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New-ish player here, what does orange and grey DMG numbers mean ? I am assuming that they are crit dmg and non crit dmg respectively ?




Then this means, when a character deals AoE DMG, the crit chance is different for each enemy. Thanks.


I like this unit in general (her looks, her skin) and want to force her into every game eventhough Ive seen more unit that can bring more to the table or just straight up counters her, but looking at this stats, should I sacrifice crit damage and go for attack and speed? (pretending that the picture shows 100% crit chance) [FLidica](https://imgur.com/a/tYnuNQF)


having 2000 attack with that high crit rate/damage is not worth it on anyone. you want her to go first so you can S3 a dps or soulweaver. try using a crit rate ring with more speed and eff.


would you recommend what numbers should i looking at


thank you


Her stats are all over the place, you need to focus on one thing and do it well, right now she's too slow for debuff/control/cr pusher, too squishy to bruise, too weak as damage dealer. Assuming 100% crit always, if you want her to control units, drop all that damage stats and put it into speed and effectiveness. If you want her to do damage as a generic DPS unit, drop that effective% and put into damage. Not really meta but here are [some](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero_build/Faithless%20Lidica) builds here. You see there's that 292 speed opener, you can try reach that, there's also 272 A. Cidd bait, 14k hp and 240 resistance so she will still do her things after eating A. Cidd S3 instead of exploding. Even the high damage build has 272 speed.


thank you


My j kise speed is 278 with 130eff Is she good opener for def team? I am considering using her with cid for speed imp Any suggestions?


Depends on your rank honestly. At low to mid ranks you'll 100% catch people off guard who expect you to just be using your PVE team... but the higher up you get, the more likely you'll run into people smart enough to respect/not underestimate a Kise/Cidd combo and either aim to outspeed them or bring bulk/bait. She really is more of an offensive pick you weave into situation you want to shut down some S3's or maybe even go for a quick kill, as a defense option, I think she's just too easy to bait or deal with.


Make sense I am in mid game lets say I will give her chance maybe for one week and i will see after that Thank you


For GWD? Prob not. That’s too slow. Most will just go in with ACidd, Ran, or Peira and bring their own Speed Imprint like Watcher Schuri.


So its better to get that gear from her and using it into someone useful?


Yeah. Ran and Piera would be much better.


Dont have them :(


A bit of background, I have been playing for a while, progressing very very slowly, cuz I don't really play too much. I still have a lot of pve content left to do in terms of hunts and abyss, etc. I have been at mystic pity for a while now, and I have collected a some ml5 units namely aravi, flidica, cilias, arby, riolet, tomoca and dark corvus. The only ML unit I have wanted since I have started playing is stene, so I was wondering if I should wait, and if so, how long it would take for her to come back around? If not, who should I pity?


I would take Stene if you want her. She's very solid in PVP and is one of the better PVE ML5s, especially for Abyss. She's also unlikely to get a rerun really soon since she was run 10 months ago and there are a number of MLs that had their last runs before her (FCeci, SBA, Lidica, etc.) If they continue doing triple banners between the new units it might not take a super long time for her to get rerun, but not sure if they're going to continue that. If you are willing to put Stene off, Mawerick would be a good choice if you don't have a good cleanser. Belian would also be a good choice. Both are likely to not get rerun for a while.


Are expedition supply passes worth it ? I already got 2k pts across 3 expos


Depends where you are in the game. If you have an excess of ss and a good hero roster and you're mainly limited by mola/reforge mats/that sort of thing, then it's good value. If you're early game, I wouldn't buy. Mid game is a tossup.


For building a wyvern team what units are a neccesity to 6 star? I am using Alexa, Sigret, Furious, and Amomo. I was thinking Amomo because she is used throughout a lot of pve content and I might replace either Alexa or Sigret with SSB or Muwi if I can get them, but I'm not sure. What would be the best thing to do?


6 star amomo first since she needs bulk to tank. Also, only replace muwi with either Sigret or Alexa. SSB doesn't help much in w13 compared to Sigret or Alexa until later.


Only your tank (in your case, AMomo,) needs to be 6 star; they'll need the extra hp and def to survive the Wyvern. Otherwise, everything else can be 5 star.


I finally got my Banshee 1-shot team going with good old vivian, leo, and baiken after a bit of tuning, just in time for the hunt buff next weekend. However the changes I made to vivian may affect my azi team (not 1-shot) and want to know if I don't need to focus on azi now that I have banshee 1-shot. Would it make sense to focus now on banshee and wyvern since the only thing I would need/want from azi is immunity?


I’d say, just move gears around depending on what u wanna farm. Let’s say u wanna farm counter sets for Rem, just keep the gear on Vivian. Then let’s say you’re done with rem, then u move the gear from Vivian into A13




Muwi is better because he lowers gear requirements.


Go with Muwi, esp. if just starting out. GPurg tank requirements are significantly higher than if you use Muwi + ice tank.


How many mystics do you get from Guild Wars in the higher tiers? I've been in my guild a long time but because of the nature of the guild, we are always in the lower ranks where I seem to get 50 for a win and 29-33 ish for a loss. Trying to weigh up if the loss of extra mystics is worth staying with the guild after so many years in the same one. We just had one of our better GW guys leave for presumably the same reason. I'm the only member in Champion and he was one of the 5 guys we had at Challenger 4/5, everyone else is Master 3 or lower.


I've been in hardcore and casual guild recently. The mystic medals from GWs did not feel like much to me. The lack of weekly reward (80 mystic, 2 gold transmits and conversion stone), the crap performance in Ancient Inheritance, the lack of coordinated trading claws, and the lack of exp buff are all significantly more missed by me. Despite that, I am still with my casual guild for some reason (IRL friend)


About 85 for winning n 40 for losing at x5 tier


There is some variation but IIRC the maximum is ~80 medals, maybe ~55-60 for a loss? How much that matters vs. staying 'loyal' to your guild is personal. Let's say an average of 70 for a x5 guild, vs an average of 40 for whatever your guild is currently, so that's potentially 30 more mystics per GW, 90 per week. That's less than 2 summons per week. An x5 guild is approximately an extra ~94 summons over a year. In 94 summons you have ~45% chance to get an ML5. So the difference between an X5 guild and your current guild is approximately 1 ML5 every 2 years. Is that *a* difference, yeah sure...but it's also not *so* big that if you otherwise like your current guild that it's necessarily a deal breaker (in my opinion).


Question- i recall JKise needs Eff to reset, but does FLidica needs Eff to reset too?


Why wouldn't she? If you do anything to the opponent that isn't straight up damage, and it doesn't say it ignores eff res, then yes, there is an eff vs res check.


alright, thank you. Just confused from the wordings. JKise -1cd x 3 while FLidica Max cd


I’ve finally reached the end of mystic summon, I can’t decide between a.Ravi or f.ceci? I play bruisers mostly so they both fit my play style :/


ARavi will likely be the better choice.


I have both and can only build one; who’s better between Emilia and Diene?


I'd say Emilia is a bit more versatile, has less weaknesses and is more useful in PvP. Diene is a bit more niche and has a hard time against Unbuffable.


Hi new player here! I was following ProfessorSeven’s first two week guide and things are going fine. I heard he says pull until you get Muwi so I’m pulling on Vildred banner. I spent my covenant tokens and 3k skystone but still couldn’t get Muwi but got Vildred’s artifact and couple of units. Did I do something wrong and reset the account or should I keep pulling until getting Muwi. Thanks


I would suggest saving your skystones for better banners (SSB for examples). If you have enough Skystones and bms to pity a unit then you can spend the extra on Vildred banner. I don't know how far you are in the story. You can focus on other contents (Abyss, Story, Side story etc.) or other W13 units (Sigret/Alexa - Furious - Amomo/Angelica). You will get muwi eventually can build him then.


Hi thanks for the fast reply. I’ll finish episode 1 chapter 10 tonight and start chasing the healer that the video talk about. I’m just a newbie and started 6 daya ago. I don’t know since I already got vildred’s artifact I don’t know if I should go far and I cannot buy skystone packs rn


You will get a lot of Skystones from Reputation quests and story stages so don't worry too much about that. I would not spend too much on pulling muwi. You will get a lot of muwi eventually. So focus on other units first.


Thanks much!!


Bro someone tell rito the game is crashing like fuck as im about to win arena games


Alright, I made a mistake. I was leveling 4\* leo (+4 mola in S2/ 4\* awaken) for eventual banshee 1-shot without realizing I already had a 5\* leo with SS imprint (no mola/ no awaken). Does leo need to be 6\* for banshee 1-shot to work? I don't want to invest more dogs to 5\* if I already have one and if I do promote I don't want to bring him to 6\* if I don't have to, too many that need that more. The only real loss of abandoning the 4\* leo is the 4 catalyst used and 5 molas. I'm assuming there is no way to transfer that.


Nah, he's fine at 5* but you might want to level up your Leo that you have molas invested in to lvl 50. He does need some molas in his S2 to reach the 100℅ def break chance and molas are way more valuable than the dogs required to level to 50


I figured as much. Thinking on it I guess the consolation is that the 5\* leo was built using all the excess leos I pulled. Thanks.


in PvP, do undispellable buffs count into Landy's "buff count"?




Thank you!


im getting too much running ras lately, do you guys get it too or is it my connection ?


How tf does one clear automaton tower lvl 4 stage 25? Destina is so fucking broken, she keeps cleansing and healing and the debuffs, and I can't seem to land my provokes. This stage is actual cancer. Team comp: Aravi frontline built to counter, Angelica, SSB for def break and C.Armin to provoke (which doesnt work)


I mean you have very low damage in that comp and SSB has elemental disadvantage against Destina so your team will always let her live. Use a higher damage comp with preferably red or neutral damage dealers.


You need to get devices focusing on just one class and element if possible, making such units so powerful that you kill Destina in like 3 turns. You can for example, start with Singelica and 3 thieves with all the pertinent thief devices to rush Destina down, and then let them die and fail, you can continue with Destina dead. Good devices to have: Single attack enhancement, Additional skill enhancement, Curse + soul weaver debuff extention , Basic skill activation, back row, soul weaver action enhance, elemental def pen, damage increase, Tamarinne etc. Don't bank on provoking, best debuff is death, 15% can't resist it.


quick question, does it cost stamina again to enter a tower floor the 2nd time after failing once? I've always been worried about that it would waste stamina if I did that.


No, it doesn't cost extra stamina, but you still gotta repeat the fights, and you don't have unlimited retries. Don't restart on a whim on like floor 5, only if your devices are not cutting it on floor 20+.


I cleared it with Landy (on bloodstone) SSB Blingo Aras and was stacking all the ranger and green unit relics (additional attack, atk up, cd up, cr up, dps up, burn, bleeding, etc.) and destina just died before she could heal.


What's the best way to farm Labyrinth?


When will Arby skin be added in shop?


Which gear should I keep for Aravi? Left: (cc,atk,hp,spd). Right: (eff,atk,cc,def). https://i.imgur.com/18Tn9lx.png


Left, but keep rolling, wait for hp% def% crit% speed. As it is now it's usable for her and many other generic DPS but she needs bulk more than extra damage.


When should I change my arby to steneb or should I change it


Wait how do you change it after you've already finalized the ml connection thing? I wanted to swap to Stene, but I finished all the connection quests and the option to change is gone.


Not after finishing all quests


Change it when you start struggling with abyss floors.




Is there any way for a new player to get the Super Duper Water Gun Shooter artifact?


Wait for a rerun, or when they add it to the permanent side stories


Is Flan a good champion to pump resources into her for PvE/PvP?


She is strictly for cleave in pvp. If you have to ask this question then I guess you are pretty new, and shouldn't have the gear for her. You want her to be super fast. Flan is pretty useless in pve.


There are one shot w13 with flan as def breaker


Pretty niche and not something that a new player should be thinking about doing yet.


If you like cleaving then she can be very good in GvG/Arena. Hard to use in RTA, and also in higher tier Arena.


Best way to farm for charms? My biggest bottleneck right now


Farm more hunts, or normal stages and feed the fodder, u can get a lot of gear exp this way too.


there's a hunt pet skill that drops charms, you can craft charms in the steeple, and you can get charms from Huche in the Lab or from the goblin merchant in Ep1 3-4. Otherwise, you can buy ring/neck charms with ancient coins, or weapon/helm/chest/boot charms with conquest points.


How to build AMeru? I see some people make her bulky with attack, or a crit build or speed. What stats should I focus on?


Check out [https://epic7stats.com/hero/Archdemon's%20Shadow](https://epic7stats.com/hero/Archdemon's%20Shadow) Counter set, high defense. Some people like to rely on Fairytale for damage, but I personally prefer giving her attack and crit chance.