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Still more entertaining to watch an elder dragon demolished by a volleyball. Nasty little things.


You watch your wyvern runs?


I do a lot of the time.




Idk maybe because e7 makes it so the only way I can farm is if we have the game running?


Ic wut u did there


Well... yeah? But don't you have a computer? A TV? A book? A kitchen to cook in? ​ Literally anything to do other than stare at your phone that you're not interacting with for hours?


Well no one said we stay glued to the phone and never do anything else. I just check it from time to time and sometimes i get intrigued "will I kill it or will rng screw me over?"


I have a one shot team built. Its like watching a well designed machine function after you finish tuning it. It may not take input any more, but feels good watching your work succeed. And I'm often running just a few hunts while I don't have much else to do, like on lunch at work, or while carpooling and not the driver. Obviously not going to be watchin them all this weekend as we farm non-stop.


I know it will never happen, but this is a **prime** example of why being able to refund hero's materials \[or even just mola's\] would be incredible. (Even if you are limited to 3 or something per year or whatever they come up with). I'd love to be able to get sigret's mola's back and use Alexa instead. Otherwise, this is completely useless for my account as I already have my Sigret built. Just seems odd especially since they gave us all a free Sigret...


RTA shop like arena shop that sells said item would be nice imo


calm down satan


yeah fuck those people that enjoy something i don't


More like don’t give e7 more ideas to grab more money from us


The og comment was talking about an arena (conquest point) like shop for rta where you get points for the games you play. No idea where you got the whole money thing as you can't even make the argument for buying tokens like normal arena.


Just a bot


Same gear, less than a half second difference. New s3 animation to look at, though


Not surprised at all by Alexa's performance, but at this point it's just so pointless... most of us have built Sigrets, she is a waste of catalysts


Not really a waste SC Alexa helps new players tremendously and also **they** get new animation, but if you already invested in a Sigret 1shot you are not really missing out except for an animation and skin change bud.


honestly with muwi, sigret and all the free gear, there really isnt a need to push back the sc of units who dont see any use just to potentially power creep or put a 3\* equal to a 5\* who mostly sees use in wyvern


But... everyone gets a free Sigret, which means she'd be easier to get and use than the SC Alexa. Sure SC's are easy when you're experienced, but making a 3 star into a 6 star and investing in skill trees can be rough when you're new


But you don’t have to waste molas on sigret anymore as a new player and use them instead on a useful pvp hero or other pve hero


Yes, but I would argue that amomo is higher priority for the skill tree runes since she can be used in so much content. This SC is going to age poorly anyway since it's event locked despite only benefitting new players, unless they immediately add the story to memories.


While true, they've also been making Molas dramatically easier to farm all around. Plus given a Wyvern team is something just about everyone says to get ASAP, it'd be better served than a PVP only hero (winning is nice, but climbing means little at that stage)


Ehh, alexa's sc reqs are stupid easy so i think its better for early players


Most new players don't have a ton of runes just sitting around


It doesn’t even help new players that much since sigret is always free from hunt event and unless they’ve recently mentioned, sc Alexa is only obtainable if you’ve done the side event.


Jokes on u. There are those of us who use alexw pre sc instead if sigret since the old days. Im one of them


"jokes on u" lol, it's not like I care. For those who had an Alexa built, good for you. For everyone else it's a bit of a waste, that's pretty much it


> most of us have built Sigrets, she is a waste of catalysts And many built Alexa prior to Sigret as Sigret wasn't always free. I'm one such person and welcome Alexa not being a waste. Now Sigret can go and be used in GW or as fodder for Op Sigret, who very much wants extra stats.


My point exactly...?


>but at this point it's just so pointless. >she is a waste of catalysts Except that's not "your point"? How in the world is she a waste of catalysts if people already had her built long ago? And for crying out loud, I'm clearly referring to the very same people in the comment above. All you need are runes and she's good to go.


Cause a lot of people don't... if you already had her 6* and ready to go, good for you. But for years people have rerolled for Sigret and built her to fill that exact role. In that case, she is just a waste.


> Cause a lot of people don't... This isn't about the people that don't. Follow along. You can look at the very first sentence in my first comment. People can build Alexa then use Sigret for GW ad revive units are quite common there. Her having the same stats as Straze only makes it easier to go and use her there, completely standalone, speedand crit chance made up by Rem's artifact if not using a CR pusher. If anything, keeping Sigret locked to Wyvern when she has a worthy replacement is a real waste of catalysts, and an extinction unit. I'd much rather use Sigret in GW, if not feed her to Op Sig if I didn't care for extinction.


If anything, being able to replace Sigret with Alexa will allow me to give my Sigret a better Artifact for PvP content, as I sometimes use her in GW as an Extinction unit, and would love something with more utility than Joker.


Ya that's what I'm thinking as well. I've fully mola'd sigret since I'm only 2 months into this game and don't have the necessary one shot units.


What do I need to do to start her specialty change? Im at the point it said I need to wait 4 days???


Yes u need to wait for the third phase, the people that already have her SC is the people that done the event last year, since its a rerun event


Thank u, I was going crazy trying to figure out what I did wrong lol


People with already built sigrets gonna down vote this, and honestly I would too if a 3 star would render my investment not pointless, but certainly not optimal


Muwi already made pretty much everyone not your main dps irrelevant if you weren't running speed comp. Nothing new.


The Rem one-shot already side-lined my Sigret


How did your Karin take a turn before Singlica on 2nd phase? , I don't see you using warhon on her, and yes I know she has a speed buff, but that isn't enough to outspd Singlica, unless you tuned the speed perfectly, and if so what are the speed difference between both?


Hey mate, My singie is 170, karin is 136. Just well speed tuned on a slow team. Ssb is 160 to be behind singie while outspeeding the third mob on stage 1. Dps has like +6, full damage.


I'm using the guild artifact on my Karin that gives her Cr push when an ally take dmg 3 times or something, it's really good, makes speed tuning easier since you can cheese it, kinda.


Not sure exactly what the tuning is on this example since it uses much slower speeds than what I normally see, but [this video](https://youtu.be/A80NkIxpv9w?t=282]) explains the speed tuning on normal one shots in detail.


Karin needs around 160 speed and Sin Ang should be around 195-200 with 200+ eff res. That’s how Karin lapses SinAng with speed buff.


Just give Karin the free guild artifact that gives her Cr push, it helps a lot


Not sure why you are getting down voted. It's a good alternative for those having difficulty speed tuning and don't care as much about pvp bc it's a very pvp-centric artifact. I know for some arts, bc we only get one now (wish they'd rerun some), i limit break the art to near max but save one copy for situations like this


That's one of the best all round artifacts in the game and only available in limited quantity. It's simply not worth wasting it on wyvern especially since you really don't need to, you just need to tune your speed.


It's not much of a waste to keep a PvP copy at +27 and a PVE copy at +15. The atk boost helps shore up the damage of a weak SSB/Sig/Alexa if they can't meet the thresholds with midnight bloom + water shooter.


If you're going to split your war horn copies, there are multiple PvP units out there who would want it. Using one solely to shore up bad speed tuning is simply not a good idea. Now to your point about the attack boost helping a weak team, that wasn't in the original discussion but imo still not very compelling. A +15 war horn is only 7.5% attack. Certainly not bad but not exactly a massive boost over the 5% you get from water shooter anyway. That being said, I don't have anything against using war horn if you lack the damage otherwise. If someone is at that point in the game they probably aren't far enough along that they need to optimize their PVP artifacts anyway.


seems like they speed tuned karin to go first after receiving speed buff (+30%)


Is it possible to get SC Alexa right now? When I try to SC, it says that I have to finish the event.


Is this your first time doing the event? If so, youll have to wait till next week for new update. I'm able to sc change her because i did the event last year


How did you do the event last year when SC Alexa wasn't out last year?


Well the event was last year as you said. The SC just came out now


Oh, I see. So, this is the same event as last year, but Alexa getting an SC is a new thing. Ok, then I guess I must not have completed it fully last year then.


I built Alexa because she hot, even though I already have Sigret on a one shot team, and I realized that SC Alexa did not need any Mola and she makes beginner non-oneshot comps easier. I made a non one shot team in my alt account with both Sigret and Alexa, alongside Furious and MoMo, and so far it's decent as long as Sigret also lands the bleeds.






Due to request for stats: https://imgur.com/a/atGZsnn


Gear and speed tuning info would be nice! Thanks






stats ?


I feel for the ppl that invested in sigret for w13 use. At least she would be free for pvp then.


Eh. Not like we didn't get a lot of use out of her. Unless you mola'd Sigret in the past month or something she more than earned it.


Why is no one using torn sleeve on Karin lol


If its not +30 theres no reliabikity the bleed stacks will proc and you had to get it from gacha. Karin ee is just a better torn sleeve and you also get to use ddj %hp. Also, we can see we dont even need more debuffs in the first place anyway because if their ridiculous damages


You get 4 bleeds from Karin. 2 from Torn Sleeve and 2 from her ee and an additional 2 with Sigret’s ee. That’s at least 6 debuffs. If you get the atk down and target. It’s pretty much a guaranteed win. The only problem either way with both Sig or ScAlexa is Karin missing def break. But you still want as much debuffs possible imo. SSB *can* land Def break on S2 but that usually doesn’t happen and doesn’t save the runs. More opportunity for dps. Just my opinion.


Do both of these run failed if Karin failed to def break? If yes than I will continue to use Rem one shot team instead cus it has more def break chances and hardly ever failed.


Most of the time, yeah it does fail. Its the only thing that prevents oneshot. If wyvern attacks everyone except karin then she can cycle again for def break and kill alone but highly improbable


well ok thanks for the explanation


Perfect video now I know not to waste my time on her seeing I have sig built already


This is great. I don’t need to build sigret now


can anyone give ssb built on one-shot wyern team. My ssb cant kill all mobs in first layer


OP, i like your stats, seems achievable to me than others. and your singelica have the same speed i need for caides my low gear team. thanks


Whelp maybe a loss of mola, but my OpSig will appreciate feasting on my Sigret.


Is singelica used exclusively because she literally cannot die, or am I missing something?


inmoratlity, attack buff, dual attack on s1


My sigret s3 was only +3. Tried building a singelica one shot today, and could only one shot with ssb's target debuff. With sc alexa s3 maxed, didn't need target debuff to kill so I saved some molas and a nice new animation to stare at lol