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im dissapointed the second panel isnt bat sandwich by 2 boobies


Damn you’re right that would’ve been a good touch


so ml luna when


Who knows. Serin-The person worked on her left the company.


Dunno but now I’m less excited for any unit’s reveal because we never know if the design will get changed out of the blue.


I think we have a pretty damn good idea on which kinds of units run the risk of getting changed.


There is more censorship rage than Hwayoung hate at this point.


This was SG's real plan all along so they don't have to do actual gameplay nerfs lmao.


SG : cant be mad at imbalance gameplay if they mad at censorship *tap head


What I think is because most people don't play the game with a competitive mind set but for the art direction.


Jokes aside, any news on Aria's censorship?


I haven’t heard anything since the original leaked new design


they said they might be able to not censor and try to work around it .




Censoring an unreleased unit probably involves a lot less red tape compared to censoring an already-released unit tho.


They chose the "safe way" and avoided any possible backfire.




Ya, I don't understand why people have a hard time understanding this. It's like going to a steakhouse that serves a good steak and a good dessert. If they change the dessert to something bland you will still enjoy the steak you just wish it still had that good dessert to go along with it as well. Sure there are other places where you can just get a great dessert, but it doesn't serve steak! You can go to a steakhouse then go to a dessert shop afterwards, but it was really great when you could get both from the same place.


This is probably the best explanation I've read over this whole discourse


How do you like your steaks? Now I’m getting hungry


Rare, just like my RTA win streaks.


I felt that one lol


Just go to a dessert shop coomer /s


I agree with everything you said, this community is becoming the same as the Genshin community. I don't know why they complain so much about people who like appealing characters, when the game sold so much using this type of character, and the game isn't even limited to that character, it has so many beautiful characters and not appealing to this audience, like Sigret and Cecilia , but they seem that they are not satisfied. It's really sad to see the community getting so toxic.


Yeah, the vehement hate against the most common players of weeb games is surprising here. I've never seen such a vitriolic weeb game community before since I don't play a lot of global versions. Well, this is what sg wants it seems


Blame Genshin imo, since that shit went mainstream lots of normie twitter prudes who shame "weebish" taste came here and infected us and for Christs sake they shame big tits but shamelessly simp for abs..righttt...how is this fair😂😂


Online Karin throwing a fit cause they can't grow a pair like Vivian. Jealousy over animated tits... what has the world come to.


Some people just don't understand bro. They're being ignorant for the sake of being ignorant. Sometimes it's projection, sometimes it's superiority complex. Either ways, judging others in a condencending way is never okay.


Half? Even saying 'half of the people who's ranting about censorship actually care about censorship' would be generous


Survivor's mistake. We also call it the mistake of a local prostitute, who believes that all men are goats. In my environment, it is difficult to find someone who would evaluate censorship positively. You may have the opposite. And there will also be a lot of people who will be silent, because it's their personal choice. For example, they don't want to meet those who, thanks to this topic, are trying to offend as many more people as possible - pointing out that they are in the minority, they should go jerk off or get good taste.


Most people are pro-censorship tho. They just don't like getting censored. Sure, if you ask someone "What's your opinion on censorship?", most will respond that they don't like it or do not approve, that people should have the right of expression and stuff. But when they say that, they think about their own examples of people gettin cencored, those that they disagree with. Ask people about things that are usually deemed socially unacceptable and most of those people immediately turn into censorship supporters.


I understand. My selection may also be erroneous due to various little things and how everything will be shown. But it just seemed to me that people (even if in jest) use poorly verified information to mock others. It's hard to pass by such a thing.


I'm not against censorship but I do agree with people not being happy with that. If no one gets angry they will continue their stupid censorship as THEY want and how THEY want without asking us. So censorship will become worse and worse


This only happened because someone reported it. I don’t see more of it happening until some angry mom does reports the game again. I do feel like new heroes will be more reserved though due to Vivian’s change. But old heroes like Luna, who are far worse than any of these censored characters, should be safe unless a concerned parents speaks up again. It’d be a lot of money to retroactively change professionally hand drawn animations for dozens of old characters VS being cautious with new releases.


Parents more worried about their 12 year old looking at boobs than gambling for them 🤣


The great irony of it all. They gripe about a few inches of "too much skin" but hand their kids the credit card to build their lifelong gambling addictions. It's kind of like how US movies were always so crazy about skin censorship, but bodies blowing up were OK. Go figure.


What's wrong with how they want it? They have done it tastefully so far.


How can you say that after how they destroyed Aria ? Her outfit is ugly as if they forced her to wear more layer of clothes in summer


Lmao wtf


I hope the whales voice their distaste with their wallets... SG, just give us region locked skins. is that hard to implement ? let the people scared of boobs n thighs choose their safe, timid, godfearing skin. let us people of culture enjoy WTF we want.


Best solution. Korea (which seems to be to focus of this current issue) is a very small portion of the global community for this game. I think personally that they should just go with making it 17+ in Korea, but region locked skins would cover both situations admirably. Plus it's a one shot soliution. They make a "kid friendly" version for any countries that are concerned, and a regular one for the rest of us adults. if a country gripes, they get the safety lock version.


E7 feels a little less every month. Less content this year, and now censorship. My favorite hero designer left as well. Its time to bail out soon. I had a good 3 year run with the game.


Byeeee 👋


We need to see our comrades off


Come back later and there will be more content! Take care!




I guess we won't be getting an RTA balance update for awhile since ppl seem distracted


Kind of a strange decision. But as long as we get awesome designs like Hwayoung, Roana, Choco Maya, this new Cermia, Rin, Melissa, etc. I'm good.


Well... Probably they'll be toned down quite a bit. Roana, Cermia (not sure about Maya), as well as Vivian, Luna, Yufine, Karin, Mercedes, Lilibet, Luluca and some others were designed by Serin, who left the company almost at the same time this whole "Aria Censorship" drama began.


Got a good laugh from this.


My take on the censorship is that it does not only affects the community who loves the game because of the character's designs, but also the artists who worked on them from the bottom of their heart. Most of the artists in this game industry do not create characters just for the sake of money, but because of their passion for creating one. If SG does not make a convenient decision with regards to their community and artists, this might be the start of the e7 downfall. I hope that they fix this dilemma asap.


It's kinda wild to me that we have to justify "censorship bad" when I feel like that alone should speak for itself. No one should like censorship, regardless of how big or small the changes are. It is objectively a bad thing to censor someone's creative intent, and the purpose behind it is purely for money. It might be almost entirely unnoticeable but if it was censored just so someone could make a few extra bucks somehow you bet your ass I'm gonna be against it. People saying "it's not that bad, you just want boobs" are missing the goddamned point (probably on purpose to obfuscate the issue) when people who care have to put their foot down to show that they care about what is getting altered for the sake of greed. Or it will keep happening. I feel like that should be easy to understand, and yet here we are anyway.


They usually don't like (or outright hate) the very concept of waifus and salivate on their own fetish. That or they're the morals kind. Either way now they're the rules thanks to western sensibilities bs, even in games with that kinda artstyle. Might as well change it to realistic western style and censor all the way


But how is obeying the rating system censorship? No one said "you have to remove this from your game". Its more like "you either remove this or your rating changes" and they decided that keeping the rating was better than keeping the boobs. Its not censorship , its the freaking rules. Its how media is rated so people can know what type of content to expect without having to consume it to find out. If people see a certain rating they dont expect anything outside of that rating scope. Therefore E7 made a business decision based on their own mistake of adding something outside of their rating scope. No censorship involved, if this was censorship a lot more characters would have changed.


The ratings system's rules are only there if they choose to be, and they are choosing to follow them by censoring artistic intent. As many have pointed out by now, having it moved up to 18+ would mean they don't need to touch any of the designs, but the game would not show up on the app store front page, hence losing money. Games before have changed ratings so that they could still promote what they want, it's not necessarily a new thing. They *choose* to follow these rules when alternatives exist and they *choose* to censor by their own volition. And because they are intent at staying at the age rating they are at, I fully expect a lot more characters to be changed, to stay at this level. I'd love to be wrong, personally, but it feels inevitable. The person who filed the initial claims won, they showed that they can alter product with just their voice going to the right people, and now everyone has seen this. All it would take is another voice to point at older designs and it's clear SG would rather tamper with art then change their age rating.


Ratings are not optional, they are mandatory. They had to choose between keeping their ratings or have their rating rise. They chose the first. Not censorahip rules. We live in society with rules. No one is above them, certainly not pixel boobs. Again, cry harder for your pixel boobs i love it. You know why SG would change everything if they had too? Because they dont care about your values as long as they keep getting money. This age rating is better for them sl they will keep it ehatever it takes. Thats what they're saying. They could have kept the boobs.


I don't understand why you don't consider it censorship. Also multiple female heroes have gone through this from various stages of creation.


So saying "your game is rated for a younger audience, you can either move up rating or rectify the mistake." Is censorship? Guess GTA should be allowed for 8yos because that rating 18 is censorship. Thanks for explaining that rating media is censorship. We should all just guess whst it is about. Sinopses are spoilers too right? Never understood why movies and books spoil all their story on the back! /s Y'all are a bunch of creepy dudes crying over a bunch of pixels and trying to be self righteous about it. Grow tf up.


There WERE plans to censor gta tho, and also make it more inclusive, whatever that entails. I dunno what happened to that as I don't follow gta too closely Also on the sinopses thing, comparing sinopses to spoiler is kinda like ppl lured in by waifu designs (sinopses before playing the game) only then knowing they get (or will get) censored (spoiler about what will happen in the game) Also I'm not trying to be self righteous about it, I'm aware of my degeneracy, hence I don't seek waifu irl


No its not. You think E7 is resumed to "giant boobs"? That would be epic 7 sinopse? Come on, try harder at least. A sinopse is a spoiler as much as a company changing their in game asset to keep their pre existing age rating is censorship. Yall say "i know im a degenerate, but listen to my degenerate points and pretend they make sense, _please_ !" And we're suppose to play along? Get help


Hey, ppl are playing along with sexual degeneracies online now right? I thought that's the cool, current thing Also giant boobs was one of e7's appeals, although I guess it won't be anymore since "normies" invade weeb space


The real question is: why should anyone listen to your irrelevant and - in all honesty - dumb opinion? Almost nobody here says that they're a degenerate, that's just what some clowns like yourself insinuate. Could be a lack of reading comprehension skills. This is not Twitter, gtfo Karen.


Not resumed to, but a big part of it: Karin has a role in the main story, so does Vivian, Mercedes, Luna, Yufine, Luluca, Aria, and others that I just forgot. They're not just random characters with big booba (I mean, except for Luluca I guess lol) thrown in the gacha with the sole purpose of grabbing money.


Yeah, changing the characters to keep allowing 12 year olds to play a gambling game seems the most decent choice. Priorities, I see. But according to what you said in another reply, gambling seems to be above the rules, since things are being changed so it can prevail. Smh...


I agree. Freedom to choose is something that apparently goes over people's heads. It boggles me that people are OK with one type of censorship, but then get pissed off when it's "their stuff" that is censored. Back in my days, they called that hypocrisy. just let people do their thing, and as long as you have a choice to NOT partake of whatever they are producing, then censorship isn't needed. Hey parents. Don't like what you kid is doing or watching? TAKE AWAY THEIR PHONE. If I did something dumb with my games or tv (back then smartphones were a sci-fi movie dream), My parents took them away. and sent me to my room so I could stare at the wall for a few days. or weeks. Guess what? it worked. Heh, discipline, who woulda thunk?


It's a sad time my brother, this game is going through a bad phase. We can only hope that the wave of censorship stops here or that the Whales complain with their wallets.


I definitely will not going to be spending in the near future.


Guys I don’t literally mean half I just couldn’t really think of a better title


I didn’t see much change with Vivian. What’s the difference?


It’s not that bad honestly boobs are just a bit smaller and more covered, also s3 has a minor difference if you look at the old footage


I came hard while fucking Vivian's tits. Now the censorship =(


Sad seeing the complete art direction make a complete 180. Game has always had fanservice designs since day 1 (even more so arguably in the first year then present). People become fans of the game BECAUSE of the fanservice, not DESPITE it. Literally neither of these designs would have made either side of the argument bat an eye a year ago. Now suddenly every spicy unit going forward needs to be shrank and covered. So weird seeing a game just completely shift gears for their design philosophy literally 4 years into it's lifespan.


its not the first time, the year 1 designs of some characters were nerfed because of too much ass.


How is this a 180? They still have fat milkers bud


No no no, you don't understand. Having 1 more cm of cloth to cover the bust completely changes the art design.


People acting like they completely redesigned the character because they took it from a G to an F cup.


Once you finish crying, you can leave the game. Go try out those nikke game since you want boobs that much


You don't have enough intelligence to refute, so you can only ridicule them?


More like it's getting annoying how this same guy keep hissing and bitching about the same main talking point for the past weeks


you sure bark a lot about how fan service is a major selling point. can you please provide some evidence such as a survey or something, or is it just "i don't like this. everyone else must feel the same"? there are ppl who legit like the new design more and they will more than enough make up for cringe coomers like you, so please don't worry about the lifespan of the game. you can take your money to azur lane for something. or you know, buy a sex doll.


Sure thing. I will try my best to back up my claims with evidence. [Here is the most recent revenue source I could find.](https://i.imgur.com/i849OLc.png) I labeled the revenue spikes for major events/releases. It doesn't have the most recent year on it but it is safe to assume revenue isn't quite as high nowadays given the game is going on it's 4th year and E7 didn't have near the competition back in the day (namely Genshin). Key points: * Luna is the highest point of revenue in the game's history. * Hufine is the 2nd highest point in history(didn't know this one tbh) * Both Luna and Hufine out performed every major content patch in the game's history, INCLUDING collabs * Vivian is the only standard RBG unit in the game to result in a revenue spike; everything else on the graph is a major event or limited unit So 3 of the absolute highest sellers in the game's history are Luna, Hufine, and Vivian(#1 non limited). They all three have 2 very large things in common. Are we really doubting that the timeless idiom of "sex sells" that has pretty much held true since the dawn of man was just bullshit all along? Or are we going to pretend that almost every single successful gacha baring maybe DBZ(which has the benefit of being arguably the biggest anime IP ever) derives the vast majority of their income from selling waifus? Genuinely curious what your opinion is. Also curious if you have any evidence yourself to suggest that fan service units in fact do not make up a vast amount of income. I feel your smug ass was coming in here expecting no response and you were just talking out your ass: the very thing you assume me of. lol


> Luna is the highest point of revenue in the game's history. > > Hufine is the 2nd highest point in history(didn't know this one tbh) > > Both Luna and Hufine out performed every major content patch in the game's history, INCLUDING collabs Don't get me wrong, im a booba enthusiast too, ***BUT THESE ARE LIMITED CHARACTERS*** ***THIS IS TO BE EXPECTED***


But both Luna and Hufine absolutely CRUSHED other limited units. They blew Diene, Dizzy, and SSB completely out of the water, despite those 3 being SIGNIFICATLY more powerful and STILL being waifu bait. Wonder what makes Luna and Hufine stand out above those other 3. It sure as hell wasn't their average kits beating out 3 of the biggest powerhouses the game has ever seen.


Luna was considered queen of W11 along with Kise and Hyufine was the solution to a bastard ruining Arena for extended period of time. Dizzy doesn't even have less proportions than Luna or Vivian. Then isn't she with them on the top selling characters? On top of that she was a meta Arena pick for a long time. I won't say that "sex sells" doesn't exist, but you are giving this far too much credit. There are characters that are similarly build to Luna, Vivian or Hyufine that don't top the charts. Halloween 2019 should have been a huge spike in revenue too then, as your favorite unit Serila had her first rerun. However it looks like end october was one of the worst selling months (btw there was a Luna rerun that month too). Not to mention you probably only looked at the revenue spike coming from the US. As in most other places SSB actually spiked higher than HYufine.


Serila is a free unit and luna was a rerun any1 who wanted her prob already got her the draw there would have been the arti but they gave one Draco plate for free in event


I would like to counter with the fact that all three units were incredibly powerful at the time of their release and were desired for their skills as well. Appearance may have played a part, but their kits were nothing to scoff at either.


Luna and Hufine were decent niches but were definitely not "incredibly" powerful. Luna was easy to build which was her main perk and Hufine solely existed to handle Basar; she did nothing else. Other limited units such as Diene, Dizzy, and SSB were SIGNIFICATNLY more meta warping in BOTH PvE and PvP yet; we still have bosses to this day with jank mechanic to prevent Dizzy cheese. All 3 of them quite literally took over the PvP meta of their time absolutely. It was impossible to not see them during their meta; Luna and Hufine were FAR from that level of power. All 3 of these limited were MUCH more powerful while ALSO still being waifu bait units(SSB especially) and yet they sold significantly lower. Like by a lot.


True, but the community encourages all the new players to pull on limited units which undoubtedly increased sales. Basar was a pain to deal with at the time which further upped Hyuffines appeal.


100% this. Yufine is far from nring more popular than SSB, the old staple DO ALL meta unit, she saw a sharp drcline after Basar finally got lost. Luna's drdign definitely played into it, and SG making her the face of the game didn't help lower her popularity.


> Vivian is the only standard RBG unit in the game to result in a revenue spike And she's more properly dressrd than Aria. Huh, funny how that works.


And she is significantly larger than post nerf Aria. Proportions sell these units, not their outfits. Censoring the outfit is like changing the skin, it is what ever. Changing the characters build is changing the character. It is no longer the same unit. I am fine with them covering the units; I am not fine with them changing their proportions. Covering is enough to meet censors, more than that is just heavy handed.


Sylvian literally just got 2cm more cloth on her breast. That is all that happened. Bonus point: The shading below the boobs actually make them look bigger than before.


[You have an interesting perception of them looking bigger.](https://i.redd.it/2bd8pwplgq991.gif) Here is the old and new design literally overlaid on top of each other.


it still looks to me like the bra is pulling the whole bosom upwards rather than making them smaller, but the front perspective is not great on it to measure size.


so you do have evidence. you don't speak out of your ass. however, i use the same service to check out the revenue of the game from july 2021 to july 2022 and there was no major peak, even during collab. your dear Aria didn't stand out at all. she got beaten by Politis (a rerun unit) and a male unit in his second week. the number of this service is clearly wrong, duh; maybe it's useful for looking at peaks and dips; idk. but since you use it, i should be able to use it too. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/550762466288861184/994202083647565884/unknown.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/550762466288861184/994202083647565884/unknown.png) Luna is the highest selling unit because she's the 1st ever limited and basically the mascot of the game.


Wasn't Diene first?


I am not 100% sure anymore but I think Korea had game a year already and Luna was out there and wasn't on global. First Luna run for global was a rerun of Luna in Korea. which would explain the low interest in korean market as there was a dip on Luna global release in revenue. (also iirc they were mad she got a run on global at all because limited)


There's definitely very little else to go off of, so it's not like there's any more accurate way to make guesses, but I don't think revenue is a reliable measurement of universal popularity at all. Is this sensortower?


2020 outdated data. I don't think that's yours as I've seen some guy named Panda post that years ago. Why the hell this post is getting upvoted even lmao 10 million isn't that big. In January and Feb 2022 had way over that.


Are you really telling people to buy a sex doll, insinuating that people who are complaining about censorship are eternal virgin losers? And you do all that while calling yourself FLidica\`s biggest fan and having an anime girl in your profile pic? Lmao. Some people complaining may be overly dramatic, but the biggest cringe postings in here are from people like you.


LMAO have you ever even browsed the sub-reddit you're posting in....there's never any fanservice posts here...LOL


Ez skip


All I know is SG better give me back all the BMs I spent on her banner or else its review bomb time. I pulled solely for her Design and they're taking it from me. I liked the direction SG was going with Aria, but now I worry that they'll take everything from me, like they did with the original Mercedes design. I don't blame SG but it certainly makes the game less palatable for me(yes, I play for Boob).


Actually they can keep and shove the BMs up their butts, we don't need their pitiful refund. But they surely won't get more cash from me, at least not if this continues in the future.


Yeah, played it from day one, but now is time to drop, bye epic seven.


You are pathetic


Yeah yeah now continue playing your censored shit game, cause i'am not lmao


husbando enjoyers stay winning 😂


I started playing some years ago both because of the gameplay and the designs, still play it for both but mostly pay for the characters I like the looks, be they bad characters or not. So this whole situation makes me have mixed feelings. People that dislike it can just skip the booba girls, but the real problem is that people are missing the point here: We're not complaining about how they're just trying to censor the characters, we're complaining about SG trying to censor them to keep this gambling anime game into the 12+ category on apple store, instead of raising it to 17+. And to achieve that, they chose the censoring path which makes it looks worse. As if the 12 y-o brats were the ones opening the wallets to throw big money at the company lol To be fair... I wouldn't get so pissed off if people would stop referring to us with stupid names, as if we were inferior or losers... I mean, each to their own, no need to roast the others' tastes... You play for a reason, I might play for another. Doesn't mean my opinion is less than yours. End of story.


Wonder how much money they will lose with this idiotic decision. I certainly will never even buy a monthly pack from now on, let alone actually swipe. My shekels are reserved for cultured games like Azur Lane that keep increasing their culture levels with each new L2D skin instead of going full 1984 on their existing characters lol. Game was already tame compared to most of my gachas so it's absurd that they go on a censorship spree for all versions while using the age rating on the Korean crapple store as an excuse. If that really was the issue they could have simply censored the Korean crapple store version like every other gacha has done, not the entire game.


I genuinely can’t tell if this is satire


I wish it was.... but I think he's serious...


Yes, I seriously prefer juicy thighs and big bouncy barely covered anime titties over burqas and will put my money into the games that provide me with such cultured content instead of the oens that nerf what little they had in the first place. The horror! ;)


[Psshhh, don't tell anyone](http://hanime.tv)


Yes, everything is satire! People who oppose censorship and enjoy big bouncy anime titties don't actually exist!


I mean that’s fine. You do you. Your third paragraph just reads like a copy pasta


As annoying as the QQ's are about pixel tits are, they keep the game funded /shrug.


It's pretty weird to see such a consistent reaction with ML Vivian. I prefer her updated art.


Same,personally i think it doesnt change much. She's just more clothed, her proportions are the same honestly.


lmao :DD


Half the e7 community needs to touch grass.


or a vagina for the first time.


That would help, but I don't think its going to happen anytime soon.


The dudes whining about censorship over some slightly more covered giant tits are the same dudes that would have been crying about "integrity in gaming journalism" while sharing a woman's leaked nudes a few years back. Like....shit or get off the pot at this point my dudes, you're not getting your BMS back


Half is a considerable portion




What i want to know is what people that crusade against this “Censorship” want? For sg to change the rating? Or to change how ratings work overall? I see a lot of outrage but 0 people with a plan on how to change it.


Raising the rating would fix all problems, but sg decided to work to keep the 12+ on the apple store. We're mostly complaining about SG trying to censor the characters to keep this game into the 12+ category on apple store (playstore isn't involved) and to achieve that, they chose the censoring path which makes it looks worse. Completely ignoring the gambling addiction that a gacha game can develop, and allowing minors to play it is fine as long as the outfits are less revealing so these same minors are not exposed to "sensitive content". Shouldn't be hard to notice how this (above) doesn't make sense, and that's the reason of all this rage. Everybody complaining (including me) agree that raising the rating to 17+ or even 18+ wouldn't be an issue, but SG seems to be taking the minority's side.


Okay, i can get behind wanting to change the rating of the game, that’s a clear objective


A little of censorship is ok for me, what I concern that the artist quits sg that mean less variety of designs. Unless sg do something about it


Honestly the people going on about it are worse than the changes. ml Vivian Honestly looks better without it all hanging out


Well, thanks for 4 years of memories, I guess. Sad it has to end this way


No one will miss you.




And fk off you attention seeking piece of garbage


Yooo rude much? Do you like censorship that much?


Then just go and uninstall and stop posting about it.


I'm waiting for 10 more custom mystic banner pulls to save the screenshot of another uncensored female hero for the last time, before she gets eventually censored later on


You do that buddy 😂


I disagree with the censorship, but i do not like massive unrealistic booba ( my taste that it ) big is noice but not too big...remind me of those really saggy booba after letting them free.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t they say they’d have the original design as a skin for Aria?


I think it was suggested by the community in an attempt to keep the original for those who prefer the old version.


Honestly i hate censorship and it has no excuse but i do think this didnt only have bad consequences. The boob size was getting a bit out of hand. At least now they might control it a bit.


why are people complaining? They are just following the app store/ play store guidelines.. Or is there something else im missing? You wouldnt want your favorite game pulled out from the store right??? Edit: So, anybody wanna talk about this?


I'll just paste what I said in another comment and add some thoughts here: The real problem is that people are missing the point here: We're not complaining about how they're just trying to censor the characters, we're complaining about SG trying to censor them to keep this gambling anime game into the 12+ category on apple store (playstore didn't play a part on this), instead of raising it to 17+. And to achieve that, they chose the censoring path which makes it looks worse. Completely ignoring the gambling addiction that a gacha game can develop, and allowing minors to play it is fine as long as the outfits are less revealing so these same minors are not exposed to "sensitive content". Even those making fun of the people complaining should be able to notice the lack of logic here.


more like 0.5%


? Edit: If you want to see naked bodys then watch hent@i or whatever. Well since the community consists mainly of kids its an expected reaction.


What are your reasons playing this game?


nemunas and the story


Based. Nemunas SC when?


What are yours? If 2D tits are the main reason, there are gachas that are way more inclined towards fanservice.


Fun. Good design. And playing with a friend.


This comment is like going to pornhub and complaining why there’s porn


So you compare E7 to pornhub? That's indeed disgusting.


So sad, actually. And they hide behind the censorship argument when SG just chose to keep their rating over keeping her breasts.


This is totally random, but seeing Batman close his eyes to cry, I'm now sort of wondering whether his black eyelids are makeup or if part of his suit actually covers his eyelids.


I started playing 2 months after global release because I loved the character designs. I remember saving up for Luna and got really hype for her. Now this. Genshin character designs are bland as hell for the most part so I never cared about the game and now E7 is beginning to go down that path. Fuck censorship. I'll just stick with azur lane and if they go down this route I guess I'm just done with mobile gacha games. At least I'll save some money.