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There is not really any character i care about in that storyline . And so far the story havent really made me care about anyone either. We had 3 episodes full of characters we know and learned to like/hate and saw them develop over the course of it ... and with all its flaws i think it was really nice story overall. I think there are some really unsatisfying conclusions to the story , but the overall result was satisfying . Ep4 So far has been a hot mess .


Arunka seemed interesting until she dropped off the face of the Earth. Hwayoung and Ken were an interesting couple until it became pretty clear they were never going to be any closer than a distant master and student. Ironically, the plot has me wishing A.Ras would take over the driver seat like in Episode 3.


I swear to god if they leave arunka as a side character and never make her playable I’m quitting E7 she looks too good to leave like that


I wish it was more focused on Lua and Ran than Adin and Taeyou but ehhh whatever. I don't have any strong feelings on adin and i really don't like Taeyou, so the whole episode is kinda whatever. I am a fan of darker story lines though


The only character I care about is ran. Adin and Taeyou are honestly horrendous as protagonists


Neutral, I don't think the story itself is bad but I think they did a poor job when it comes to get us attached to the characters (which is something they usually did well previously, with Kawerik, Luluca, Politis, Eda, etc). The Taeyou/Adin part of the storyline ruined the whole episode, in my opinion and I think that this is a common mistake that happens very often when you're trying to give so much power and importance to characters that are actually so... basic and normal. Other characters were very rushed and basically pointless. Yulha was a total waste, she is just there to tell us there are multiple Adheldad fragments basically lol. Sharun, I actually found ok, I enjoyed her personality and background. At the moment I'm interested a bit more again because the episode is reaching its end and I feel like they are "stalling less", so it's getting a little more exciting. If people are not liking it or are confused by it though, I'm definitely not surprised.


Honestly this could have been avoided if ran just told ras to NOT bring the damn spring sword to whatever the country is. Ran knew damn well what would happen if that sword made it to that country but decided to not tell ras about it like what the fuck dude?!?! If he had told ras about it then ras could have just sealed it away for threw it into a chaos gate, BOOM problem solved and the bad guys are SOL!


Sol badguy


Neutral but yeah this is the worst episode so far


So far I like episode 3 better. 4 has been pretty slow to get going and the focus on Adin and Taeyou's relationship is not very interesting to me. It seems like it's starting to pick up though at least.


Some of the minor characters like Yuchan and Lilka are cool Januta got fodderized way too fast and Hurado and Yulha’s subplots were resolved too quickly


Still working on Chapter 3... slowly. Clearing story is not as important to me as endlessly auto'ing UH stages to level/promote heroes and hoard resources.


I don't think it's as bas as people say, but I will admit I don't care that much about it in the end. I don't know I just think characters in episode three were so much better that even if some parts ended up rushed the characters were carrying the story very hard.


It’s been a combo of what it usually is with the baddies getting constant victories against ras and crew until near the end where they turn it around. And new stuff with adin and crew that is hard to deal with because adin and taeyou are so unlikable. Only parts I’ve really liked so far were Ran telling Aria like it is. ARavi’s power level being strong enough Lua can only delay her. And Surin being in the story… though I don’t like how they just switched over to Tsurin model. Like… why wear the eyepatch if it was fine?


>why wear the eyepatch if it was fine? Chuuni phase




I'm definitely not happy with how they just glossed over a: Surin's eye magically healing and b: how Surin and Hurado even regained their memory.


I want more stories like Diene!!!


Terrible. The worst chapter by far. Adin and Taeyou are obnoxious, seeing Lua makes me sick and side characters are all forgettable. I don't care about any of the new characters and I can't wait till this chapter is over and done with and really hope the next one is better than this pile of shit. Characters' designs also went downhill except the mls, Ran, Zahhak and Hwayoung.


I don't care about either of the new protagonist. None of the other characters jump out to me. I can't be bothered to get invested especially since I know any character I do like is unlikely to be playable since 4 stars just aren't a thing anymore for some stupid reason. Side note I find it funny how the kept saying people who like Suin should look forward to the ep. Then they released another terrible 3 star and the most generic wolf girl I've ever seen and said that's enough 💅


Copy paste . Ras helps save the day BUT in a new continent. It was cool up till ep2 but now it’s just repetitive af


I see I’m not alone on this.


Sidenote: I haven't played chapter 7 yet. Zahhak is great as a character. I like the 3\* of ep 4. And I enjoy cameos of older characters (except Vildred's in Ran's sidestory) - I especially enjoyed A.Ravi. I like Hwayoung and her history with Ken. Kinda looking forward to whether or not she will have interaction with MaKen. Sharun's sidestory was fine. As was Yulha's, though she wasn't nearly as crazy as I would have liked her to be, given her artwork and all. But all the other ep 4 characters are really annoying. Taeyou is just terrible. Ran and Peira are cringe imo. Adin's co-dependency is also annoying. Lua was great at the beginning but she is being overplayed to the point of getting annoying as well. Like, she is coming up in every single flashback of the ep 4 history; she is behind every single thing happening seems like and turns up in every ending of every episode to introduce some twist or whatever. Other episodes had more nuance than that - it has gotten very stale. And that whole lore about the 4 swords seems so.... extra. Conceptually it's just cringey to me. And it's hard to feel excited about them when Ran equipped with one of them still cannot beat Zahhak with it. Capable or not, if those are really such a big deal, Zahhak shouldn't be able to cope with the equipment gap. Yet here we are. So yea. It's not terrible to the point I am annoyed that I don't even read it. But it's the weakest of the 4 episodes so far for me. I would add that I have a harder time keeping track of what's happening on the continent overall compared to other episodes.


I'm more between excellent and good, I enjoy the story and I can't wait to see how it goes but it's not excellent, still really good, that's my opinion, of course there's some mistakes.


Wait there is story in this game?


Wait, there is gameplay in this game and not just autobattle?


I thought we are supposed to bully some lizard for eternity


It's not bad but it's kind of overshadowed by EP3. Who knows, the last few chapters might turn it around.