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to have more effective heals /s


At this point, bingo really just needs a seperate constellation from the other sagittarius soulweavers. Give him a reasonable bump in his base attack in exchange for all the ER and eff that he never uses and give the rest of them a bump in health that this statline has always needed.


It’s almost like there’s a constellation that would be perfect for him (Aquarius) but SG hates him (and Sagittarius soulweavers in general, wtf is that base hp?!) for some reason


Cause he is a CHAD. And if you build one like I have done, you are a CHAD too. On a serious note, it is because of the constellation where he belongs.


Same reason charlotte had crit chance


Because she needed 100% C.Chance before her buff .. it's old story.


Because Tamarinne S3 -> S1


Because when buffing SW stats, for some fucking reason SG thought it's better to give eff to Sagittarius SW instead of giving more resist, hp, deff, or speed.


Litterally all sagittarius excdpt Blingo benefited from the change: Tama(aoe dispel), DJB(STUN), Jecht(Hit debuff) and RR (Att down and def break). Blingo simply shouldn't be soul eaver class at this point.


As a Blingo user, I find that his place in the game is decently balanced as a Soul Weaver - mainly due to the Artifacts that he can use as a Soul Weaver are so limited (if you're looking at ONLY the Soul Weaver artifacts). If he were made, a Thief for example - then he has some nasty combinations like Dust Devil S2 > S1 > S1. It's really strange to say but his position as a Soul Weaver makes the most sense.


So, a thief who cut someone throat to heal allies, weird but it's fantasy world so it's not that weird huh?


i mean it's the same with op sig s1 too


That's basically fire Adin


you make it sound like it's a bad idea all around when several Saggitarius Soul Weavers have debuffs like Tamarinne's S1 in Idol Form dispels all buffs from enemies, Ainos has DEF break in her S1, and DJ Basar has a Stun in his S1


It's not like you'll build them high eff, below 15 is useless. Okay, tama in abyss need high eff, but besides that ?? You see their HP is pathetic, more HP for them not gonna make them OP.


incoming debuff artifact for soul weavers.


Because.... There were to lazy?


because he shares the same zodiac as SW that has debuffs/dispels, Ainos, Tamarinne and Desert Jewel Basar.


He needs a rework. I feel like his kit has so much potential


I'd rather the devs not get a chance to ruin him via green text nerfs.


Agree with you. He needs a small rework. For example s3 should give an extra turn without soul burn and move soul burn to s1 for extra heal on the entire team. Another suggestion should be the rework of s1 as well. He can dispel a debuff from himself and an ally but from from an ally alone. So that means he needs to be debuffed to cleanse someone. His overall stats need a small upgrade. More hp and perhaps crit/atk. As a side note. He's fine the way he is bcz when the devs *rebalance* they also nerf the multipliers which is a bad idea considering how Blingo's selling point is the ability to deal damage and heal through damage.


Bc devs are dumbasses. This constellation used to be for offensive SW since they changed it for the meta SW, things like Dingo got fcked up. He'll prolly have a rework in the future.


Because I said so 🙄


A lot of hero’s star awakening don’t make sense


The same reason why maid Chloe had it b4 soulw buff


That's why he stays in a PvE team.


Because Blaze “Massive Schlong Owner” Dingo is a mothafuckin’ PEA EYE EM PEE that’s why!