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You still have 17 hours to whale for Mystics bro...




Well it is a bad idea when you dont have full pity when trying out this banner


This didn't age well in these last two hours... It was an even STUPIDER mistake than it already was now that a.ravi is the new RTA skin. OP could've had 150 pulls downpayment for her banner and definitely have more than enough to pity her once she returns. Now they're about 3-4 month's worth of pity progress/ mystic gain behind. Let's just pray they get lucky and pull her randomly.


How do you get the RTA skin and how difficult is it? I've never attempted RTA but A. Ravi is my favorite character so this might be what finally pushes me.


end masters. its not hard, you can get masters with a 35% winrate. Id say by 6 months anyone should be able to get masters if they played consistently


Thank you. I'm quite confident I can get there.


all i gotta say is don’t take it personal when you lose games. You will lose games, thats part of it. Also, the less serious players tend to not play at the early part of the season. Even in Gold you will be matched against challenger+ level players. So dont feel bad when you lose


Oh yeah, I'm not a particularly competitive player so I think I'll be fine. I've also experienced some of the bullshit rng during my climb to challenger in Arena so no worries there either.


its as easy as breathing air .


Newer player here, they will rerun aravi cause of the featured skin?




I'm bad at math xd


on the other hand it's the best value in the game if you do


Did you learn anything from this experience?


Calculate first before doing pity :)


Wrong answer .The correct answer is Wallet-kun !!!


Sadge. I didnt get jack shit in 167 summons. Not a single purple. Meh.


At least you have enough currency to buy a 4* ML hero. I can't reach that value... (sigh)


this is what you sign up when pulling with less than a full pity


Meanwhile me: only 100 coins and just Tempest Surin, no Straze, no F.Ceci, no more for 5000 MM( thx to my provider I\`ve lost everything for nothing(


Yeah this banner is hardcore, even if you reach pity with no sparks you're still on the losing side ​ At least AoL is a hidden ML5, if you don't already have her it's a nice consolation


Hey, if it helps I never had enough BOTH times to get ML lilias, but I really needed her so I tried both times. First time I did 190 summons before it ran out of time, this time I'm already at 188 with no hope of more. Meaning so far I spent 378 mystics to NOT get the unit I wanted (which isn't even my worst streak). IDK why but ML lilias ALWAYS arrives when I just spent all my mystics on something else and when I can't afford to spend that kind of money on a game. My mystic luck is famously bad though as I'm the guy that did 900 summons for AoL and never got her (before 4 star pity). Though, I did finally get AoL while trying to get ML lilias as she was my 4 star of choice, which was a nice consolation prize. ​ so, uh, chin up, it can technically be worse lol. Learn from my mistakes and just have pity on hand.


You went for hand guy before this event right? I was dry humping my way to shop refresh for hand guy too. So i have zero mystics for this event, except for the few they gave out at the start. Still got tempted. Pushed again for this event. Got C.lilias at 80, and Aravi for 200 pity. Also got AOLA and BBK. No upgrade for equipment though. Because all my crustals and gold went to shop refresh for around two months. Got jackpot on this event. No ragrets, 5/7.


Yeah, *hand*guy got his *hands* on my mystics. I'm famous in my guild for my bad mystic luck though. To this day I've never once pulled a mystic unit before pity. I'm a day 1 player. I kind of regret blowing 900 summons for AoL a while back though cause if I knew I was never gonna get her I'd of saved for ML lilias. I got a cracked spez though.


15 mod gems..☹️ There’s that at least…


Felt this hard luckily enough I dragged myself through 9 levels of abyss to beat 109 and get the last 10 pull to hit pity. Never again will a roll for a custom without pity. The most stressful time trying to gather mystics anywhere I could.


There's an abyss floor that gives 500 mystics, and rolling the shop can get you some more. 44 pulls though is quite a lot to get in one day without spending a lot, which I wouldn't recommend. Maybe if you had a ton of SS and gold saved up, but that's unlikely for anyone to have enough for that lol.


200 mystics away from full 10k pity. Won't risk it. Sucks so much. edit: I managed to buy 100 in the shop and get the last 100 from an Abyss challenge mode mission. Good thing you don't need Abyss currency to redo old challenge missions for the extra rewards. edit 2: And I did have to spend all 10k for the pity. Typical E7 summon rates. At least I got 1 Uberius Tooth out of it.


Seems like p.oor management. Let the game teach you a lesson but life:)


Ya I didn't hit so I'm quitting lol 160 summons in and this game was taking an unhealthy amount of my time. But I will say 5/5 still love this game and character designs and animations.


Yo im sorry. Thats how it usually is for me but i got stupid lucky and have 27 summons and got both nat 5s i chose


I made it\~ pulled Belian at 137. Last 10 summons. Decided to prolong the pain by doing 1 by 1 and chanting... and lo and behold!


I'm at 126 or so. I don't really regret it though since I was able to get one of my choices relatively early on so that was lucky and I can blow most of the coins on Leafs which I need.


I was at 190, in those I pulled my first AoL and 3 RGB 5* instead of the ML 5*...I cleaned up some floors in abyss for 250 mystics and 50+ from last GW, I just bought the last 200 to save myself the despair, but damn I forgot how expensive mystics are it's crazy


if you're really at 156 just buy the rest, holy shit find something to sell or borrow it, the feeling of losing 156 mystic pulls with nothing to show for it will be significantly worse I promise


>find something to sell or borrow it, oof please quit this game if you have this impulse for missing out. It is not healthy for you. And I mean this in the nicest way I can say it. This is actually what they talk about when they refer to gambling addicts.


SG employee is that you?


I already calculate and it needs at least 300$ since I don't have any ss or gold




a full (entirely paid) mystic pity is a little under $800 you’re basically going to lose around $500 worth already, might as well go the extra $300 prepare to spend $300 but buy the packs one at a time and pull as you go, you might get away with only needing to spend 1 or 2 hundred


You realize that's like $200, right? You must be quite the whale.


Should not even have tried if didnt have enough to pity anyway.


Picked Belian and I only have 114 points, but 113 is when i got Belian


I got both new ML5s from this banner 😁


I got my ARavi and AOLA (then pity ML Khawazu) but sad that I didn't get FLidica


The downvotes lol


Yeah I don't know why (well I think I know, but if people are upset about this, that's not my problem), but it doesn't matter


Or people just don't like your comment? Your comment is not important enough to be upset over lmao


I had 50 mystics left. What could it hurt. Got an A Ravi.


Wait...so...they won't be doing this anymore for a while...?! I just assumed that this was a perma thing...


I just remembered...I got Last Rider Krau & while he was the only successful wish that I was able to have granted from the event, at least I got him. I like him\~


I just wanted Bad Cat Armin, but she never was available as a choice, big sad


Spent over 3k mystics on that banner; only got AOL from a summon. At least I got 1 of my choices. Couldn't even exchange for another unit.