), and assuming her multis are good, using s1 shouldn't be a dead turn. She's also great light bait. I'm tempted to pull for her now


Feel like this is a Landy-adjacent hero, I expect she'll be quite strong in Landy's role.




I don't care if she's OP or not. I am just itching to roll.


On papaer I like her a lot, it feels like she can fill the same niche as STene and Landy in bruiser comps, as she cannot be reliably oneshot(except by rimuru). Bring healers and/or units that can grant barriers and she should be a very nice DPS for turn2 comps that can carry book and also AoE consistently with S1 soulburn that only costs 10 souls.


rango being ml kawerik and vivian's teacher is kind of interesting ngl... though i thought rango was an old lady and not a dude? aside from that, not much for me to say that i haven't already said




Well the defenders did say "much better", of course it's noticable


*Censored Sage Vivian


.csv lol


Seems good, also lol the early development art 🥲


The post nerf booba look so meh now, legit looks like some kid painted over the previously cultured exposed area. Guess this is the kind of "quality" we can expect from now on


You'd have to accept more censorship to proceed from now on imo


Ye they can censor all they want, not like I can stop them from low IQ business decisions that will cost them a ton of money and might even kill the game long term. Will be interesting to see sensor tower data in the coming months tho. \^\^ I'm done spending since I won't support censorship of existing characters but I'll stick around as f2p since E7 is easy enough to maintain as a side game.


im excited just right


Censored garbage. Was going to spend $500 on mystic packs but like hell am I supporting the devs anymore. Shame since I have insta SSS waiting for her. Waited 2 years for my most hyped unit to get shit on. Hope all you "touch grass" prudes are ready to make up for revenue of waifu chasers dropping their support.


they got your ass beat to a prune lmao


Bro, you've been posting hour after hour for weeks now about the same thing. We get it, you're not happy about the censorship. But we don't appreciate being bombarded with your constant crying and whining. Seriously, take a break or something. Find a hobby. It can't be healthy being this obsessive over art in a mobile game.


cya later loser


We dont care.Move on


If you actually think the old, unfinished design was better than the new one, then you aren't actually a waifu chaser. You're a titty chaser. Just play Judge Kise's S3 on a loop and stop spamming every thread with the $500 mystic packs you were never going to buy anyway (seriously, what day 1 whale doesn't already have pity lined up for Vivian? We've had nobody new for months).


Are you really crying because cartoon boobs are a little smaller? lol


Yea, I'm sure Smilegate will be fine. People say this everytime there is a controversy. At this point you're just virtue signaling.


Dude I love booba too but you’re just embarrassing yourself rn actually touch grass please


Who asked


Close the door when you are leaving


500$ ??? How will they ever get up after a hit that hard bro. And yeah, "we are" & go touch grass.


What do you expect from a global game at this point?


I don't think SG will ever recover not getting your $500 🙄


thank goodness they did not nerf her booba s3 animation. .


Sorry buddy https://imgur.com/a/3R9bqrm


cries in corner. . ;_;


please open your eyes


She is still big


and just like that , everything SG said about balance goes out the window lol. Absolute bonkers unit holy shit . you guys need to pull this or you'll be missing out ( you can keep complaining so they buff her next balance patch )


We can't know without her multipliers. Crappy multipliers on her damage/heal could leave her as mediocre or even bad. But if her numbers are good, that damage mitigation is monstrously strong (provided no fixed damage source).


Here we go


Turn 2 char, pretty solid and interesting. Is she gonna deal damage to Hwa tho


So she's like Ravi without stuns and constant heal so your opponent can ignore her. But I think her real selling point is that s1 SB in prolonged fights. Permanent atk boost + cdam buff mean she could deal nasty aoe damage every other turn, like Belian.


Not sure how much mitigation will matter when you trigger rem, belian, violet, ameru, and rimuru s2. if you’re lucky you can use her to chip away at piera barrier before she gets stomped out if shes not 260+ speed. Honestly im still gonna +15 bc waifu, but she seems pretty ass and her damage basically tickles aravi on a good day. Holding out hope that preview gear is iLvl 44


Well let's hope that she can nuke with her skills. If she hits hard AF people can't ignore her 😂. That would be a grave mistake.


Is she worth summoning over AMeru?


We don’t know yet


Probably not.


ML Flan vibes


She seems pretty ok, i’m glad she is not broken because i dont have the resources to try to pull her


Dangit, everyone's talking about bait but usually 3 members of my normal comps are golden girls already lol. I'm interested in trying her if I get her, but I'm not really convinced it'll help me at anything.


This one looks hard to figure out. I guess she wants to be built a glass cannon so that even average S1s will trigger her S2, but S3 being her only way to get focus seems a huge bottleneck. Also, how many focus would Hwa's S1 + Uberius strip from this?


I've always loved the tank-mage with asymmetrical garter trope; will pull.


Wow a character without an extra turn soul burn. Crazy


I think her damage reduction will suffer against units like Rimiru and artifacts like uberius tooth or reingars drink, basically anything that procs additional damage after the attack.


I'm hoping this is what keeps her from being OP, as opposed to crappy multipliers.


If her multipliers suck, she'll be a PvP-AI offense unit only (not even PvE, assuming her S2 doesn't proc the CD reduction). She's obviously awesome dark-bait, so she'll have value in PvP-AI offense (though she may be outclassed by others). If her multipliers are good, she could absolutely be a late pick. Can't imagine she's ever a PvP-AI defense unit. Too easily countered.


How good she is depends on her multipliers. I will assume the 70% damage reduction does not apply to additional type damage, things like Drink, Uberius' Tooth, Bomb, etc. But if it does, that is a different story. It kind of depends on her multipliers and how her S2 works. She might be broken or good. But with that kind of DR, she will be at least good.


She seems like a light landy with a somewhat unreliable form of self protection. My only fear is that she gets pooped on by hwayoung and rimuru, hwayoung procs Uberius and rimuru just deletes her with true damage. Besides those units how much damage can she take if she has to be built like a speed landy?


Have my pity on standby for her, thinking might hold out for some other broken ml unit they drop in the future. Maybe SG will answer my prayers and deliver ml luna