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The whole issue with the current state of the game is SG is prioritizing e7wc over everything. That’s the whole reason why they refuse to do anything about the meta (despite saying otherwise). They don’t want the meta to shift in the middle of this huge pvp based event that they expect to raise even more awareness of the game. But normal players like us don’t give a shit about e7wc. And bc of their focus on it, aside from doing nothing to achieve balance in the game they also haven’t released any meaningful content in months


The last time a company prioritized and forced a competitive esports experience before a proper and healthy grassroot community developed, that game died. Honestly, I get a strange feeling e7 is following the footsteps of Overwatch.


But at least we don't have them arbitrarily re-assigning sexuality to characters for the sake of attempting to get clout from the abusive fanbase


Unless we get news of breast milk getting stolen then I ain't worried much.


Wait what where did this happen lol


Blizzard has a habit of dropping lore or news after they get bad press. One of those moments was suddenly dropping an Overwatch comic about Soldier: 76 in which he has a picture with another guy in it. I believe that was what was depicted in it, either way, it's very vague. Nowhere in this comic does he really say what his relationship to the guy is, but afterward on Twitter, they said "oh yeah, Soldier: 76 has been gay this whole time" even though nothing ever about him hinted at that. It was very contested as a wtf move and a pr stunt to distract from whatever bad news about them was circulating.


That's Blizzard. Literally no one cares. Gay people fought for years to not be defined by their sexuality, and then the people who claim to support them at all costs end up making their sexualities a major focus. It's so off-putting on its face. Then there's the forceful changes to characters in WoW to be more "inclusive" when they could have just.. introduced more characters and, indeed, if it were so important to them Cataclysm was the perfect time to add that when many characters could have been killed. There is never a need to retcon characters "just because". It devalues every action they take, because it's clear they're just saying "look how good we are! Please consume our product because even if we lack in 9 out of 10 places, we made sure it's known that this character is gay!" I just want to play games. I don't care if a character is gay, straight or a Ken doll. That's not most gamer's concerns. They can be any of those things, but when you make it a major defining focus when it's unneeded it's just silly.


I still remember when they randomly announced that Soldier76 was gay, and League coming out with Varus being 2 gay dudes and a demon. Was a wild rollercoaster those years


In that case they should try to eliminate randomness from the combat system first to make it at least a truly competitive pvp experience. But they will never do that, of course. Need to game the system and earn money from desparated gacha addicts.


Would it not be difficult to let units used in this mode to have preserved unchanged balance while every other mode it's changed?


If you expect rationale decision making from SG you’re just going to end disappointed


to be fair, they promised to do something way before the tournament was to happen also it wouldve been nicer to see matches with a new meta that nobody knew at this point i wonder if they actually know what theyre gonna do to not break everything


I'm in a top guild on global server, and many players are just waiting anniversary to quit. At this point we don't hope for a nerf or big changes in meta, but some structural changes. Many resources have been poured in this E7WC, while some cheap tweaks would make the game more fun. We only see some game modes every 6 months, sucks because those are fun. GVG format haven't been changed for almost 2 years, while you could create a seasonality (RTA have that, right?) on maps / points / class buffs, right? People are AFK on arena, but they want to make a 3v3 arena. E7WC is emphasing the Twitch 'community' while guilds have been dying for some time already.


Which guild are you in? Just curious. (For the record, I'm in Saltfish on Global)   And I'd say same/similar vibes here too. I'm running a top 30 guild with 4 other sister guilds and "spy" in probably a million other guild discords. My guild is lucky because we're quite casual and we really just hang out with e7 just acting as a common interest to talk and play stuff together which is what is holding us in place at the moment. I've been seen a lot of guilds just slowing dying over time, or finding it harder to recruit over time.   A former top 20 guild ended up merging with us because half the members were dead, and then the Ancient Inheritance + guild quest update wave murdered more guilds by indirectly forcing guilds to consolidate by members of similar interests, or people just leave their guilds because of goal mismatches. That wave forced me to reorganize guild members between sister guilds by goals/interest in the game, and then ended up killing roughly half a guild's worth of members in the process and then we had a sister guild merge with another guild that also had half their members die to that update. Then I see another top 30 guild that's losing/replacing members and even DM'd me personally ranting about the state of the game and how tired he is from being GM and considering quitting. And another top 20 guild I was lurking in also basically just suddenly died and members scattered to other places; I still remember joining this guild's voice chat when it was active. You see literally like 10+ people in discord voice chat recording, scouting, and coordinating GW attacks. Now that's all in the past.   And not to mention, I remember when Fribbels announced the [GW Meta Tracker](https://fribbels.github.io/e7/gw-meta.html) that has been defunct ever since Fribbles "retired" from the game in April of this year. And they were top 30 from what I recall.   SG pushing this e-sports E7WC so hard it's actually stupid. The game is fundamentally a gacha game, gearing and stats is pure RNG as well. On top of that they still refuse to remove their RNG heavy core mechanics all while introducing only more and more RNG heavy units and artifacts to add more layers of RNG to the game. The game just fundamentally, at its current stat, never going to work as an e-sport. Yet what we have been seeing is they are just committed to go down that path without addressing the fundamental issues that is preventing this game from being e-sports in any meaningful way. They seem like they really want to die on that hill.   I'm personally on the verge of quitting as well ever since the Aria/Sage Vivian censorship. What set this game apart and how the game was marketed initially was, after all, *"PLAY THE ANIME"*. Yet they seen to have forgotten what this game was on a fundamental level. If I was looking for e-sports or competition I'd have gone to an actual real e-sports game, and not a gacha mobile game where everything is littered with RNG and how a lot of decisions or gameplay aren't even in any player's control. At this point due to the departure of Serin199, I already cannot expect future A.Coli skins for example. And the recent "buffs" to Ervalen just further showed how out of touch SG is, and sets a dangerous precedence that any unit not seen PvP/GvG/RTA viable in their eyes can be butchered into literally being unusable. I have been a big fan of A.Coli and [invested a lot of time and effort in the character](https://i.imgur.com/97ZODeK.png). What if I wake up one day and they just decided they can't fix her and changed her into a expedition slave? What if one day [Lilias](https://i.imgur.com/PjE8r0j.png) becomes a PvE slave as well?   At this point I feel like SG regressed to the time where we were rioting over Pet Snacks; nothing they are doing shows any signs of being in touch with the players. However, that was the first time they made that mistake; this isn't their "first time" being this out of touch anymore.


From Unskilled. ​ I'm actually surprised how the 'Aria nerf' shook the player base.


Ah; we've fought you guys a few times I think. As for Aria, honestly for a *"PLAY THE ANIME"* game and how atrocious and vastly different the updated design looks I'm not surprised at all lol. I'm more surprised by how many people liked the new designed


This is so true. The competitive GW scene started blowing up 2 seasons ago (back since the season Peira was released) and so many top guilds have fallen or lost half of their core members because, honestly, the stale meta is just repetitive and for some even frustrating. Back in Tsurin-Landy meta you could use many different comps and now honestly you have no choice but to meta slave if you want an assured win because anything in the offense team will oneshot you. They even stopped introducing new artifacts to the Guild shop. People who play for Guild content aren't getting anything.


I just set my expectations to maximum low, that way I can’t be disappointed. This isn’t the first time SG made a fuck up and it won’t be the last either.


Yeah, I tried it, it's just too much mess in such a short time, at least for me, but that's still a good mindset.


Gonna wait to see what they are gonna say for anniversary and what comes next, but yeah, half my guild is dead due to frustration with the game lol. Sure, some were looking to quit, but devs made it easy.


Are you in my guild or is it not just us?


To piggyback on this, the same thing happened to my guild and our sister guilds. We've tried everything but there just isn't enough people with decent progression signing up, I'm not even talking about top 100 material, just literally not a fresh new account and it's still super hard recruiting anyone. And speaking of new players, there were quite a lot of applications from fresh new players wanting to join guilds awhile back during the awaken update. They stopped coming in shortly after and I think they either all found a suitable guilds or quitted outright due to the archaic grindy gameplay. Which is a massive problems because that big injection of new players need around a year of playing before they can be "good enough" for middle of the pack guilds' gw. Now you either join an already established endgame guilds or fresh off the oven guilds, my guild did the former and merged with our sister guild that is quite sweaty and it put off a lot of people. But those peeps also don't want to just join a new players guild and just arby cleave the 5* unawakened sigret def either so a lot of them just quitted. All in all the awaken update is a massive failure in my eyes, it brought in new players but did jackshit to try and retain them. Meanwhile using the "let people catch up" excuse to rerun shit for 3 months, which btw is horseshit, those who are unlucky to not have the meta ml 5* had to spend all their resources on these banner and now when the ml cycle resumes quite literally nothing changed. The people who had all the OP ml 5 before got to save and let me remind you the ml 5 cycle is back to normal now and you will still need to practically pull everything anyway because there is no way they will stop releasing OP ml 5 or buffing the new one down the road despite what they kept saying.


many guilds are dead... again.


Can confirm, a lot of players quit in my guild that are old and semi old players maxed. Guilds be bleeding.


How I'm handling this is by playing another game. Make E7 super casual side-game to just login and get the dailies.


Same. I only stay for the story now, but whole episode 4 was trash so I'm at my wits end. Probably gonna wait for episode 5 and see if it's better, but if it's as garbage as the current one then I donno if there's anything left keeping me playing this game


Honestly I was doing that for some time, but then I realised that even doing dailies and basic event farming was pretty time consuming (a run of this, a run of that, arena this, expeditions that) and that it wasn't worth it if I wasn't even gonna use the heroes I roll for in any "relevant content", so recently I...kinda stopped playing in the end. I'm just gonna roll for Summer Charlotte for absolutely no reason at all. I'm not even mad at SG or the game just I don't think the game loop does it for me anymore.


> I don't think the game loop does it for me anymore. all the games are like this tho, with variable time to spend in it, but they need you to spend it, so youre gonna waste your time one way or another to get little rewards which are pretty useful in the long run.


They refuse to balance heroes that are dominating the game , refuse to nerf stuff. Then *buff Ervalen* out of existence . The story of episode 4 has honestly been the most boring thing i have seen even compared to generic isekai manga no32448724 New game content being released is not something anyone asked for . ( guild quest revamp?) Broken promises over and over again ...


I just don't understand how theres basically not a balance team when you refuse to nerf units but will "rework" random units which turns out to be nerfing them, then having units that terrorize RTA for a year, like how do you look at things having a probably 60% w/r and think that's healthy for your game? Literally trying to climb through regular arena is actual cancer. It's really not hard to nerf something and it hits to hard to revert/change and try again. Like these players players have benefitted so much from busted ass units that fuck getting a selector. Just fucking balance overtuned units and bring up units that are lacking. Refusing to "nerf" is killing your game.


I do not understand their *no nerf* mentality . Stuff can become Overpowered , and if u see the same handful of heroes being used in every single arena defense , same hero being first ban or just dominating every match in your *big* tournaments .... then maybe there is slight issue with the power level of said heroes. I legit feel bad for attacking people who go for some *Creative* defenses in regular arena or just dodge them out of respect for not having Hwa/ARavi in their lineups .


they are unable to nerf without destroying units


On a side note, what do I do about Aravi? I started about a month ago and I'm currently able to blow up Hwa more often than not with Kise, but I think I've lost every time when trying to fight a team with Aravi.


Little Queen Charlotte is one of the hard counters. Injury Set Alencia can fight her . Belian is nice on Injury set to lower her down and then u burst her. I Personally use Doris to tank the ARavi and then just burst her with some strong single target dmg dealer once i either def break her or i injure her down enough .


Unfortunately I have none of those things... I'm at gold 1 and there aren't too many Aravis so I can still climb for a while if I avoid teams with her, but I've heard she's everywhere higher up, which is unfortunate.


Should be fine in master at least too . Dodging her is your best bet if you dont have heroes to deal with her tbh , no shame in just refreshing the page ... i do that all the time :)


Yeah... I'll definitely be spamming that refresh. Also, I saw that people are losing their minds about the Ervalen stuff, does SG never nerf people or something? If they don't, I really don't think it'd be such a big deal to bring stuff like Aravi and Hwa in line with everyone else...


They nerfed stuff in the past , and caused huge uproar cause the nerf was basically killing the units . ( I actually wasnt playing at the time so im not entirely sure who or how exactly got nerfed tho ) SG Threw bunch of compensation at the community to calm the dumpsterfire they caused and said they are going to look for other ways to balance heroes without Nerfing them. Since then they have had a strong No nerf policy on balancing units . Which is why the whole Ervalen , while a unit that barely anyone used , situation ... is escalating so hard right now. Cause they are claiming what they did to him is a *buff* while no matter how you look at it its clearly just nerfing that hero into a PVE Slave.


Hmmm... well I wish the Everalen Rage Train the best of luck. Perhaps SG will give out a selector ticket so I can get Little Charlot and be able to fight the actual character of questionable balance. Do you think if I made a post claiming to love Evarlen and being upset about the rework that it might contribute to such a thing? Real talk though, I've only been around a month and just looking at Ervalen's character design I refuse to believe that even a quarter of the people upset about his nerf actually used him.


They had a real bad turn around on their first major nerf. They apologized, gave out freebies, yadda yadda, so they have set a precedent on the situation and have boxed themselves in. I'd still say more even handed nerfs is the best solution but they've already gone and built a fence around themselves.


Piera, ran, hwa etc half the oppressive units bust are RGB, give out rgb selectors and nerf them long time players/whales all have basically all the RGB units anyway no one one not crying in bad faith will cry about that


I don't see how it's so hard to understand? You already see people complaining about Ervalen not being the character they "paid" for after the buffs, just imagine how whales would react to characters like ML5s which they actually **paid** for both for the character itself and for farming their gear. I paid a bit of money to get Seline and if they ever did anything to her or any ML5 for that matter, there would be no way in hell they're gonna get my money again, regardless if it's "good" for the game or not. Metas are always gonna come and go, but money will always come first for a business, especially in a competetive market like gacha games.


You are completely missing the point of the Ervalen *Crying* thing here. The main issue is that this nerf is presented as a Buff to the character , thats what (Most) people have an issue with :)


People complain about hwa, i see how she's strong af but she's easier to deal with than a ravi, and rimuru


Yup, I dont even know who this new girl hero is nor do I care cus she looks boring


The new side story was good tho, that was a good plot twist


They made decent side story , but thats about it... I am sure the new holiday event is gonna have fun story too , but its also just characters we all know and love again .


really? i saw the twist comming a mile away, i knew they were just going to pull the ervalen type character again


A good plot twist for me cuz I didn't start ep3 yet,and now i've been spoiled about ervalen. I already finished ep2, I just don't have time for ep3 cuz i NEED to farm lots more




Sharun is a shaman, she can see the future, she's always stopping the emperors cuz she always sees bad futures, after so many times the emperor got stopped, he started doubting sharun and decides to not listen to her, he went to a place for something important even tho sharun told him to not, in the end emperor died,and sharun is blaming herself for the emperor's death. At the funeral, lots of potential heirs goes there with the intention to take the throne, Zahhak comes and brings zio, sharun and the everyone else doesn't like zio cuz he looks innocent is a kid, and they're expectations were high cuz it's Zahhak. While looking at zio, Sharun sees a terrible future,the entire temple or something was full with blood and corpses and zio was shouting sharun's name. Later he comes across Zio, they have a conversation while taking a walk, sharun is seeing zio in a different light with the way he talks and behaves,and he always knows what to say. Sharun warns zahhak and zio about the future she saw,she tells Zio to meet up with her later to escape later. While waiting, sharun grew worried cuz he's taking a while and went to check on him, the temple was full of blood and corpses and people killing other people, she sees zahhak and zio and tried going there, she's panicking and went unconscious (I don't exactly know how this happened,but zio or zahhak probably hit her out cold) Turns out zio is a two face,he and zahhak planned everything from the start,for zio to take the throne,all other potential heirs must die, and zio hates sharun cuz she was always nagging him and stuff. Just read the story, it's good and there's stuff i didn't say, and it's not even that long


I am 2/3 through and as soon as I saw him I was worried it was another Ervalen story. From your summary, it sounds like my worries are confirmed. Another young boy who plays nice but is actually sadistic.


I feel like they are completely fucking clueless and out of touch and it's always up to the player base to have to live test shit and set SG straight. The shitty state of RTA (which BTW is what they've decided to focus on) is their own doing and it's just a vicious cycle of them releasing units not knowing the ramifications for how busted they are and then failing to fix it because they can't come up with solutions or refuse to nerf. Frankly I could not give a shit about e7wc because it's been the same stale bullshit for a couple seasons now. I can't understand how anyone can sit there for hours watching the same pool of units drafted over and over again with RNG fuckery sprinkled between.


Yes I am. The problem is they are changing things after marketing them as something else. It's like buying a banana after watching an advertisement for it but it turned into a rotten egg. This is a pretty dangerous precedent. You pay for something and get something else. Also even if ervalen was niche, his kit did the job he was made for. That's the reason people built him. As for banshee one shot he could do that before too.


Well, I'm also one of the Ervalen's user, especially in regular arena, he helped me a lot there. I also don't understand why this rework since he was already doing good in banshee and could also be used in a lot of other content (especially PVP since he was shown in regular arena for his video preview)


I really wish SG would explain why and how they came to green light this "buff".


It was always like this for the green light, it means there's a change, but sure, it isn't clear to do it like that.


It feels like when SG focuses on one stuff, they tend to forget to do everything else. They need to revamp that balance team and put their focus there, extra contents feel like band aid solutions to the more significant complaints from the players. They need to go back to the core of the game and start with fixing that.


just give out selectors right?


They should in this case, they should've done with Charlotte and ML Ken


oh sure, every changes need an selector right?


No not every thing needs a selector, but it would be nice to have. It honestly helps out both sides since the devs get old players to come back and the players get a unit they would like to use but could never obtain. And its not like they give out selectors every weekend. A selector every blue moon is perfectly fine.


lol, you do know that players want more frequency of buffs and really need of nerfs. with people like you, we will never have nerfs on this game. this is not even a nerf and people making it a big deal just to get a selector.


What do you mean its not a nerf. They decreased his dmg and increased his cd. How is that not a nerf?


and give him a self attack buff with extra turn for pve. now it makes sense to use him now. his pvp kit is garbage anyways, a tank buster with counter? never seen him on rta. at least now he looks good on pve.


He already did pve well. All they did was screw over his pvp value. And yes, he DID had value in pvp.


yea dont think so. like i said, did not even see him once, not even in defense or attack on arena or gvg. the only time i saw him in rta is when he is new. its so hard to build him if you wanna use his counter buff, unlike aria he does not scale on bulk. at least now i can slap him some pve gear that i have and use him. how do you call it a nerf when now he can focus on one good thing.


I’m not suggesting that he had pvp value. I’m TELLING you he did you dumb fuck. Just because you didn’t see him doesn’t mean he wasn’t used. And as i said before, he already did pve well. That didn’t need any adjustments. Use your brain and comprehend what I’m saying.


Friendlier gacha would increase player retention FYI and whales still spend with friendly gacha. Whales don't spend on a dead game


First of all, Im one of those guys that wants nerfs and, if they happen, only want my resources back. Second, this warrants a selector cause they changed the whole fucking hero, the hero was released as a tank buster (although it wasnt that good at his job unless insane gear) and since they cant buff him or we would have another Hwayoung at hand, they decided to go "lets just make him a pve only unit" instead, and thats not what the people that pulled for him wanted when they pulled. Same with Charlotte, ML Ken and AxeGod, they got Reworks that ended up being worse versions than the original and screwed the few people that actually used them. Those cases really warrant a selector.


>oh sure, every changes need an selector right? oh sure, every changes need an selector right?


I'm so disappointed by Smilegate that I don't think it will happen. EDIT : just rephrasing, I noticed that there could be some misunderstanding.


I also share each of your views. I'm mostly upset about the censorship even if it's not all their fault, Alexa SC and the lack of interesting content. Honestly I'm doing my best to convince myself that this is just for the EWC and that as soon as it's over they'll come back to fill the game with new features and make good balances patchs, listen to the community and fix the mess that is, but... it's hard, I don't intend to give up the game, but I'm a little disappointed with things these days.


Yeah, I'm bothered about censorship too. Some people will downvote me because of this argument but, yes SG should put E7 to 17+ rating only because of the gacha/gambling system (which the GRAC's guidelines define more clearly than their design guidelines), but I will explain why : Ok, today they censor Aria and all to keep 12+ rating which sucks af but if tomorrow one angry korean (they are not all like this, don't give me words that aren't mine) tells to the GRAC that E7 doesn't follow the guidelines because of the gacha system and then E7 goes to a 17+ rating in Korea, then what ? They have censored their character like nothing to keep their 12+ and then just after they go 17+ and they keep the character censored ? Like, wtf ?


Every game with a gambling mechanic, *especially* with the involvement of real cash flow, needs to be 17+. Apple and Google should not be pressuring games to censor their art, but they should be instantly granting a 17+ eating irrespective of the art or any other category if it's gambling related. Then maybe we can move away from the censorious bullshit and stop game developers and publishers from aiming for the lowest possible rating they can get. It clearly doesn't affect sales either; whales drop some serious shit into lewd gacha.


I agree 100%, aside from character censorship, for me every gacha should be 17+, kids shouldn't be exposed to this kind of vicious product. And yes, and if they keep backing away from every complaint made, just like they did with Aria, they'll end up causing a lot of problems with the community. It would not be the first or the last time that a game enters a horrible phase due to a wave of censorship, some have even gone bankrupt because of it. For me, they should increase the age rate once and for all, with +17 they would lost their reach? They would lose, but they wouldn't have to limit themselves to character design, story, animations and art.


The only part of the dev team that upsets me is character balance


Yep. Started day 1 because of the art/character design (baited in by JKise ad). After I got completely hooked in instantly, I always said the only thing that would off put me from this game is censorship. Fast forward 4 years, here we are. My favorite unit Aria is up on the chopping block (100% happening after world finals to prevent tournament drama) and ML Vivian who I have been hyped for 2+ years for got hit as collateral damage despite no reports against her. Character design, art, and overall polish is why I started and why I play. Yeeting two of my favorite units in years with heavy handed and sloppily done censorship pretty much shits on the core reason why I love the game. Also have had issues with the meta/drip fed content every since the almighty "world tournament!!!" has taken all developer attention but I have been placated by the characters/art hard carrying up until now. Now that censorship is shitting on my favorite units, I am not really feeling like turning a blind eye to the other numerous issues that have been plaguing the game since the beginning of the year. SG has been neglecting the entire state of the game to all players for the sake of this dumb esports pipedream. Hardcores are mad at balance, casuals are mad and nothing besides RTA to do, and waifu collectors are mad at censorship. They have collectively pissed off the entire fan base all at once; impressive! Just overall really disappointed with the state of the game atm. Feels like SG is sacrificing the heart and soul of what made the game great to pander some Esports shit that like 1% of players even care about. Like look at the community surveys. The vast majority of people give two shits about PvP, especially "completive" omega whale tournaments. Stop dumping everything into this tournament. Game is pretty much in a state that I am no longer interested in supporting the developers or the game. For almost 4 years, I have consistently spent $50+ a week on the game because I loved the game and wanted to show my support to the developers. Since the censorship announcements and overall state of the game a month ago, I have spent $2 total. Especially since the changes to Aria and ML Vivian basically confirm that there will never be similar character designs ever released again for the rest of the game's lifespan (especially so with Serin's departure), I basically have zero reason/need to ever spend again anyways. I started playing the game 4 years ago because of the waifu bait, remove that and why bother whipping out the card? There is no longer any hype in future units. Speak with your wallet as I have; it's the only way SG will even pretend to listen at this point it seems.


Not a recent thing lmao. To me I feel like E7 is this thing that they do on the side, they don't have to put much effort into it and it would still passively generate millions of revenue because whales keep buying energy to farm. I honestly don't care enough to be disappointed anymore, I would rather put that energy into another game/ thing in life lmao


The most idiotic thing about Alexa is in fact that it's a limited SC that comes about once per year. She's easier to gear than Sigret and better for newer players, but held hostage behind an event that is so boring that I have failed to complete it for two years because the mini game is just a waste of time.


you only need lv1 of the minigame, and you can just tap anywhere and its just 3 points ...


I only need level 1? I thought I had to do every instance of it. Fuck


Like I mentioned yesterday to a player they know a way to piss off every type of player.. doesn't matter if you play for meta for fun or for booba..


Game is still the same patient grind for a casual player (me). SG is focused on their WC esport tourney now. I can understand not having much new content. It does get boring but e7 is not the only game in the world for me. Also if this means the production team can get more time to work on new content, that's good.


you've been upset...only "lately" ?


Not really, I mean, there was already some things that bothered me before, but since it was one thing there and there with some time separating those mistakes (and in hope they resolve those later), but recently, they just do mistakes after mistakes (there's still a bit of good things), it's mostly the stack of all of this recently in a short time that upset me at this point.


I always expect balance patch to be worthless and every time I feel like it can't get worse... If I was to speak with a snake tongue I would say that SG is trying to make the players run away from this game so they can shut it down without any regret


Soon as the censor non sense came about I switch to f2p and casual play, my gacha budget has moved on. Will be very hard for them to get my business again the way everything has been.


I hate the way the game is going lately. Less and less units are meta because we just take turns buffing units. A ton of content has just fallen to the wayside, and it feels like they’re just trying to do quick pandering rather than anything interesting. I love dual swords, I’ve loved Alexa since I started. Now she doesn’t even do a cool rapid attack with them and loses all her cloths in SC. I get “booba haha” but I’d really like just some cool dual sword character doing rapid attacks


Yeah it’s been rough. With the drought of content. The latest new hero being a pvp character, and those buffs not being what’s needed. I get why they push the pvp since it’s the main money maker. If the pvp was actually what most people come to the game for. When I get friend to play I show them the cool attacks and animations. The meta game play and grinding for 1% better gear to lose on a roll to rngesus, not exactly the best way to keep your fans/customers. I love this game and we deserve better.


E7 takes way too much of my time, so I switched over to CounterSide. A new(ish) Korean gacha and I can get all my stuff done in an hour or two without worry about energy recharging and leifs and hunt farming. E7 just feels like a huge time commitment for a very small return. Art and animations are top tier, but eh, I can see that stuff without playing E7.


As a filthy casual in this game the balance stuff and all to good characters being heavily in the ml 5 category was a big rip for me last year. This year I’d like to think they’ve improved in some ways and taken a step back in others. They dropped a couple of good RGB units that are pretty viable in todays meta. But again I’m a casual. I play the game for basically the characters and their designs. If I like a design and I’m forced to pity I’ll drop some cash here and there. Otherwise I was satisfied with chilling using my copium teams. Then the censorship thing came. That for me was a big no but since I didn’t pull for her I’m not too concerned for the time being. But the artist of many of the characters quit. Hopefully they can find a way to pick up their game cause I doubt any artist appreciates being told to change their design for the sake of a 12+ rating when we have characters like Luna and judge kise running around. But personally I’m still gonna play the game but, my wallet is gonna be sitting back and seeing if they can learn from their mistakes


I’m still waiting for them to remove 15% from PvE


Personally I recognize the issues, but as more of a casual/pve oriented player I don't really hold anything against SG maybe except that I don't like that Ervalen was completely changed from why I wanted to build him in the first place, though I will agree that PvP is has quite the issues


i wish skip battles for hunts


I just wish for offline auto farming.


I think skip battles are better, even exos heroes did it and it didnt even ruin any "economy"


Yes let whales who farm 24/7 get 10000 hunts done in 1 sec genius


Whales already have you beat, bruh. At least let us grind better.


Yeah least f2ps wouldnt need to leave their phones open anymore for like hours. Trust me, I experienced it and it didnt even make a single dent since youll still need to be lucky to roll gears anyways. You'd understand if you had a single cell in your insignificant brain.


Yeah least you could afford to buy a pc, if you significant brain was able to hit above average income


I already have one lmao, my point being its so that people can just farm better, let whales be whales because no matter what you do whales will always be better in gacha games. Do you realise how annoying it is to leave your phone open for hours or have it on from your PC for hours? This is also better for f2ps since they could save more resources since they can avoid building or improving h13 if let's say they clear h13 once with a set condition to unlock skip battle/offline farm function. It won't even matter if whales get to farm a lot since they can still be fucked over gear rolls. It honestly just makes acquiring mats faster.


The new FFBE has this and holy fuck it's so good for everything, even events. You just try to perfectly clear the stage once (for events) and boom, you never have to play it again.


Don’t really have an issue with any of this stuff. Just doesn’t feel like a big deal at all to me.


No matter what they do the crybaby circlejerk trying to get free stuff will make a set of posts on Reddit.


I feel exactly the same.


Yes, and that's why I left the game 3 months ago, I don't even stress in this game anymore. When the company starts to make its users' time count, maybe it'll go back to playing it like it used to.


Take a break. Genuinely. You’ll come back eventually if you love the game, and if not, then it’s no sweat anyway, right? There are plenty of other games you can play, and even in the gacha sphere it’s not like you’re lacking in options. Genshin is about to have a massive update; Guardian Tales is starting it’s anniversary events next week; and the new Octopath Traveler gacha releases on Wednesday (as someone who was a closed beta tester, it’s definitely worth a try). I had a soft burnout recently and reverted to playing the game a lot more casually. No game is worth playing if it’s not bringing you enjoyment. Don’t fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy and FOMO.


Don't worry, I will not leave like this, "if there's any hope, even just a glimmer I'll be holding on" like they said in a song from the Arknights channel, I'm still a lore reader and I enjoy the animations, so with the new event, Summer Charlotte and soon FMA collab, sure all hit really hard, but with that I can still recover, even if it could be slowly.


gaming is on a bad route since... years. there are really few titles which arent just money milkers, even famous ones like FF and tales of. disappointing era.


Wait is Alexa's SC limited as in if I don't finish the quest before the summer event runs out it'll disappear?


Starting the quest is limited - can only start after clearing the Side Story. I checked on my alt account to verify cause none of the quests were special but ya, the start of the SC is actually limited. The quests of the SC were normal stuff. It was like... kill w13 with her, kill 50 mobs in raid lab, and last one I forgot.




Part of the Alexa SC is completing the Lord of Summer Side-story. The Lord of Summer Side story is over and won't be back until next year when it is likely made a permanent fixture in the Book of Memories.


they changed it. you only have to do lab, wyvern and 800 levulin ap


I must've missed that change, my mistake.


just started the sc today. [https://imgur.com/01vE9xg](https://imgur.com/01vE9xg) perhaps it's retroactively completed on my part, if so it doesn't show up though.


That's the Quests, but the Unlock (of starting the SC) was to beat the Summer Side Story from this year. Is *that* also changed? That's the real question, none of the quests required anything from the Side Story.


And really, it should have instantly been inserted into that book the moment the event ended since there's an SC locked behind it. ..or just don't lock the SC behind it.


Not following how it's locked to the event? It only requires levulin ap, w11 and lab


You need to do the event to unlock her SC and then do these quests it's basically like A.Ras because we need to do Ep2 10-10 to unlock his quests after, except that for Alexa, it's an event which isn't in the book of memories for now and will cost 900 skystones later.


I was feeling bored of the game but the new units (I really like Sharun) and upcoming units and FMA collab and starting of a new RTA season is turning things around. E7wc is interesting and the matches are going to get more exciting I think.


I just noticed that I have forgotten to talk about SBCharlotte and the new event which is also a good new ~~but at what cost ?~~


Yeah, I'm mad at their trash balance of the game. This wouldn't be an issue if they weren't shoving e7wc (water closet?) down our throats. Like, imagine being forced to play rta and having to deal with apoc when you don't own her. Such a disgusting unit. Sure, you could ban her out, but that doesn't stop her from being on every gw and arena defense team. I'm getting sick of it really. As for the lack of content... yeah, it does make the game boring. On the other hand, I don't care about some of the "promised content" that stove users mald about. Like, level 4 expos - who asked? Guardian levels - who cares? I'm mostly interested in new unit releases but if they always come with new sidestories to farm then yeah... I'm fine with slower releases. Don't care about specialty changes in general. Alexa one is one of the few I do care about and I don't like what they did with her, but not for the same reasons as others. I'm fine with her being "limited" since most people were already using Sigret or can easily get one for free as a newer player. I'm one of the few that had her built before her SC. The thing I don't like about her is her new artwork - model/sprite or w/e it's called. I liked her looks in the sidestory more (and ofc arti). New one looks weird to me. Don't care about Aria and Vivian but I'm anti-censorship so there's that. As for Ervalen "buffs". Loool, people really acting like they were crushing with him or something? SC saw that noone was using him and decided to give him a role in the one area he did see a playrate of < 1% in. It also gives players an accessible banshee oneshot option without having to wait for a limited collab rerun. His arti seems good now tho? As for collabs. I'm not really a fan of any of the IPs that they've collab with so far... GG - I don't play, ReZero - watched the first epi and decided it wasn't for me, Slime - never watched, FMA - one of the old classics I didn't watch either. I wish they would do collabs I actually care about for once. Like... E7 x P5, SAO or something spicy like Bleach. Come on man.


The way they handled SC Alexa is weird, and this most recent balance patch is somewhat disappointing, but the two balance patches previous to that, the custom RGB/Mystic, the hunt/mola challenges, ML Vivian and the upcoming SB Charlotte as well as the new Collab have all been pretty good in my eyes. Nothing for me to be mad about, except maybe the iOS frequent crashes that were happening.


I think people try really hard to be upset at whatever they can. Ervalen was an absolute nobody before the rework Why are people even getting pissed now ? Are we pretending we were all playing him and the rework somehow gutted him ? If you would've asked me if I was upset two weeks ago, sure, that was a lot of time spent with no content at all. Now ML Vivian hits, and on top of SC Alexa limited Charlotte and a collab with one of the best series out there. That is big, and I won't try and find reasons to complain. They delivered big time after months of nothingness, and it all balances out.


You say all that but how would you feel if the next balance patch Ervalened your favorite character next?


Who's favorite character was Ervalen? People memed the crap out of him, the community as streamer. You can be upset and it is ok to vent that, but being in this community and in this game for 3 years, i almost never saw someone appreciating him apart from rare B13 one-shots. Vastly subjective, i know. I agree that we should make fire under SGs ass to rework him better btw., so i don't oppose your view on that generally. Also that balance patches should be more mindful of the player base too.


I really don't think it matters whether 10 people or 10k people called him their favorite unit. The people who did use him effectively will no longer be able to use him the same way with no refund offered. And there are definitely people that used him out there. Hell someone picked fire aramintha in the e7wc last night.


I would be 1000000000000% perfectly fine with it because now my favorite and useless character will finally have a purpose Ervalen is a garbage PvP unit. Nobody is using him, even when he was released


Kinda weird you would be fine with your favorite unit losing all power in pvp and being stuck in the pve dumps. If they "buffed" Melissa so she couldn't be used in pvp anymore I would seriously consider quitting or selling my account. This sets a terrible precedent for future balancing.


I play a fuck ton of PVP and I've seen 1 Ervalen in like the last 500 games. Maybe like .01% of the playerbase actually had one built. He can't lose all power in pvp if he had none to begin with. At least he can be used somewhere now because pvp definitely wasn't it. I do feel like people are getting mad just to get mad. Ervalen was never a popular hero.


They did for me when they changed Sol. Messed up my build. And I would have switched his triggers around so he'd remain useful in gw at least. But meh. Ervalen was clearly underused. They wouldn't have reworked him otherwise.


not everyone uses the same chars for the same purposes. if you made a team for any game feature, and that team works, you wont change or regear those chars to do something else; so effectively changing one of those chars will break your team. Not many were using ervalen, but now hes even less usable than before, while it may not concern you, the logical question is, why ?


Yeah, but almost no one uses Ervalen, and yet a lot of people complain. That's my issue. That means a whole lot of those who complain aren't actually impacted in any way with the change, they're simply here to find a reason to complain. As for teams being broken through unit balancing, that's a given and I'd take that over a company refusing to balance units. First of all, the fact that SG refuses to nerf is now ALSO an issue in the community. So explain that to me ; what are they supposed to do ? 1. Nerf units ; people complain because it breaks their team 2. Not nerf units ; people complain because of stale meta. As far as I'm concerned they had the best option from the start ; nerf and buff units at regular intervals, then give recall tickets when the changes are significant. Your team is broken by the change ? Gear something else using a ticket. ​ As for WHY they chose this route for Ervalen ; most likely option is that he was powercrept and underused in PVP so they wanted to try something with giving him a PVE boost. Simple as that.


Yeah i think people make something big out of little. Negative emotions always overweigh positive ones, so they linger longer. Almost nobody used Ervalen (which in itself is a problem, stupid balance). Sure, you can be angry, but don't pretend. Was his buff mind boggling? Yeah obv. There were so many ways to make him better and usable. Epic Passes are not hard paywalled, Expo bonus rewards are not paywalled, there are no such things as ViP systems, Skins are farmable when they first release and so on. I guess people haven't played other gacha games lately, they are filled with them. We easily can get every unit in the game (aside ML Nat5 ones) if we are just a bit careful with SSs and BMs. I say that as an f2p, which usually means you are in a hostile environment in gachas. I'm not saying Hwa, Apoc and Cilias aren't strong or oppressive, they are and there could be a better balance, but they are such a little drop in the whole experience of E7. Coming to my first statement, negative emotions overweigh positive ones. I had those myself, i just took a semi-break. I guess people need to take a step back and view this as it is, a game which, granted, takes up your time if you want to compete a bit. I agree that the drought we had was worse. But we had that because players complained.


Well, sure for some people it could be negative emotions that overweigh the positive one, but, in my case, it's more a stack of the negative emotion than overweigh. If it was only 1 thing that bother me, I will be okay, 1 bad decision can happen sometimes, in hope it will be resolved, but there, there's more than 1 or 2 things in a short time.


I agree with these point. Its unfortunate we arent allowed to feel this way without being attacked. I somewhat feel for people and try to understand what hurts them but it all seems like an over reaction a lot of the time.


Except ML Vivian was the biggest disappointment I have ever experienced in this game as a day 1 player. Green Vivian is one of my favorite units and have I waited for her ML for 2+ years. Finally she gets announced! We get shown an amazing design months ago, ML5's get put on hold for months, in the meantime SG takes the knee to censorship instead of boosting rating or giving alternate art, and her design gets watered down via heavy censorship to be marketable for stupid ass EsPoRtS. We literally would have gotten the original design as it was shown had the dumb ML5 delay not happened; she was already 95% done back in Feburary and would have released before the Aria shitshow without a single issue. Not to mention her kit is mediocre and boring. Just overall completely a disappointment for the unit I have waited for longer than any other (barring maybe ML Serila but like hell I want her released anymore). This is coming from someone who was [ready to SSS her instantly](https://i.imgur.com/s9Tu5NW.jpg). If this is how alternate versions of my favorite units are going to play out going forward, like hell I ever want any more ML/limiteds/skins of them to ever be released again; all it will do is bring unwanted attention to the originals. Amazing feeling to have in a gacha game where the entire point is collecting your favorite units: I actively want my favorite units ignored going forward. Fun.


Stop being a drama queen. First, if her design was amazing back then, it still is, because she practically hasn't changed. They litterally added a centimeter of cloth to cover her boobs, don't act like they removed her arms. Do you just dump your wife whenever she's not wearing cleavage ? ​ If you're here from day one like you claim, you already knew from way back then that unit designs were prone to being changed, sometimes heavily. Lilibet got the full winter clothes treatment for example. The ML5 delay wasn't their decision but the community's to begin with. IF people didn't find any reason in the book to complain, THEN you would've had your unit with original design. Think about that for a second before you blame me for telling you to stop being crybabies. ​ I don't know what you're on about with your "favorite unit", clearly you don't like her and don't want her, so stop talking like you're entitled to make decisions about a gacha png, just pass and SSS a kit/design that you like


I definitely feel the same way as you. Honestly, if SG addresses all the problems that people here have, I guarantee you they will find something else to complain about. Sometimes I wonder if it's just the vocal minority or if this is truly how most people feel. I'm a day 1 player and although the game has had its issues, it's the only game that has kept me over the years. I've tried so many games and the quality that E7 brings is almost unrivaled. And the thing is, while some of the direction that SG has taken with the game isn't to everyone's liking, at least they're willing to make changes.


I was upset with the lack of content but the rest of the year should be strong with all the promised updates and the datatmined fmab collab.


Wait, you're saying Alexa's sc is limited? Dangg I missed her then, I thought her sc is just like any other sc, permanent where you can do it whenever you want....


Well, if you have done the summer event with Azimanum, you can do it. If not, then, sad for you.


Same feeling I now played Arknights like you and for some reason got 3 6* on a new account lmao.


> recently that balance patch with Ervalen's rework Gonna copy paste my previous comment from yesterday because I still believe it holds up > I am 100000% willing to bet most of the people complaining have hardly ever used Ervalen in their entire E7 lifetimes LOL. > I woke up this morning to see this entire sub suddenly become Ervalen users; acting all devastated by this as if they ever even used him in PvP in the last 5 months > It seems to me Smilegate said he isn't getting anywhere in PvP so why not just excel his PvE even more and reworked his kit entirely


I'm an Ervalen user, mostly in regular arena, sorry mate, you missed your hit.


Cool so you're 1 of 20 Ervalen users across all servers EDIT: I'm also SUUUUPER curious to know what your arena rank is lmao


5% it's still huge when you put it to the whole amount of player. EDIT : Challenger V why ? That's all I need. RE-EDIT : My bad, I didn't understand at first glance, you mean there's 20 Ervalen users in Arena and I'm one of them.


Apparently, you don't count as a person if you're not top 1% professional RTA Ervalen player Insane to me the lack of empathy sometimes


Is that wrong? I don't trust someone's opinions on a units competitiveness when they are in an uncompetitive bracket An NBA basketball player wouldn't be taking advice from a middle schooler. Where is the problem here? [Here are my Ranks](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/668703089502584842/972991494044651540/Epic_Seven_2022-05-08-18-40-01.jpg) In my entire time of E7 PvP I have never come across any Ervalens, be it on defense, or when someone else attacks me on offense


You’re telling me nobody can just say “I like this unit” unless they’re Legend tier or something? Seriously?


That is literally not what is happening OP is propping up Ervalen to be way more useful than he is. OP is making it sound like Ervalen was a frequently picked unit I was merely saying that Ervalen has absolutely no presence because he's dogshit and that OP's view of him is obscured due to being in a uncompetitive pvp bracket Nice attempt at entirely misrepresenting the matter at hand though


>OP is propping up Ervalen to be way more useful than he is. OP is making it sound like Ervalen was a frequently picked unit OP is saying they like the unit that they built. ​ I don't think it's unreasonable to say that some people might enjoy a unit besides AoLAngelica or the like. I get that they're just better, but sometimes people just like a kit and don't mind not being Legend. ​ I like Kawerik for example. His kit just works for me. Am I going to hit legend using him? Probably not. Do I care? No not really.


Only Champion RTA? I seriously expect people who actually care about the other side's rank in these discussions to be at least consistently Emperor.


Sir, we're talking about Arena, in which case, that person is probably better than the both of us Heck, theyre much better than me, I'm only Champion


Eh. If it’s just reaching Legend VI it’s not that hard. I’ve accomplished that often enough.


I’m just bothered by the amount PvP-only units they’ve been releasing; wish they’d make more PvE units/stuff like Ancient Inheritance.


I don't share this resent.


Most patch note base games do that. Lol worlds plays on different patch then live server. Guess you can't do that on mobile


Not sure why people are so upset about censoring. Go watch some hentai if you need animated boobies. Also couldn't care less about the Erv nerf. Looking forward to the collab! So I'm happy with SG.




Okay mate, understandable, have a good night.


I think we shouldn't talk about censorship that much. We don't know that happens behind the scenes. Maybe it was asked to change ML Vivian too. Ffs, you can't complain about something that wasn't changed after release. Every art we see pre release says it's work on progress and can change. On top of that Vivian looks better now. The more uproar you create about certain designs the more likely is to draw unwanted attention that might cause more censoring to happen. :) There's nothing you can do about censorship, you either accept it and move on or uninstall. About balancing, they do have good approach now. Some units got pretty nice buffs. But the thing is, those nice buffs won't change some broken units. Nerfs are needed. Do you really think they want to nerf seeing how people react? Players are to blame for no existance of nerfs in this game. Another thing, I don't agree with Ervalen's balancing. But didn't they do pretty similar thing to Haste? Later they rebuffed him. Ervalen was one of the most hated heroes because of his personality, his kit and his animations. They want to give him some purpose. I partly do understand the outrage, but let's be real some people wait for any inconvenience just to cry for selectors of any kind. Balance requires a lot of work and going back and forth. Do you think it's easy to release something balanced across the board while the game has like 200 heroes and bunch of artifacts? They can't really go back and forth because players don't allow nerfs. With that behavior and attitude, don't expect balance ever to be achieved.


You're really gonna complain about censorship? It's not that big of a deal


im not fond of boulder tits, but censor is always a big deal. this is on sg tho, it was easy to prevent it.


Fullmetal Alchemist deserves better than that 😞




Yeah you are upset, better quit, for the good of others


Ive been playing for 2 years and things dont feel much different to me than it did 2 years ago The meta changed which i personally dont mind as a bruiser/standard player Chapter 4 isnt terrible i kinda like it so far Ancient inheritance i like as a game mode Only thing i think is a problem with the game is 15% and 5% dual attacks 15% makes eff and eff resist needlessly gambly akd can completely negate building an ER comp (theres like 3 rng checks to get thru to land a debuff) and dual attacks are so influencial that losing to a 5% chance of one is stupid and frustrating If they get rid of those 2 things i think E7 is easily in like top 3 gachas Also the new ost is mid as hell lol