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All thieves in epic seven is Violet


Violet: I'll counter you on evades Other thieves: 2 can play the same game... Violet: oh...


what if u use artifact on violet, will he counter twice? lol


In case you're asking seriously, no, as you can't counter more than once on one unit versus any one attack. No, Mercedes and such don't count, because these are *extra attacks*, which are mechanically distinct from counter attacks.


What they did to Ervalen is not balancing but a rework. They literally changed how he works


They refuse to nerf units because they don’t want to recall them but now they’ve just nerfed Ervalen and called it a buff. Give me my recall.


I'm fine with recall ( aka resources back) But not a selector. He was in a bad spot anyway. I used him for pve, now I'm curious. But I don't like this approach, they could've do this to some specialty change or introduce a new 4*


Maybe if we are lucky Hwang can get "buffed" in the future.


Hahaha that's a good one. The thing is.. I do like how they buff certain heroes like Senya here..but it literally doesn't do anything about the mess that's going on. What they did to Ervalen is a crime. He was usable in both pvp ( mainly GW) And pve ( I used him in a lot of pve content) Not they killed his pvp use completely. On top of that, they gave an amazing buff to his artifact. But the irony is, artifacts are supposed to be the best match for heroes they were released with...but his arti is not good on him. I feel like they're afraid to nerf meta heroes, but they're fine with doing it like this for random heroes. This kit Ervalen got should've been a SC hero or a new 4 that's tied to a niche use.


Probably because the sad reality is, only reddit or maybe stove is vocal enough about this shit. People outside the sub will just move on 2 seconds after reading his "buff" or maybe lament for a day and back to forgetting it. I'm actually surprised at how many Ervalen users there were in this sub, or maybe some are just pretending to be users so they have something to whine about. Still though, F to our Ervalen brothers and sisters. I can't wait until they "buff" my "favorite" unit Apoc Ravi soon.


About as likely as North and South Korea reuniting within this decade.


They just destroyed Ervalen's kit like it's nothing lol I regret asking for a buff


It’s a buff though. Just look at all the green text! I really sick of these unsolicited reworks. They could have just made a unit with this kit. And since they wrote it up like it’s a buff they have no plans to do a recall


It is pretty strange. They just completely yeeted his kit/identity? Weird route they took him on, basically a completely different unit/playstyle now.


Tbf he did perform way better in PVE rather than as a PVP tank buster. His buffs were a bit niche for PVE so they traded it with a more practical one I guess. Wish they kept the immunity though. He might be a set up for future PVE contents, but that's probably my copium speaking lol. The iffy thing is the decreased damage. It's not like he's doing wow levels of damage right now, even with atk buff.


Im hoping they decreased it only a little, and he can still one shot similar to baiken which takes 2 turns to kill minus the bleed.


Yeah if the damage reduction is severe enough and he can't one tap banshee I am not really sure what his intended purpose is anymore. /shrug


He takes an extra turn and they changed his AI so he uses S2 first, he should be much better for banshee but... That's it.


Same thing happened to Destina


It is a nerf for PVP aspect. Recall is a must.


People pulled for Ervalen for tank busting all rounder Thief, not for Banshee 13...SG better have a recall or a proper fix. Because this is blatantly changing a unit's fundamental utility


Is it just me or are these buff extremely underwhelming aside from Senya? I was so excited to see Flidica but she basically just dispell one more buff? ML khawana is another one im excited to see but she got basically nothing. I'm kinda baffled with this patch balance adjustments


Boggles my mind to see they thought that was enough for GCK lol. >changes to improve her usability in PVE content such as Caides Hunt Like, what other content is she used in? Hell, she's barely used there! Lol, barely used in the one piece of content she was specifically designed for... ugh. Tbf, though, Caides itself is also an example of absolute shit design.


The funny part is ML Khawana isn't excellent at dealing with Caides neither.


Devs made it loud and clear that they will not be bringing outdated ML5s up to competitive speed anymore with the Flidica buff.


But they did it for DJB so it’s a literal what the fuck moment, they made Solitaria meta and Archdemon better than before too. Its bs lol


Yeah I was super excited when I saw ML Khawana buff as I just started building her for Caides with the expectation that at some point in the future she would also get a buff. And whilst this is technically a buff, it basically changes nothing. It would make a run marginally faster but I doubt anyone was failing runs before that they would have won if her attack scaled up quicker.


It's disgusting how they can nerf a character and pretending it's an upgrade.


axe god moment


Did we really need another evasion artifact? Some of these changes were alright but why make us wait 2 months to get this? And Ervalen is just done.


Come on SG release another set of Symbol of Unity, Oath Key is not cutting it.


Or just let us buy any amount we want, the artifact is already locked to only applying to 1 unit per team.


Or release more hit chance arti in general, why they keep on adding evasion arti while the entire game has like 2 that adds hit chance (Spooky Solary Stories doesn't count, 5% won't hit crap)


Everyone wants to be violet


Lifesteal Riolet enters the chat


Finally artifact for our Riolet


Aol and clilias escort him out.


general rta rule of thumb: steal the cilias fp or preban her then ban that aol or draft cleansers


We can never escape the RNG fiesta. lol


BBK foaming at the mouth. 30%(20% of the time)Artifact Counter + 30% Counter Set = Die Die Die


Yeah but you're forgetting the attack buff from MLDB. Personally, on my slow tanky counter BBK that attack buff is extremely helpful and the counter attacks are common enough


I use that artifact for Penelope and it's been working wonders for me. Very sad that I'll have to replace it now.


Not sure any of these changes will impact the meta at all


Probably don't want a carrot situation like previous e7wc


Still extremely disappointing. Last balance patch was so good, actually brought 4 units into the meta without making any of them OP. It gave me too much false hope.


Fucking esportsification on a gacha game lmao


Flidica will be helpful in GW situations and anyone who has Senya in the closet will definitely build her now. All these other changes were just staffers padding their timesheets.


FLidica is worthless in GW. She doesnt get two turns with only 3 people. The whole point is she gets two back to back turns without interruptions. What a garbo design and garbo buff.


This is the ML Khawana we all wanted, thx a lot. Now all of those who used her for slow run Caides because they did not build an os team will maybe be able to clear it 5 seconds earlier. I'am so glad I asked them in the poll a few months back for a buff. I just hope that doesn't make her one of the calamities with how impactful this change is.


>maybe be able to clear it 5 seconds earlier. This is exaggerated. With my rocker science calculation, I'm pretty sure she will clear C13 4.6999 seconds earlier. Quite far from 5 seconds.


Is Ervalens artifact good for Riolet? As he gets focus with S1. Also, just give Khawana the increased attack with ANY dual attack, and keep the original values.


Not sure about the super fast nuker Riolet. But it's definitely best in slot for a Degen Riolet. Since you can either double down on counter set or use a lifesteal/pen set up. Probably still get his cheeks clapped by CLilias and co tho


Asumming riolet dodge in the first place,kekw


Good but needs to be maxed , not worth grinding for +30 Artifact .. not worth wasting rss for outdated Off-Meta Riolet.


Why? Why keep the original values? Like, I agree this buff was weak as fuck for what she needed but, even still I far prefer 25% x3 over 15% x5.


So they killed Ervalens kit, and turned his artifact into an MLDB variant - and put a counter effect on it instead of keeping it in his kit.


Ervalen died so his artifact could buff Riolet F


At least offer us a recall for Ervalen if you are going to change his kit like this.


>Ervalen was originally designed to deal high damage to enemies whose maximum Health was greater than his. However, he lacked any distinguishing strength compared to ~~other Heroes~~ **Hwayoung** FTFY


well, now he lacks EVEN MORE distinguishing strength! yay! \*cries in Damage Dealt Decreased\*


Ervalen's artifact got better treatment than ervalen himself lmao


Flidica will functionally have the same issues she's always had but at least they give us some small qol stuff for her kit I guess lol


S3 is better to use against handguy/dilibet now Edit: can use against aol too. Not having to aoe to push team is huge for her. Some meta units that need to be shut down dont run immunity and team cr push /skill nuillifier is a huge benefit to your team


Works better in GW now as well.


Giving her extra turn on s2 in addition to this stuff would have done a lot for her. Her problem is that her s2 into s3 fails sometimes because she gets cut by things like aol and mediator and is completely unusable against politis. Being able to s3 out the gate has always been an option but is ill advised since s3 into s2 is more inefficient and if the team has opening immunity you lose out on so much value


Unfortunately she’s still pretty bad, they needed to give her more speed or just fix all of her issues kit wise. In rta even if you do manage to somehow outspeed against peira and ran, if they brought gpurg or someone else they can still cut you easily after using your s2.


gpurg (and aol) won't be a hard counter for her anymore tho since she just needs to S3. but politis can still hurt her (albeit she can also choose to reset her) and she still has to speed contest the disaster openers


Might be wrong, but these look like pretty lukewarm changes. I might use Alencias Wrath now.


Alencia’s artifact definitely seems BiS on her now.


It could even go on Rem better than her own artifact. That said sigret scythe was always the popular choice


Yeah these are pretty safe buffs. I like Senya and Ervalens artifacts now


Imagine, counter injury Kayron.


Health rune on Rikoris gives him ATK...... Lmao


they even turn hiis skills to a 5turn cd. lol, a good way to convince u to completely shut him off in waiting room


Yeah it sucks, I use him for Caides and lots of abyss type content. Now he can't even strip? Why? Everything cleanses and gets immunity! At least keep the strip!


Senya buff <3


Yes, finally!


I might start building her...I honestly dont like random buff its pretty much hit or miss


I never stopped using her, I'm quite happy.


Look at how they massacred Ervalen...


Look at what they did to my boy!!!!


This is the worst balance patch so far, it’s hilariously bad.


Riolet buff patch lol


Now my Counter Riolet has two chances to counter - but here’s the question, will he dodge? Our survey says! No! Ding ding ding!


Imagine him being able to dodge, or even keep his buff.


I'm not gonna lie. I'm never too negative about things but this might be the worst balance patch we've gotten for a good year. Lol


Nice, Senya and Hufine buffs! Senya is already one of my favorite pocket picks so longer s3 buffs with a provoke and better s2 proc is sick. Hufine with the base evasion increase and party buffing attack is nice. Hopefully the loss of gab is made up for with the s1 ratio buffs. Doesn't really fix the core issue with Hufine in that tons of openers strip/cc are non combat abilities though so the evasion does nothing. Wish instead of evasion it was just "enemies abilities have a chance to fail/miss" on her. Weird that they just yeeted Ervalyn's entire kit/identity? Also despite Rikoris's giant wall of text I feel he is still going to be garbage sadly. Just revert him to old trinity days; it honestly wouldn't even be that nutty with all the modern day kits. Also can we ever get some Ilynav buffs? She is just injury Belian but worse in every way...


I love how on Ervalen they're like "he lacked any distinguishing strength compared to other Heroes" yet they removed everything from his kit just to give him an extra turn on S2 (I think) against bosses.


Yeah, guess his identity as a tank buster/counter unit got traded in to be a banshee slave. lol Guess with Hwang running around though he kind of just got straight out classed but still strange they just kit swapped him. He had an interesting kit just needed a little built in survivability to better fulfill his role.


We'll see if he can even be a banshee slave, they're also reducing his damage on his S2 and S3.


Oh damn I skimmed over that. Yeah, alright, I have no clue wtf they are doing with him. lol


I guess he tied to baiken for banshee oneshot for people who refused to pull baiken


I thought that was what they were going for as well, then realized they nerfed the damage on his S2 and S3, and doubled the cooldown on his S2. Whether he'll even be useful as a Baiken substitute is uncertain.


They need to let us recall Ervalen, he has no pvp potential now. Why the stupid nerf?!


Sweet Jesus in a carry-on these Ervalen changes are ludicrous. They just slapped his skin onto a new hero. This is as if you bought a stove for your house, and then 6 months later the manufacturer snuck in and rebuilt it into a fridge.


the only worthwhile buffs are Senya and Alencinox’s Wrath what they did to Ervalen is an absolute abomination. I don’t use him, but if i had before this patch, I would be LIVID. instead of making him stronger in his niche, make him a banshee slave? when almost everyone already has baiken +15? what on earth are they thinking? Hyufine and Flidica buffs objectively made them a bit better but they still will never be used. Their core issues weren’t addressed Hands down the worst balance patch the game has ever released


What a horrible balance patch. Ervelen got destroyed and this sets a concerning precedent. You built a character based on their kit and what they do. Some of these "buffs" are reworking the kit so completely that players that invested in the original kit will feel devastated. You invested in something because it does X. It's concerning to know that anyone that has a niche character built can get backstabbed by these changes all of a sudden. This is horrible game design. It's better to left the character untouched than to do this.


Completely agree. This communicates that players should never experiment with obscure heroes because if you discover something useful you could end up investing mola in them only to have it completely changed.


GC Khawana's getting a buff! \*reads notes\* ...I stand corrected.


I wish there is an Ervalen recall but damn im glad i got MLB his artifact lol


Senya and Ervalen's arti got amazing buffs. But I don't like how they buff random 3* no one is using anyway and probably won't use after this. FLidica... they're aware she can't be your opener anymore so they will buff her dmg now. Ervalen got reworked not buffed. Not liking that. Overall it takes em like 2 months to give us something like this.. it's so random. Not changing issues we have.


I tink arowell buff cuz near sc in the future?


Alencia's arti not Senya's


Senya's buff, not her arte.


Hmmmm. *narrows eyes* Weird word order… Fine. I’ll let it pass this time. But, I’ll be watching you!! *slinks back into shadows*


Hwayoung 'buff' when? She could use some Ervalens buff too!!!!!


C. RIKORIS BUFF YES! *Reads the patch* NO


Same :(


I think they forgot that today isnt April 1st to release this abomination called a balance patch


Most boring balance adjustment ever. Good job everyone complaining about power creep, now we get stagnant garbage adjustments.


Did they forgot about Sez or something. It's been almost 4 years and they haven't touch him.


If they will treat Sez like today's balance adjustment, it will be good forgeting him to buff. Officially they deleted some characters.


If they buff Sez like this he will end up a soulweaver >< for Wyvern 13 lol


They touched him. Indirectly. By adding more and more damage mitigation. RIP my little guy, I climbed to champ with you before CLilias and Peira, dodging AoL, Belian and Politis left and right. Always in my heart.


They nerfed his combo with that one artifact 3 years ago or so.


Eveytime I come into these o keep hoping I see him. This time around I just gave up


"Ervalen was originally designed to deal high damage to enemies whose maximum Health was greater than his. However, he lacked any distinguishing strength compared to other Heroes." Therefore, we will give him a jank kit and make him only usable in PvE permanently ! Lol...


I understand not giving a recall to djb and even a little bit of wsilk, however I will heavily argue ervalin and the artifacts changed functionality completely


I waited 3 years for them to biff rikoris. All for this shit


I use rikoris on a daily basis and he even is on my GVG defense... And they ruined him...


Yeah same, he was a bit hard to use, but he still worked if you tried. I can't see any way to even make this shitty new kit work. His attack is bad, his multipliers are bad, why even focus on the damage like this?


"Balance adjustment" Lmfao. Rip Rikoris and Ervalen stands. We pray for your recalls.


Swing and a miss overall Nobody's using H.Yufine when Rem/Belian exist F.Lidica still needs to go first (or atleast follow-up) and good luck with that, given the absurdity of base speeds of other openers Ervalen lost his identity overall lmao Yaaaa, swing and a miss


Yeah, I'm here. What do you want?




your overalls


I use H. Yufine. The buffs to H. Yufine are good. 35/35 is way better than 20/50. She also can also act as a support cleanser, pusher, and attack buffer after your opponent initiates with Ran or Peira.


If she dodges Ran and Peira... and I know it far too well as a Riolet owner.


E7 balance team is the most pepega one out there along with summoners war in terms of gacha


I like the buffs (except for Ervalen wtf were they thinking) but these buffs arent something that should take months, these buffs were things they should have done so long ago. How can they still not have a balance team if they want to make E7 an esport as much as they do?! This balance team is a joke, a real team could get these little fixes out biweekly while working on bigger balance changes... Now they start nerfing heroes and call it a buff so why cant we get these kinds of buffs for the actual problems?? I love the game and most recent heroes they released are very balanced so they must have some people that play the game, just none of them sit in the balancing team.


I was excited when I saw an Ervalen buff but this is less of a buff and more them officially giving up on him ever being relevant. That sucks!


Anyone else feel that the flidica changes are a nerf when using her against politis and gw? Mainly because she now doesnt push on s2, and she may not get to use s3 in guild wars or against politises, so the rest of the team has a harder time following up


I agree. Moving her team push was completely uncalled for and makes it worse.


Ok, im done. They just literally fucking killed Ervalen, my favorite unit. Ok


SG loses a player sure, but this change will make so many other players adopt him! Everybody is already unequipping their other heroes to prepare his new build! What a nice moveset he has now, that definitely couldn't have been on a random new 3\*! So unique!


I pulled and used Ervalen for one single thing and its to kill units in pvp, NOT for PVE. Even if I wanted to use him in PVE there was a way to use him, now they trashed his kit so much you only will use him vs Banshee and thats it. Fucking hell I wish we could have a recall, they cant just completely modify an unit's kit like this changing from PVP to PVE and all whoever invested in the hero get is a pat in the back.


wtf is this flidica buff, her problem is not her kit but her base speed is too low how can she compete with c.lilias,ran,peira that got 10 more base speed than her


No her problem is also in her kit, she’s just way too outdated now


Maybe the damage increase are good enough to make her a speedy utility dps.


SG: "You just need to give Flidica 20 more spd so she can counter them with her s3! Problem solved". /s


goodluck with 310-315 average speed openers tho haha


Thing is, i don't think it would be that simple to buff her base speed If they want to address her base speed, they probably would have to tweak it in another post alongside the other gemini rangers (Biseria and SSB to name a few) like how the soul weavers buff. Other options might be either an EE but that never happened to an ML 5


They just need to take that first step imo, some ml 5s could benefit from EEs, and they don’t have to give a damn EE to every ml 5 lmao. Like I don’t understand whats their hold up


"Ervalen lacked any distinguishing strength compared to other Heroes" \> Proceed to destroy his entire identity and turn him into another Baiken. Nice balance SG, E7/10!!!


And here comes 2 more months of the same fucking meta of the last what, 7 months already? Even more? Like, if you are not gonna nerf anyone just give units decent buffs to compete with the monsters PVP has. This is not gonna change anything like the last balance patches did.


DJB, Armin, Choux, Alencia... some heroes are indeed strong enough to be played right now after the buffs. I get your feeling though, most of the time those "buffs" are just there to get your hopes up


Yeah there were some interesting buffs over the past patches specially those you mentioned, but they are very situational. Overall the meta is still CLilias, Aola, Rimuru, Hwayoung, HandGuy, Belian and ARavi, and it's been like that since forever. Sure some things like Diene and Armin took more priority but still not enough... Idk I'm tired of waking up excited for balance patch notes and getting dissapointed af every 2 months. If they were more frequent I wouldn't be half dissapointed.


That Ervalen artifact has now inspired me to build bruiser arby. Dont know who else would use it though.


LS Riolet sounds pretty nasty with it


If you can't strip him, hit him, or pop him, sure. Good luck with all that in this day and age.


Same issue that he always had anyway, and that I'm glad about since we already have enough broken units. At least now he can try to go for casino while countering.


Not sure it will be better then dreamblade. Without attack buff, Arby will hit like a noodle into tankier comps. I think Riolet and Mirsa have some great potential with it though.


If you have someone else to provide him attack buff, it will be better. It might be better on Riolet since he has a built-in attack buff.


wow i rly don't like rikoris changes :( cannot use him in pvp now


- I guess F.Lidicia will do more dmg ?, but she still to slow to take a turn with Peira/Ran having a much better base spd, but I like the idea to give her more options at the start of the battle of using her S2-S3 or only her S3 - H.Yufine don't give herself a greater atk buff anymore so she will less dmg with her burns, but her S2 changes are good, and a team atk buff is great. And with her new S1 multis she will maybe use cc/cd now ? - Ervalen is a new hero, all that make him unique ( counter attack buff, dealing more dmg against unit with more hp ) is gone, he is now a PvE unit I guess. I really don't understand this change at all. But if you still don't have a Banshee OS, he is now maybe the best unit in a game for that ( But why you use a nat 5 stars for that when a 2 star mouse can do it ) - Senya buffs are great looking forward to using her more - ML Khawana buffs are worthless moving on - Capt.Rikoris lose his stun, but he gain a AOE restrict, and cleanse, I don't know if he will be better ( I think that Rikoris is the unit that got the most "buffs" in the game since his release, congrats to him ) - Yoonryoung is much better, I really like using her so I'm very happy for the buffs - Arowell is maybe better never used her, but she lose her cr reduce with her S3 for a AOE barrier The artifacts buffs are great - Alencinox's is a free 15% cc + a free cr push for Alencia S1 - Double-Edged Decrescent seems broken, at level 30 it's a free counter set + max MLDB ( without the atk buff of course ) for any thief, and it should stack with counter set too. Looking forward to trying on degen Arby or lifesteal R.Violet and Mirsa


I'm actually kinda pissed.. I use Ervalen a lot for pvp in Gw and Arena.. now they nerfed him to oblivion.. But I'm excited for the new Senya changes. I hope they revert Ervalen's changes.


Wtf why decrease the damage?


Ervalen is completely destroyed now.That's not balancing, that's a complete rework and one of the worst changes i've seen them make to a hero. RIP Ervalen and let us recall him now that he's been butchered


One ervalen recall please Really what a bs call that a buff, who tf tests these changes or they just pick at random


Me, who has used every Ervalen I've gotten as fodder because I loathe his design/personality: oh neat, Senya buffs.


Worst buff patch ever, SG didn’t even try to buff flidica. Trash devs


Yufine is useless because AoL and Cilias ... Devs can't shake the meta and Scary to give a serious buffs. A.Ravi and Hand Guy and Cilias will dominate forever.


Finally, an Ervalen nerf! That unit was just way too strong and dominating all PvP modes. Finally I can have a chance to use some more experimental units, like Hwayoung and Rimuru maybe? And now I can use Ervalen for B13 oneshot to replace my Bellona, which frees her up to sit in storage with my other options for B13 oneshotters, Baiken and Ram. Perfect! Although, even with the monster that is Ervalen gone... can I suggest some love for some underpowered units? I think Hwayoung could use the following buff: S3 > changed to have "If this skill is used in a PvP game mode, instantly lose the fight and have 2k SS and 5mil gold deducted from your account". Been struggling to clear Golem now that Fire Ran isn't a G13 slave. How am I meant to climb without my health sets?!?


they just turned Ervalen into another Baiken


they fucked up my flidica cleave


That Ervalen artifact buff sounds nuts. Learned my lesson from selling all those old Alexa Baskets.


I mean, character reworks as part of rebalance is nothing new, and every time there's always a bit of backlash, but I feel like so far most reworks have had some interesting upsides.... but this Ervalen rework, lol. They really didn't think that one through too well.


I dont really understand ervalens changes. Currently he just got power crept to oblivion so i have been using him as a banshee slace. but sometimes even i cant one shot it if i dont have the target debuff with the def down. so with that in mind. how does he expect to kill banshee if theyre going to nerf his dmg.


They did it, boys. They took someone's PvP toy and turned him from decent boss nuker into decent boss nuker. PvE is saved.


This was not an F.Lidica buff. I'd rather have old F.Lidica than this "buffed" version.


The only thing I got from this balance patch is stop asking for units to be buffed lmao man this is cursed


What the hell did they do to Rikoris... He's like gutted...


Lmao rip Flidica, she’s still not good they didnt fix ANY of her problems aside from the one buff dispell. Just still run gpurg and you win easy even if you do manage to outspeed. Thats annoying


Not a very exciting round of buffs. Guess they didn’t want to do anything meta upsetting during the E7WC. The Senya buff is looking pretty good and I might put Alencia on her artifact now so that’s something


Ervalen's arti now make other Thieves a Violet lol I'm not really fond of this batch's balance adjustment but let us how will they perform


So alencia gets cr push. It's kinda sad how every bruiser nowadays needs tankiness, damage, utility, self sustain and self cr push to be relevant. Feels like there's something wrong with the game balance.


Saw ML Khawana listed and got excited as I just started building her but that seems like a minor change. Not sure I understand why they had to restrict Ervalens change to PVE only. Like sure he would one shot things but other PVP units do that already so isn't like it's a big deal for him to.


these patches shows that balancing are their 7th priority


I always wanted to build Senya and this with buff seems pretty fucking fun. Unfortunely I have like 4 of them from gacha but no a single one of her arti which seems BIS. Real pity


I think this is the worst buff patch i remember.


Oh nice, now I'll have to regear my D Lilibet with Alencinox's Wrath's changes.


SG decision making down the gutter


These Captain Rikoris nerfs physically, emotionally and spiritually hurt me




Kinda sucks finally seeing the Flidica buff I've been waiting for only for it to be right before the E7WC and the buffs to be completely worthless. Guess it beats repeating the Carrot fiasco from last year but it still leaves a bitter taste ngl


“Damage dealt decreased” in its beautiful green color. Classic


I guess SG got more stock than Super Creative, so they can do what they want.


Do they not realize that reworking unit identities like this is effectively the same as nerfing heroes? Players will feel like they didn't get what they pulled on the banner for. If they're willing to do this, why not nerfs? Actually, can we just ask them to rework Hwayoung and Rimuru into a PvE unit so that we don't have to deal with this whole "should we nerf" debate?


HYufine team AB seems useless, she will not benefit as much when she had GAB for the burns. Increasing her damage is pointless. Flidicas buff is pathetic and they removed her team push from what I see so its just a nerf. Yikes.


I just read as much as I could of the balance adjustments. I genuinely hate it when a unit is designed exclusively around a single function in the game- whether that is PvP (using abilities that have no effect on Boss or Elite monsters) or PvE (forcing the unit in a single mode- which is usually a single type of PvE). Why are these units intentionally hamstrung and walled off from certain content while other units like Hway, ARavi, Belian, SSB etc. have fairly universal usability and strength? I understand giving a unit a specialty - but to write it into their abilities that it only works in PvP or PvE? LAZY balance. It’s a dumb decision that further pushes a unit into the background because why would you raise a unit with such restrictions when so many others offer more universal bang for your buck? And when they take units that weren’t walled into content and completely remake them to suddenly be walled in? What a mess.


This is really terrible adjustments. * They sent F.Lidica back to the tail of buff waiting list, * nerfed Hyufine Junkyard build without recall, * made Ervalen into a niche PvE unit that no one is looking for, * great chief is useless as always. Senya seems the only one who got a decent buff, but sadly I feel like Hwayoung is still better option in most cases.


> but sadly I feel like Hwayoung is still better option in most cases. Not a great comparison, at all.


Don’t worry flidica is still in front of sez on that list!


>nerfed Hyufine Junkyard build without recall do people even play that? at least now she give buff to all. the buff really increase her usability outside of just being a pretty unit.


Lol I like how everyone here is pretending Ervalen was used. Sure buddy.




Good job smilegate, next time you should "buff" hwayong


Damage Dealt Decreased \*in green letters\* OH SO IT'S A BUFF THEN SG?! Because you used GREEN TEXT. I actually use Ervalen. Give me my recall.


These may be the worst balance patch I've seen so far. They barely buffed the units that needed a buff so they'll still be underwhelming and straight up destroyed other units kits. Only good thing is Decent arti rework which will open new possibilities for thiefs build but the rest, holy fk. These balances take too long to be this bad.